Dr. J's Compiler and Translator Design Lecture Notes

(C) Copyright 2011-2019 by Clinton Jeffery and/or original authors where appropriate. For use in Dr. J's Compiler classes only. Lots of material in these notes originated with Saumya Debray's Compiler course notes from the University of Arizona, for which I owe him a debt of thanks. Various portions of his notes were in turn inspired by the ASU red dragon book.
  • Final Code Generation
  • Optimization
  • lecture #1 began here


    Yes, we went over the syllabus.

    Why study compilers?

    Computer scientists study compiler construction for the following reasons: CS 445 is labor intensive. This is a good thing: there is no way to learn the skills necessary for writing big programs without this kind of labor-intensive experience.

    Some Tools we will use

    Labs and lectures will discuss all of these, but if you do not know them already, the sooner you go learn them, the better.
    C and "make".
    If you are not expert with these yet, you will be a lot closer by the time you pass this class.
    lex and yacc
    These are compiler-writers tools, but they are useful for other kinds of applications, almost anything with a complex file format to read in can benefit from them.
    If you do not know a source-level debugger well, start learning. You will need one to survive this class.
    Regularly e-mailing your instructor is a crucial part of class participation. If you aren't asking questions, you aren't doing your job as a student.
    This is where you get your lecture notes, homeworks, and labs, and turnin all your work.

    Compilers - What Are They and What Kinds of Compilers are Out There?

    The purpose of a compiler is: to translate a program in some language (the source language) into a lower-level language (the target language). The compiler itself is written in some language, called the implementation language. To write a compiler you have to be very good at programming in the implementation language, and have to think about and understand the source language and target language.

    There are several major kinds of compilers:

    Native Code Compiler
    Translates source code into hardware (assembly or machine code) instructions. Example: gcc.
    Virtual Machine Compiler
    Translates source code into an abstract machine code, for execution by a virtual machine interpreter. Example: javac.
    JIT Compiler
    Translates virtual machine code to native code. Operates within a virtual machine. Example: Sun's HotSpot java machine.
    Translates source code into simpler or slightly lower level source code, for compilation by another compiler. Examples: cpp, m4.
    Pure interpreter
    Executes source code on the fly, without generating machine code. Example: Lisp.
    OK, so a pure interpreter is not really a compiler. Here are some more tools, by way of review, that compiler people might be directly concerned with, even if they are not themselves compilers. You should learn any of these terms that you don't already know.
    a translator from human readable (ASCII text) files of machine instructions into the actual binary code (object files) of a machine.
    a program that combines (multiple) object files to make an executable. Converts names of variables and functions to numbers (machine addresses).
    Program to load code. On some systems, different executables start at different base addresses, so the loader must patch the executable with the actual base address of the executable.
    Program that processes the source code before the compiler sees it. Usually, it implements macro expansion, but it can do much more.
    Editors may operate on plain text, or they may be wired into the rest of the compiler, highlighting syntax errors as you go, or allowing you to insert or delete entire syntax constructs at a time.
    Program to help you see what's going on when your program runs. Can print the values of variables, show what procedure called what procedure to get where you are, run up to a particular line, run until a particular variable gets a special value, etc.
    Program to help you see where your program is spending its time, so you can tell where you need to speed it up.

    Phases of a Compiler

    Lexical Analysis:
    Converts a sequence of characters into words, or tokens
    Syntax Analysis:
    Converts a sequence of tokens into a parse tree
    Semantic Analysis:
    Manipulates parse tree to verify symbol and type information
    Intermediate Code Generation:
    Converts parse tree into a sequence of intermediate code instructions
    Manipulates intermediate code to produce a more efficient program
    Final Code Generation:
    Translates intermediate code into final (machine/assembly) code

    Example of the Compilation Process

    Consider the example statement; its translation to machine code illustrates some of the issues involved in compiling.
    position = initial + rate * 60
    30 or so characters, from a single line of source code, are first transformed by lexical analysis into a sequence of 7 tokens. Those tokens are then used to build a tree of height 4 during syntax analysis. Semantic analysis may transform the tree into one of height 5, that includes a type conversion necessary for real addition on an integer operand. Intermediate code generation uses a simple traversal algorithm to linearize the tree back into a sequence of machine-independent three-address-code instructions.

      t1 = inttoreal(60)  
      t2 = id3 * t1
      t3 = id2 + t2
      id1 = t3

    Optimization of the intermediate code allows the four instructions to be reduced to two machine-independent instructions. Final code generation might implement these two instructions using 5 machine instructions, in which the actual registers and addressing modes of the CPU are utilized.

      MOVF	id3, R2  
      MULF	#60.0, R2
      MOVF	id2, R1
      ADDF	R2, R1
      MOVF	R1, id1


    1. Read the Louden text chapters 1-2. Except you may SKIP the parts that describe the TINY project. Within the Scanning chapter, there are large portions on the finite automata that should be CS 385 review; you may SKIM that material, unless you don't know it or don't remember it.
    2. Read Sections 3-5 of the Flex manual, Lexical Analysis With Flex.
    3. Read the class lecture notes as fast as we manage to cover topics. Please ask questions about whatever is not totally clear. You can Ask Questions in class or via e-mail.

    Although the whole course's lecture notes are ALL available to you up front, I generally revise each lecture's notes, making additions, corrections and adaptations to this year's homeworks, the night before each lecture. The best time to print hard copies of the lecture notes, if you choose to do that, is one day at a time, right before the lecture is given. Or just read online.

    Some Resources for the class Project and a Policy Statement

    Class Dev+Test Linux Machine: historically we have used a generic Linux server like "wormulon" to do (and grade) class work. This semester our UI CS system admin, Victor, has created a virtual machine specifically for this class (and separate ones for many other classes). Our machine is named "cs-445.cs.uidaho.edu". Try it out and report any problems to me.

    Unlike software engineering, the compiler class project is a solo exercise, meant to increase your skill at programming on a larger scale than in most classes. On the one hand it is sensible to use software engineering tools such as revision control systems (like git) on a large project like this. On the other hand it is not OK to share your work with your classmates, intentionally or through stupidity. If you use a revision control system, figure out how to make it private. Various options:

    Initial Discussion of HW#1

    This one is on a tight fuse, please hit the ground running and seek assistance if anything hinders your progress.

    lecture #2 began here


    The vgo.html lists += and -= on both the "in VGo" and "not in VGo" operator lists, what up with that?
    Good catch. += and -= are pretty easy and common operators so they are in VGo and should not be on the "not in VGo" list. Fixed.

    Getting Going

    Last time, we ended sort of in the middle of a description of Homework #1. We need to finish that, but we also need some introductory material on lexical analysis in order to understand parts of it. So we will come back to HW#1 before the end of class.

    Overview of Lexical Analysis

    A lexical analyzer, also called a scanner, typically has the following functionality and characteristics.

    What is a "token" ?

    In compilers, a "token" is:
    1. a single word of source code input (a.k.a. "lexeme")
    2. an integer code that refers to a single word of input
    3. a set of lexical attributes computed from a single word of input
    Programmers think about all this in terms of #1. Syntax checking uses #2. Error reporting, semantic analysis, and code generation require #3. In a compiler written in C, for each token you allocate a C struct to store (3) for each token.

    Auxiliary data structures

    You were presented with the phases of the compiler, from lexical and syntax analysis, through semantic analysis, and intermediate and final code generation. Each phase has an input and an output to the next phase. But there are a few data structures we will build that survive across multiple phases: the literal table, the symbol table, and the error handler.
    lexeme table
    a table that stores lexeme values, such as strings and variable names, that may occur in many places. Only one copy of each unique string and name needs to be allocated in memory.
    symbol table
    a table that stores the names defined (and visible with) each particular scope. Scopes include: global, and procedure (local). More advanced languages have more scopes such as class (or record) and package.
    error handler
    errors in lexical, syntax, or semantic analysis all need a common reporting mechanism, that shows where the error occurred (filename, line number, and maybe column number are useful).

    Reading Named Files in C using stdio

    In this class you are opening and reading files. Hopefully this is review for you; if not, you will need to learn it quickly. To do any "standard I/O" file processing, you start by including the header:
    #include <stdio.h>
    This defines a data type (FILE *) and gives prototypes for relevant functions. The following code opens a file using a string filename, reads the first character (into an int variable, not a char, so that it can detect end-of-file; EOF is not a legal char value).
       FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
       int i = fgetc(f);
       if (i == EOF) /* empty file... */

    Command line argument handling and file processing in C

    The following example is from Kernighan & Ritchie's "The C Programming Language", page 162.
    #include <stdio.h>
    /* cat: concatenate files, version 1 */
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       FILE *fp;
       void filecopy(FILE *, FILE *);
       if (argc == 1)
          filecopy(stdin, stdout);
          while (--argc > 0)
             if ((fp = fopen(*++argv, "r")) == NULL) {
                printf("cat: can't open %s\n", *argv);
                return 1;
             else {
                filecopy(fp, stdout);
       return 0;
    void filecopy(FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp)
       int c;
       while ((c = getc(ifp)) != EOF)
          putc(c, ofp);
    Warning: while using and adapting the above code would be fair game in this class, the yylex() function is very different than the filecopy() function! It takes no parameters! It returns an integer every time it finds a token! So if you "borrow" from this example, delete filecopy() and write yylex() from scratch. Multiple students have fallen into this trap before you.

    A Brief Introduction to Make

    It is not a good idea to write a large program like a compiler as a single source file. For one thing, every time you make a small change, you would need to recompile the whole program, which will end up being many thousands of lines. For another thing, parts of your compiler may be generated by "compiler construction tools" which will write separate files. In any case, this class will require you to use multiple source files, compiled separately, and linked together to form your executable program. This would be a pain, except we have "make" which takes care of it for us. Make uses an input file named "makefile", which stores in ASCII text form a collection of rules for how to build a program from its pieces. Each rule shows how to build a file from its source files, or dependencies. For example, to compile a file under C:
    foo.o : foo.c
    	gcc -c foo.c
    The first line says to build foo.o you need foo.c, and the second line, which must being with a tab, gave a command-line to execute whenever foo.o should be rebuilt, i.e. when it is missing or when foo.c has been changed and need to be recompiled.

    The first rule in the makefile is what "make" builds by default, but note that make dependencies are recursive: before it checks whether it needs to rebuild foo.o from foo.c it will check whether foo.c needs to be rebuilt using some other rule. Because of this post-order traversal of the "dependency graph", the first rule in your makefile is usually the last one that executes when you type "make". For a C program, the first rule in your makefile would usually be the "link" step that assembles objects files into an executable as in:

    compiler: foo.o bar.o baz.o
    	gcc -o compiler foo.o bar.o baz.o
    There is a lot more to "make" but we will take it one step at a time.

    You can read or skim the GNU make manual, particularly section 2, to learn more about make. You can find useful on-line documentation on "make" (manual page, Internet reference guides, etc) if you look.

    lecture #3 began here


    I've heard of malloc(), but I haven't had any real experience working with it.
    malloc(), calloc() and realloc() are a flexible memory management API for C that corresponds roughly to new keyword in C++. They let you allocate memory generically by # of bytes, independent of the type system. This capability is powerful but dangerous.
    My experience with flex and bison was way back in the Programming Languages course.
    Same goes for most everybody; this background is what is expected. You are to read and learn flex and bison from scratch if you don't remember it. Your reading assignment should be pretty well finished by now, and you should be ready for me to lecture on flex. We will teach what is needed of them for this course, in this course.
    What should the lexical analyzer look like? where do I start?
    Homework #1 is about learn to use a declarative language called Flex which does almost all the work for you. The only design issue is how does it interact with the rest of the compiler, i.e. its public interface. This is partly hardwired/designed for you by flex, your only customization option is how to make token information available to the later phases of the compiler.
    How should our output be visible?
    One human readable output line, per token, as shown in hw1.html Build the linked list first, then walk it (visit all nodes) to print the output. Figure out how to do this so output is in the correct order and not reversed!
    Are there any comments in VGo?
    Yes, VGo supports //. You are also required to recognize, handle, and emit an error message if you find any /* ... */ comments.
    You mention storing the int and double as binary. That just means storing them in int and double variables, correct?
    It means for constants you have to convert from the lexeme string that actually appears in the source code to the value (int, double) and then store the result in the corresponding lexical attribute variable.
    When do you use extern and when do you use #include in C programming?
    extern can be done without an #include, to tell one module about global variables defined in another module. But if you are going to share that extern with multiple modules, it is best to put it in an #include. More generally, use #include in order to share types, externs, function prototypes, and symbolic #define's across multiple files. That is all. No code, which is to say, no function bodies.
    Can I add parameters to yylex()?
    No, you can't add your own parameters, yylex() is a public interface. You might be tempted to return a token structure pointer, or add some parameters to tell it what filename it is reading from. But you can't. Leave yylex()'s interface alone, the parser will call it with its current interface.
    Do you want us to have a .h file for enumerating all the different kind of tokens for HW 1? I was looking into flex and bison and it looks like bison creates a tab.h file that does this automatically.
    Yes. In HW1 you create a .h file for these defines; plan to throw it away in favor of the one Bison creates for you in HW#2.
    Are you going to provide us the list of tokens required, or the .h file?
    No, I am providing a language reference, from which you are to make the list. But by asking the right questions, you are making me add details to the language reference. Out of mercy, I went and dug out the list of integer codes used in an early version of the Go compiler, and put it in a vgo.tab.h that you may use. It is not guaranteed to be complete or correct. Specifically, it does not seem to include built-in type names, which almost surely have to be distinguished from identifiers (variable names)...
    Will you always call "make" on our submissions?
    Yes. I expect you to use make and provide a makefile in each homework. Turn in the whole source, not just "changed" or "new" files for some assignments. My script will unpack your .zip file by saying "unzip" in some new test directory and then run "make" and then run your executable. If anything goes wrong (say, you unzipping into a subdirectory the script does not know the name of) you will lose a few points.

    On the other hand, I do not want the tool-generated files (lex.yy.c, cgram.tab.c) or .o or executables. The makefile should contain correct dependencies to rerun flex (and later, bison) and generate these files whenever source (.l, .y , etc.) files are changed.

    Regular Expressions

    The notation we use to precisely capture all the variations that a given category of token may take are called "regular expressions" (or, less formally, "patterns". The word "pattern" is really vague and there are lots of other notations for patterns besides regular expressions). Regular expressions are a shorthand notation for sets of strings. In order to even talk about "strings" you have to first define an alphabet, the set of characters which can appear.
    1. Epsilon (ε) is a regular expression denoting the set containing the empty string
    2. Any letter in the alphabet is also a regular expression denoting the set containing a one-letter string consisting of that letter.
    3. For regular expressions r and s,
               r | s
      is a regular expression denoting the union of r and s
    4. For regular expressions r and s,
               r s
      is a regular expression denoting the set of strings consisting of a member of r followed by a member of s
    5. For regular expression r,
      is a regular expression denoting the set of strings consisting of zero or more occurrences of r.
    6. You can parenthesize a regular expression to specify operator precedence (otherwise, alternation is like plus, concatenation is like times, and closure is like exponentiation)

    Lex/Flex Extended Regular Expressions

    Although the basic regular expression operators given earlier are sufficient to describe all regular languages, in practice everybody uses extensions:

    What is a "lexical attribute" ?

    A lexical attribute is a piece of information about a token. These typically include:
    category an integer code used to check syntax
    lexeme actual string contents of the token
    line, column, file where the lexeme occurs in source code
    value for literals, the binary data they represent

    Avoid These Common Bugs in Your Homeworks!

    1. yytext or yyinput were not declared global
    2. main() does not have its required argc, argv parameters!
    3. main() does not call yylex() in a loop or check its return value
    4. getc() EOF handling is missing or wrong! check EVERY all to getc() for EOF!
    5. opened files not (all) closed! file handle leak!
    6. end-of-comment code doesn't check for */
    7. yylex() is not doing the file reading
    8. yylex() does not skip multiple spaces, mishandles spaces at the front of input, or requires certain spaces in order to function OK
    9. extra or bogus output not in assignment spec
    10. = instead of ==

    lecture #4 began here


    When creating the linked list I see that you have a struct token and a struct tokenlist. Should I create my linked list this way or can I eliminate the struct tokenlist and add a next pointer inside struct token(struct token *next) and use that to connect my linked list?
    The organization I specified - with two separate structs - was very intentional. Next homework, we need the struct tokens that we allocate from inside yylex(), but not the struct tokenlist that you allocate from outside yylex(). You can do anything you want with the linked list structure, but the struct token must be kept more-or-less as-is, and allocated inside yylex() before it returns each time.
    I was wondering if we should have a different code for each keyword or just have a 'validkeyword' code and an 'invalidkeyword' code.
    Generally, you need a different code for two keywords if and when they are used in different positions in the syntax. For example, int and float are type names and are used in the same situations, but the keywords func and if, denoting the beginning of a function and the beginning of a conditional expression, have different syntax rules and need different integer codes.

    Tour of VGo

    Before we dive back in to regular expressions, let's waltz through some VGo, and btw, take a peek at a possibly-perfect HW#1 makefile.

    Some Regular Expression Examples

    Regular expressions are the preferred notation for specifying patterns of characters that define token categories. The best way to get a feel for regular expressions is to see examples. Note that regular expressions form the basis for pattern matching in many UNIX tools such as grep, awk, perl, etc.

    What is the regular expression for each of the different lexical items that appear in C programs? How does this compare with another, possibly simpler programming language such as BASIC? What are the corresponding rules for our language this semester, are they the same as C?
    lexical category BASIC C Go
    operators the characters themselves For operators that are regular expression operators we need mark them with double quotes or backslashes to indicate you mean the character, not the regular expression operator. Note several operators have a common prefix. The lexical analyzer needs to look ahead to tell whether an = is an assignment, or is followed by another = for example. ??
    reserved words the concatenation of characters; case insensitive Reserved words are also matched by the regular expression for identifiers, so a disambiguating rule is needed. ??
    identifiers no _; $ at ends of some; 2 significant letters!?; case insensitive [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* Same a C; only difference is that starting with a Capital specifies public members of a package.
    numbers ints and reals, starting with [0-9]+ 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ etc. Go has C literals, plus imaginary/complex numbers.
    comments REM.* C's comments are tricky regexp's ??
    strings almost ".*"; no escapes escaped quotes ??
    what else? ??

    lex(1) and flex(1)

    These programs generally take a lexical specification given in a .l file and create a corresponding C language lexical analyzer in a file named lex.yy.c. The lexical analyzer is then linked with the rest of your compiler.

    The C code generated by lex has the following public interface. Note the use of global variables instead of parameters, and the use of the prefix yy to distinguish scanner names from your program names. This prefix is also used in the YACC parser generator.

    FILE *yyin;	/* set this variable prior to calling yylex() */
    int yylex();	/* call this function once for each token */
    char yytext[];	/* yylex() writes the token's lexeme to an array */
                    /* note: with flex, I believe extern declarations must read
                       extern char *yytext;
    int yywrap();   /* called by lex when it hits end-of-file; see below */

    The .l file format consists of a mixture of lex syntax and C code fragments. The percent sign (%) is used to signify lex elements. The whole file is divided into three sections separated by %%:

       helper functions

    The header consists of C code fragments enclosed in %{ and %} as well as macro definitions consisting of a name and a regular expression denoted by that name. lex macros are invoked explicitly by enclosing the macro name in curly braces. Following are some example lex macros.

    letter		[a-zA-Z]
    digit		[0-9]
    ident		{letter}({letter}|{digit})*

    A friendly warning: your UNIX/Linux/MacOS Flex tool is NOT good at handling input files saved in MS-DOS/Windows format, with carriage returns before each newline character. Some browsers, copy/paste tools, and text editors might add these carriage returns without you even seeing them, and then you might end up in Flex Hell with cryptic error messages for no visible reason. Download with care, edit with precision. If you need to get rid of carriage returns there are lots of tools for that. You can even build them into your makefile. The most classic UNIX tool for that task is tr(1), the character translation utility

    lecture #5 began here

    What up with Blackboard?
    I didn't make Blackboard available until recently. It and the submission zone entry for HW#1 should be up now. Let me know if it is not.
    One of the examples uses the reserved word float, which is not in our list. Do I need to support the reserved word float?
    No. You should only support float64, which is proper Go. If you spot any improper Go in any example, please point me at it so I can fix it.
    When will our Midterm be?
    The week of October 14-18. Let's vote on whether to hold the exam on Oct 14, 15, 16, or 17 soon, like maybe tomorrow.
    In the specification for assignment 1 it says that we should accept .go files and if there is no extension given add a .go to the filename. Should we still accept and run our compiler on other file extensions that could be provided or should we return an error of some sort?
    Accept no other extensions. If any file has an extension other than .go, you can stop with a message like: "Usage: vgo [options] filename[.go] ..."
    When I add .go to filenames, my program is messing up its subsequent command line arguments. What up with that?
    Well, I could make an educated guess, but if this machine has putty, why don't we take a look?
    how am i supposed to import the lexor into my main.c file?
    Do not import or #include your lexer. Instead, link your lexer into the executable, and tell main() how to call it, by providing a prototype for yylex(). If yylex() sets any global variables (it does), you'd declare those as extern. You can do prototypes and externs in main.c, but these things are exactly what header (.h) files were invented for.
    Is the struct token supposed to be in our main()? Do we use yylex() along with other variables within lex.yy.c to fill the "struct token" with the required information?
    Rather than overwriting a global struct each time, a pointer to a struct token should be in main(). Function yylex() should allocate a struct token, fill it, and make it visible to main(), probably by assigning its address to some global pointer variable. Function main() should build the linked list in a loop, calling yylex() each time through the loop. It should then print the output by looping through the linked list.

    What are the Best Regular Expressions you can Write For VGo?

    Category Regular Expression
    Variable names [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
    Integer constants "-"?[0-9]+ | "0x"[0-9A-Fa-f]+
    Real # Constants [0-9]*"."[0-9]+
    String Constants \"([^"\n]|("\\\""))*\"
    Rune Constants
    Complex # Constants

    Q: Why consider doing some of the harder ones in Go but not in VGo?

    Q: What other lexical categories in VGo might give you trouble?

    Flex Body Section

    The body consists of of a sequence of regular expressions for different token categories and other lexical entities. Each regular expression can have a C code fragment enclosed in curly braces that executes when that regular expression is matched. For most of the regular expressions this code fragment (also called a semantic action consists of returning an integer that identifies the token category to the rest of the compiler, particularly for use by the parser to check syntax. Some typical regular expressions and semantic actions might include:
    " "		{ /* no-op, discard whitespace */ }
    {ident}		{ return IDENTIFIER; }
    "*"		{ return ASTERISK; }
    "."		{ return PERIOD; }
    You also need regular expressions for lexical errors such as unterminated character constants, or illegal characters.

    The helper functions in a lex file typically compute lexical attributes, such as the actual integer or string values denoted by literals. One helper function you have to write is yywrap(), which is called when lex hits end of file. If you just want lex to quit, have yywrap() return 1. If your yywrap() switches yyin to a different file and you want lex to continue processing, have yywrap() return 0. The lex or flex library (-ll or -lfl) have default yywrap() function which return a 1, and flex has the directive %option noyywrap which allows you to skip writing this function. You can avoid a similar warning for an unused unput() function by saying %option nounput.

    Note: some platforms with working Flex installs (I am told this includes cs-445.cs.uidaho.edu, which runs CENTOS) might not have a flex library, neither -ll or -lfl. Using %option directives or providing your own dummy library functions are a solution to having no flex library -lfl available.

    Lexical Error Handling

    lecture #6 began here


    Are we going to talk about Multi-Line Comments, or what?
    Sure, let's talk about multi-line comments. Go recognizes C-style /* comments */ like this. If we let you off the hook, we will surely see .go input files with these comments where you will emit weird bogus error messages. So we either allow these comments, or recognize and specifically disallow them. We could take a vote. But how do you write the regular expression for them? The regular expression for these may be harder than you think. Many flex books will have sneaky answers instead of just writing the regular expression. I am a pragmatist.
    Do we really have to write our compilers in C? That's so lame!
    Despite its grievous flaws, C is by far the most powerful and influential programming language ever invented. Mastering C is more valuable than learning compiler construction, otherwise I would surely be making you write your compiler in Unicon, which would be WAYYYY easier. That said, I have allowed students to write their compiler in C++ or Python on the past, usually with poor results. If you have a compelling story, I will listen to proposals for alternatives to C.
    When I compile my homework, my executable is named a.out, not vgo! What do I do?
    Some of you who are less familiar with Linux should read the "manual pages" for gcc, make, etc. gcc has a -o option, that would work. Or in your makefile you could rename the file after building it.
    Can I use flex start conditions?
    Yes, if you need to, feel free.
    Can I have an extension?
    Yeah, but the further you fall behind, the more zeroes you end up with for assignments that you don't do. Late homeworks are accepted with a penalty per day (includes weekend days) except in the case of a valid excused absence. The penalty starts at 10% per day (HW#1), and reduces by 2% per assignment (8%/day for HW#2, 6%/day for HW#3, 4%/day for HW#4, and 2%/day for HW#5). I reserve the right to underpenalize.
    Do you accept and regrade resubmissions?
    Submissions are normally graded by a script in a batch. Generally, if an initial submission was fail, I might accept a resubmission for partial credit up to a passing (D) grade. If a submission fails for a trivial reason such as a missing file, I might ask you to resubmit with a lighter penalty.
    Just tried to download the example VGo programs and the link is broken
    Yeah, have to create example programs before the links will exist. Working on it. If necessary, google a bunch of Go sample programs or write your own.
    Should the extension be .g0 or .go?
    The extension is .go. ".g0" was the extension last year, for a language that was not based on Go syntax. If you see links I need to update feel free to provide pointers. But refresh your web browser cache first, and make sure you are not looking at an old copy of the class page.
    I have not been able to figure out how sscanf() will help me. Could you point me to an example or documentation.
    Yes. Note that sscanf'ing into a double calls for a %lg.
    What is wrong with my commandline argument code.
    If it is not that you are overwriting the existing arrays with strcat() instead of allocating new larger arrays in order to hold new longer strings, then it is probably that you are using sizeof() instead of strlen().
    Can you go over using the %array vs. the standard %pointer option and if there are any potential benefits of using %array? I was curious to see if you could use YYLMAX in junction with %array to limit the size of identifiers, but there is a probably a better way.
    After yylex() returns, the actual input characters matched are available as a string named yytext, and the number of input symbols matched are in yyleng. But is yytext a char * or an array of char? Usually it doesn't matter in C, but I personally have worked on a compiler where declaring an extern for yytext in my other modules, and using the wrong one, caused a crash. Flex has both pointer and array implementations available via %array and %pointer declarations, so your compiler can use either. YYLMAX is not a Flex thing, sorry, but how can we limit the length of identifiers? Incidentally: I am astonished, to read claims that the Flex scanner buffer doesn't automatically increase in size as needed, and might be limited by default to 8K or so regexes. If you write open-ended regular expressions, but might be advisable in this day of big memory to say something like
    	yy_current_buffer = yy_create_buffer(yyin, st.st_size);
    to set flex so that it cannot experience buffer overrun. By the way, Be sure to check ALL your C library calls for error returns in this class!
    The O'Reilly book recommended using Flex states instead of that big regular expression for C comments. Is that reasonable?
    Yes, you may implement the most elegant correct answer you can devise, not just what you see in class.
    Are we free to explore non-optimal solutions?
    I do not want to read lots of extra pages of junk code, but you are free to explore alternatives and submit the most elegant solution you come up with, regardless of its optimality. Note that there are some parts of the implementation that I might mandate. For example, the symbol table is best done as a hash table. You could use some other fancy data structure that you love, but if you give me a linked list I will be disappointed. Then again, a working linked list implementation would get more points than a failed complicated implementation.
    Is it OK to allocate a token structure inside main() after yylex() returns the token?
    No. In the next phase of your compiler, you will not call yylex(), the Bison-generated parser will call yylex(). There is a way for the parser to grab your token if you've stored it in a global variable, but there is not a way for the parser to build the token structure itself. However you are expected to allocate the linked list nodes in main(), and in the next homework that linked list will be discarded. Don't get attached.
    My tokens' "text" field in my linked list are all messed up when I go back through the list at the end. What do I do?
    Remember to make a physical copy of yytext each token, because it overwrites itself each time it matches a regular expression in yylex(). Typically a physical copy of a C string is made using strdup(), which is a malloc() followed by strcpy().
    C++ concatenates adjacent string literals, e.g. "Hello" " world" Does our lexer need to do that?
    No, you do not have to do it. But if you did, can you think of a way to get the job done without too much pain? It could be done in the lexer, in the parser, or sneakily in-between. Be careful to consider 3+ adjacent string literals ("Hello" " world, " "how are you" and so on)
    How do I handle escapes in svals? Do I need to worry about more than \n \t \\ and \r?
    You replace the two-or-more characters with a single, encoded character. '\\' followed by 'n' become a control-J character. We need \n \t \\ and \" -- these are ubiquitous. You can do additional ones like \r but they are not required and will not be tested.
    What about ++ and -- ?
    Good point. I removed them from the not implemented Go operators section, but didn't get them put in to the table of VGo operators. Let's do increment/decrement.

    On Go's standard library functions

    I started with just Println, but it is pretty hard to write toy Go programs if you can't read in input, and Go's input is almost as bad as Java's. As you can see, it is pretty hard to get away from Go's love of multiple assignment. What should we do?

    reader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
    text, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')

    Lexing Reals

    C float and double constants have to have at least one digit, either before or after the required decimal. This is a pain:
    ([0-9]+.[0-9]* | [0-9]*.[0-9]+) ...
    You might almost be happier if you wrote
    ([0-9]*.[0-9]*)    { return (strcmp(yytext,".")) ? REAL : PERIOD; }
    Starring: C's ternary operator e1 ? e2 : e3 is an if-then-else expression, very slick. Note that if you have to support scientific/exponential real numbers (JSON does), you'll need a bigger regex.

    Lex extended regular expressions

    Lex further extends the regular expressions with several helpful operators. Lex's regular expressions include:
    normal characters mean themselves
    backslash escapes remove the meaning from most operator characters. Inside character sets and quotes, backslash performs C-style escapes.
    Double quotes mean to match the C string given as itself. This is particularly useful for multi-byte operators and may be more readable than using backslash multiple times.
    This character set operator matches any one character among those in s.
    A negated-set matches any one character not among those in s.
    The dot operator matches any one character except newline: [^\n]
    match r 0 or more times.
    match r 1 or more times.
    match r 0 or 1 time.
    match r between m and n times.
    concatenation. match r1 followed by r2
    alternation. match r1 or r2
    parentheses specify precedence but do not match anything
    lookahead. match r1 when r2 follows, without consuming r2
    match r only when it occurs at the beginning of a line
    match r only when it occurs at the end of a line

    Lexical Attributes and Token Objects

    Besides the token's category, the rest of the compiler may need several pieces of information about a token in order to perform semantic analysis, code generation, and error handling. These are stored in an object instance of class Token, or in C, a struct. The fields are generally something like:
    struct token {
       int category;
       char *text;
       int linenumber;
       int column;
       char *filename;
       union literal value;
    The union literal will hold computed values of integers, real numbers, and strings. In your homework assignment, I am requiring you to compute column #'s; not all compilers require them, but they are easy. Also: in our compiler project we are not worrying about optimizing our use of memory, so am not requiring you to use a union.

    lecture #7 began here


    Does VGo use a colon operator? The spec says no, but then it says yes.
    At present colon is not in VGo, thanks for the catch.
    Does HW#1 expect semi-colon insertion? It is not mentioned in the hw1 description but is in the VGo spec.
    We will need semi-colon insertion for HW#2 but it is not required for HW#1. Let's discuss.
    I was trying to come up with a regular expression for runes that are accepted in VGo. I am having trouble finding what a rune looks like, and especially what the difference looks like for VGo vs Go. Do you have any examples of Go vs VGo runes?
    The full Go literals spec is here. VGo rune literals are basically C/C++ char literals. A VGo lexical analyzer might want to start with a regex for a char literal, and then add regex'es for things that are legal Go and not legal VGo. Here are examples. There are also octal and hex escapes legal in Go but not in VGo.
    Regex Interpretation
    "'"[^\\\n]"'" initial attempt at normal non-escaped runes
    "'\\"[nt\\']"'" a few legal VGo escaped runes
    "'\\"[abfrv]"'" legal in Go not in VGo escaped runes
    "'\\u"[0-9a-fA-F]{4}"'" legal in Go not in VGo
    "'\\U"[0-9a-fA-F]{8}"'" legal in Go not in VGo
    You mentioned that the next homework assignment, we won't be calling yylex() from main() (which is why you previously mentioned you cannot allocate the token structure in main()). I have followed that rule, but I question how will linked lists be set up in Homework #2 then?
    In HW#2 the linked list will be subsumed (that is, replaced) by you building a tree data structure. If you built a linked list inside yylex(), that would be a harmless waste of time and space and could be left in place. If you malloc'ed the token structs inside yylex() but built the linked list in your main(), your linked list will just go away in HW#2 when we modify main() to call the Bison parser function yyparse() instead of the loop that repeatedly calls yylex().
    Can you test my scanner and see if I get an "A"?
    Can you post tests so I can see if my scanner gets an "A"?
    See these vgo sample files. If you share additional tests that you devise, for example when you have questions, I will add them to this collection for use by the class.
    So if I run OK on these files, do I get an "A"?
    Maybe. You should devise "coverage tests" to hit all described features.
    Are we required to be using a lexical analysis error function lexerr()?
    The HW1 Specification says we are to use at least 2 separately compiled .c files. Does Flex's generated lex.yy.c count as one of them, or are you looking for yet another .c file, aside from lex.yy.c?
    lex.yy.c counts. You may have more, but you should at least have a lex.yy.c or other lex-compatible module, and a main function in a separate .c file
    For numbers, should we care about their size? What if an integer in the .go file is greater than 2^64 ?
    We could ask: what does the Go compiler do. Or we could just say: good catch, the VGo compiler would ideally range check and emit an error if a value that doesn't fit into 64-bits occurs, for either the integer or (less likely) float64 literals. Any ideas on how to detect an out of range literal?
    I was using valgrind to test memory leaks and saw that there is a leak-check=full option. Should I be testing that as well, or just standard valgrind output with no options?
    You are welcome to use valgrind's memory-leak-finding capabilities, but you are only being graded on whether your compiler performs illegal reads or writes, including reads from uninitialized memory.

    Playing with a Real Go Compiler

    One way to tell what your compiler should do in VGo is to compare it with what a real Go compiler does on any given input. I think we will have one of these on the cs-445 machine for you to play with soon. I played with one and immediately learned some things:

    What to do about Go's standard library functions, cont'd

    We will do a literal, minimalist interpretation of what is necessary to support functions like reader.ReadString(). VGo will support two kinds of calls: ones that return a single value, and ones that return a single value plus a boolean flag that indicates whether the function succeeded or failed.

    Flex Manpage Examplefest

    To read a UNIX "man page", or manual page, you type "man command" where command is the UNIX program or library function you need information on. Read the man page for man to learn more advanced uses ("man man").

    It turns out the flex man page is intended to be pretty complete, enough so that we can draw some examples from it. Perhaps what you should figure out from these examples is that flex is actually... flexible. The first several examples use flex as a filter from standard input to standard output.

    On the use of character sets (square brackets) in lex and similar tools

    A student recently sent me an example regular expression for comments that read:
       COMMENT [/*][[^*/]*[*]*]]*[*/]
    One problem here is that square brackets are not parentheses, they do not nest, they do not support concatenation or other regular expression operators. They mean exactly: "match any one of these characters" or for ^: "match any one character that is not one of these characters". Note also that you can't use ^ as a "not" operator outside of square brackets: you can't write the expression for "stuff that isn't */" by saying (^ "*/")

    Finite Automata

    Efficiency in lexical analyzers based on regular expressions is all about how to best implement those wonders of CS 385: the finite automata. Today we briefly review some highlights from theory of computation with an eye towards implementation. Maybe I will accidentally describe something differently than how you heard it before.

    A finite automaton (FA) is an abstract, mathematical machine, also known as a finite state machine, with the following components:

    1. A set of states S
    2. A set of input symbols E (the alphabet)
    3. A transition function move(state, symbol) : new state(s)
    4. A start state S0
    5. A set of final states F
    The word finite refers to the set of states: there is a fixed size to this machine. No "stacks", no "virtual memory", just a known number of states. The word automaton refers to the execution mode: there is no brain, not so much as a instruction set and sequence of instructions. The entire logic is just a hardwired short loop that executes the same instruction over and over:
       while ((c=getchar()) != EOF) S := move(S, c);
    What this "finite automaton algorithm" lacks in flexibility, it makes up in speed.

    lecture #8 began here


    My HW#1 grade sucked and I worked quite a bit on it.
    Yes. Let's discuss the grading scale. First, here's the distribution of HW#1 grades:
    10 10 10
     9  9  9  9  9
     8  8
     7  7  7  7
     6  6  6
     5  5
     4  4
     1  1  1  1
    My C compiles say "implicit declaration of function"
    The C compiler requires a prototype (or actual function definition) before it sees any calls to each function, in order to generate correct code. On 64-bit platforms, treat this warning as an error.


    The type of finite automata that is easiest to understand and simplest to implement is called a deterministic finite automaton (DFA). The word deterministic here refers to the return value of function move(state, symbol), which goes to at most one state. Example:

    S = {s0, s1, s2}
    E = {a, b, c}
    move = { (s0,a):s1; (s1,b):s2; (s2,c):s2 }
    S0 = s0
    F = {s2}

    Finite automata correspond in a 1:1 relationship to transition diagrams; from any transition diagram one can write down the formal automaton in terms of items #1-#5 above, and vice versa. To draw the transition diagram for a finite automaton:

    The Automaton Game

    If I give you a transition diagram of a finite automaton, you can hand-simulate the operation of that automaton on any input I give you.

    DFA Implementation

    The nice part about DFA's is that they are efficiently implemented on computers. What DFA does the following code correspond to? What is the corresponding regular expression? You can speed this code fragment up even further if you are willing to use goto's or write it in assembler.
    state := S0
       switch (state) {
       case 0: 
          switch (input) {
             'a': state = 1; input = getchar(); break;
             'b': input = getchar(); break;
    	 default: printf("dfa error\n"); exit(1);
       case 1: 
          switch (input) {
             EOF: printf("accept\n"); exit(0);
    	 default: printf("dfa error\n"); exit(1);
    Flex has extra complications. It accepts multiple regular expressions, runs them all in parallel in one big DFA, and adds semantics to break ties. These extra complications might be viewed as "breaking" the strict rules of DFA's, but they don't really mess up the fast DFA implementation.

    Deterministic Finite Automata Examples

    A lexical analyzer might associate different final states with different token categories. In this fragment, the final states are marked by "return" statements that say what category to return. What is incomplete or wrong here?

    C Comments:

    C Comments Redux

    Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA's)

    Notational convenience motivates more flexible machines in which function move() can go to more than one state on a given input symbol, and some states can move to other states even without consuming an input symbol (ε-transitions).

    Fortunately, one can prove that for any NFA, there is an equivalent DFA. They are just a notational convenience. So, finite automata help us get from a set of regular expressions to a computer program that recognizes them efficiently.

    NFA Examples

    ε-transitions make it simpler to merge automata:

    multiple transitions on the same symbol handle common prefixes:

    factoring may optimize the number of states. Is this picture OK/correct?

    C Pointers, malloc, and your future

    For many of you success as a computer scientist may boil down to what it will take for you to master the concept of dynamically allocated memory, and whether you are willing to do that. In C this means pointers and the malloc() family of functions. Here are some tips:

    NFA examples - from regular expressions

    Can you draw an NFA corresponding to the following?

    Regular expressions can be converted automatically to NFA's

    Each rule in the definition of regular expressions has a corresponding NFA; NFA's are composed using ε transitions. This is called "Thompson's construction" ). We will work examples such as (a|b)*abb in class and during lab.
    1. For ε, draw two states with a single ε transition.
    2. For any letter in the alphabet, draw two states with a single transition labeled with that letter.
    3. For regular expressions r and s, draw r | s by adding a new start state with ε transitions to the start states of r and s, and a new final state with ε transitions from each final state in r and s.
    4. For regular expressions r and s, draw rs by adding ε transitions from the final states of r to the start state of s.
    5. For regular expression r, draw r* by adding new start and final states, and ε transitions
    6. For parenthesized regular expression (r) you can use the NFA for r.

    lecture #9 began here


    Go has four different kinds of literal constants, but for HW#2, the grammar one thing, LLITERAL, what up?
    You are correct. If you return four different codes for four different types of literals, you have to modify the grammar to replace LLLITERAL with a grammar rule that allows your four integer codes. Alternatively, you can have your four (or more) different flex regular expressions for different kinds of literal constants, all return the LLITERAL integer.
    How do I deal with semi-colons?
    For HW#1, hopefully you just added an integer token category for them, and returned that integer if you saw one, even though explicit semi-colons are infrequent in source code. For HW#2 your options are to write a grammar that doesn't need semi-colons and works anyhow, or write a grammar that needs semi-colons, and perform semi-colon insertion.
    What do you mean, for ival/dval/sval, by telling us to "store binary value here"
    A binary value is the actual native representation that corresponds to the string of ASCII codes that is the lexeme, for example what you get when you call atoi("1234") for the token "1234".
    I am getting a lot of "unrecognized rule" errors in my .l file
    Look for problems with regular expressions or semantic actions prior to the first reported error. If you need better diagnosis, find a way to show me your code. One student saw these errors because they omitted the required space between their regular expressions and their C semantic actions.
    Do you have any cool tips to share regarding the un-escaping of special characters?
    Copy character-by-character from the yytext into a newly allocated array. Every escape sequence of multiple characters in yytext represents a single character in sval. Inside your loop copying characters from yytext into sval, if you see a backslash in yytext, skip it and use a switch statement on the next character. See below for additional discussion.
    How can we represent and print out the binary value in ival and dval? Wouldn't both ival and dval need to be char arrays types to actually display a "binary representation"?
    You do NOT have to convert to a binary string representation or output anything in 0b010101010000 format.
    Is a function name also an identifier?

    Semi-Colon Insertion in Go

    The Go designers probably had good reason to include semi-colons in the Go grammar, to facilitate parsing, but they didn't want code to require them 99% of the time, so they introduced semi-colon insertion, an idea that they borrowed from other languages.

    1. At a newline, semi-colon is inserted if the last token was
    2. "a semi-colon may be omitted before a closing ) or }"
    What does (2) even mean? Automatic ; insertion before every ) or }? Or just that the grammar handles an optional semi-colon in those spots?

    Ways to Implement Semi-colon Insertion

    you could write a pre-pass that does nothing but semi-colon insertion
    layered in between yylex() and yyparse()
    you could rename the yylex() generated by flex to be yylex2(), and write a new yylex() that returns a semi-colon if conditions are right, and otherwise just calls yylex2(). You'd have to have some global or static memory for (1) what was the last token and (2) whether we saw a newline
    within the regular expression for newline?
    not quite general enough, but you could return a semi-colon integer when you see a newline whose previous token met the conditions
    layered inside yylex's C semantic actions
    a student figured out that one can do semi-colon insertion inside a helper function called from each flex semantic action. The function, if it substitutes a semi-colon for what is normally returned, has to save/remember what it was going to return, and return it later. The trick here is: if you inserted a semi-colon and saved your found token, you return the saved token after you have scanned your next token. In that case, you need to save thattoken somehow; one way is to tell flex to back up via yyless(0).

    NFA's can be converted automatically to DFA's

    In: NFA N
    Out: DFA D
    Method: Construct transition table Dtran (a.k.a. the "move function"). Each DFA state is a set of NFA states. Dtran simulates in parallel all possible moves N can make on a given string.

    Operations to keep track of sets of NFA states:

    set of states reachable from state s via ε
    set of states reachable from any state in set T via ε
    set of states to which there is an NFA transition from states in T on symbol a

    NFA to DFA Algorithm:

    Dstates := {ε_closure(start_state)}
    while T := unmarked_member(Dstates) do {
    	for each input symbol a do {
    		U := ε_closure(move(T,a))
    		if not member(Dstates, U) then
    			insert(Dstates, U)
    		Dtran[T,a] := U

    HW #1 Tips

    These comments are based on historical solutions. I learned a lot from my older siblings when I was young. Consider this your opportunity to learn from your Vandal forebears' mistakes.
    better solutions' lexer actions looked like
    ...regex...      { return token(TERMSYM); }
    where token() allocates a token structure, sets a global variable to point to it, and returns the same integer category that it is passed from yylex(), so yylex() in turn returns this value.
    Put in enough line breaks.
    Use <= 80 columns in your code, so that it prints readably.
    Comment non-trivial helper functions. Comment non-trivial code.
    Comment appropriate for a CS professional reader, not a newbie tutorial. I know what i++ does, you do not have to tell me.
    Do not leave in commented-out debugging code or whatever.
    I might miss, and misgrade, your good output if I can't see it.
    Fancier formatting might calculate field widths from actual data and use a variable to specify field widths in the printf.
    You don't have to do this, but if you want to it is not that hard.
    Remind yourself of the difference between NULL and '\0' and 0
    NULL is used for pointers. The NUL byte '\0' terminates strings. 0 is a different size from NULL on many 64-bit compilers. Beware.
    Avoid O(n2) or worse, if at all possible
    It is possible to write bad algorithms that work, but it is better to write good algorithms that work.
    Avoid big quantities of duplicate code
    You will have to use and possibly extend this code all semester.
    Use a switch when appropriate instead of long chain of if-statements
    Long chains of if statements are actually slow and less readable.
    On strings, allocate one byte extra for NUL.
    This common 445 problem causes valgrind trouble, memory violations etc.
    On all pointers, don't allocate and then just point the pointer someplace else
    This common student error results in, at least, a memory leak.
    Don't allocate the same thing over and over unless copies may need to be modified.
    This is often a performance problem.
    Check all allocations and fopen() calls for NULL return (good to have helper functions).
    C library functions can fail. Expect and check for that.
    Beware losing the base pointer that you allocated.
    You can only free() if you still know where the start of what you allocated was.
    Avoid duplicate calls to strlen()
    especially in a loop! (Its O(n2))
    Use strcpy() instead of strncpy()
    unless you are really copying only part of a string, or copying a string into a limited-length buffer.
    You can't malloc() in a global initializer
    malloc() is a runtime allocation from a memory region that does not exist at compile or link time. Globals can be initialized, but not to point at memory regions that do not exist until runtime.
    Don't use raw constants like 260
    use symbolic names, like LEFTPARENTHESIS or LP
    The vertical bar (|) means nothing inside square brackets!
    Square brackets are an implicit shortcut for a whole lot of ORs
    If you don't allocate your token inside yylex() actions...
    You'll have to go back and do it, you need it for HW#2.
    If your regex's were broken
    If you know it, and were lazy, then fix it. If you don't know it, then good luck on the midterm and/or final, you need to learn these, and devise some (hard) tests!

    On resizing arrays in C

    The sval attribute in the homework is a perfect example of a problem which a Business (MIS) major might not be expected to solve well, but a CS major should be able to do by the time they graduate. This is not to encourage any of you to consider MIS, but rather, to encourage you to learn how to solve problems like these.

    The problem can be summarized as: step through yytext, copying each character out to sval, looking for escape sequences.

    Space allocated with malloc() can be increased in size by realloc(). realloc() is awesome. But, it COPIES and MOVES the old chunk of space you had to the new, resized chunk of space, and frees the old space, so you had better not have any other pointers pointing at that space if you realloc(), and you have to update your pointer to point at the new location realloc() returns.

    There is one more problem: how do we allocate memory for sval, and how big should it be?

    Practice converting NFA to DFA

    OK, you've seen the algorithm, now can you use it?


    ...did you get:

    OK, how about this one:

    Look at HW#2

    lecture #10 began here

    Syntax Analysis

    Parsing is the act of performing syntax analysis to verify an input program's compliance with the source language. A by-product of this process is typically a tree that represents the structure of the program.

    Context Free Grammars

    A context free grammar G has: A context free grammar can be used to generate strings in the corresponding language as follows:
    let X = the start symbol s
    while there is some nonterminal Y in X do
       apply any one production rule using Y, e.g. Y -> ω
    When X consists only of terminal symbols, it is a string of the language denoted by the grammar. Each iteration of the loop is a derivation step. If an iteration has several nonterminals to choose from at some point, the rules of derviation would allow any of these to be applied. In practice, parsing algorithms tend to always choose the leftmost nonterminal, or the rightmost nonterminal, resulting in strings that are leftmost derivations or rightmost derivations.

    Context Free Grammar Examples

    Well, OK, so how much of the C language grammar can we come up with in class today? Start with expressions, work on up to statements, and work there up to entire functions, and programs.

    Context Free Grammar Example (from BASIC)

    How many terminals and non-terminals does the grammar below use? Compared to the little grammar we started last time, how does this rate? What parts make sense, and what parts seem bogus?
    Program : Lines
    Lines   : Lines Line
    Lines   : Line
    Line    : INTEGER StatementList
    StatementList : Statement COLON StatementList
    StatementList : Statement
    Statement: AssignmentStatement
    Statement: IfStatement
     REMark: ... BASIC has many other statement types 
    AssignmentStatement : Variable ASSIGN Expression
    Variable : IDENTIFIER
     REMark: ... BASIC has at least one more Variable type: arrays 
    IfStatement: IF BooleanExpression THEN Statement
    IfStatement: IF BooleanExpression THEN Statement ELSE Statement
    Expression: Expression PLUS Term
    Expression: Term
    Term      : Term TIMES Factor
    Term      : Factor
    Factor    : IDENTIFIER
    Factor    : LEFTPAREN Expression RIGHTPAREN
     REMark: ... BASIC has more expressions 


    Really, I want to thank all of you who are sending me juicy questions by e-mail.
    I am trying to get a more basic picture of the communication that happens between Flex and Bison. From my understanding:
    1. main() calls yyparse()
    2. yyparse() calls yylex()
    3. yylex() returns tokens from the input as integer values which are enumerated to text for readability to the .y file
    4. yyparse() tries to match these integers against rules of our grammar
      (if it unsuccessful it errors (shift/reduce, reduce/reduce, unable to parse))
    Is this correct?
    1-3 are correct. 3 also includes: yylex() sets a global variable so that yyparse() can pickup the lexical attributes, e.g. a pointer to struct token. 4 is correct except that shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts are found at bison time, not at yyparse() runtime. But yes yyparse() can find syntax errors and we have to report them meaningfully.
    Does yylval have any use to us? In CS 210 we did a calculator and it was used to bring the value of the token into the parser.
    Yes, yylval is how yyparse() picks up lexical attributes. We will talk about it more in class.
    How would we add artificial tokens, like the semi-colon, without skipping real tokens when we return?
    Save the real, found token in a global or static, or figure out a way to push it back onto the input stream. Easiest is a one-token saved (pointer to a) token struct.
    Since we are adding semi-colons without knowledge of the grammar how do we avoid simply putting a semi-colon at the end of every line? Is there a set group of tokens that can't add semi-colons?
    You make an interesting point that one could maybe do semi-colon insertion with guidance from the parser, but it is intended that it be done in the way described previously in class: classify every token as to whether it is a legal statement-beginner, and whether it is a legal statement-ender. Insert semi-colons at newlines between an ender and a beginner. Example classification (via an array of booleans or whatever):
    x yes yes
    1 no? yes
    if yes no
    ( yes no
    ) no yes
    + no? no
    - no? no
    How can I make Bison use a different yylex in order to allow for semi-colon insertion?
    Two possibilities come to mind:
    1. Modify output of bison to replace the call to yylex() with myyylex(),
    2. Modify output of flex to change its declaration of yylex to realyylex()
    A traditional Linux tool for sneaky stuff like this is sed(1), which could be invoked from your makefile.
    Does VGo support both statements with semi-colons and statements without semi-colons?
    Go does. VGo probably should, but if you figured out a way to hack the grammar to not use semi-colons and still recognize all of VGo, it would be pretty OK to only support statements without semicolons.
    Does VGo support empty statements?
    Most C-based grammars allow these. Occasionally I find them handy. I would say they are optional for your compiler.

    Grammar Ambiguity

    The grammar
    E -> E + E
    E -> E * E
    E -> ( E )
    E -> ident
    allows two different derivations for strings such as "x + y * z". The grammar is ambiguous, but the semantics of the language dictate a particular operator precedence that should be used. One way to eliminate such ambiguity is to rewrite the grammar. For example, we can force the precedence we want by adding some nonterminals and production rules.
    E -> E + T
    E -> T
    T -> T * F
    T -> F
    F -> ( E )
    F -> ident
    Given the arithmetic expression grammar from last lecture:

    How can a program figure that x + y * z is legal?
    How can a program figure out that x + y (* z) is illegal?


    YACC ("yet another compiler compiler") is a popular tool which originated at AT&T Bell Labs. YACC takes a context free grammar as input, and generates a parser as output. Several independent, compatible implementations (AT&T yacc, Berkeley yacc, GNU Bison) for C exist, as well as many implementations for other popular languages. There also exist other more "modern" parser generators, but they are often less portable and are heavily inspired/influenced by YACC so it is what we will study.

    YACC files end in .y and take the form

    The declarations section defines the terminal symbols (tokens) and nonterminal symbols. The most useful declarations are:
    %token a
    declares terminal symbol a; YACC can generate a set of #define's that map these symbols onto integers, in a y.tab.h file. Note: don't #include your y.tab.h file from your grammar .y file, YACC generates the same definitions and declarations directly in the .c file, and including the .tab.h file will cause duplication errors.
    %start A
    specifies the start symbol for the grammar (defaults to nonterminal on left side of the first production rule).

    The grammar gives the production rules, interspersed with program code fragments called semantic actions that let the programmer do what's desired when the grammar productions are reduced. They follow the syntax

    A : body ;
    Where body is a sequence of 0 or more terminals, nonterminals, or semantic actions (code, in curly braces) separated by spaces. As a notational convenience, multiple production rules may be grouped together using the vertical bar (|).

    Bottom Up Parsing (How Does Bison's yyparse() Work?)

    Bottom up parsers start from the sequence of terminal symbols and work their way back up to the start symbol by repeatedly replacing grammar rules' right hand sides by the corresponding non-terminal. This is the reverse of the derivation process, and is called "reduction".

    Example. For the grammar

    (1)	S->aABe
    (2)	A->Abc
    (3)	A->b
    (4)	B->d
    the string "abbcde" can be parsed bottom-up by the following reduction steps:


    Definition: a handle is a substring that
    1. matches a right hand side of a production rule in the grammar and
    2. whose reduction to the nonterminal on the left hand side of that grammar rule is a step along the reverse of a rightmost derivation.

    Shift Reduce Parsing

    A shift-reduce parser performs its parsing using the following structure
    Stack					Input
    $						ω$
    At each step, the parser performs one of the following actions.
    1. Shift one symbol from the input onto the parse stack
    2. Reduce one handle on the top of the parse stack. The symbols from the right hand side of a grammar rule are popped off the stack, and the nonterminal symbol is pushed on the stack in their place.
    3. Accept is the operation performed when the start symbol is alone on the parse stack and the input is empty.
    4. Error actions occur when no successful parse is possible.

    lecture #11 began here

    Reading Assignment

    Clarifying the reading assignment from last lecture:


    The grammar file uses '{' and such as terminal symbols, instead of names like LCURLY. Is that going to cause a problem? '{' is just a small integer.
    Yes it does, no it does not cause a problem.
    What element types can be used in arrays and maps? Can I have an array of arrays? A map of maps?
    For VGo, legal map index types are: int, string. Element types also include float64 and structs. Array of arrays and map of maps are awesome but not in VGo. Note that structs can have arrays or maps as member variables.
    What about no-op statements like 2+2?
    Go and VGo do not allow no-op statements like 2+2. You have to use the value somehow, like by writing it out or assigning it to a variable.
    The grammar you gave us has many symbols that have not been mentioned. Should we support them, or not? If we don't have to support them does that mean we don't have to include all the grammar rules that use them?
    Feel free to ask about specifics. The supplied grammar is for the whole language not our subset. You would need to delete from it en masse to get down to our subset. While that might be helpful from a code-management perspective, it would also leave you saying a more vague "parse error" message for many legal Go constructs for which a more helpful message is "this Go feature is not supported by VGo".
    How about a tool that would generate #define numbers for grammar rules automatically from our .y files?
    I wrote a cheap hack version 0 of such a tool awhile back. I have not tested it on go.y, it might be buggy.
    Will we get marked off for any reduce/reduce conflicts we have?
    Yes you will lose points if you turn in a HW#2 with reduce/reduce conflicts.
    How are we supposed to integrate the token names we created in the lexer with those token names in the Bison .y file?
    Any which way you can. Probably, you either rename yours to use their names, or rename theirs to use your names.
    what action should be taken in the case of epsilon statements
    HW#2 spec says to use $$=NULL. I could also imagine using $$=alctree(EPSILON, 0) to build an explicit epsilon leaf, for people who don't like to have to check for NULL everywhere.
    Will I be setting myself up for failure if I attempt to write my own grammar from scratch?
    Go right ahead and ignore the provided grammar if you want; feel free to instead derive your grammar from the reference manual.

    Midterm Exam Date Discussion

    We will need to have a midterm on Oct 17.

    The YACC Value Stack

    YACC Value Stack's Element Type: YYSTYPE

    lecture #12 began here


    During my "make" the linker complains about redefinition of yyparse() and missing main(). What's going on?
    If your main is in vgo.c, beware renaming go.y as vgo.y -- the "make" program has default rules that assume if a .c file has the same name as a .y file, it is supposed to build the .c from the .y by running yacc and renaming the foo.tab.c as foo.c!
    My vgo parser always dies on the first LBODY, what gives?
    Wow, this opened an awesome can of worms! go.y as delivered by the go 1.2.2 compiler used two different codes for '{' in the grammar! In their lexical analyzer, which we are not using, they wrote:
    	 * to implement rule that disallows
    	 *	if T{1}[0] { ... }
    	 * but allows
    	 * 	if (T{1}[0]) { ... }
    	 * the block bodies for if/for/switch/select
    	 * begin with an LBODY token, not '{'.
    	 * when we see the keyword, the next
    	 * non-parenthesized '{' becomes an LBODY.
    	 * loophack is normally 0.
    	 * a keyword makes it go up to 1.
    	 * parens push loophack onto a stack and go back to 0.
    	 * a '{' with loophack == 1 becomes LBODY and disables loophack.
    We will have to devise a strategy to deal with this.
    What is %prec NotParen about?
    Great question. %prec TERM directs Bison to apply the current grammar rule with the precedence of TERM. In go.y, three fake terminal symbols are introduced as their secret to avoid shift/reduce conflicts. Note that neither %prec nor TERM are symbols on the righthand side of whatever production rule is being given -- if there aren't any other symbols then that precedence is being applied to an epsilon rule. %prec is used to apply some precedence rules specified via %left, %right etc. to production rules in the Bison grammar where there is not a symbol that can be declared as %left or %right. %left and %right are in turn, Bison's way of tie-breaking ambiguous grammar rules that would otherwise generate shift/reduce or reduce/reduce conflicts.
    I am working on the tree but I am confused as to how to approach it. For example package has the following rule:
    package: LPACKAGE sym ';'
    The tree struct shown on the hw2 assignment sheet has kids which are of type struct tree and a leaf which is of struct token. Since package has two tokens the LPACKAGE and ';' how should I approach saving this to the tree struct. Should everything be saved under kids? With how I have my %union right now, LPACKAGE and ';' are tokens and sym is struct tree.
    The example in HW#2, which you are not required to follow, illustrates one possible way to incorporate terminal symbols as leaves. If you follow it, separate from your struc token for each leaf you allocate a struct tree, with 0 children, whose prodrule is the token's terminal symbol #, and for a treenode with 0 children and a terminal symbol as a prodrule, the code that goes back through the tree afterwards would know to not visit the children array, but instead look at the leaf field for a token. To do all this with your current %union with pointer to struct token on the tree for terminal symbols, every time you are about to insert a tree node with terminal symbols, you would allocate a leaf node to hold the token *. So your rule for a package would allocate three tree nodes total, one for the parent and two for the two terminal symbols being placed into leaves. There are other ways that one can get it done, but this would work.

    Getting Lex and Yacc to talk


    1. Declare that struct token may appear in the %union. In that case the value stack is a mixture of struct node and struct token. You still have to have a mechanism for how do tokens get wired into your tree. Are all children of type union YYSTYPE, and you use the prodrule R to tell which are which?
    2. For each terminal symbol, allocate a "leaf" tree node with 0 children and point its "leaf" field at your struct token. 0 children implies "don't use the kids field" and "a non-null leaf might be present"
    3. declare a tree type that allows tokens to include their lexical information directly in the tree nodes, perhaps tree nodes contain a union that provides EITHER an array of kids OR a struct token.
    If you have more than one %union type possible, be prepared to see type conflicts and to declare the types of all your nonterminals.

    Getting all this straight takes some time; you can plan on it. Your best bet is to draw pictures of how you want the trees to look, and then make the code match the pictures. Given pictures, I can help you make the code do what the pictures say. No pictures == "Dr. J will ask to see your pictures and not be able to help if you can't describe your trees."

    Declaring value stack types for terminal and nonterminal symbols

    Unless you are going to use the default (integer) value stack, you will have to declare the types of the elements on the value stack. Actually, you do this by declaring which union member is to be used for each terminal and nonterminal in the grammar.

    Example: in the cocogram.y that I gave you we could add a %union declaration with a union member named treenode:

    %union {
      nodeptr treenode;
    This will produce a compile error if you haven't declared a nodeptr type using a typedef, but that is another story. To declare that a nonterminal uses this union member, write something like:
    %type < treenode > function_definition
    Terminal symbols use %token to perform the corresponding declaration. If you had a second %union member (say struct token *tokenptr) you might write:
    %token < tokenptr > SEMICOL


    My compiler is complaining about strdup being missing. What up?
    It turns out -std=c99 removes strdup() because it is not part of that standard. Possibly solutions include: not using -std=c99 when compiling files that call strdup(), or writing/providing your own strdup().
    When I compile my .y file, bison complains spitting out a bunch of warnings about useless nonterminals and rules. how much attention should I pay to this?
    "Useless" warnings sound innocuous, but they mean what they say. You probably have something wrong that will have to be fixed. Everything but shift/reduce conflicts is potentially serious, until you determine otherwise. If you can't figure out what some Bison error is after giving it the reasonable college try, send it to me by e-mail or schedule an appointment. If I am not available or you are remote, we may schedule a Zoom meeting. You might have to learn some Zoom. I might have to setup a camera on my many machines, and remember my Zoom credentials.
    I've been trying to implement implicit concatenation in the grammar and I'm getting reduce/reduce errors. Do you have any tips for implementing implicit concatenation? Should I make specific rules for concatenating strings and lists and stop trying to integrate it into my expression syntax?
    If you can't get implicit concatenation working, you might resort to explicit concatenation via (perhaps) the + operator. Tips to avoid reduce/reduce errors include: avoid epsilon rules. MERGE rules that look like the same thing (in Ada, functions and arrays both used the same syntax! sad!). Incidentally, neither Unicon nor Java have implicit concatenation, so in g0 it is a "can we do it?" question. I would be happy to consult with folks on your grammarly endeavors in office hours and additional appointments.
    It seems after HW#2 we will have to implement a hash table. If this is the case, what would be a reasonable size (# buckets) of the table? n=20?
    Fixed-size tables should use a prime. For the size of inputs I will ever manage in this class, probably a prime less than 100 would do. How about n=41 ?

    Conflicts in Shift-Reduce Parsing

    "Conflicts" occur when an ambiguity in the grammar creates a situation where the parser does not know which step to perform at a given point during parsing. There are two kinds of conflicts that occur.
    a shift reduce conflict occurs when the grammar indicates that different successful parses might occur with either a shift or a reduce at a given point during parsing. The vast majority of situations where this conflict occurs can be correctly resolved by shifting.
    a reduce reduce conflict occurs when the parser has two or more handles at the same time on the top of the stack. Whatever choice the parser makes is just as likely to be wrong as not. In this case it is usually best to rewrite the grammar to eliminate the conflict, possibly by factoring.
    Example shift reduce conflict:
    S->if E then S
    S->if E then S else S

    In many languages two nested "if" statements produce a situation where an "else" clause could legally belong to either "if". The usual rule (to shift) attaches the else to the nearest (i.e. inner) if statement.

    Example reduce reduce conflict:

    (1)	S -> id LP plist RP
    (2)	S -> E GETS E
    (3)	plist -> plist, p
    (4)	plist -> p
    (5)	p -> id
    (6)	E -> id LP elist RP
    (7)	E -> id
    (8)	elist -> elist, E
    (9)	elist -> E
    By the point the stack holds ...id LP id
    the parser will not know which rule to use to reduce the id: (5) or (7).

    lecture #13 began here


    Can I put a string label in my tree nodes, saying what nonterminal it is?
    You could have a string, you could have an integer; you could have both for all I care. Actually, both is a pretty good idea. The string makes for human-readable tree output, while the integer is superior for writing tree traversals and doing different behavior depending on what kind of tree node you are dealing with.
    I haven't been able to find a way to edit the yylex() that's generated (in order to semi-colon insertion).
    You aren't supposed to do this manually, you are supposed to do it automatically with a computer program whenever you (re)make it. Per a previous class discussion, there are several UNIX tools that could do this, including the option of writing a C program or a flex program to do it. But one of the simplest options may be something like the following in your makefile:
    lex.yy.c: lex.l
    	flex lex.l
    	sed -i 's/yylex/myyylex/g' lex.yy.c
    In the example A : b C d {$$ = tree(R,3,$1,$2,$3);} ; Suppose C is a terminal and b and d are non-terminals. Then $2 will be OK, but when will I be able to get the data that $1 and $3 need to be set to?
    Bison parsers are bottom up. You don't reduce this grammar rule or execute this code until sometime after the handle b C d has already been parsed, and in that process the production rules for b and d have already executed, just as surely as the shift of C which placed whatever yylval held at that time onto the value stack in $2. If the rules for b and d had actions that said {$$=...} at that point in the past, then $1 and $3 now will be holding what was assigned to $$ back in those rules' semantic actions.
    In the example A : b C d {$$ = tree(R,3,$1,$2,$3);} ; to what doth R refer?
    R was intended to be an integer code that allows you to tell, when walking through the tree later on, what production rule built that node. I would typically do a code for each nonterminal, gapped large enough that R can be (nonterminal+rule#forthatnonterminal). Suppose this was the first of three production rules that build an A. The integer might be (__A__ + 1) to denote the first A rule.
    I'm considering having some sort of stack that keeps track of the parent you should currently be attaching children to.
    You can do anything you want, but bison's value stack is that stack and and at each level you should allocate a node for $$ and attach all of its children. That is it.
    Should we be defining our own integer codes for token types or just use the ones in our *.tab.h file from HW#1?
    You can't define your own codes, you have to use the codes that bison generates. You'll have to modify your lexer to use bison's integers, or your flex and bison will not work together.
    Are yylval's types defined in the %union?
    Yes, yylval is of type YYSTYPE, the type bison generates for the %union.
    What is the actual value of a $n variable?
    Before your bison grammar's semantic action code triggers, $1, $2, ... etc. will be holding either (A) whatever you put in yylval if the corresponding symbol is a terminal, or (B) whatever you put in $$ for its rule if the symbol is a non-terminal.
    Do we have to implicitly concatenate substrings?
    Yes, substrings are strings.
    Since we're not doing initializers, what is required of a for-statement?
    You don't have to do a declaration of a variable in a for initializer. Saying for(int i=1; ...) was a C++ thing.

    Further Discussion of Reduce Reduce and Shift Reduce Conflicts

    The following grammar, based loosely on our expression grammar from last time, illustrates a reduce reduce conflict, and how you have to exercise care when using epsilon productions. Epsilon productions were helpful for some of the grammar rewriting methods, such as removing left recursion, but used indiscriminately, they can cause much trouble.
    T : F | F T2 ;
    T2 : p F T2 | ;
    F : l T r | v ;
    The reduce-reduce conflict occurs after you have seen an F. If the next symbol is a p there is no question of what to do, but if the next symbol is the end of file, do you reduce by rule #1 or #4 ?

    Back to Bison Conflicts and Ambiguity

    A slightly different grammar is needed to demonstrate a shift-reduce conflict:
    T : F g;
    T : F T2 g;
    T2 : t F T2 ;
    T2 : ;
    F : l T r ;
    F : v ;
    This grammar is not much different than before, and has the same problem, but the surrounding context (the "calling environments") of F cause the grammar to have a shift-reduce instead of reduce-reduce. Once again, the trouble is after you have seen an F and dwells on the question of whether to reduce the epsilon production, or instead to shift, upon seeing a token g.

    The .output file generated by "bison -v" explains these conflicts in considerable detail. Part of what you need to interpret them are the concepts of "items" and "sets of items" discussed below.

    YACC precedence and associativity declarations

    YACC headers can specify precedence and associativity rules for otherwise heavily ambiguous grammars. Precedence is determined by increasing order of these declarations. Example:
    %right ASSIGN
    %left PLUS MINUS
    %left TIMES DIVIDE
    %right POWER
    expr: expr ASSIGN expr
        | expr PLUS expr
        | expr MINUS expr
        | expr TIMES expr
        | expr DIVIDE expr
        | expr POWER expr
        | IDENT

    YACC error handling and recovery

    lecture #14 began here


    I have spent 30 hours and am not close to finishing adding the hundreds of grammar rules and tree construction semantic actions required for HW#2!
    As a professional programmer, you should invest time to master a powerful programmer's editor with a key-memorizing macro facility that can let you insert semantic actions (for example) very rapidly. If you've been typing them in by hand, ouch! Paste the right thing 500 times and then just tweak. Or paste all the constructors with the same number of children in batches, so you have less to tweak because you already pasted in the right number of kids.
    Do I need to add %type <treeptr> nonterm for every non-terminal symbol in the grammar in order to have everything work
    yes. If you are lucky, the %type's are in there in a comment, and all you have to do is uncomment them and add the <treeptr> (or whatever) part.
    Are we supporting (syntactically) nested classes/structs?
    What do I do with epsilon rules? Empty tree nodes?
    I previously said to use either $$ = NULL or $$ = alctree(RULE, 0). Whether the latter is preferable depends on what will make your tree traversals easier later on, in HW#3, and maybe whether the encoding of an empty leaf with RULE would help you in reading the tree and knowing what to do with it. Saying $$=NULL implies you will have to check children to see if they are NULL before you try to visit them. Never setting $$ to NULL means you can "blindly" traverse child pointers if a parent has nkids > 0.
    All of the leaves in the tree structure are/can be made of lex tokens. To that point then, what are the non-leaves supposed to be? I think I may have over thought this point so I am not quite sure.
    Non-leaves (i.e. internal nodes) correspond to non-terminal symbols, built from particular production rules.
    For the structure of the tree, HW#2 provides a possible "setup".
    struct tree {
       int prodrule;
       int nkids;
       struct tree *kids[9];
       struct token *leaf;
    While I understand nkids (number of kids this node has), *kids[9] (a pointer array to up to 9 kids), and leaf (the lex token), what exactly is the prodrule? I am fairly certain that this is the production rule, but I am not exactly sure what it associates with.
    The prodrule integer encodes what production rule was used to build this node, which includes (of course) what non-terminal it represents, and what syntactic role its children played. By the way, *kids[9] is an array of 9 pointers to kids, not a pointer to an array of nine kids.
    What exactly is in $1 or $2 or ... when I am at a reduction building a tree node in $$ for some non-terminal?
    I was wondering if it is ok to have a linked list of syntax trees, where the syntax tree for the current source file be inserted into a linked list (of syntax trees), then at the end of main(), after generating syntax trees for each file in command line argument, walk through the linked list and print out each syntax tree.
    What is expected is that for each file, you build the tree, return to main(), print it out, and then move on to the next filename. But building a linked list of trees and looping again over that to print things out would be fine. The main thing between each file on the command line is to clear out the type name table; each file is being compiled independently of whatever came before them during that compilation process.

    Improving YACC's Error Reporting

    yyerror(s) overrides the default error message, which usually just says either "syntax error" or "parse error", or "stack overflow".

    You can easily add information in your own yyerror() function, for example GCC emits messages that look like:

    goof.c:1: parse error before '}' token
    using a yyerror function that looks like
    void yyerror(char *s)
       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s before '%s' token\n",
    	   yyfilename, yylineno, s, yytext);

    You could instead, use the error recovery mechanism to produce better messages. For example

    lbrace : LBRACE | { error_code=MISSING_LBRACE; } error ;
    Where LBRACE is an expected token {
    This uses a global variable error_code to pass parse information to yyerror().

    Improving YACC's Error Reporting, cont'd

    Another related option is to call yyerror() explicitly with a better message string, and tell the parser to recover explicitly:

    package_declaration: PACKAGE_TK error
    	{ yyerror("Missing name"); yyerrok; } ;

    But, using error recovery to perform better error reporting runs against conventional wisdom that you should use error tokens very sparingly. What information from the parser determined we had an error in the first place? Can we use that information to produce a better error message?

    LR Syntax Error Messages: Advanced Methods

    The pieces of information that YACC/Bison use to determine that there is an error in the first place are the parse state (yystate) and the current input token (yychar). These are exactly the pieces of information one might use to produce better diagnostic error messages without relying on the error recovery mechanism and mucking up the grammar with a lot of extra production rules that feature the error token.

    Even just the parse state is enough to do pretty good error messages. yystate is not part of YACC's public interface, though, so you may have to play some tricks to pass it as a parameter into yyerror() from yyparse(). Say, for example:

    #define yyerror(s) __yyerror(s,yystate)
    Inside __yyerror(msg, yystate) you can use a switch statement or a global array to associate messages with specific parse states. But, figuring out which parse state means which syntax error message would be by trial and error.

    A tool called Merr is available that let's you generate this yyerror function from examples: you supply the sample syntax errors and messages, and Merr figures out which parse state integer goes with which message. Merr also uses the yychar (current input token) to refine the diagnostics in the event that two of your example errors occur on the same parse state. See the Merr web page.

    Recursive Descent Parsing

    Perhaps the simplest parsing method, for a large subset of context free grammars, is called recursive descent. It is simple because the algorithm closely follows the production rules of nonterminal symbols.

    lecture #15 began here


    I have mysterious syntax errors, what do I do?
    I can't fix some of the shift/reduce conflicts, what do I do?
    Nothing. You do not have to fix shift/reduce conflicts.
    I can't fix some of the reduce/reduce conflicts, what do I do?
    These generally reflect a real bug and will cost you a few points on HW, but they mighty or might not cost you more points on test cases. It is only a deal breaker and has to be fixed if it prevents us from parsing correctly and building our tree. Sometimes epsilon rules can be removed successfully by adding grammar rules in a parent non-terminal that omit an epsilon-deriving child, and then modifying the child to not derive epsilon. This might or might not help reduce your number of reduce/reduce conflicts.
    With the default error handling, I am getting an error on the last line of the file: syntax error before '' token. It looks like an EOF error, but I cannot figure out how to fix it, as when I add an <<EOF>> rule to my lexer, it just hangs there, and still produces this error.
    Error on EOF might be because the grammar expects one more semi-colon, maybe your EOF regex should return one the first time it hits in each file. By the way, I usually don't have to write a <<EOF>> regex, yylex() returns the value on EOF that yyparse() expects. If you enable YYDEBUG and turn on yydebug you will get a detailed explanation of the parse and where it is failing when you run your parser, which may help you. Feel free to schedule a Zoom session.

    Recursive Descent Parsing Example #1

    E -> E + T
    E -> T
    T -> T * F
    T -> F
    F -> ( E )
    F -> ident
    Consider the grammar we gave above. There will be functions for E, T, and F. The function for F() is the "easiest" in some sense: based on a single token it can decide which production rule to use. The parsing functions return 0 (failed to parse) if the nonterminal in question cannot be derived from the tokens at the current point. A nonzero return value of N would indicate success in parsing using production rule #N.
    int F()
       int t = yylex();
       if (t == IDENT) return 6;
       else if (t == LP) {
          if (E() && (yylex()==RP) return 5;
       return 0;
    Comment #1: if F() is in the middle of a larger parse of E() or T(), F() may succeed, but the subsequent parsing may fail. The parse may have to backtrack, which would mean we'd have to be able to put tokens back for later parsing. Add a memory (say, a gigantic array or link list for example) of already-parsed tokens to the lexical analyzer, plus backtracking logic to E() or T() as needed. The call to F() may get repeated following a different production rule for a higher nonterminal.

    Comment #2: in a real compiler we need more than "yes it parsed" or "no it didn't": we need a parse tree if it succeeds, and we need a useful error message if it didn't.

    Question: for E() and T(), how do we know which production rule to try? Option A: just blindly try each one in turn. Option B: look at the first (current) token, only try those rules that start with that token (1 character lookahead). If you are lucky, that one character will uniquely select a production rule. If that is always true through the whole grammar, no backtracking is needed.

    Question: how do we know which rules start with whatever token we are looking at? Can anyone suggest a solution, or are we stuck?

    Below is an industrious start of an implementation of the corresponding recursive descent parser for non-terminal T. Now is student-author time, what is our next step? What is wrong with this picture?

    int T()
    {  // save where the current token is
       if (T() && (yylex()==ASTERISK) && F()) return 3;
       // restore the current input pointer to the saved location
       if (F()) return 4;
       return 0;

    Removing Left Recursion

    E -> E + T | T
    T -> T * F | F
    F -> ( E ) | ident
    We can remove the left recursion by introducing new nonterminals and new production rules.
    E  -> T E'
    E' -> + T E' | ε
    T  -> F T'
    T' -> * F T' | ε
    F  -> ( E ) | ident
    Getting rid of such immediate left recursion is not enough, one must get rid of indirect left recursion, where two or more nonterminals are mutually left-recursive. One can rewrite any CFG to remove left recursion (Algorithm 4.19).
    for i := 1 to n do
       for j := 1 to i-1 do begin
          replace each Ai -> Aj γ with productions
             Ai -> δ1γ | δ2γ | ... | δkγ, where
                Aj -> δ1 | δ2 | ... | δk are all current Aj-productions
       eliminate immediate left recursion

    Where We Are

    Removing Left Recursion, part 2

    Left recursion can be broken into three cases

    case 1: trivial

    A : A α | β
    The recursion must always terminate by A finally deriving β so you can rewrite it to the equivalent
    A : β A'
    A' : α A' | ε
    E : E op T | T
    can be rewritten
    E : T E'
    E' : op T E' | ε

    case 2: non-trivial, but immediate

    In the more general case, there may be multiple recursive productions and/or multiple non-recursive productions.
    A : A α1 | A α2 | ... | β1 | β2
    As in the trivial case, you get rid of left-recursing A and introduce an A'
    A :  β1 A' | β2 A' | ...
    A' : α1 A' | α2 A' | ... | ε

    case 3: mutual recursion

    1. Order the nonterminals in some order 1 to N.
    2. Rewrite production rules to eliminate all nonterminals in leftmost positions that refer to a "previous" nonterminal. When finished, all productions' right hand symbols start with a terminal or a nonterminal that is numbered equal or higher than the nonterminal no the left hand side.
    3. Eliminate the direct left recusion as per cases 1-2.

    Left Recursion Versus Right Recursion: When does it Matter?

    A student came to me once with what they described as an operator precedence problem where 5-4+3 was computing the wrong value (-2 instead of 4). What it really was, was an associativity problem due to the grammar:
    E : T + E | T - E | T
    The problem here is that right recursion is forcing right associativity, but normal arithmetic requires left associativity. Several solutions are: (a) rewrite the grammar to be left recursive, or (b) rewrite the grammar with more nonterminals to force the correct precedence/associativity, or (c) if using YACC or Bison, there are "cheat codes" we will discuss later to allow it to be majorly ambiguous and specify associativity separately (look for %left and %right in YACC manuals).

    Recursive Descent Parsing Example #2

    The grammar
    S -> A B C
    A -> a A
    A -> ε
    B -> b
    C -> c
    maps to pseudocode like the following. (:= is an assignment operator)
    procedure S()
      if A() & B() & C() then succeed # matched S, we win
    procedure A()
      if yychar == a then { # use production 2
         yychar := scan()
         return A()
         succeed # production rule 3, match ε
    procedure B()
       if yychar == b then {
          yychar := scan()
       else fail
    procedure C()
       if yychar == c then {
          yychar := scan()
       else fail


    Could your current token begin more than one of your possible production rules? Try all of them, remember and reset state for each try.
    S -> cAd
    A -> ab
    A -> a
    Left factoring can often solve such problems:
    S -> cAd
    A -> a A'
    A'-> b
    A'-> (ε)
    One can also perform left factoring to reduce or eliminate the lookahead or backtracking needed to tell which production rule to use. If the end result has no lookahead or backtracking needed, the resulting CFG can be solved by a "predictive parser" and coded easily in a conventional language. If backtracking is needed, a recursive descent parser takes more work to implement, but is still feasible. As a more concrete example:
    S -> if E then S
    S -> if E then S1 else S2
    can be factored to:
    S -> if E then S S'
    S'-> else S2 | ε

    lecture #16 began here


    I got my trees printing for the tests you gave us for HW#1, am I done?
    You are responsible for thoroughly testing your code, including constructing test cases. You might want to specifically make sure that each tree-constructor code fragment that you write gets used by at least one test case (this is called statement-level coverage). Having said that constructing tests is on you, I went and looked at what was lying around handy, and came up with the go 1.2.2 test suite. Can we use it as is? Almost every test will use features in Go but not in VGo (things like :=), so we have to translate them into VGo to use them. We can either leave this all up to you, or we can collaborate on it, your choice.
    I get syntax errors on else. What up?
    By running code samples on the real Go compiler ("go build foo.go") one can tell whether a given test case was legal Go or not. It turns out, if you do an else, it has to be on the same line as the closing curly brace that precedes it. I have adjusted the VGo Specification accordingly.

    Some More Parsing Theory

    Automatic techniques for constructing parsers start with computing some basic functions for symbols in the grammar. These functions are useful in understanding both recursive descent and bottom-up LR parsers.


    First(α) is the set of terminals that begin strings derived from α, which can include ε.
    1. First(X) starts with the empty set.
    2. if X is a terminal, First(X) is {X}.
    3. if X -> ε is a production, add ε to First(X).
    4. if X is a non-terminal and X -> Y1 Y2 ... Yk is a production, add First(Y1) to First(X).
    5. for (i = 1; if Yi can derive ε; i++)
              add First(Yi+1) to First(X)

    First(a) examples

    by the way, this stuff is all in section 4.3 in your text.

    Last time we looked at an example with E, T, and F, and + and *. The first-set computation was not too exciting and we need more examples.

    stmt : if-stmt | OTHER
    if-stmt:  IF LP expr RP stmt else-part
    else-part: ELSE stmt | ε
    expr: IDENT | INTLIT
    What are the First() sets of each nonterminal?


    (The helper function that goes along with First(X))

    Follow(A) for nonterminal A is the set of terminals that can appear immediately to the right of A in some sentential form S -> aAxB... To compute Follow, apply these rules to all nonterminals in the grammar:

    1. Add $ to Follow(S)
    2. if A -> aBβ then add First(b) - ε to Follow(B)
    3. if A -> aB or A -> aBβ where ε is in First(β), then add Follow(A) to Follow(B).

    Follow() Example

    For the grammar:
    stmt : if-stmt | OTHER
    if-stmt:  IF LP expr RP stmt else-part
    else-part: ELSE stmt | ε
    expr: IDENT | INTLIT
    It can get pretty muddy on the Follow() function, for even this simple grammar. It helps if you follow the algorithm, instead of just "eyeballing it".
    For all non-terminals X in the grammar do
       1. if X is the start symbol, add $ to Follow(X)
       2. if N -> αXβ then add First(β) - ε to Follow(X)
       3. if N -> αX or N -> αXβ where ε is in
           First(β) then add Follow(N) to Follow(X)
    Since the algorithm depends on First(), what are First sets again?
    First(stmt) = {IF, OTHER}
    First(if-stmt) = {IF}
    First(else-part) = {ELSE, ε}
    First(expr) = {IDENT, INTLIT}
    Because each non-terminal has three steps, and our toy grammar has 4 non-terminals, there are 12 steps. When you just apply these twelve steps, brute force, it is clear that the statement of what to do to compute them was not an algorithm, it was only a declarative specification, and there is an ordering needed in order to compute the result.
       1. stmt is the start symbol, add $ to Follow(stmt)
       2. if N -> α stmt β then add First(β) - ε to Follow(stmt)
    	---- add First(else-part)-ε to Follow(stmt)
       3. if N -> α stmt or N -> α stmt β where ε
    	 is in First(β) then add Follow(N) to Follow(stmt)
    	---- add Follow(else-part) to Follow(stmt)
       4. if-stmt is not the start symbol (noop)
       5. if N -> αif-stmtβ then add First(β) - ε to Follow(if-stmt)
    	---- n/a
       6. if N -> αif-stmt or N -> αif-stmtβ where ε is in
           First(β) then add Follow(N) to Follow(if-stmt)
    	---- add Follow(stmt) to Follow(if-stmt)
       7. else-part is not the start symbol (noop)
       8. if N -> αelse-partβ then add First(β) - ε to Follow(else-part)
    	---- n/a
       9. if N -> αelse-part or N -> αelse-partβ where ε is in
           First(β) then add Follow(N) to Follow(else-part)
    	--- add Follow(if-stmt) to Follow(else-part)
       10. expr is not the start symbol (noop)
       11. if N -> αexprβ then add First(β) - ε to Follow(expr)
    	---- add RP to Follow(expr)
       12. if N -> αexpr or N -> αexprβ where ε is in
           First(β) then add Follow(N) to Follow(expr)
    	---- n/a
    What is the dependency graph? Does it have any cycles? If it has cycles, you will have to iterate to a fixed point.
    Follow(stmt) depends on Follow(else-part)
    Follow(if-stmt) depends on Follow(stmt)
    Follow(else-part) depends on Follow(if-stmt)
    If I read this right, there is a 3-way mutual recursion cycle.

    Can we First/Follow Anything Else

    Like preferably, a real-world grammar example? Please remember that real world grammars for languages like ANSI C are around 400+ production rules, so in-class examples will by necessity be toys. If I pick a random* (*LOL) YACC grammar, can we First/Follow any of its non-terminals?

    LR vs. LL vs. LR(0) vs. LR(1) vs. LALR(1)

    The first char ("L") means input tokens are read from the left (left to right). The second char ("R" or "L") means parsing finds the rightmost, or leftmost, derivation. Relevant if there is ambiguity in the grammar. (0) or (1) or (k) after the main lettering indicates how many lookahead characters are used. (0) means you only look at the parse stack, (1) means you use the current token in deciding what to do, shift or reduce. (k) means you look at the next k tokens before deciding what to do at the current position.

    lecture #17 began here


    VGo spec says no colons, but then the map constructor uses colons
    Good catch. VGo has maps but not "map literals". You should have a colon token in your lexer, even though colons are a Go-not-VGo thing. Here's a Pepsi Challenge question: is it right and good to just die if you see a colon, or should you return the colon as a token, and in the syntax check, distinguish between legal uses of Go that VGo doesn't handle, versus crazy non-Go uses of a colon operator.

    LR Parsers

    LR denotes a class of bottom up parsers that is capable of handling virtually all programming language constructs. LR is efficient; it runs in linear time with no backtracking needed. The class of languages handled by LR is a proper superset of the class of languages handled by top down "predictive parsers". LR parsing detects an error as soon as it is possible to do so. Generally building an LR parser is too big and complicated a job to do by hand, we use tools to generate LR parsers.

    The LR parsing algorithm is given below.

    ip = first symbol of input
    repeat {
       s = state on top of parse stack
       a = *ip
       case action[s,a] of {
          SHIFT s': { push(a); push(s') }
          REDUCE A->β: {
             pop 2*|β| symbols; s' = new state on top
             push A
             push goto(s', A)
          ACCEPT: return 0 /* success */
          ERROR: { error("syntax error", s, a); halt }

    Constructing SLR Parsing Tables:

    Definition: An LR(0) item of a grammar G is a production of G with a dot at some position of the RHS.

    Example: The production A->aAb gives the items:

    A -> . a A b
    A -> a . A b
    A -> a A . b
    A -> a A b .

    Note: A production A-> ε generates only one item:

    A -> .

    Intuition: an item A-> α . β denotes:

    1. α - we have already seen a string derivable from α
    2. β - we hope to see a string derivable from β

    Functions on Sets of Items

    Closure: if I is a set of items for a grammar G, then closure(I) is the set of items constructed as follows:

    1. Every item in I is in closure(I).
    2. If A->α . Bβ is in closure(I) and B->γ is a production, then add B-> .γ to closure(I).

    These two rules are applied repeatedly until no new items can be added.

    Intuition: If A -> α . B β is in closure(I) then we hope to see a string derivable from B in the input. So if B-> γ is a production, we should hope to see a string derivable from γ. Hence, B->.γ is in closure(I).

    Goto: if I is a set of items and X is a grammar symbol, then goto(I,X) is defined to be:

    goto(I,X) = closure({[A->αX.β] | [A->α.Xβ] is in I})


    	E -> E+T | T
    	T -> T*F | F
    	F -> (E) | id 
                  Let I = {[E -> E . + T]} then:
            goto(I,+) = closure({[E -> E+.T]})
    		  = closure({[E -> E+.T], [T -> .T*F], [T -> .F]})
    		  = closure({[E -> E+.T], [T -> .T*F], [T -> .F], [F-> .(E)], [F -> .id]})
    		  = { [E -> E + .T],[T -> .T * F],[T -> .F],[F -> .(E)],[F -> .id]}

    lecture #18 began here


    What-all do you see in this example? It gives me errors on Vertex at the bottom.
    1. In general, if you have to debug something, simplify it to the simplest possible version that produces the error. In this example, Vertex would not be legal unless it was previous declared via a type declaration. Is that semantic analysis, or does it impact our parsing?
    2. In debugging VGo, using the Go compiler is a primary sanity check. Running the Go compiler, it sees a syntax error on line 69 unrelated to your question about Vertex. See rule #1.
    I then boiled the Vertex part of your example down to the following, which does compile with "go build":
    package main
    type Vertex struct {x, y float64}
    func main() {
    	var m map[string]Vertex
    	m["Bell Labs"] = Vertex{ 40.68433, -74.39967 }
    	m["Google"] = Vertex{37.42202, -122.08408 }
    As far as I can see, this parsed successfully with my reference VGo lexer/parser, without Vertex posing any special problems. If my interpretation of this is correct, the lexer returning LNAME for Vertex is OK as a type name according to the go grammar, so the part of HW#2 that reads "Resolve matters regarding type names" is a no-op this semester thanks to our reference grammar. It has kicked the can down the road on the question of legal type names, deferring that to semantic analysis (i.e. HW#3-4) where arguably, it belongs. If you get syntax errors, maybe you have changed the grammar in some way that you may want to fix.

    The Set of Sets of Items Construction

    1. Given a grammar G with start symbol S, construct the augmented grammar by adding a special production S'->S where S' does not appear in G.
    2. Algorithm for constructing the canonical collection of sets of LR(0) items for an augmented grammar G':

    	   C := { closure({[S' -> .S]}) };
    	      for each set of items I in C:
    		  for each grammar symbol X:
       		     if goto(I,X) != 0 and goto(I,X) is not in C then
    		 	 add goto(I,X) to C;
    	   until no new sets of items can be added to C;
    	   return C;

    Valid Items: an item A -> β 1. β 2 is valid for a viable prefix α β 1 if there is a derivation:

    S' =>*rm αAω =>*rmα β1β 2ω

    Suppose A -> β12 is valid for αβ1, and αB1 is on the parsing stack

    1. if β2 != ε, we should shift
    2. if β2 = ε, A -> β1 is the handle, and we should reduce by this production

    Note: two valid items may tell us to do different things for the same viable prefix. Some of these conflicts can be resolved using lookahead on the input string.

    Constructing an SLR Parsing Table

    1. Given a grammar G, construct the augmented grammar by adding the production S' -> S.
    2. Construct C = {I0, I1, … In}, the set of sets of LR(0) items for G'.
    3. State I is constructed from Ii, with parsing action determined as follows:
    4. goto transitions constructed as follows: for all non-terminals: if goto(Ii, A) = Ij, then goto[i,A] = j
    5. All entries not defined by (3) & (4) are made "error". If there are any multiply defined entries, grammar is not SLR.
    6. Initial state S0 of parser: that constructed from I0 or [S' -> S]

    Constructing an SLR Parsing Table: Example

    	S -> aABe		FIRST(S) = {a}		FOLLOW(S) = {$}
    	A -> Abc		FIRST{A} = {b}		FOLLOW(A) = {b,d}
    	A -> b			FIRST{B} = {d}		FOLLOW{B} = {e}
    	B -> d			FIRST{S'}= {a}		FOLLOW{S'}= {$}
    I0 = closure([S'->.S]
       = closure([S'->.S],[S->.aABe])
    goto(I0,S) = closure([S'->S.]) = I1
    goto(I0,a) = closure([S->a.ABe])
    	    = closure([S->a.ABe],[A->.Abc],[A->.b]) = I2
    goto(I2,A) = closure([S->aA.Be],[A->A.bc])
    	    = closure([S->aA.Be],[A->A.bc],[B->.d]) = I3
    goto(I2,b) = closure([A->b.]) = I4
    goto(I3,B) = closure([S->aAB.e]) = I5
    goto(I3,b) = closure([A->Ab.c]) = I6
    goto(I3,d) = closure([B->d.]) = I7
    goto(I5,e) = closure([S->aABe.]) = I8
    goto(I6,c) = closure([A->Abc.]) = I9

    Fun with Parsing

    Let's play a "new fun game"* and see what we can do with the following subset of the C grammar:
    C grammar subset First sets
    ats : INT | TYPEDEF_NAME | s_u_spec ;
    s_u_spec : s_u LC struct_decl_lst RC |
    	s_u IDENT LC struct_decl_lst RC |
    	s_u IDENT ;
    s_u : STRUCT | UNION ;
    struct_decl_lst : s_d | struct_decl_lst s_d ;
    s_d : s_q_l SM |
    	s_q_l struct_declarator_lst SM ;
    s_q_l : ats | ats s_q_l ;
    	declarator |
    	struct_declarator_list CM declarator ;
    declarator: IDENT |
    	declarator LB INTCONST RB ;
    First(ats) = { INT, TYPEDEF_NAME, STRUCT, UNION }
    First(s_u_spec) = { STRUCT, UNION }
    First(s_u) = { STRUCT, UNION }
    First(struct_decl_lst) = { INT, TYPEDEF_NAME, STRUCT, UNION }
    First(s_d) = { INT, TYPEDEF_NAME, STRUCT, UNION }
    First(s_q_l) = { INT, TYPEDEF_NAME, STRUCT, UNION}
    First(struct_declarator_lst) = { IDENT }
    First(declarator) = { IDENT }
    Follow(ats) = { $, INT, TYPEDEF_NAME, STRUCT, UNION, IDENT, SM }
    Follow(s_u_spec) = { $, INT, TYPEDEF_NAME, STRUCT, UNION, IDENT, SM }
    Follow(s_u) = { LC, IDENT }
    Follow(struct_decl_lst) = { RC, INT, TYPEDEF_NAME, STRUCT, UNION }
    Follow(s_d) = { RC, INT, TYPEDEF_NAME, STRUCT, UNION }
    Follow(s_q_l) = { IDENT, SM }
    Follow(struct_declarator_lst) = { CM, SM }
    Follow(declarator) = { LB , CM, SM }
    Now, Canonical Sets of Items for this Grammar:
    I0 = closure([S' -> . ats]) =
    	 closure({[S' -> . ats], [ ats -> . INT ],
    	 	  [ ats -> . TYPEDEF_NAME ], [ ats -> . s_u_spec ],
    		  [ s_u_spec -> . s_u LC struct_decl_lst RC],
    		  [ s_u_spec -> . s_u IDENT LC struct_decl_lst RC],
    		  [ s_u_spec -> . s_u IDENT ],
    		  [ s_u -> . STRUCT ],
    		  [ s_u -> . UNION ]
    goto(I0, ats) = closure({[S' -> ats .]}) = {[S' -> ats .]} = I1
    goto(I0, INT) = closure({[ats -> INT .]}) = {[ats -> INT .]} = I2
    goto(I0, TYPEDEF) = closure({[ats -> TYPEDEF_NAME .]}) = {[ats -> TYPEDEF_NAME .]} = I3
    goto(I0, s_u_spec) = closure({[ats -> s_u_spec .]}) = {[ats -> s_u_spec .]} = I4
    goto(I0, s_u) = closure({
    		  [ s_u_spec -> s_u . LC struct_decl_lst RC],
    		  [ s_u_spec -> s_u . IDENT LC struct_decl_lst RC],
    		  [ s_u_spec -> s_u . IDENT ]}) = I5
    goto(I0, STRUCT) = closure({[ s_u -> STRUCT .]}) = I6
    goto(I0, UNION) = closure({[ s_u -> UNION .]}) = I7
    goto(I5, LC) = closure({[ s_u_spec -> s_u LC . struct_decl_lst RC],
    [ struct_decl_lst -> . s_d ],
    [ struct_decl_lst -> . struct_decl_lst s_d ],
    [ s_d -> . s_q_l SM],
    [ s_d -> . s_q_l struct_declarator_lst SM],
    [ s_q_l -> . ats ],
    [ s_q_l -> . ats s_q_l ],
    [ ats -> . INT ],
    [ ats -> . TYPEDEF_NAME ],
    [ ats -> . s_u_spec ],
    * Arnold Schwartzenegger. Do you know the movie?

    lecture #19 began here


    What exactly gives the shape of the tree? I know that it is formed from the rules defined in bison, but I am having trouble visualizing it.
    At each node of the tree, the shape (a.k.a. "fan-out", or # of children) is defined by the # of symbols on the righthand side of the production rule used to construct that node. For go.y, the ~273 rules after we've deleted a lot of "hidden" things, the distribution is about as follows:

    Size of RHS # of Rules of that size
    0 19
    1 98
    2 46
    3 67
    4 17
    5 21
    6 2
    7 1
    8 2

    I totally have an example where a shift-reduce conflict was a Real Problem even though you said we could ignore shift-reduce conflicts!
    Ouch! When you showed me this in my office, you found that you could fix it by simply changing a right recursion to a left recursion! Very cool, we finally know why Bison warns of this kind of ambiguity in the grammar: sometimes it is really a problem. I have taken the liberty of reducing your example to just about its simplest form:
    Program:	DeclarationList ProgramBody ;
    ProgramBody: 	Function SEMICOLON ProgramBody	| ;
    Function:	Declaration OPEN_PAREN CLOSE_PAREN ;
    DeclarationList:Declaration SEMICOLON DeclarationList | ;
    Declaration:		    INT IDENTIFIER ;
    The corresponding input that dies on this is:
    int x;
    int main();
    How about a tool that would generate numbers automatically from our grammar .y files? It should perhaps use negative numbers (to avoid overlap/conflicts with Bison-generated numbers for terminal symbols).
    We looked again to see if Bison had an option to generate that, but I am not aware of one. Awhile back I wrote a cheap hack version 0 of such a tool...feel free to adapt it or rewrite something similar.

    Status of HW#2


    We need to wrap up discussion of parsing and move lectures on to semantic analysis. Read the corresponding chapters in your text.

    On Trees

    Trees are classic data structures.

    Parse trees are k-ary, where there is a variable number of children bounded by a value k determined by the grammar. You may wish to consult your old data structures book, or look at some books from the library, to learn more about trees if you are not totally comfortable with them.

    #include <stdarg.h>
    struct tree {
       short label;			/* what production rule this came from */
       short nkids;			/* how many children it really has */
       struct tree *child[1];	/* array of children, size varies 0..k */
    				/* Such an array has to be the LAST
    				   field of a struct, and "there can
    				   be only ONE" for this to work. */
    struct tree *alctree(int label, int nkids, ...)
       int i;
       va_list ap;
       struct tree *ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct tree) +
                                 (nkids-1)*sizeof(struct tree *));
       if (ptr == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "alctree out of memory\n"); exit(1); }
       ptr->label = label;
       ptr->nkids = nkids;
       va_start(ap, nkids);
       for(i=0; i < nkids; i++)
          ptr->child[i] = va_arg(ap, struct tree *);
       return ptr;

    Having Trouble Debugging?

    To save yourself on the semester project in this class, you should learn gdb (or some other source level debugger) as well as you can. Sometimes it can help you find your bug in seconds where you would have spent hours without it. But only if you take the time to read the manual and learn the debugger.

    To work on segmentation faults: recompile all .c files with -g and run your program inside gdb to the point of the segmentation fault. Type the gdb "where" command. Print the values of variables on the line mentioned in the debugger as the point of failure. If it is inside a C library function, use the "up" command until you are back in your own code, and then print the values of all variables mentioned on that line.

    After gdb, the second tool I recommend strongly is valgrind. valgrind catches some kinds of errors that gdb misses. It is a non-interactive tool that runs your program and reports issues as they occur, with a big report at the end.

    Reading Tree Leaves

    In order to work with your tree, you must be able to tell, preferably trivially easily, which nodes are tree leaves and which are internal nodes, and for the leaves, how to access the lexical attributes.


    1. encode in the parent what the types of children are
    2. encode in each child what its own type is (better)
    How do you do option #2 here?

    There are actually nonterminal symbols with 0 children (nonterminal with a righthand side with 0 symbols) so you don't necessarily want to use an nkids of 0 is your flag to say that you are a leaf. Perhaps the best approach to all this is to unify the tokens and parse tree nodes with something like the following, where perhaps an nkids value of -1 is treated as a flag that tells the reader to use lexical information instead of pointers to children:

    struct node {
    int code;		/* terminal or nonterminal symbol */
    int nkids;
    union {
       struct token { ...  } leaf; // or: struct token *leaf;
       struct node *kids[9];
    } ;

    Tree Traversals

    Besides a function to allocate trees, you need to write one or more recursive functions to visit each node in the tree, either top to bottom (preorder), or bottom to top (postorder). You might do many different traversals on the tree in order to write a whole compiler: check types, generate machine- independent intermediate code, analyze the code to make it shorter, etc. You can write 4 or more different traversal functions, or you can write 1 traversal function that does different work at each node, determined by passing in a function pointer, to be called for each node.
    void postorder(struct tree *t, void (*f)(struct tree *))
       /* postorder means visit each child, then do work at the parent */
       int i;
       if (t == NULL) return;
       /* visit each child */
       for (i=0; i < t-> nkids; i++)
          postorder(t->child[i], f);
       /* do work at parent */
    You would then be free to write as many little helper functions as you want, for different tree traversals, for example:
    void printer(struct tree *t)
       if (t == NULL) return;
       printf("%p: %d, %d children\n", t, t->label, t->nkids);

    Parse Tree Example

    Let's do this by way of demonstrating what yydebug=1 does for you, on a very simple example such as:
    int fac(unsigned n)
       return !n ? 1 : n*fac(n-1);
    Short summary: yydebug generates 1100 lines of tracing output that explains the parse in Complete Detail. From which we ought to be able to build our parse tree example.

    Observations on Debugging the ANSI C++ Grammar to be more YACC-able

    not that you pick it up by magic and debug it all yourself, but rather that you spend enough time monkeying with yacc grammars to be familiar with the tools and approach, and to ask the right questions.
    YYDEBUG/yydebug, --verbose/--debug/y.output

    *why? why not?

    On the mysterious TYPE_NAME

    This may have been covered earlier, it is here for review. Soule's 120++ text introduces struct's and typedef in passing (interlude 3). For Fall 2017 you do not have to handle typedef but DO have to handle class names similarly.

    The C/C++ typedef construct is an example where all the beautiful theory we've used up to this point breaks down. Once a typedef is introduced (which can first be recognized at the syntax level), certain identifiers should be legal type names instead of identifiers. To make things worse, they are still legal variable names: the lexical analyzer has to know whether the syntactic context needs a type name or an identifier at each point in which it runs into one of these names. This sort of feedback from syntax or semantic analysis back into lexical analysis is not un-doable but it requires extensions added by hand to the machine generated lexical and syntax analyzer code.

    typedef int foo;
    foo x;                    /* a normal use of typedef... */
    foo foo;                  /* try this on gcc! is it a legal global? */
    void main() { foo foo; }  /* what about this ? */

    Suggestions on HW

    Did you Test your Work on cs-445 a.k.a. cs-course42?
    Lots of folks doing work on lots of OSes, but if it doesn't run well on the test machine, you won't get many points.
    Warnings are seldom OK
    shift/reduce warnings are "usually" OK (not always). Get rid of other warnings so that when warning of a real issue shows up, you don't ignore it like "the boy who cried Wolf!".
    Using { $$ = $4; } is probably a bad idea
    Q: Why? Q: under what circumstances is this fine?
    Using { $$ = $1; } goes without saying
    It is the default... but epsilon rules had better not try it.
    passing an fopen() or a malloc() as a parameter into a function is probably a bad idea
    usually, this is a resource leak. It gives you no clean and safe way to close/free.
    Some of you are still not commenting to a minimum professional level needed for you to understand your own code in 6 months

    Semantic Analysis

    Semantic ("meaning") analysis refers to a phase of compilation in which the input program is studied in order to determine what operations are to be carried out. The two primary components of a classic semantic analysis phase are variable reference analysis and type checking. These components both rely on an underlying symbol table.

    What we have at the start of semantic analysis is a syntax tree that corresponds to the source program as parsed using the context free grammar. Semantic information is added by annotating grammar symbols with semantic attributes, which are defined by semantic rules. A semantic rule is a specification of how to calculate a semantic attribute that is to be added to the parse tree.

    So the input is a syntax tree...and the output is the same tree, only "fatter" in the sense that nodes carry more information. Another output of semantic analysis are error messages detecting many types of semantic errors.

    Two typical examples of semantic analysis include:

    variable reference analysis
    the compiler must determine, for each use of a variable, which variable declaration corresponds to that use. This depends on the semantics of the source language being translated.
    type checking
    the compiler must determine, for each operation in the source code, the types of the operands and resulting value, if any.

    lecture #20 began here


    You marked me down for Valgrind, but I didn't have illegal memory reads or writes! What gives?
    From hw1.html:
    For the purposes of this class, a "memory error" is a message from valgrind indicating a read or write of one or more bytes of illegal, out-of-bounds, or uninitialized memory.
    The uninitialized memory part includes messages such as:
    ==25504== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    You've been told that the valgrind header and summary, including memory leaks, are not going to cost you points, I am only interested in valgrind error messages reported for behavior at runtime. Any stuff you see in between the valgrind header and summary is either your output, or valgrind messages that may point at bugs in your code.

    Notations used in semantic analysis:

    syntax-directed definitions
    high-level (declarative) specifications of semantic rules
    translation schemes
    semantic rules and the order in which they get evaluated

    In practice, attributes get stored in parse tree nodes, and the semantic rules are evaluated either (a) during parsing (for easy rules) or (b) during one or more (sub)tree traversals.

    Two Types of Attributes:

    attributes computed from information contained within one's children. These are generally easy to compute, even on-the-fly during parsing.
    attributes computed from information obtained from one's parent or siblings These are generally harder to compute. Compilers may be able to jump through hoops to compute some inherited attributes during parsing, but depending on the semantic rules this may not be possible in general. Compilers resort to tree traversals to move semantic information around the tree to where it will be used.

    Attribute Examples

    Isconst and Value

    Not all expressions have constant values; the ones that do may allow various optimizations.
    CFG Semantic Rule
    E1 : E2 + T E1.isconst = E2.isconst && T.isconst
    if (E1.isconst)
        E1.value = E2.value + T.value
    E : T E.isconst = T.isconst
    if (E.isconst)
        E.value = T.value
    T : T * F T1.isconst = T2.isconst && F.isconst
    if (T1.isconst)
        T1.value = T2.value * F.value
    T : F T.isconst = F.isconst
    if (T.isconst)
        T.value = F.value
    F : ( E ) F.isconst = E.isconst
    if (F.isconst)
        F.value = E.value
    F : ident F.isconst = FALSE
    F : intlit F.isconst = TRUE
    F.value = intlit.ival

    HW Code Sharing Policy Reminder

    Symbol Table Module

    Symbol tables are used to resolve names within name spaces. Symbol tables are generally organized hierarchically according to the scope rules of the language. Although initially concerned with simply storing the names of various that are visible in each scope, symbol tables take on additional roles in the remaining phases of the compiler. In semantic analysis, they store type information. And for code generation, they store memory addresses and sizes of variables.

    creates a new symbol table, whose scope is local to (or inside) parent
    enter(table, symbolname, type, offset)
    insert a symbol into a table
    lookup(table, symbolname)
    lookup a symbol in a table; returns structure pointer including type and offset. lookup operations are often chained together progressively from most local scope on out to global scope.
    sums the widths of all entries in the table. Worry not about this method until code generation you wish to implement.
    enterproc(table, name, newtable)
    enters the local scope of the named procedure
    Note: finish discussing addwidth() and enterproc().

    lecture #21 began here


    I was wondering if we should be printing anything out for this assignment like the symbol table or anything like that
    Historically, the assignment has only required that students print error messages of various types. However, you almost certainly need to print out your symbol tables in order to debug things, and I have no great objection to adding that requirement. Thanks for the request. Let's revisit HW#3.

    Variable Reference Analysis

    The simplest use of a symbol table would check:

    Semantic Analysis in Concrete Terms

    Broadly, we can envision the semantic analysis as two passes:
    Pass 1: Symbol Table Population
    Symbol table population is a syntax tree traversal in which we look for nodes that introduce symbols, including the creation and population of local scopes and their associated symbol tables. As you walk the tree, we look for specific nodes that indicate symbols are introduced, or new local scopes are introduced. What are the tree nodes that matter (from cgram.y) in this particular example?
    1. create a global symbol table (initialization)
    2. each function_declarator introduces a symbol.
    3. each init_declarator introduces a symbol.
    4. oh by the way, we have to obtain the types for these.
    5. "types" for functions include parameter types and return type
    6. "types" for init_declarators come from declaration_specifiers, which are "uncles" of init_declarators
    Pass 2: Type Checking
    Type checking occurs during a bottom up traversal of the expressions within all the statements in the program.

    lecture #22 began here


    I was wondering if it would be better for the hash table to build it based on the terminals I find in the tree or the non-terminals?
    the keys you are inserting and looking up in hash tables are the variable names declared in the program you are parsing -- those names came into your tree as terminals/leaves, and not all the leaves -- only leaves that are names of things (identifier, or LNAME, or whatever you are calling them), and only when those leaves appear in particular subtrees/production rules where new variables or functions (or type names) are being introduced.
    So as I am traversing the tree should I be looking for LNAMEs and other terminal symbols then to determine if I should insert or should I look for nonterminals and then as I see those non terminals grab the LNAME and the other important data
    Sorta the latter, you are usually looking for non terminals or specific production rules, and then traversing selected children within which you know you have a list of names being declared.


    Coeur D'Alene students: I am told your midterm must be taken at the NIC Testing Center. Please locate that facility, and see what requirements they will have for you to take that exam at 2:30 on October 17.

    Discussion of a Semantic Analysis Example

    lecture #23 began here


    So, how many symbol tables do we have to have? More than one?
    One for each package, one for each function, one for each struct type.
    How do I know what symbol table I am using?
    One could implement this as an inherited attribute, or one can track it with an auxiliary global as one walks around the tree. If you don't do the inherited attribut, you may have to maintain a stack of scopes. When you walk into something that has a more local scope, make that scope current and use enclosing scopes when more local scopes don't find a particular symbol you are looking for.

    Symbol Table Basics

    The goal of a symbol table is to allow storage and retrieval of variable (and related) information by name. We are associating a data payload with that name, so we need a struct with the name and the data payload, and lookup and insert functions on it. What is the data payload?
    struct symtab_entry {
       char *sym;
       struct typeinfo *type; /* as seen previously, two lectures ago */
       /* ... more stuff added later ... */
    We have to be able to look up stuff by name. We could just do this with a linked list:
    struct elem {
       struct symtab_entry *ste; // information about a symbol
       struct elem *next;
    struct elem *theEntireSymbolTable;
    struct symtab_entry *lookup(struct elem *st, char *name) {
       if (st==NULL) return NULL;
       if (!strcmp(st->ste->sym, name)) return st->ste;
       return lookup(st->next, name);
    struct elem *insert(struct elem *st, char *name, struct typeinfo *t) {
       struct elem *n;
       struct symtab_entry *ste = lookup(st, name);
       if (ste != NULL) {
          fprintf(stderr, "symbol is already inserted\n");
       /* ste was NULL, make a new one */
       ste = malloc(sizeof (struct symtab entry));
       ste->sym = strdup(name);
       ste->type = t;
       n = malloc(sizeof (struct elem));
       n->ste = ste;
       n->next = theEntireSymbolTable;
       theEntireSymbolTable = n;

    Aside on malloc()

    malloc() can fail and return NULL. Consider something like the following, that you can use everywhere in place of malloc():
    void *ckalloc(int n) // "checked" allocation
      void *p = malloc(n);
      if (p == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "out of memory for request of %d bytes\n", n)
      return p;

    Hash Functions and Hash Tables for Symbol Tables

    int hash(char *s) { return 0; }   // linked list, O(n)
    int hash(char *s) { return s[0];} // hash using first char, x1 x2 x3 hash same
    int hash(char *s) {               // what does this one do?
       int len = strlen(s);
       return s[0] + (len>1 ? s[len-1] : 0);
    int hash(char *s) {               // "good enough"; what's weak here?
       int i=0, sum = 0, len = strlen(s);
       for( ; i<len; i++) sum += s[i];
       return sum;

    Lessons From the Godiva Project

    By way of comparison, it may be useful for you to look at some symbol tables and type representation code that were written for the Godiva programming language project. Check out its hash function. Being a dialect of Java, Godiva has compile-time type checking and might provide relevant ideas for OOP languages.

    lecture #24 began here


    I feel like I am just starring at a wall... I am just kinda lost as to how to start.
    Start by copying modifying your tree printer to only print out the names of variables at the point at which they are declared.
    As I am creating new symbol tables, how should I keep track of them? Should I include like a *next pointer?
    There is logically a tree of symbol tables. Parent symbol tables (in our case the symbol table for our "global" package, package main) contain entries for symbols defined within them, such as functions, so the parent should be able to reach the children's symbol tables by looking them up by name within the parent symbol table. On the other hand, children's symbol tables might want to know their parent enclosing symbol table. For general nested programming language the child symbol table should contain a parent pointer. For the special case that is VGo, there isn't much nesting and you could just have a global variable that knows the root symbol table (for package main) and every symbol table that is not the root, can rest assured that its parent is the root.
    Does VGo require the type to be given for every parameter? It kinda sounds like it does.
    The VGo spec mentions having to know the name and type for every parameter. But the VGo spec also says you can omit the type of the next item in a comma separated parameter list is the same type.
    Does VGo support calling a function inside another call, as in
       fmt.Println(Compare(t1, New(99,1)));
    How to deal with imported packages: what does -in general- compiler do? For example, when it imports “math” , does it copy the functions declarations? Where can I find the “math” package file? Are there in Bison built-in function to copy these stuff and added them to the source file, or should I do copy content and edited the source file in C at the main function?
    Great question. In a real compiler for Java or Go, an import is a pretty big operation, probably reading from a database to get the declarations of the package being imported. For VGo we are doing a hardwired special case, treating these packages as "built-ins", so the compiler can do whatever it wants in order to get "fmt" and "math/rand" and "time" to work, just enough to do fmt.Println, rand.Intn, and time.Now.
    What about symbol table lookups related to structs in HW#3, Dr. J? The homework doesn't talk about them much.
    You should catch redeclared variables in all scopes. You should catch undeclared variables in all scopes. If you see x.y in the source code, how many symbol lookups is that?
    Are we supposed to create a separate symbol table for each function? Or just a symbol table for functions in general?
    You are supposed to create one "global" symbol table for package main, one local symbol table for each function, and one local symbol table for each struct type.
    I am struggling on figuring out how to detect undeclared variables.
    We should talk about this in detail looking at the non-terminals used in your grammar. With any big vague software task, it is wise to break it up into smaller, well-defined pieces. Before you try to find all undeclared variables, you could:
    1. write a tree traversal that just lists all the uses of a variable (in expressions, where values are read or written), showing the variable name and line number. These are the things that must be checked.
      Still too big a job? Break it into even smaller pieces:
      • write a tree traversal that just lists the names of functions for which you have a function body, and therefore a compound statement that contains executable expressions.
      • are there anything besides function bodies where you would have to check for undeclared variables?
    2. write a tree traversal that inserts all the variable declarations. print out the whole symbol table when finished, to show what you've got.
    3. modify the tree traversal #1 to lookup within the symbol table(s) and print semantic errors if any lookup fails.

    Discussion of "Import", and more Generally, Packages

    Suggested approaches for implementing semantic analysis of packages/imports:
    treat "import" like a special "include"
    respond to "import" by inserting some symbol table entries (hardwired to the package name)

    Representing Types

    In statically-typecheck'ed languages, the target language's type system must be represented using data structures in the compiler's implementation language. In the symbol table and in the parse tree attributes used in type checking, there is a need to represent and compare source language types. You might start by trying to assign a numeric code to each type, kind of like the integers used to denote each terminal symbol and each production rule of the grammar. But what about arrays? What about structs? There are an infinite number of types; any attempt to enumerate them will fail. Instead, you should create a new data type to explicitly represent type information. This might look something like the following:

    struct type {
        * Integer code that says what kind of type this is.
        * Includes all primitive types: 1 = int, 2=float,
        * Also includes codes for compound types that then also
        * hold type information in a supporting union...
        * 7 = array, 8 = struct, 9 = pointer etc. */
       int base_type;
       union {
          struct array {
             int size; /* allow for missing size, e.g. -1 */
    	 struct type *elemtype; /* pointer to type for elements in array,
    	 				follow it to find its base type, etc.*/
          } a;
          struct struc {		/* structs */
             char *label;
    	 int nfields;
             struct field **f;
    	 } s;
          struct type *p;		/* pointer type, points at another type */
       } u;
    struct field {			/* members (fields) of structs */
       char *name;
       struct type *elemtype;
    Given this representation, how would you initialize a variable to represent each of the following types:
    int [10][20]
    struct foo { int x; char *s; }

    Building a Type struct from a Syntax Tree Fragment

     * Build Type From Prototype (syntax tree) Example
    void btfp(nodeptr n)
       if (n==NULL) return;
       for(int i = 0; i < n->nkids; i++) btfp(n->child[i]);
       switch (n->prodrule) {
       case INT:
          n->type = get_type(INTEGER);
       case CHAR:
          n->type = get_type(CHARACTER);
       case IDENTIFIER:
          n->type = get_type(DONT_KNOW_YET);
       case '*':
          n->type = get_type(POINTER);
       case PARAMDECL_1:
          n->type = n->child[0]->type;
       case THINGY:
          n->type = n->child[0]->type;
       case PARAMDECL_2:
          n->type = clone_type(n->child[1]->type);
          n->type->u.p.elemtype = n->child[0]->type;
       case PARAMDECLLIST_2:
          n->type = get_type(TUPLE);
          n->type->u.t.nelems = 1;
          n->type->u.t.elems = calloc(1, sizeof(struct typeinfo *));
          n->type->u.t.elems[0] = n->child[0]->type;
       case PARAMDECLLIST_1:
          n->type = get_type(TUPLE)
          /* consider whether left child, guaranteed to be a PARAMDECLLIST,
             is guaranteed to be a tuple.  Maybe its not. */
          n->type->u.t.nelems = n->child[0]->type->u.t.nelems + 1;
          n->type->u.t.elems = calloc(n->type->u.t.nelems,
    				      sizeof(struct typeinfo *));
          for(i=0;i < n->child[0]->type->u.t.nelems; i++)
             n->type->u.t.elems[i] = n->child[0]->type->u.t.elems[i];
          n->type->u.t.elems[i] = n->child[1]->type;
          n->type = get_type(FUNC)
          n->type->u.f.returntype = get_type(DONT_KNOW);
          n->type->u.f.params = n->child[1].type;
          n->type = clone_type(n->child[1]->type);
          n->type->u.f.returntype = n->child[0]->type;

    lecture #25 began here


    How should I focus my midterm studying? There is a lot of material in this class and I would like to try to optimize my study time. Should I focus on the lecture notes? Should I be studying the book?
    Perhaps the best way to study for the exams in this course is to do your homework assignments. I try to write exam questions that you should know if you have done your assignments. Having said that, if I were picking and choosing between the lecture notes or the book I would hit the lecture notes the hardest, referring to the book when more (or different) explanations are needed.

    Resuming Discussion of Building Type Representation from Syntax Tree

    What we saw last time: The class lecture went into an example parse tree for a function header. In C it would be
    int f(int x, int y, float z)
    In Go the equivalent is
    func f(x int, y int, z float64)
    The discussion broached questions such as:

    lecture #26 began here


    I still have no idea where to start HW3! What do I?
    There is but a single, powerful magic tool at your disposal: recursion. Start with basis cases, at leaves. Make it work for the MOST SIMPLE CASES POSSIBLE before you worry about anything bigger. Work your way up the tree.
    Where do I store my symbol tables?
    well if I were you, I'd just get a single (global) symbol table working before I worried about local scopes, but... the obvious alternative answer to your question are: After thinking about this, I have come to the conclusion that it may well be easier to do both, than to do either one by itself. So from now on, I am going to pretend that you stick pointers to your symbol tables in both places.
    Is HW#3 really still due Sunday night
    Yes. Well, I was thinking we didn't want to stretch it out into Midterm week. Maybe there's a couple days of stretch possible, at the expense of midterms.

    Recursing through Trees Built from go.y

    codetreecomments and/or symbol table
    // empty file
    n/a syntax error, missing package statement
    package main
       /      \
    package   LNAME
    verify package LNAME (must be "main")
    create empty symbol table
    (nothing to insert)
    package main
    var x int
            /      \
       /    \	|      \
    package LNAME   ε     COMMON_DCL
            "main"          /     \
                          LVAR   VARDCL
                                 /     \
                              LNAME   LNAME
                               "x"     "int"
    Construct a type from LNAME "int" because it is VARDCL kid #2.
    Insert "x" into current (global) symbol table because it is VARDCL kid #1.
    package main
    func main() { }
            /      \
       /    \	|      \
    package LNAME   ε     XFNDCL
            "main"       /  |   \
                    LFUNC FNDCL  FNBODY_2
                         /  |  \       \
                     LNAME ATL FNRES  STMTLIST
                    "main"  |    |       |
                            ε    ε       ε
    Construct a FUNC type from FNDCL
    • Construct an TUPLE of length 0 from empty ATL
    • Construct a VOID type from empty FNRES
    Insert "main" into global symbol table
    Create a local symbol table
    Insert parameters into local symbol table
    Insert local variables into local symbol table

    Connecting Trees to Traversals

     * Semantic analysis from syntax tree, VGo Edition
    void semantic_anal(struct symtab *current_st, nodeptr n)
       if (n==NULL) return;
       for(int i = 0; i < n->nkids; i++) semantic_anal(current_st, n->child[i]);
       switch (n->prodrule) {
       case XFNDCL : /* whole function */
          n->symtab = n->child[1]->symtab;
          populate_locals(n->symtab, n->child[2]);
           * visit body to check for undeclared/redeclared
       case FNDCL :  /* function header */
          char *name = get_func_name(n->child[0]);
          n->symtab = mk_symtab();
          n->type = get_type(FUNC);
          n->type->u.f.returntype = n->child[4]->type;
          n->type->u.f.params = n->child[2]->type;
          n->type->u.f.symtab = n->symtab;
          st_insert(current_st, name, n->type);
          populate_params(n->symtab, n->child[2]);

    Discussion of Tree Traversals that perform Semantic Tests

    This example illustrates just one of the myriad-of-specialty-traversal-functions that might be used. This mindset is one way to implement semantic analysis.

    Suppose we have a grammar rule

    AssignStmt : Var EQU Expr
    We want to detect if a variable has not been initialized, before it is used. We can add a boolean field to the symbol table entry, and set it if we see, during a tree traversal, an initialization of that variable. What are the limitations or flaws in this approach?

    We can write traversals of the whole tree after all parsing is completed, but for some semantic rules, another option is to extend the C semantic action for that rule with extra code after building our parse tree node:

    AssignExpr : LorExpr '=' AssignExpr { $$ = alctree(..., $1, $2, $3);
    void lvalue(struct tree *t)
       if (t->label == IDENT) {
          struct symtabentry *ste = lookup(t->u.token.name);
          ste->lvalue = 1;
       for (i=0; i<t->nkids; i++) {
    void rvalue(struct tree *t)
       if (t->label == IDENT) {
          struct symtabentry *ste = lookup(t->u.token.name);
          if (ste->lvalue == 0) warn("possible use before assignment");
       for (i=0; i<t->nkids; i++) {

    lecture #27 began here

    Does VGo do prototypes?
    I told a student "no" this afternoon, because I've already asked plenty of you all. What are the implications?
    What is wrong with the following code? It compiles in Go but not VGo!
    package main
    func main(){
        for sum < 1000 {
            sum += sum
    Great catch. I think several folks had run into this -- I heard rumors -- but until someone gave me a concrete example it was easy to ignore as a possible case of operator error. But here it is. Not too shockingly, it is related to the LBRACE vs. '{' hack that was previously addressed. Due to the syntax of compound literals, the curly brace in this for loop was being parsed as the start of a compound literal expression, instead of the for-loop body. I performed the following changes to the official CS 445 go.y in order to address the problem: These changes got this sample program to parse OK for me. We may yet find some other Go code that won't parse in VGo, particularly related to the '{' vs LBRACE hack. We shall see.
    Is the following legal in VGo? It is legal Go!
    func hello(int) {}
    Interesting. Here is a discussion of the feature in Go. No, this is not legal in VGo. Per the VGo spec, parameters are "a comma-separated list of zero or more variable names and types".
    What is the difference between a function declaration and a variable declaration, when it comes to adding the symbols to the table? as far as the tree is concerned they are almost exactly the same, with the exception of which parent node you had. Is there (or should there be) a line in the symbol entry which states the entry as a function vs a variable?
    You add the symbols to the same table. For HW#3 they are thus treated basically identically. For HW#4 you put in different type information for functions (whose basetype says they are a function, and whose typeinfo includes their parameters and return type) than for simple variables.
    I have code written which (hopefully) creates the symbol table entry for variables. This code uses a function which spins down through non-terminals to get the identifier. Can I use this same function to get the identifier for a function? A function is
    direct_function_declarator: direct_declarator LP ... RP ...
    so after the direct_declarator it has other useful things that I'm not sure need to be in the symbol table entry.
    You can re-use functions that work through similar subtrees, either as-is (if the subtrees really use the same parts of the grammar) or by generalizing or making generic the key decisions about what to do based on production rule. For example, you might add a flag parameter to a function that spins through nonterminals, indicating whether this was in a function declaration or not; that might allow you to tweak the tree traversal to adjust for minor differences.
    You state "You do not have to support nested local scopes". Does this mean there will only be a global scope, or will there be a global + function scopes, but no secondary scopes inside the local functions?
    Correct, function scopes for locals and parameters, but not nested local scopes inside those.

    Real Life vs. toy lvalue/rvalue example

    This example illustrated walking through subtrees looking for specific nodes where some information was inserted into the tree. In real life... For example, if the program starts by calling a subroutine at the bottom of code which initializes all the variables, the flow graph will not be fooled into generating warnings like you would if you just started at the top of the code and checked whether for each variable, assignments appear earlier in the source code than the uses of that variable.

    (x, y, z int) vs. var a, b, c int

    In a parameter list In a variable declaration
           /  |  \
        ATL   ,    ARGTYPE
       / | \        |     \
     |       |	 "z"   "int"
     |       "y"
        /       \
      LVAR    VARDCL
              /    \
           DNL     NTYPE
           /|\       \
        DNL , LNAME  LNAME
        /|\    "c"   "int"
     DNL , LNAME
      |     "b"
    OK, how do we get type information down to the tree nodes where "x"? Specialized subtraversals and/or multiple passes. This sample is probably a duplicate of some earlier sample code, just tied to the non-terminal names of the go.y grammar a bit.
    void populate(struct tree *n, struct symtab *st)
    {   int i;
        if (n==NULL) return;
        for(i=0; i<n->nkids; i++)
           populate(n->kids[i], st);
        switch (n->prodrule) {
        case VARDCL:
           n->type = n->kid[1].type;         // synthesiz
           n->kid[0].type = n->type;         // inherit
           insert_w_typeinfo(n->kid[0], st);
        case NTYPE:
           n->type = n->kid[0].type;
        case LNAME:
           if (!strcmp(n->token->text, "int"))
              n->type = T_INTEGER;
        case ARG_TYPE_LIST_1: /* ATL: arg_type */
        case ARG_TYPE_LIST_2: /* ATL: ATL ',' arg_type */
        case ARG_TYPE_1: /* AT: name_or_type */
        case ARG_TYPE_2: /* AT: sym name_or_type */
        case ARG_TYPE_3: /* AT: sym dotdotdot */
        case ARG_TYPE_4: /* AT: dotdotdot */
     * "inherited attribute" for type could go down by copying from
     * parent node to child nodes, or by passing a parameter. Which is better?
    void insert_w_typeinfo(struct tree *n, struct symtab *st)
    { int i;
      if (n == NULL) return;
      for(i=0; i<n->nkids; i++) {
         if (n->kids[i]) {
            n->kids[i]->type = n->type;
            insert_w_typeinfo(n->kids[i], st);
      switch (n->prodrule) {
      case DNL: /* ?? nothing needed */
      case LNAME:
        st_insert(st, n->token->text, n->type);

    lecture #28 began here

    Midterm Info


    Do we have to check whether array or map subscripts are legal (in-range) in this homework?
    Checking "legality" is HW#4's job. In HW#3 you are hopefully getting the full type information into the symbol table so that you can use it in HW#4.
    My tree's attributes aren't propagating from parent to child, why not?
    If there are tree nodes in the middle, they may have to copy attributes up or down in order for the information to get from source to destination.
    In some example code on the class site, you have the type checking done at the same time as the symbol table entry. Is there any reason not to break these out into 2 separate functions?
    No, no reason at all. In the old days there were reasons.
    What is wrong with this hash?
    for(i=0; i < strlen(s); i++) {
       sum += s[i];
       sum %= ARRAYSIZE;
    How many potential problems can you find in this code?

    Type Checking

    Perhaps the primary component of semantic analysis in many traditional compilers consists of the type checker. In order to check types, one first must have a representation of those types (a type system) and then one must implement comparison and composition operators on those types using the semantic rules of the source language being compiled. Lastly, type checking will involve adding (mostly-) synthesized attributes through those parts of the language grammar that involve expressions and values.

    Type Systems

    Types are defined recursively according to rules defined by the source language being compiled. A type system might start with rules like: In addition, a type system includes rules for assigning these types to the various parts of the program; usually this will be performed using attributes assigned to grammar symbols.

    Example Semantic Rules for Type Checking

    grammar rule semantic rule
    E1 : E2 PLUS E3 E1.type = check_types(PLUS, E2.type, E3.type)
    Where check_types() returns a (struct type *) value. One of the values it can return is TypeError. The operator (PLUS) is passed in to the check types function because behavior may depend on the operator -- the result type for array subscripting works different than the result type for the arithmetic operators, which may work different (in some languages) than the result type for logical operators that return booleans.

    In-class brainstorming: what other type-check rules can we derive?

    Consider the class project. What else will we need to check during semantic analysis, and specifically during type checking?

    Type Promotion and Type Equivalence

    When is it legal to perform an assignment x = y? When x and y are identical types, sure. Many languages such as C have automatic promotion rules for scalar types such as shorts and longs. The results of type checking may include not just a type attribute, they may include a type conversion, which is best represented by inserting a new node in the tree to denote the promoted value. Example:
    int x;
    long y;
    y = y + x;

    For records/structures, some languages use name equivalence, while others use structure equivalence. Features like typedef complicate matters. If you have a new type name MY_INT that is defined to be an int, is it compatible to pass as a parameter to a function that expects regular int's? Object-oriented languages also get interesting during type checking, since subclasses usually are allowed anyplace their superclass would be allowed.

    lecture #29 began here


    Am I understanding correctly that for Homework 3 we don't need any type information? We could theoretically get full credit without storing type details in our symbol tables?
    Yes. Well, you need the type information in the symbol table if possible, but that is to set yourself up for HW#4.
    Is it normal to feel like my code for adding to and checking the symbol tables is messy, gross, and more hard-coded than I'd like?
    HW#1 and HW#2 were using a declarative language. HW#3 will be messy and gross by comparison, because from here on out we are using the imperative paradigm. Walking trees and getting the details all in there will require a lot of code. How gross it is, "Zis is all up to you" (from a Geronimo Stilton book).
    Does our language really require comma-separated lists of variables in declarations? It would be so much easier if it only did one variable per declaration.
    Don't exaggerate. It would not be that much easier. But it is FINE to start by just getting it working for one-variable declarations, then detect and handle two-variable declarations as a special case, then generalize to 3+ variables.

    Midterm Exam Review

    The Midterm will cover lexical analysis, finite automatas, context free grammars, syntax analysis, parsing, and semantic analysis.

    Q: What is likely to appear on the midterm?

    A: questions that allow you to demonstrate that you know

    Sample problems:

    1. Write a regular expression for numeric quantities of U.S. money that start with a dollar sign, followed by one or more digits. Require a comma between every three digits, as in $7,321,212. Also, allow but do not require a decimal point followed by two digits at the end, as in $5.99
    2. Write a non-deterministic finite automaton for the following regular expression, an abstraction of the expression used for real number literal values in C.
    3. Write a regular expression, or explain why you can't write a regular expression, for Modula-2 comments which use (* *) as their boundaries. Unlike C, Modula-2 comments may be nested, as in (* this is a (* nested *) comment *)
    4. Write a context free grammar for the subset of C expressions that include identifiers and function calls with parameters. Parameters may themselves be function calls, as in f(g(x)), or h(a,b,i(j(k,l)))
    5. What are the FIRST(E) and FOLLOW(T) in the grammar:
           E : E + T | T
           T : T * F | F
           F : ( E ) | ident
    6. What is the ε-closure(move({2,4},b)) in the following NFA? That is, suppose you might be in either state 2 or 4 at the time you see a symbol b: what NFA states might you find yourself in after consuming b?
      (automata to be written on the board)
    7. (20 points) (a) Explain why a compiler might be less able to recover and continue from a lexical error than from a syntax error. (b) Explain why a compiler might be less able to recover and continue from a syntax error than from a semantic error.
    8. (30 points) (a) Write a regular expression (you may use Flex extended regular expression operators) for declarations of the form given by the grammar below. You may use the usual regular expression for C/C++ variable names for IDENT. (b) Under what circumstances is it better to use regular expressions, and under what circumstances is it better to use context free grammars?
      declaration : type_specifier decl_list ';' ;
      type_specifier : INT | CHAR | DOUBLE ;
      decl_list : decl | decl ',' decl_list ;
      decl: IDENT | '*' IDENT | IDENT '[' INTCONST ']' ;

    9. (30 points) Some early UNIX utilities, like grep and lex, implemented a non-deterministic finite automata interpreter for each regular expression, resulting in famously slow execution. Why is Flex able to run much faster than these early UNIX tools?

    10. (20 points) Perhaps the most important thing to learn in homework #2 about Flex and Bison was how the two tools communicate information between each other. Describe this communications interface.

    11. (30 points) Perhaps the second most important thing to learn in homework #2 was how and when to build internal nodes in constructing your syntax tree.
      (a) Describe how and when internal nodes need to be constructed, in order for a Bison-based parser to end up with a tree that holds all leaves/terminal symbols. (b) Under what circumstances might a new non-terminal node construction site be skipped? (c) Under what circumstances might some of the leaves/terminal symbols not be needed later during compilation?
    12. (40 points) Consider the following grammar for C variable declarations, given in YACC-style syntax. sm stands for semi-colon. cm stands for comma. id stands for identifier. lb stands for left square bracket. intconst stands for integer constant. rb stands for right square bracket.
      VD : CL T DL sm ;
      CL : static | register | /* epsilon */ ;
      T : int ;
      DL : D | D cm DL ;
      D : id | AST D | D lb intconst rb ;
      a) What are the terminal symbols? b) What are the nonterminal symbols? c) Which nonterminals have recursive productions? d) Remove left recursive rules from this grammar if there are any.
    13. (30 points) Write C code that is error free and produces no warnings, which performs the following tasks: a) declare a variable of type pointer to struct token, where struct token has an integer category, a string lexeme, and an integer lineno, b) allocate some memory from the heap large enough to hold a struct token and point your variable at it, and c) initialize your memory to all zero bits. You may assume “struct token” with its field definitions, has already been defined earlier in the C file before your code fragment.
    14. (20 points) In looking at your yydebug output, several of you noticed that it appeared like the same terminal symbol (for example, a semi-colon) was repeated over and over again in the output, even through sections of parsing where no syntax error occurred. Why might the same terminal symbol appear on the input repeatedly through several iterations of a shift-reduce parser. (30 points) What are semantic attributes? Briefly define and give an example of the major kinds of semantic attributes that might be used in semantic analysis for a language such as C++.
    15. (30 points) Symbol tables play a prominent role in semantic analysis. How are symbol tables used in type checking? Give an example, with a brief explanation of how the symbol table is involved.

    lecture #30 began here

    CDA Midterm Exam Revised Instructions

    CDA students: our CDA Associate Chair Bob Rinker went over and looked at the NIC Testing Center, and decided it would be better for you to take the exam on Thursday at 2:30 at the Den if possible. See Carrie Morrison there, who will proctor your exam. If you cannot take the exam at the Den at 2:30, the NIC Testing Center is your backup plan and the midterm can be taken there at your appointed time; in that case, your midterm grade next Monday might or might not include your Midterm exam grade, since I might or might not receive the exam from them before the weekend.

    Implementing Structs

    Some years, CS 445 implements classes, not structs. But some languages such as C or VGo have structs. How much of this is similar, and how much needs to be different, if you had to do classes?
    1. In C/C++, storing and retrieving structs by their label -- the struct label is how structs are identified. In Go/VGo, the reserved word type is more like a C/C++ typedef. If you were doing C/C++-style struct labels, the labels can be keys in a separate hash table, similar to the global symbol table. You can put them in the global symbol table so long as you can tell the difference between them and regular symbol names, for example by storing them as "struct foo" (not a legal name) instead of just storing them as "foo".
    2. You have to store fieldnames and their types, from where the struct is declared. This is conceptually a new local scope. In a production language you would use a hash table for each struct, but in CS 445 a link list would be OK as an alternative. Then again, if you've built a hash table data type for the global and local symbol tables, why not just use it for struct field scopes?
    3. You have to use the struct's type information to check the validity of each dot operator like in rec.foo. To do this you'll have to lookup rec in the symbol table, where you store rec's type. rec's type must be a struct type for the dot to be legal, and that struct type should include the hash table or link list that gives the names and types of the fields -- where you can lookup the name foo to find its type.

    Type Checking Example

    Work through a type checking example for the function call to foo() shown in bold in the example below. This is a C language example. The Go/VGo would be pretty similar; how much would be different?

    C Go
    int foo(int x, string y) {
       return x
    int main()
       int z
       z = foo(5, "funf")
       return 0
    func foo(x int, y string) int {
       return x
    func main() int {
       var z int
       z = foo(5, "funf")
       return 0

    After parsing, the symbol table (left) and syntax tree for the call (right) looks like:

    The typecheck of this tree proceeds as a post-fix traversal of the tree. Type information starts from leaves, which either know their type if they have one (constants) or look up their type in the symbol table (identifiers). Can you hand-simulate this in the correct order, filling in .type fields for each tree node?

    Need Help with Type Checking?

    Type Checking Function Calls

    void typecheck(nodeptr n)
       if (n==NULL) return;
       for(int i; i < n->nkids; i++) typecheck(n->child[i]);
       switch(n->prodrule) {
       case POSTFIX_EXPRESSION_3: {
          n->type = check_types(FUNCALL, n->child[0]->type, n->child[2]->type);
    typeptr check_types(int operand, typeptr x, typeptr y)
       switch (operand) {
       case  FUNCALL: {
          if (x->basetype != FUNC)
             return type_error("function expected", x);
          if (y->basetype != TUPLE)
             return type_error("tuple expected", y);
          if (x->u.f.nparams != y->u.t.nelems)
             return type_error("wrong number of parameters", y);
           * for-loop, compare types of arguments
          for(int i = 0; i < x->u.f.nparams; i++)
             if (check_types(PARAM, x->u.f.params[i], y->u.t.elems[i]) ==
    	     TYPE_ERROR) return TYPE_ERROR;
           * If the call is OK, our type is the function return type.
          return x->u.f.returntype;

    Building Type Information

    Semantic Analysis and Classes

    What work is performed during the semantic analysis phase, to support classes?

    How to TypeCheck Square Brackets

    This is about the grammar production whose right-hand side is:
    postfix_expression LB expression RB
    1. recursively typecheck $1 and $3 ... compute/synthesize their .type fields.
    2. What type(s) does $1 have to be? LIST/ARRAY (or TABLE, if a table type exists)
    3. What type(s) does $3 have to be? INTEGER (or e.g. STRING/ARRAY OF CHAR, for tables)
    4. What is the result type we assign to $$? Lookup the element type from $1
    Pseudo-code fragment. Goal is to find errors and determine n's type.
    int typecheck_array(struct tree *n)
       struct tree *n1 = n->child[0];
       struct tree *n3 = n->child[2];
        * recursively typecheck children.
       if (typecheck(n1) == TYPE_ERROR ||
           typecheck(n3) == TYPE_ERROR) {
          n->type = TYPE_ERROR;
          return TYPE_ERROR;
        * Given the children's types, see whether n1[n3] is legal
       switch (n1->type->basetype) {
       case LIST:
          /* ... insert list typecheck code here */
       case TABLE:
          /* ... insert table typecheck code here */
          bad_type("list or table expected in [] operation", n1);
          return TYPE_ERROR;

    Typechecking Square Brackets Example, cont'd

    Where we left off was:
        * Given the children's types, see whether n1[n3] is legal
       switch (n1->type->basetype) {
       case LIST:
          /* check if n3's type is integer */
          if (n3->type->basetype != BT_INTEGER) {
              bad_type("list must be subscripted with integers", n3);
    	  return TYPE_ERROR;
          /* assign n's type to be n1's element type */
          n->type = n1->type->u.l.elemtype;
       case TABLE:
          /* check if n3's type is n1's index type */
          if (n3->type->basetype != n1->type->u.t.indextype->basetype) {
              bad_type("table must be subscripted with its declared index type", n3);
    	  return TYPE_ERROR;
          /* assign n's type to be n1's element type */
          n->type = n1->type->u.t.elemtype;
          bad_type("list or table expected in [] operation", n1);
          /* what does n's type field hold, then */
          n->type = /* ?? */
          return TYPE_ERROR;

    Did we get something like:
          if (n3->type->basetype != INTEGER) {
             bad_type("index must be integer in [] operation", n3);
          n->type = n1->type->elemtype;
          if (n3->type->basetype != n1->type->indextype) {
             bad_type("index type must be compatible in [] operation", n3);
          n->type = n1->type->elemtype;

    What other type checking examples should we be doing?

    So far in lecture we have seen possibly-too-handwavy examples of What else would help you wrap your brains around type checking?

    lecture #m began here

    Midterm Exam Discussion

    lecture #31 began here

    HW#3 Discussion


    I am having a problem with a segmentation fault. Can you help?
    When sticking print statements into your program no longer cuts it, your two best hopes are GDB and Valgrind. Yes, I can help.
    The problem is, there's just so much to type check (I mean, literally everything has a type!); can you suggest any ways to go about this in a quicker manner, or anything in the aforementioned list that could be pruned/ignored?
    Hey, look how easy it is to modify our tree-print function to instead generate a .dot file which the dot(1) program on cs-course42 can turn into a tree that looks like this:

    [Student shows ~110 lines of C code that writes two .dot files with different levels of detail via a traversal function similar to your HW#2 tree printer.]

    That is pretty darned awesome, thank you. Folks are encouraged to check out dot(1). This kind of tree could be extended with type info that might be really useful for debugging HW#4!

    Another Typecheck Example

    Consider the following small program.
    C Go
    int fib(int n)
      if (n < 3) { return 1; }
      return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1);
    void main()
       int i;
       i = 0;
       while (i < 5) {
          i += 1;
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func fib(n int) int {
      if n < 3 { return 1 }
      return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
    func main() {
       var i int
       for i < 7 {
          i += 1

    lecture #32 began here

    HW#3 Status

    fib() Type Checking Example, cont'd

    For what it's worth, I did work on gearing up to use the student-suggested parse tree generator via the dot program.

    lecture #33 began here


    When creating an array VGo allows for the following:
       var x []int 
    What should the array size be when this happens? Is this supposed to be an all-knowing infinite array or an empty array?
    I think we discussed this in class last time -- this syntax is in Go but not in VGo.

    From Type Checking on Towards Code Generation

    Run-time Environments

    How does a compiler (or a linker) compute the addresses for the various instructions and references to data that appear in the program source code?
    To generate code for it, the compiler has to "lay out" the data as it will be used at runtime, deciding how big things are, and where they will go.

    Scopes and Bindings

    This last item is generally done via a symbol table. In most compiled languages it happens at compile time (in contrast, for example ,with LISP).

    Environment and State

    Environment maps source code names onto storage addresses (at compile time), while state maps storage addresses into values (at runtime). Environment relies on binding rules and is used in code generation; state operations are loads/stores into memory, as well as allocations and deallocations. Environment is concerned with scope rules, state is concerned with things like the lifetimes of variables.

    Runtime Memory Regions

    Operating systems vary in terms of how the organize program memory for runtime execution, but a typical scheme looks like this:
    static data
    stack (grows down)
    heap (may grow up, from bottom of address space)
    The code section may be read-only, and shared among multiple instances of a program. Dynamic loading may introduce multiple code regions, which may not be contiguous, and some of them may be shared by different programs. The static data area may consist of two sections, one for "initialized data", and one section for uninitialized (i.e. all zero's at the beginning). Some OS'es place the heap at the very end of the address space, with a big hole so either the stack or the heap may grow arbitrarily large. Other OS'es fix the stack size and place the heap above the stack and grow it down.

    Questions to ask about a language, before writing its code generator

    1. May procedures be recursive? (Duh, all modern languages...)
    2. What happens to locals when a procedure returns? (Lazy deallocation rare)
    3. May a procedure refer to non-local, non-global names? (Pascal-style nested procedures, and object field names)
    4. How are parameters passed? (Many styles possible, different declarations for each (Pascal), rules hardwired by type (C)?)
    5. May procedures be passed as parameters? (Not too awful)
    6. May procedures be return values? (Adds complexity for non-local names)
    7. May storage be allocated dynamically (Duh, all modern languages... but some languages do it with syntax (new) others with library (malloc))
    8. Must storage by deallocated explicitly (garbage collector?)

    lecture #34 began here


    I'm still working on hw3 since I can't get my assignment 3 working clean enough for hw4. I know thet we are half way through hw4 time. So what should I do? I do not wanna fail this class and its not like I haven't been putting lots of effort into it.
    You are graded relative to your peers, and many of your peers are also far behind. If you have been putting lots of effort, and you are getting instructor help when you get stuck, you should be able to make progress on your HW#3. This week is your last week to decide whether to drop, and possibly try Dr. Heckendorn next semester, or whether to stay in. If you stay in, and give it your best shot, odds are good that relative to your peers, you will be OK.

    "Modern" Runtime Systems

    Modern languages' runtime systems have extra properties compared with that of a traditional language like C. Here are a few examples.

    A "self" or "this" in every method call.
    Possibly implemented via a dedicated register, or an implicit, extra parameter. Either way, OO slightly alters the activation record.
    Garbage collection.
    Automatic (heap) storage management is one of the most important features that makes programming easier. The Basic problem in garbage collection is: given a piece of memory, are there any pointers to it? (And if so, where exactly are all of them please). Approaches: Note that there is a fine paper presenting a "unified theory of garbage collection
    Objects can describe themselves, via a set of member functions. This plays a central role in Visual GUI builders, IDE's, component architectures and other uses.
    Just-in-time compilation.
    A virtual machine ("byte code") execution model...can be augmented by a compiler built-in to the VM that converts VM instructions to native code for frequently executed methods or code blocks.
    Security model.
    Modern languages may attempt to guarantee certain security properties, or prevent certain kinds of attacks.
    For what its worth, goal-directed programs in languages such as Unicon have an activation tree each instant, due to suspended activations that may be resumed for additional results. The lifetime view is a sort of multidimensional tree, with three types of nodes.

    Activation Records

    Activation records organize the stack, one record per method/function call.

    return value
    previous frame pointer (FP)
    saved registers
    FP-->saved PC

    At any given instant, the live activation records form a chain and follow a stack (push/pop) discipline for allocation/deallocation. Since each activation record contains a pointer to the previous one, it is really pretty much a linked list we are talking about, with a base pointer register holding the pointer to the top of the stack.

    Over the lifetime of the program, all these activation records, if saved, would form a gigantic tree. If you remember all prior execution up to a current point, you have a big tree in which its rightmost edge are live activation records, and the non-rightmost tree nodes are an execution history of prior calls. (Program Monitoring and Visualization could allow us to depict and inspect this history tree.)

    Variable Allocation and Access Issues

    Given a variable name, how do we compute its address?
    easy, symbol table lookup... once we have figured out how to allocate addresses in a process that does not exist yet.
    easy, symbol table gives offset in (current) activation record
    Is it "easy"? If no virtual semantics*, symbol table gives offset in object, activation record has pointer to current object in a standard location. (This is the reason C++ does not use virtual semantics by default.)
    For virtual semantics, generate code to look up offset in a table at runtime, based on the current object's type/class.
    locals in some enclosing block/method/procedure
    ugh. Pascal, Ada, and friends offer their own unique kind of pain. Q: does the current block support recursion? Example: for procedures the answer would be yes; for nested { { } } blocks in C the answer would be no.

    *What are "Virtual" Semantics?

    C++ is (just about) the only major object-oriented language that has to compete with C in the performance arena. For this reason, it chose early on to be different than every other OO language. By default, if you are working on a class Foo object, you can find Foo's member variables and call Foo's methods by compile-time-determinable memory offsets and addresses. So a class is basically no worse than a struct to generate code for.

    If you say the keyword "virtual" in C++, or if you use just about any other OOP language, subclassing and interfacing semantics mean that the address referred to by o.x or o.m() has to be calculated at runtime by looking up o's actual class, using runtime type information.

    Sizing up your Regions and Activation Records

    Add a size field to every symbol table entry. Many types are not required for your C445 project but we might want to discuss them anyhow.

    You do this sizing up once for each scope. The size of each scope is the sum of the sizes of symbols in its symbol table.

    lecture #35 began here

    Midterm Grades

    Intermediate Code Generation

    Goal: list of machine-independent instructions for each procedure/method in the program. Basic data layout of all variables.

    Can be formulated as syntax-directed translation

    Helper Functions for Intermediate Code Generation

    These helper functions might really be best described as returning "addresses". Intermediate code addresses are described down below.

    Semantic Rules for Intermediate Code Generation

    Code for evaluating traditional expressions can be synthesized via bottom-up traversal.

    ProductionSemantic Rules
    S -> id ASN E S.place = id.place
    S.code = E.code || gen(ASN, id.place, E.place)
    E -> E1 PLUS E2 E.place = newtemp()
    E.code = E1.code || E2.code || gen(PLUS,E.place,E1.place,E2.place)
    E -> E1 MUL E2 E.place = newtemp()
    E.code = E1.code || E2.code || gen(MUL,E.place,E1.place,E2.place)
    E -> MINUS E1 E.place = newtemp()
    E.code = E1.code || gen(NEG,E.place,E1.place)
    E -> LP E1 RP E.place = E1.place
    E.code = E1.code
    E -> IDENT E.place = id.place
    E.code = emptylist()

    Three-Address Code

    Basic idea: break down source language expressions into simple pieces that: You can literally just make up this intermediate code file format. It should be human readable and resemble assembler code.


    mnemonicC equivalent description
    ADD,SUB,MUL,DIVx = y op z; store result of binary operation on y and z to x
    NEGx = -y; store result of unary operation on y to x
    ASNx = y store y to x
    ADDRx = &y store address of y to x
    LCONTx = *y store contents pointed to by y to x
    SCONT *x = y store y to location pointed to by x
    GOTOgoto L unconditional jump to L
    BLT,...if x rop y then goto L binary conditional jump to L; rop is a "relational operator" (comparison)
    BIFif x then goto L unary conditional jump to L
    BNIFif !x then goto L unary negative conditional jump to L
    PARMparam x store x as a parameter
    CALLcall p,n,x call procedure p with n parameters, store result in x
    RETreturn x return from procedure, use x as the result

    Declarations (Pseudo instructions): These declarations list size units as "bytes"; in a uniform-size environment offsets and counts could be given in units of "words", where a slot (8 bytes on 64-bit machines) holds anything.

    global x,n1,n2    
    declare a global named x at offset n1 having n2 bytes of space
    proc x,n1,n2
    declare a procedure named x with n1 bytes of parameter space and n2 bytes of local variable space
    local x,n
    declare a local named x at offset n from the procedure frame.
    Optional, allows you to use names in your three-address instructions to denote the offset. Beware scope.
    label Ln
    designate that label Ln refers to the next instruction
    declare the end of the current procedure

    lecture #36 began here


    How do I get started on code generation?
    Start at the leaves, a.k.a. basis cases. After you have done these things (you may need to print trees that show), you are ready to start allocating .code

    TAC for Composites/Containers and Object Oriented Code

    The sketchiness of the following table is pretty good evidence that we are just making this up as we go along.

    x = y.zlookup field named z within y, store address to x
    x = new Foo,ncreate a new instance of class named x, store address to x.
    Constructor is called with n parameters (previously pushed on the stack).
    class x,n1,n2pseudoinstruction to declare a class named x with n1 bytes of class variables and n2 bytes of class method pointers
    field x,npseudoinstruction to declare a field named x at offset n in the class frame

    Note: no new instructions are introduced for a member function call. In a non-virtual OO language, a member function call o.m(x) might be translated as Foo__m(o,x), where Foo is o's class. Other translation schemes are possible.

    Variable Reference, Dereference, and Assignment Semantics

    Given, say, x having a value of 2, what does the following compute?
       int y = x + (x = x + 1) + x;
    OK, what about
       int y = x + x + (x = x + 1) + x;
    In order to get the answers right, one has to understand the moment at which a variable reference is computed versus the moment at which it is dereferenced to obtain its value, versus the moment at which it is assigned a new value.

    Operator precedence (and parentheses) determine what order the expressions are evaluated. But evaluating something as simple as expr+expr can give surprise results if variables' values can change between their reference construction and dereferencing operation.

    Tree Traversals for Moving Information Around

    Like with semantic analysis, the intermediate code generation game is largely one of moving information around in the tree. The alternative to writing one huge recursion consisting of gigantic switch statements is the "swarm" model: write a suite of mutually-recursive functions that know how to do work for each different rule or each different type of non-terminal node for that traversal.

    Traversal code example

    The following code sample illustrates a code generation tree traversal. Note the gigantic switch statement. A student once asked the question of whether the link lists might grow longish, and if one is usually appending instructions on to the end, wouldn't a naive link list do a terrible O(n2) job. To which the answer was: yes, and it would be good to use a smarter data structure, such as one which stores both the head and the tail of each list.
    void codegen(nodeptr t)
       int i, j;
       if (t==NULL) return;
        * this is a post-order traversal, so visit children first
        * back from children, consider what we have to do with
        * this node. The main thing we have to do, one way or
        * another, is assign t->code
       switch (t->label) {
       case PLUS: {
          t->code = concat(t->child[0].code, t->child[1].code);
          g = gen(PLUS, t->address,
                  t->child[0].address, t->child[1].address);
          t->code = concat(t->code, g);
        * ... really, a bazillion cases, up to one for each
        * production rule (in the worst case)
          /* default is: concatenate our children's code */
          t->code = NULL;
             t->code = concat(t->code, t->child[i].code);

    Codegen Example #1

    void main()
       int i
       i = 5
       i = i * i + 1
    We want something like
    proc main,0,32
    	ASN	loc:0,const:5
    	MUL	loc:8,loc:0,loc:0
    	ADD	loc:16,loc:8,const:1
    	ASN	loc:0,loc:16
    	PARAM	loc:0
    	CALL	write,1,loc:24
    We will do more substantive examples, in a bit.

    lecture #37 began here


    the following is legal in Go.
    var x int
    var y float64
    x, y = 5, 10.4
    Is this legal VGo? Are they allowed to have different types in the declaration at once such as this having both int and float64?
    I think we've said that "multiple assignment" was not in VGo. The only possible waffle I've done was about reading input, because the most fundamental functions for reading input in Go require multiple assignment syntax.

    Reading input in VGo

    Based on current information about the alternatives, I think we want to support fmt.Scanln(). That means that there is exactly one kind of pointer we should allow in VGo.

    Options were:

    1. Use the blank identifier and introduce a package bufio with a NewReader that returns a predefined type *Reader and a package os with Stdin. Support a very limited multiple assignment in order to accomodate ReadString(), which returns both a string and a failure.
      var reader *bufio.Reader
      reader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
      text, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
      Note that if I had 445 to do over again, I might just tell us to support multiple assignment, since it is about the same logic (type tuples) as what you have to do for parameter passing, anyhow.
    2. Use a pointer:
    3. ... your better option here?
    While we are at it, how do you compare strings in Go?
    if strings.Compare("exit", text) == 0 {

    Compute the Offset of Each Variable

    Add an address field to every symbol table entry.
    The address contains a region plus an offset in that region.
    No two variables may occupy the same memory at the same time.
    At the intermediate code level, do not bother to re-use memory. In optimization and then in final code, re-use will be a big thing.

    Locals and Parameters are not Contiguous!

    For each function you need either to manage two separate regions for locals and for parameters, or else you need to track where in that region the split between locals and parameters will be. This may become more "interesting" if parameters are passed in registers.

    Basic Blocks

    A basic block is a sequence of 1+ instructions in which there are no jumps into or out of the middle. In the most extreme case, every instruction is a basic block. Start from that perspective and then lump adjacent instructions together if nothing can come between them.

    What are the basic blocks in the following 3-address code? ("read" is a 3-address code to read in an integer.)

    	read x
    	t1 = x > 0
    	if t1 == 0 goto L1
    	fact = 1
    	label L2
    	t2 = fact * x
    	fact = t2
    	t3 = x - 1
    	x = t3
    	t4 = x == 0
    	if t4 == 0 goto L2
    	t5 = addr const:0
    	param t5		; "%d\n"
    	param fact
    	call p,2
    	label L1

    Discussion of Basic Blocks

    Basic blocks are often used in order to talk about specific types of optimizations.
    For example, there are optimizations that are only safe to do within a basic block, such as "instruction reordering for superscalar pipeline filling".
    So, why introduce basic blocks here?
    our next topic is intermediate code for control flow, which includes gotos and labels, so maybe we ought to start thinking in terms of basic blocks and flow graphs, not just linked lists of instructions.
    view every basic block as a hamburger
    it will be a lot easier to eat if you sandwich it inside a pair of labels:
    	label START_OF_BLOCK_7031
    	...code for this basic block...
    	label END_OF_BLOCK_7031
    the label sandwich lets you:
    For example, for an if-then statement, you may need to jump to the beginning of the statement in the then-part...or you may need to jump over it, the choice depending on the outcome of a boolean.
    Yeah, these lecture notes repeat themselves about the label sandwich, almost immediately. That must be on purpose.

    C Operators

    In case you were fuzzy on the operators you need to support:
    Essential Non-essential
    = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |=
    + - * / % >> << ++ -- ^
    && || ! & | ~
    < <= > >= == != ternary x ? y : z
    expr[expr] x.y &x x->y *x
    x:=:y; d x; y d x; #x expr[i:j]
    Plus concatenation, which is invisible, but not unimportant.

    lecture #38 began here

    Fully Committed and Past the Drop Date

    After last week's drop deadline, there are now 29 in the class, including two EO and three in CDA. Congratulations on sticking it out.

    HW#4 is due tonight at 11:59pm. There should be lots of juicy questions!


    How late is the late fee on HW#4?
    According to the complex late fee schedule I published earlier, the HW#4 late fee is 4% per day. I reserve the right to reduce that late fee if individual circumstances (health, etc.) warrant. The bigger cost of lateness is if you end up with goose eggs in HW#5 and HW#6 -- those can really cost you in your final grade.
    How do I typecheck Go's make(x) function?
    Good catch: this is not a normal function, is it? If I say
    m = make(map[string]Vertex)
    I am constructing a map, and the argument is not a regular value at all -- it is a type. I suggest you treat make as a special case. You can verify that the type is a map type. You can make the return type of make() be whatever type was passed in as its argument. To generate code for it, we need a strategy.
    What string operations do we have to support?
    Strings are a built-in immutable type with subscript and len(s) built-in function. Although I would really like to strings.Compare() and a few other items from the package strings...nope you do not have to do them.
    Are we supporting comparisons of doubles with ==, !=, <=, and >=?
    Is it possible/legal to have variables of type void?
    To what types of variable is it legal to assign 'nil'?
    Reference types: list, tables and class instances can be nil. But you almost never have to say 'nil' in Go because variables all start with the value nil automatically.

    Intermediate Code for Control Flow

    Code for control flow (if-then, switches, and loops) consists of code to test conditions, and the use of goto instructions and labels to route execution to the correct code. Each chunk of code that is executed together (no jumps into or out of it) is called a basic block. The basic blocks are nodes in a control flow graph, where goto instructions, as well as falling through from one basic block to another, are edges connecting basic blocks.

    Depending on your source language's semantic rules for things like "short-circuit" evaluation for boolean operators, the operators like || and && might be similar to + and * (non-short-circuit) or they might be more like if-then code.

    A general technique for implementing control flow code:

    If-Then and If-Then-Else

    The labels have to actually be allocated and attached to instructions at appropriate nodes in the tree corresponding to grammar production rules that govern control flow. An instruction in the middle of a basic block need neither a first nor a follow.
    C syntaxAttribute Manipulations
    S->if '(' E ')' S1E.true = newlabel();
    E.false = S.follow;
    S1.follow = S.follow;
    S.code = E.code || gen(LABEL, E.true)||
    S->if '(' E ')' S1 else S2 E.true = newlabel();
    E.false = newlabel();
    S1.follow = S.follow;
    S2.follow = S.follow;
    S.code = E.code || gen(LABEL, E.true)||
           S1.code || gen(GOTO, S.follow) ||
           gen(LABEL, E.false) || S2.code

    lecture #39 began here


    When we are inputting multiple files for the compiler, should we be resetting the global table or allowing for redeclarations of global variables to carry over to the other files? I noticed that this was the first assignment in the specification that we should be treating all the files as one with a very large name space and wanted to get clarification.
    I previously said in class that we would skip multi-file translation for HW#3 and beyond, back before we understood that Go (and VGo) would require a full separate pass to populate the symbol table. If I had it to do over again, I would say: handle multiple files, and allow redeclarations of packages, and leave the package main global symbol table around across all specified files. Not sure I want to change anything to be harder at this point, only want to change things to be easier, so at the moment as things stand, you do not have to handle multiple files.
    I can easily fix some of my HW#3 problems. Can I turn in HW#3 to try and grind a couple more points out of you?
    BBlearn will let you resubmit. If you lost catastrophic points, it is definitely worth resubmitting. If you only missed a few, I probably will assess a late fee that makes the resubmit mostly moot. Fix issues anyhow so you don't lose points on HW#4-6.
    Do we need separate intermediate code instructions for floating point and for integer operations?
    Good question. What do you think?

    Generating Code for Conditions

    Understanding the big picture on code generation for control structures such as if's and while's requires an understanding of how to generate code for the boolean expressions that control these constructs.

    Comparing Regular and Short Circuit Control Flow

    Different languages have different semantics for booleans.

    Boolean Expression Example

    a<b || c<d && e<f
    Compare three intermediate code solutions given below.

    conditional branches relop instructions short circuit
    100:	if a<b goto 103
    	t1 = 0
    	goto 104
    103:	t1 = 1
    104:	if c<d goto 107
    	t2 = 0
    	goto 108
    107:	t2 = 1
    108:	if e<f goto 111
    	t3 = 0
    	goto 112
    111:	t3 = 1
    112:	t4 = t2 AND t3
    	t5 = t1 OR t4
    t1 := a LT b
    t2 := c LT d
    t3 := e LT f
    t4 := t2 AND t3
    t5 := t1 OR t4
        if a<b goto E.true
        if c<d goto L1
        goto E.false
    L1: if e<f goto E.true
        goto E.false

    Short circuit semantics is short, fast, and can be used to play parlor tricks.

    Q: do we know enough now to write the code generation rules for booleans?
    C syntax Attribute Manipulations
    E->E1 && E2
     E2.first = newlabel();
     E1.true = E2.first;
     E1.false = E.false;
     E2.true = E.true;
     E2.false = E.false;
     E.code = E1.code || gen(LABEL, E2.first) || E2.code;
    E->E1 || E2
     E2.first = newlabel();
     E1.true = E.true;
     E1.false = E2.first;
     E2.true = E.true;
     E2.false = E.false;
     E.code = E1.code || gen(LABEL, E2.first) || E2.code;
    E->! E1
    E1.true = E.false
    E1.false = E.true
    E.code = E1.code
    E -> x
      gen(BIF, E.false, x.place, con:0) ||
      gen(GOTO, E.true)
    Hints: parent fill's out childrens' inherited attributes...

    lecture #40 began here


    I understand for hw 5 we are supposed to do intermediate code generation. And I sorta understand that we are supposed to get label points added at key places in our tree as semantic properties for the next step. What I don't understand is what I will be doing in more detail. For c what should this be looking like.
    Tree traversals that compute more attributes. A lot of small do-able pieces of work that will be combined. Steps to intermediate code generation include:
    Traditionally, % only works on integer arguments. Do I need to ensure that, or do I need to worry about modulus for other types?
    % requires integer arguments.
    For structs , how do we size them?
    The size of the instances will be the sum of the sizes of the member variables (rounding up each variable to the next 8 byte (machine word) boundary), allocated out of the heap. The class itself occupies no space. Variables that hold references to instances are sized as pointers (8 bytes) in the global or local regions.
    Do I need to give them a region/offset before I create an instance? My thought is to give them a size, but only assign a region/offset to an instance of the class. Does this sound right?
    Sure, size yes, location no. In fact, at compile time you can only give the region/offset of the object reference; the address of the actual object in the heap is not known until runtime.
    Does the size of a method include the size of the private members that are declared inside the class but used inside the function?
    VGo is not doing methods. But if we were... private members are allocated/sized in the instances, not the functions. The member functions that use class variables must do so using byte offsets relative to the beginning of an object reference, and these byte offsets are consistent, for a given instance, and do not vary depending on which function is called.
    How do I designate float constants?
    Most CPU's do not have float immediate instructions. We need an actual constant region, we need that for string constants too. So create a region for them, perhaps R_FLOAT and R_STRING, with byte offsets starting at word boundaries. Or you can have one combined region, perhaps R_RODATA.

    Intermediate Code for Relational Operators

    C syntaxgotos bool value both ?
    E-> E1 < E2 E.code = E1.code || E2.code ||
          gen(BLT, E1.place, E2.place, E.true) ||
          gen(GOTO, E.false)
    E.place = newtemp()
    E.code = E1.code || E2.code ||
          gen(LT, E.place, E1.place, E2.place)
    E.place = newtemp()
    E.code = E1.code || E2.code ||
          gen(LT, E.place, E1.place, E2.place) ||
          gen(BIF, E.place, E.true) ||
          gen(GOTO, E.false)

    Intermediate Code for Loops

    While Loops

    A while loop has semantic attributes and rules for intermediate code that are very similar to an if-statement. There is almost only one difference, the goto back to the beginning. Is there anything else missing or wrong here?

    C syntaxAttribute Manipulations
    S->while '(' E ')' S1E.true = newlabel();
    E.first = newlabel();
    E.false = S.follow;
    S1.follow = E.first;
    S.code = gen(LABEL, E.first) ||
       E.code || gen(LABEL, E.true)||
       S1.code ||
       gen(GOTO, E.first)

    Finishing touches: what attributes and/or labels does this plan need in order to support break and continue statements?

    For Loops

    For-loops can be trivially transformed into while loops, so they pose just about no new code generation issues. Notice that only some expressions need .true/.false: the ones used as conditionals.

    C syntaxequivalentAttribute Manipulations
    S->for( E1; E2; E3 )
    while (E2) {
    E2.true = newlabel();
    E2.first = newlabel();
    E2.false = S.follow;
    S1.follow = E3.first;
    S.code = E1.code ||
       gen(LABEL, E2.first) ||
       E2.code || gen(LABEL, E2.true)||
       S1.code ||
       E3.code ||
       gen(GOTO, E2.first)

    Again: what attributes and/or labels does this plan need in order to support break and continue statements?

    lecture #41 began here

    Homework Status

    Code generation for Switch Statements

    Consider the C switch statement
    switch(e) of {
       case v1:
       case v2:
       case vn-1:
    The intermediate code for this might look like:
    	code for e, storing result in temp var t
    	goto Test
    	code for S1
    	code for S2
    	code for Sn-1
    	code for Sn
    	goto Next
    	if t=v1 goto L1
    	if t=v2 goto L2
    	if t=vn-1 goto Ln-1
    	goto Ln
    Note that C "break" statements
    are implemented in S1-Sn
    by "goto Next" instructions.

    Intermediate Code Generation Examples

    Consider the following small program. It would be fair game as input to your compiler project. In order to show blow-by-blow what the code generation process looks like, we need to construct the syntax tree and do the semantic analysis steps.

    void print(int i);
    void main()
       int i;
       i = 0;
       while (i < 20)
          i = i * i + 1;
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
      var i int
      i = 0
      for i < 20 {
        i = i * i + 1

    We proceeded with a discussion of how to build the .code fields. One thing that got said was: .code fields get built via a post-order traversal (synthetised attribute) but .true, .false etc. are inherited and may require a previous pass through the tree, or a pre-order traversal. If you are trying to do both in one pass it might look like the following.

    lecture #42 began here


    Are you calling functions like they are variables???
    No of course not. And you aren't supposed to be allowing that either.
    Is there any chance I can resubmit for extra points from hw4?
    Yeah, sure.

    Discussion of HW#4

    lecture #43 began here

    Looking at Test case 5 you are trying to Println a float value but we are not allowed to overload. So, should Println accept float or a string to avoid overloading?
    So, we danced around the question of how to print numbers before. Go seems to accept fmt.Println(i) for i being numberic, but I am trying to avoid making you implement type casts/conversions, and trying to avoid making you implement function overloading.

    itoa(i) and ftoa(f) in VGo

    itoa(i int) string ftoa(f float64) string
    func itoa(i int) string {
    if i == 0 { return "0"}
    if i == 1 { return "1"}
    if i == 2 { return "2"}
    if i == 3 { return "3"}
    if i == 4 { return "4"}
    if i == 5 { return "5"}
    if i == 6 { return "6"}
    if i == 7 { return "7"}
    if i == 8 { return "8"}
    if i == 9 { return "9"}
    func ftoa(f float64) string {

    A Code Generation Function

    void codegen(struct tree *t)
       // pre-order stuff, e.g. label generation
       switch (t->prodrule) {
          case ITERATION_STMT: // inherited attributes for while loop
             // push an inherited attribute to child before visiting them
             t->child[2]->true = newlabel();
       // visit children
       for(i=0; i < t->nkids; i++) codegen(t->child[0]);
       // post-order stuff, e.g. code generation
       switch (t->prodrule) {
          case CONDEXPR_2: // synthesized attribs for CondExpr: Expr < Expr
             t->code = concat(
    		gen(BLT, t->child[0]->place, t->child[2]->place, t->true),
    		gen(GOTO, t->false)
          case ITERATION_STMT: // synthesized attributes for while loop
    	 t->code = concat(
                        gen(LABEL, t->child[2]->first),
                        gen(LABEL, t->child[2]->true),
    		    gen(GOTO, t->child[2]->first));
    The code for the boolean conditional expression controlling the while loop is a list of length 1, containing the instruction t0 = i < 20, or more formally
    gotos bool value

    The actual C representation of addresses dest, src1, and src2 is a

    pair, so the picture of this intermediate code instruction really looks something like this:

    gotosbool value



    (E.true's label#)




    Regions are expressed with a simple integer encoding like: global=1, local=2, const=3. Note that address values in all regions are offsets from the start of the region, except for region "const", which stores the actual value of a single integer as its offset.





    The rest of class was spent elaborating on the linked list of instructions for the preceding example.

    .first and .follow for StmtList

    Suppose you have grammar rules

    FuncBody : '{' StatementList '}' ;
    StatementList : StatementList Statement ;
    StatementList :  ;
    What kind of .first and .follow values can we develop and pass in to children from these rules?

    Syntax Attribute Manipulations
    FuncBody : '{' StatementList '}'
    StatementList.follow = newlabel();
    FuncBody.code = StatementList.code ||
                     gen(LABEL,StatementList.follow) ||
    StatementList1: StatementList2 Statement
    StatementList2.follow = Statement.first;
    Statement.follow = StatementList1.follow ||
    StatementList1.code = StatementList2.code || Statement.code
    StatementList : ;
    /* no need for a StatementList.follow */
    StatementList.first = newlabel()
    StatementList.code = gen(LABEL, StatementList.first) || gen(NOOP)

    More Code Generation Examples

    You should implement your code generation one operator at a time, simplest expressions first.

    Zero operators.

    if (x) S
    translates into
    if x != 0 goto L1
    goto L2
    label L1
    ...code for S
    label L2
    or if you are being fancy
    if x == 0 goto L1
    ...code for S
    label L1
    I may do this without comment in later examples, to keep them short.

    One relational operator.

    if (a < b) S
    translates into
    if a >= b goto L1
    ...code for S
    label L1
    One boolean operator.

    if (a < b  &&  c > d) S
    translates into
    if (a < b)
       if (c > d)
          ...code for S
    which if we expand it
    if a >= b goto L1
    if c <= d goto L2
    ...code for S
    label L2
    label L1
    by mechanical means, we may wind up with lots of labels for the same target (instruction), this is OK.

    Beware the following. A lazy code generator doing short-circuits might be tempted to say that

    if (a < b  ||  c > d) S
    translates into
    if (a < b) ...code for S
    if (c > d) ...code for S
    but its unacceptable to duplicate the code for S! It might be huge! Generate labels for boolean-true=yes-we-do-this-thing, not just for boolean-false=we-skip-this-thing.
    if a < b goto L1
    if c > d goto L2
    goto L3
    label L2
    label L1
    ...code for S
    label L3

    lecture #44 began here

    Does VGo support this statement : gg=Vertex{15,199}?
    Good question. The VGo references says no map literals, but indicates by example that object literals are supported. It also states that the named field initializer syntax Vertex{Y: 1} is not supported.
    The VGo reference does not have any sizes for types. What are these sizes or where can I find this information?
    Sizes have been discussed in lectures and some information are in lecture notes. VGo also defers to Go on all matters unspecified in the VGo reference, so you could use Go documentation for sizes. Here is what I remember off-hand
    typesize (bytes)
    bool 1
    rune 4
    int 8
    float64 8
    Reference Types variable is size 8 pointer, thing pointed at is:
    array[n] n * elementsize, round up to a multiple of 8
    struct sum of field sizes, pad field sizes if needed to a multiple of whatever field size comes next.
    func assembler will take care of code sizes of functions
    OK, now what have I left out?

    Object-Oriented Changes to Above Examples

    The previous examples were assuming a C-like language semantics. For an object-oriented language, the generated code for these examples is more interesting. For example, the semantics of
    if (x) S
    if x is an object, may be defaulted to be equivalent to
    if (x != NULL) S
    or more generally, the different types may have (hardwired, or overrideable) conversion rules to convert them to booleans for use in tests, such as
    tempvar := x.as_boolean()
    if (tempvar) S

    Code Generation for Arrays

    Consider first the subscript operator for C-like arrays. Then consider how it ought to work in your compiler.

    So far, we have only said, if we passed an array as a parameter we'd have to pass its address. 3-address instructions have an "implicit dereferencing semantics" which say all addresses' values are fetched / stored by default. So when you say t1 := x + y, t1 gets values at addresses x and y, not the addresses. Once we recognize arrays are basically a pointer type, we need 3-address instructions to deal with pointers.

    now, what about arrays? reading an array value: x = a[i]. Draw the picture. Consider the machine uses byte-addressing, not word-addressing. Unless you are an array of char, you need to multiply the subscript index by the size of each array element...

    t0 := addr a
    t1 := i * 8
    t2 := plus t0 t1
    t3 := deref t2
    x  := t3
    What about writing an array value?

    There are similar object-oriented adaptation issues for arrays: a[i] might not be a simple array reference, it might be a call to a method, as in

    x := a.index(i)
    or it might be implemented like:
    x := a field i
    The main issue to keep straight in both the C-like example and the object-oriented discussion is: know when an instruction constructs an address and stores an address in a memory location. When you want to read or write to the address pointed to by the constructed address, you may need to do an extra level of pointer-following. Three address instructions have "implicit" pointer-following since all addresses are followed when reading or writing memory, but if what is in the address is another address, you have to be careful to keep that straight.

    Supplemental Comments on Code Generation for Arrays

    In order to generalize from our example last lecture, the 3-address instructions for
    expr [ expr ]
    ideally should generate code that computes an address that can subsequently be read from or written to. One can certainly write a three address instruction to compute such an address. With arrays this is pointer arithmetic.

    With tables, the main wrinkle is: what to do if the key is not in the table? The behavior might be different for reading a value or writing a value:
    syntax behavior
    t[x] := y if key is not in table, insert it
    y := t[x] if key is not in table, one of:
    • produce a default value
    • raise an exception
    • ??

    Code Generation for Maps (Dictionaries, Tables)

    Consider the Go map type for a moment. One can generate code for maps either by extending the three-address instruction set with new instructions, or by generating function calls. How might you implement
    map construction: make(map[string]int)
    Needs to allocate one hash table (array of buckets) from the heap. For compiler, keys were always string. For VGo, keys can be string or int; maybe two different opcodes/functions, or an argument that specifies this. For other languages keys might be arbitrary type, adding complexity.
    Via 3-address Instructions Via function call
    MAPCREATE  dest
    CALL	mapcreate,?,?
    insert: x[s] = s2
    Needs to compute an address into which to store s2.
    Via 3-address Instructions Via Function call
    MAPINSERT  map,key,val
    PARAM	map
    PARAM	key
    CALL    mapinsert,?,val
    lookup: s = x[s2]
    Via 3-address Instructions Via Function call
    MAPLOOKUP   tmp,map,key
    ASN	    s, tmp
    PARAM   map
    PARAM   key
    CALL    maplookup,,tmp
    ASN     s, tmp

    Debugging Miscellany

    Prior experience suggests if you are having trouble debugging, check:
    makefile .h dependencies!
    if you do not list makefile dependencies for important .h files, you may get coredumps!
    traversing multiple times by accident?
    at least in my version, I found it easy to accidentally re-traverse portions of the tree. this usually had a bad effect.
    bad grammar?
    our sample grammar was adapted from good sources, but don't assume its impossible that it could have a flaw or that you might have messed it up.
    bad tree?
    its entirely possible to build a tree and forget one of your children

    A few observations from Dr. D

    I went shopping for more intermediate code examples, and while I didn't find anything as complete as I wanted, I did find updated notes from the same Jedi Master who trained me, check it:

    Dr. Debray's Intermediate Code Generation notes.

    You can consider these a recommended supplemental reading material, and we can scan through them to look and see if they add any wrinkles to our prior discussion.

    A Bit of Skeletal Assistance with Three Address Code

    lecture #45 began here


    Do we need to specify the RET instruction at the end of a function or does the END instruction imply that the function returns?
    I think of END in three-address code as a non-instruction (pseudo instruction) that marks the end of a procedure. So you should have a RET in front of it. But really, you are allowed to define END's semantics to also do a RET; you could call it REND.
    If we have nothing to return, can we just say RET with no parameter or must the parameter x always be there, i.e. RET x?
    I would accept a RET with no operand. You are allowed to define new opcodes in intermediate code. Native assemblers often have several variants of a given instruction -- same mnemonic, different opcodes for a related family of instructions.
    Can you give me an example of when to use the GLOBAL and LOCAL declaration instructions?
    These are pseudo-instructions, not instructions. Globals are listed as required; at the minimum, if your program has any global variables you must have at least one GLOBAL declaration to give the size of (the sum of) the global variables. You can do one big GLOBAL and reference variables as offsets, or you can declare many GLOBAL regions, effectively defining one named region for each variable and therefore rendering the offsets moot.

    A LOCAL pseudo-instruction is listed as optional and advisory; think of it as debugging symbol information, or as an assist to the reader of your generated assembler source.

    What sort of type checking is needed for a constructor? (in C++/Java it would be new)?
    VGo is a special subset of Go. There is always a default constructor with all zeroes, and a non-default constructor with all fields' values specified in order, which should be typechecked like a function call. More generally in other languages, a constructor has to have # and types of parameters checked. Its return type is a reference to its operand type, and that type is type-checked against its enclosing expression, usually an assignment.

    Example of Generating .first and .follow Attributes

    What nodes need these?

    Call gen_firsts(root) followed by gen_follows(root) before generating code.

    • synthesized attribute
    • a label (#) to precede all executable instructions for a given chunk of code
    • loops may go back to their .first.
    • preceding statements' .follow may be inherited from your .first
    Sample code:
    void gen_firsts(nodeptr n)
       if (n == NULL) return;
       for(i=0; inkids; i++)
       switch (n->prodrule) {
          n->first = /* ... just use the explicit label */
       case JUMP_STATEMENT:
       case TRY_BLOCK:
          n->first = genlabel();
    • if we skip a then-part or do a then-part and have to skip an else-part
    • if we have to break out of a loop
    • inherited attribute
    • a label to go to whatever comes after the executable instructions for a given chunk of code.
    • Could try to dodge, by blindly generating labels at the end of each statement ("label sandwich" approach).
    void gen_follows(nodeptr n)
       if (n == NULL) return;
       switch (n-<prodrule) {
       case STATEMENT_SEQ + 2: /* statement_seq : statement_seq statement */
            n->child[0]->follow = n->child[1]->first;
    	n->child[1]->follow = n->follow;
       case COMPOUND_STATEMENT + 1: /* compstmt : '{' statement_seq_opt '}' */
            if (n->child[1] != NULL)
               n->child[1]->follow = n->follow;
       case FUNCTION_DEFINITION + 1: /* funcdef : declarator ctor_init_opt body */
            n->child[2]->follow = genlabel();
            /* .code must have this label and a return at the end! */
       /* ... other cases? ... */
       for(i=0; i<n->nkids; i++)

    Labels for break and continue Statements

    Sample code for Option #2 is given below. Implied by the BREAK case is the notion that the .place field for this node type will hold the label that is the target of its GOTO. How would you generalize it to handle other loop types, and the continue statement? There may be LOTS of different production rules for which you do something interesting, so you may add a lot of cases to this switch statement.

    void do_break(nodeptr n, address *loopfirst, address *loopfollow)
       switch (n->prodrule) {
       case BREAK:
          if (loopfollow != NULL)
    	 n->place = *loopfollow;
          else semanticerror("break with no enclosing loop", n);
       case WHILE_LOOP:
          loopfirst = &(n->first);
          loopfollow = &(n->follow);
       for(i=0; i<n->nkids; i++)
          do_break(nodeptr n, loopfirst, loopfollow);

    TAC or die trying

    We need a simple example, in which you see It is easy to spend too much class time on front-end stuff before getting to a too-short and still under-explored TAC code generation phase. Our Goal: The perfect example would include a few statements, expressions, control flow constructs, and function calls. Here is an such an example. Notes for this exercise:
    C version pseudo-VGo version
    void printf(char *, int);
    int fib(int i);
    int readline(char a[]);
    int atoi(char a[]);
    int main() {
       char s[64];
       int i;
       while (readline(s)!=0 && s[0]!='\004') {
          i = atoi(s);
          if (i <= 0) break;
          printf("%d\n", fib(i));
    func fib(int i) int {
       if n <= 1 { return 1 }
       else { return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) }
    func ctoi(string s) int {
       if s == "0" {return 0}
       else if s == "1" {return 1}
       else if s == "2" {return 2}
       else if s == "3" {return 3}
       else if s == "4" {return 4}
       else if s == "5" {return 5}
       else if s == "6" {return 6}
       else if s == "7" {return 7}
       else if s == "8" {return 8}
       else if s == "9" {return 9}
    func atoi(string s) int {
      var i int
      for ... /* while (#s > 0) */ {
         //?? string c = s[1]
         //?? i = i * 10 + ctoi(c)
         //?? s = s[2:0]
       return i
    func itoa(i int) string {
       var s string
       var div, rem int
       if i == 0 { return "0" }
       else if i == 1 { return "1" }
       else if i == 2 { return "2" }
       else if i == 3 { return "3" }
       else if i == 4 { return "4" }
       else if i == 5 { return "5" }
       else if i == 6 { return "6" }
       else if i == 7 { return "7" }
       else if i == 8 { return "8" }
       else if i == 9 { return "9" }
       else if i < 0 { return "-" + itoa(-i) }
       else {
         div = i / 10
         rem = i % 10
         return itoa(div) + itoa(rem)
    func main() {
      var s string
      var i int
      for ... {
          i = atoi(s)
          if i <= 0 { break }

    string ftoa(double d)
       if (d == 0.0) {
          return "0.0"
       else if (d < 0.0) {
          return "-real"
       else {
         return "real"

    Using cgram.y nonterminal names, let's focus on code generation for the main procedure.

    TAC-or-die: the First-level

    Potentially, this is a separate pass after labels have been generated.

    The first tree node that TAC code hits in its bottom up traversal is IDENTreadline (no .code), followed by IDENTs (no .code). Above the IDENTs, argument_expression_list is one of those non-terminals-with-only-one-child that matters and needs to be in the tree: each time it churns out an actual parameter, TAC code generates a PARAM instruction to copy the value of the parameter into the parameter region. PARAM indicates an 8-byte (word) parameter; you might also want to define PARAM4, PARAM2, PARAM1 (etc.) instructions. Q: why is the ADDR instruction here?

    	ADDR   loc:72,loc:0
    	PARAM  loc:72

    The postfix_expr is a function call, whose TAC codegen rule should say: allocate a temporary variable t0 (or as we called it: LOC:80) for the return value, and generate a CALL instruction

    	CALL readline,1,loc:80
    The next leaf (ICON0) has no .code, which brings code generation up to the != operator. Here the code depends on the .true (L5) and .false (L2) labels. The TAC code generated is
    	BNE loc:80,const:0,lab:5
    	GOTO lab:2
    After that, the postfix traversal works over to IDENTs (no .code), ICON0 (no .code), and up to the postfix expression for the subscript operator for s[0]. It needs to generate .code that will place into a temporary variable (its .place, loc:88) what s[0] is.

    The basic expression for a[i] is baseaddr + index * sizeof(element). sizeof(element) is 1 in this case, so we can just add baseaddr + index. And index is 0 in this case, so an optimizer would make it all go away. But we aren't optimizing by default, we are trying to solve the general case. Calling temp = newtemp() we get a new location (loc:96) to store index * sizeof(element)

    	MUL	loc:96,const:0,const:1
    We want to then add that to the base address, but
    	ADD	loc:104,loc:0,loc:96
    would add the (word) contents of s[0-7]. Instead, we need
    	ADDR	loc:104,loc:0
    	ADD	loc:104,loc:104,loc:96
    After all this, loc:104 contains...the address we want to use.
    	DEREF1	loc:112,loc:104
    fetches (into word at loc:112) the value of s[0].

    A label L5 needs to be prefixed into the front of this:

    	LABEL	lab:5

    Note: an alternative to ADDR would be to define opcodes for reading and writing arrays. For example

    	SUBSC1   dest,base,index
    might be defined to read from base[index] and store the result in dest. Similar opcodes for ASNSUB1, SUBSC8, and ASNSUB8 could be added that assign to base[index], and to perform these operations for 8-byte elements. Even if you do this, you may need the more general ADDR instruction for arrays of arbitrary sized elements.

    CCON^D has no .code, but the != operator has to generate code to jump to its .true (L4) or .false (L2) as in the previous case. Question: do we need to have a separate TAC instruction for char compares, or sign-extend these operands, or what? I vote: separate opcode for byte operations. BNEC is a "branch if not-equal characters" instruction.

    	BNEC loc:112,const:4,lab:4
    	GOTO lab:2
    The code for the entire local_and_expr is concatenated from its children:
    	ADDR   loc:72,loc:0
    	PARAM  loc:72
    	CALL   readline,1,loc:80
    	BNE    loc:80,const:0,lab:5
    	GOTO   lab:2
    	LABEL  lab:5
    	MUL    loc:96,const:0,const:1
    	ADDR   loc:104,loc:0
    	ADD    loc:104,loc:104,loc:96
    	DEREF  loc:112,loc:104
    	BNEC   loc:112,const:4,lab:4
    	GOTO   lab:2
    Tree traversal then moves over into the body of the while loop: its statements.

    IDENTi has no .code. The code for atoi(s) looks almost identical to that for readline(s). The assignment to i tacks on one more instruction:

    	ADDR   loc:120,loc:0
    	PARAM  loc:120
    	CALL   atoi,1,loc:128
    	ASN    loc:64,loc:128
    For the second statement in the while loop, the IF statement, there is the usual conditional-followed-by-unconditional branch, the interesting part is where they go. The E.true should do the then-part (the break statement) for which we generate a .first of lab:6. The E.false should go for whatever instruction follows the if-statement, for which lab:3 has been designated.
    	BLE    loc:64,const:0,lab:6
    	GOTO   lab:3
    The then-part is a break statement. All then-parts will need to have a label for their .first instruction, which in this case is a trivial GOTO, but where does it go?
    	LABEL  lab:6
    	GOTO   ??
    The break is a major non-local goto that even the parent node (the if-statement) cannot know the target for, without obtaining it from about 7 tree-nodes higher! The iteration_statement's .follow (lab:2) is the target for break (its .first would be the target for continue).

    Dr. J has Doubts About 64-bit Ints

    Back to the TAC-or-die example

    So by one of options #1-3, we find the nearest enclosing iteration_statement's .follow field says LAB:2. Note that since we have here a label target that is itself a GOTO, an optimizer would chase back to the branch instructions that go to label 6, and have them go to label 2, allowing us to remove this instruction. By the way, if there were an else statement, the code generation for the then-part would include another GOTO (to skip over the else-part) that we'd hopefully remove in optimization.
    	LABEL  lab:6
    	GOTO   lab:2
    Having completed the then part, it is time to assemble the entire if-statement:
    	BLE    loc:64,const:0,lab:6
    	GOTO   lab:3
    	LABEL  lab:6
    	GOTO   lab:2
    	LABEL  lab:3
    The next statement is a printf statement. We need to push the parameters onto the stack and execute a call instruction. The code will be: code to evaluate the parameters (which are non-empty this time), code to push parameters (in the correct order, from their .place values), then the call. Question: does it matter whether the evaluations all occur before the PARAM instructions, or could they (should they) be interleaved? Answer: in C++ evaluations must all occur before the PARAM instructions, all PARAM instructions for a call come after the code for evaluating those arguments, IN REVERSE ORDER, and right before the CALL instruction.

    The code for parameter 1 is empty; its string address will be pushed onto the stack when we get to that part. Here is the code for parameter 2, storing the return value in a new temporary variable.

    	PARAM  loc:64
    	CALL   fib,1,loc:136
    The code for the outer call is then
    	PARAM  loc:64
    	CALL   fib,1,loc:136
    	PARAM  loc:136
    	PARAM  sconst:0
    	CALL   printf,2,loc:144
    Given this, whole while-loop's code can finally be assembled. The while prepends a label and appends a GOTO back to the while loop's .first field. The whole function's body is just this while loop, with a procedure header and a return statement at the end:
    proc main,0,128
    	LABEL  lab:1
    	ADDR   loc:72,loc:0
    	PARAM  loc:72
    	CALL   readline,1,loc:80
    	BNE    loc:80,const:0,lab:5
    	GOTO   lab:2
    	LABEL  lab:5
    	MUL    loc:96,const:0,const:1
    	ADDR   loc:104,loc:0
    	ADD    loc:104,loc:104,loc:96
    	DEREF  loc:112,loc:104
    	BNEC   loc:112,const:4,lab:4
    	GOTO   lab:2
    	ADDR   loc:120,loc:0
    	PARAM  loc:120
    	CALL   atoi,1,loc:128
    	ASN    loc:64,loc:128
    	BLE    loc:64,const:0,lab:6
    	GOTO   lab:3
    	LABEL  lab:6
    	GOTO   lab:2
    	LABEL  lab:3
    	PARAM  loc:64
    	CALL   fib,1,loc:136
    	PARAM  loc:136
    	PARAM  sconst:0
    	CALL   printf,2,loc:144
    	GOTO   lab:1
    	LABEL  lab:2

    Intermediate Code Generation for Structs, Classes and OO

    Consider the following simplest possible OO class example program:

    class pet {
         int happy
          pet() { happy = 50 }
          void play() {
    	happy += 5
    int main()
        pet pet1
        return 0
    What are the code generation issues?

    Did we get: For what its worth, one VGo test case is basically a hand-translation of this into VGo using a struct.

    Object Allocation

    memory allocation of an object is similar to other types.
    it can be in the global, local (stack-relative) or heap area
    the # of bytes (size) of the object must be computed from the class.
    each symbol table should track the size of its members
    for a global or local object, add its byte-count size requirement to its containing symbol table / region.
    effectively, no separate code generation for allocation
    translate a "new" expression into a malloc() call...
    plus for all types of object creation, a constructor function call has to happen.

    Initialization via Constructor

    Method Invocation

    Now let's discuss how to generate code for


    Member variable references

    inside a member function, i.e. access member variable x.
    Handle like with arrays, by allocating a new temporary variable in which to calculate the address of this->x. Take the address in the "this" variable and add in x's offset as given in the symbol table for this's class.
    outside an object, o.x.
    Handle as above, using o's address instead of this's. You would also check o's class to make sure x is public.

    Code Generation for Dynamic OO Languages

    Your brilliant suggestions should have included: insert function pointers for all methods into the instance.

    Now let's consider a simple real-world-ish example. Class TextField, a small, simple GUI widget. A typical GUI application might have many textfields on each of many dialogs; many instances of this class will be needed.

    The source code for TextField is only 767 lines long, with 17 member variables and 47 member functions. But it is a subclass of class Component, which is a subclass of three other classes...by the time inheritance is resolved, we have 44 member variables, and 149 member functions. If we include function pointers for all methods in the instance, 77% of instance variable slots will be these function pointers, and these 77% of the slots will be identical/copied for all instances of that class.

    The logical thing to do is to share a single copy of the function pointers, either in a "class object" that is an instance of a meta-class, or more minimally, in a struct or array of function pointers that might be called (by some) a methods vector.

    Methods Vectors

    Suppose you have class A with methods f(), g(), and h(), and class B with methods e(), f(), and g(). Suppose further that you have code that calls method f(), that is designed to work either either A or B. This might happen due to polymorphism, interfaces, subclassing, virtual methods, etc. The kicker will be that in order to generate code for o.f(), a runtime lookup will be performed to obtain the function/method pointer associated with symbol f. Instead a separate structure (the "methods vector") is allocated and shared by all the instances of a given class. In this case, o.f() becomes o.__methods__.f(o)

    lecture #46 began here


    What if my program has three functions, each with a local variable to declare?
    Each function's "local region" is allocated uniquely each time they are called. Each of your functions' local regions starts at offset 0 so all three local variables might say LOC:0 for local region offset zero. And yet, they never refer to the same memory, because they are always offsets relative to some base pointer register on the stack.
    When do I allocate my labels? When do I use them?
    You allocate them in one or more tree traversals prior to starting the main traversal that generates the linked lists of 3-address code. Most labels are allocated very close to where they are used. You use labels by generating pseudo-instructions in the linked list AND by filling in the target addresses used by goto instructions with LAB:#N for label number N.
    What do I have to do to get a "D"?
    You are graded relative to your peers. In previous semesters the answer to this has been something like: pass the midterm and final, and convince me that you really did semantic analysis. If you did poorly on the midterm, you might want to try and do better on the final, and you might want to get some three address code working. Do you really want to settle for a "D"? Almost everyone who was "D" material dropped the class already.
    I am confused about how to access class members via the "this" pointer. I am unsure how to do the offsets from the "this" pointer in three address code without creating a new symbol table for class instances.
    An object instance is like its own little memory region. The this pointer is a parameter; offsets relative to what it points at are done via pointer arithmetic. Each class should indeed have a symbol table for its member variables' offsets.
    Do you have an example that uses each of the pseudo instructions (global, proc, local, label, and end), so we know how these should be formatted?
    No. The pseudo instructions should have opcodes and three address fields; their presence in the linked list of three address codes is the same as an instruction. Their format when you print them out is not very important since this is just intermediate code. But: instructions are on a single line that begins with a tab character, and pseudo instructions are on a single line that does not begin with a tab character.
    We have const that can hold an int/(int)char/boolean, a string region for holding a string offset, but what should we do about double const values?
    Real number constants have to be allocated space similar to other types. They could either be allocated out of a separate "real number constant region", or the constants of different types could all be allocated out of the same region, with different offsets and sizes as needed. Note that not all integer constants fit in instructions, so potentially some of them may have to be allocated as static data also.

    Where we are at

    Schedule-wise, it says it is time to move lectures on into the area of final code generation. We have a new wrinkle there this year, and need to allow some time for it. But, intermediate code generators are not due yet, and questions about that are still totally fair game.

    One More Intermediate Code Example, with Feeling

    I glossed over the "TAC or die trying" example in the last lecture; it felt redundant for me since we did an earlier example that was similar. However, one or more of you have requested another intermediate code generation example.

    Yeah, we'll do one alright; this week. But it will take a bit more preparation, so: not today. This weekend I spent a fair bit digging into another code generation topic, namely LLVM, and we will also be talking about that.

    Final Code Generation

    Alternatives for Final Code:
    interpret the source code
    we could build an interpreter instead of a compiler, in which the source code was kept in string or token form, and re-parsed, possibly repeatedly, during execution. Some early BASIC's and operating system shell scripting languages do this, but it is Really Slow.
    interpret the parse tree
    we could write an interpreter that executes the program by walking around on the tree doing traversals of various subtrees. This is still slow, but successfully used by many "scripting languages".
    interpret the 3-address code
    we could interpret the link-list or a more compact binary representation of the intermediate code
    translate into VM instructions
    popular virtual machines such as JVM or .Net allow execution from an instruction set that is often higher level than hardware, may be independent of the underlying hardware, and may be oriented toward supporting the specific language features of the source language. For example, there are various BASIC virtual machines out there.
    translate into "native" instructions
    "native" generally means hardware instructions.
    For practical purposes, we will consider only two of these options
    1. translate into VM assembler for the LLVM IR, or
    2. translate into native x86_64

    Introduction to LLVM

    LLVM, low-level virtual machine, is a compiler back-end developed by Apple. Compared with Java VM it is arguably lower level, and it provides a human readable assembler format that the Java folks have avoided. For a compiler writer, it provides a way to translate to a machine independent 3-address instruction set and still obtain a highly optimized native executable on various platforms. LLVM intermediate representation looks like this:
    @.str = private constant [12 x i8] c"Hello llvm!\00", align 1 ;
    define i32 @main() ssp {
      %retval = alloca i32
      %0 = alloca i32
      %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32
      %1 = call i32 @puts(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([12 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0))
      store i32 0, i32* %0, align 4
      %2 = load i32* %0, align 4
      store i32 %2, i32* %retval, align 4
      br label %return
      %retval1 = load i32* %retval
      ret i32 %retval1
    declare i32 @puts(i8*)
    Human-readable LLVM IR is translated from a .ll extension into a binary version with the extension .bc. .bc files can be translated into native assembler code by llc, and then assembled and linked. For example, if the above file were in a file named hello.ll, the following sequence would produce an executable:
        llvm-as hello.ll
        llc hello.bc
        as hello.s -o hello.o
        gcc hello.o -o hello
    To study LLVM further we should take a look at how to translate our various three-address intermediate instructions into it, and take a look at its instruction set. We will explore these topics as time allows.

    Native Code Generation

    In mainstream compilers, final code generation into native code
    1. takes a linear sequence of 3-address intermediate code instructions, and
    2. translates each 3-address instruction into one or more native instructions.

    The big issues in code generation are:

    (a) instruction selection, and
    (b) register allocation and assignment.

    # of Registers Clarification

    Code Generation for High Level Structure Types

    This discussion applies to maps/dictionaries/tables as we as high-level sequential (list) types that are dynamic, in contrast with arrays.


    operation as opcode as function
    L1 L2 LCONCAT t,L1,L2 t = lconcat(L1,L2)
    L1 += L2 LAPPEND L1,L2 lappend(L1,L2)
    L1 += x LPUT L1,x lput(L1,x)
    L[i] LINDEX t,L,i t = lindex(L,i)
    L[i:j] LSLICE t,L,i,j
    no good, 4 addrs
    t = lslice(L,i,j)
    #L LSIZE t,L t = lsize(L)
    t = list() LIST t,n,m t = list(n,m)


    operationas opcodeas function
    T[a] TINDEX t,T,a t = tindex(T,a)
    T[]=a TDEFAULT T,a tdefault(T,a)
    T -= a TDELETE T,a tdelete(T,a)
    #T TSIZE t,T t = tsize(T)
    t = table() TABLE t,m t = table(m)

    Collecting Information Necessary for Final Code Generation

    Option #A: a top-down approach to learning your native target code.
    Study a reference work supplied by the chip manufacturer, such as the AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual (Vol. 2, Vol. 3).
    Option #B: a bottom-up (or reverse engineering) approach to learning your native target code.
    study an existing compiler's native code. For example, run "g++ -S" for various toy programs to learn native instructions corresponding to each expression, particularly ones equivalent to the various 3-address instructions.

    lecture #47 began here


    Do the linked lists of code really just get concatenated in order until the entire program is one big linked list? Does main() have to be at the beginning in generated code?
    Not really, and not really. It is recommended that you build one big linked list for the generated code, but I am a pragmatist; do what makes sense to you to generate all the code. In real native OS'es, the code at the beginning of the executable is not main, it is some weird startup boostrapper that sets up environment and command line arguments and then calls main(). So no, main() does not have to be at the top, unless maybe you are building an image for an embedded system that doesn't have an OS or something like that.
    How do I represent function names in addresses in 3 address code?
    One option is to totally dodge, and generate code for one function at a time, at a place where you know the function name. If you choose instead to build one big linked list, function "names" get boiled down to code region addresses. So far we have one kind of address in the code region: labels. You could literally generate label #'s for these things, but function names are more human-friendly. Unless you turn function names into labels, you should create a new region (call it PROCNAME). You could make the "offset" field in your 3 addresses a union
         struct addr {
          int region; // if PROCNAME, use u.s instead of u.i
          union {
             int offset;
    	 char *s;
             } u;
    You could, instead, make an array of string funcnames in your compiler and have your region PROCNAME provide offsets that are subscripts into this array of funcnames.
    I am having a hard time understanding how everything will be put together in the end, will it be one linked list once all the instructions are concatenated? How should we handle assigning locations to functions like Println? Once we see import "fmt" should we go to that symbol table and assign locations to those functions then?
    Library functions like Println require that we store enough information to call them, but not that we store information to generate code for them. fmt should have an associated symbol table entry for Println which should know that Println takes a string argument. Code for a call to fmt.Println should mangle that name out to something like fmt__Println.
    can we just define a function without parameters as call, so main is equivalent to main() if not followed by parentheses?
    Do not confuse type (reference to) FUNCTION with the function's return type, which is the result of a call (postfix parentheses operator).

    A New Fun Intermediate CodeGen Example

    This example is not burdened with redundant practice at generating code for arithmetic and assignments and such.
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func min(a,b,c int) int {
      if a<=b && a<=c {
         return a
      } else if b<=a && b<=c {
         return b
      return c
    func main() {

    Back to Final Codegen

    Instruction Selection

    A modern CPU usually has many different sequences of instructions that it could use to accomplish a given task. Instruction selection must choose a particular sequence. Given a choice among equivalent/alternative sequences, the decision on which sequence of instructions to use is usually based on estimates or measurements of which sequence executes the fastest.

    A good set of examples of instruction selection are to be found in the superoptimizer paper. From that paper:

    lecture #48 began here


    Can we have more time to do HW#5 and #6
    I will take them when I can get them. Due dates changed to Nov 27 and Dec 13 respectively.
    I'm having trouble figuring out what TAC I need to generate for a function definition. For example, given the function
    int foo(int x){
    I'm having trouble understanding what code needs to be generated at this level. I understand that there needs to be (at least) 1 label, at the very start (to be able to call the function).
    In final code, the procedure entry point will indeed include a label. In three address code, a function header should result in a PROC pseudo-instruction for which you create a link list element, just like everything else.
    I'm having trouble understanding what code I would create for the int return, or to define the space available for parameters.
    The "return type" at the top of a function generates no code, but it may affect what you generate when you hit a "return" statement in the function body. The proc pseudoinstruction includes a declaration of how many (words of parameters) it requires/assumes has been passed in to a function, from which space required may be calculated. It most native code the caller really allocates this space via PARAM instructions; the called function just decides the amount of local/temp variable space on the stack that the procedure requires. So the pseudoinstructions in intermediate code that you use is something like:
    proc foo,1,nbytes_localspace
    If I understand the return properly, I don't actually generate code at this (the procedure header return type) node for the return. It gets generated at the 'return' line in the body.
    Yes. There and at the end of any function that falls off the end. In final code the return statement will put a return value in %eax and then jump down to the end of the function to use its proper function-return assembler instruction(s).
    I guess the .place of int x is what is really getting me. Do I really need to worry about it too much in TAC, because it is just 'local 0' (or whatever number gets generated)?
    I recommend you consider it (in TAC) to be region PARAM offset 0. That could be handled almost identically to locals in final code, unless you use the fact that parameters are passed in registers...
    Then I really end up worrying about it during final code since local 0 might actually be something like %rbp -1 or wherever the location on the stack parameters end up being located.
    By saying it is PARAM offset 0, the TAC code for parameters is distinct enough from locals that they can be found to be at a different location relative to the %rbp (positive instead of negative) or passed in registers.

    Register Allocation and Assignment

    The (register allocation) job changes as CPUs change

    Even if an instruction set does support memory-based operations, most compilers should load a value into a register while it is being used, and then spill it back out to main memory when the register is needed for another purpose. The task of minimizing memory accesses becomes the task of minimizing register loads and spills.

    lecture #49 began here

    Native Code Generation Examples

    Reusing a Register

    Consider the statement:
       a = a+b+c+d+e+f+g+a+c+e;
    A naive three address code generator would generate a lot of temporary variables here, one per addition operator, when in actuality one big number is being added. How many registers does the expression need? Some variables are referenced once, some twice. GCC (32-bit) generates:

    	movl	b, %eax
    	addl	a, %eax
    	addl	c, %eax
    	addl	d, %eax
    	addl	e, %eax
    	addl	f, %eax
    	addl	g, %eax
    	addl	a, %eax
    	addl	c, %eax
    	addl	e, %eax
    	movl	%eax, a

    Now consider

       a = (a+b)*(c+d)*(e+f)*(g+a)*(c+e);
    How many registers are needed here?
    	movl	b, %eax
    	movl	a, %edx
    	addl	%eax, %edx
    	movl	d, %eax
    	addl	c, %eax
    	imull	%eax, %edx
    	movl	f, %eax
    	addl	e, %eax
    	imull	%eax, %edx
    	movl	a, %eax
    	addl	g, %eax
    	imull	%eax, %edx
    	movl	e, %eax
    	addl	c, %eax
    	imull	%edx, %eax
    	movl	%eax, a
    And now this:
       a = ((a+b)*(c+d))+((e+f)*(g+a))+(c*e);
    which compiles to
    	movl	b, %eax
    	movl	a, %edx
    	addl	%eax, %edx
    	movl	d, %eax
    	addl	c, %eax
    	movl	%edx, %ecx
    	imull	%eax, %ecx
    	movl	f, %eax
    	movl	e, %edx
    	addl	%eax, %edx
    	movl	a, %eax
    	addl	g, %eax
    	imull	%edx, %eax
    	leal	(%eax,%ecx), %edx
    	movl	c, %eax
    	imull	e, %eax
    	leal	(%eax,%edx), %eax
    	movl	%eax, a

    Brief Comparison of 32-bit and 64-bit x86 code

    What can be gleaned from this side-by-side of 32-bit and 64-bit assembler for a=a+b+c+d+e+f+g+a+c+e. Note that the actual variable names are in the assembler because the variables in question are globals.

    x86 32-bit x86_64
    	movl	b, %eax
    	addl	a, %eax
    	addl	c, %eax
    	addl	d, %eax
    	addl	e, %eax
    	addl	f, %eax
    	addl	g, %eax
    	addl	a, %eax
    	addl	c, %eax
    	addl	e, %eax
    	movl	%eax, a
    	movq	a(%rip), %rdx
    	movq	b(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	c(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	d(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	e(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	f(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	g(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	a(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	c(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	e(%rip), %rax
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rax
    	movq	%rax, a(%rip)

    Q: Should we be disappointed that the 64-bit code looks a lot longer?

    A: Maybe instead we should be fascinated.

    The globals are declared something like the following.

    If you allocated your globals as a region, you might have one .comm of 56 bytes named globals (or whatever) and give the addresses of your globals as numbers such as globals+32. Names are nicer but having to treat globals and locals very differently is not.

    	.comm	a,8,8
    	.comm	b,8,8
    	.comm	c,8,8
    	.comm	d,8,8
    	.comm	e,8,8
    	.comm	f,8,8
    	.comm	g,8,8
    .globl main
    	.type	main, @function

    Brief Comparison of x86-64 globals vs. locals

    How does this difference inform, and affect, what we might want in our three-address code?

    x86_64 local vars x86_64 globals (as per last example)
    	movq	-48(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-56(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rax
    	addq	-40(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-32(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-24(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-16(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-8(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-56(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-40(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-24(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	%rax, -56(%rbp)
    	movq	a(%rip), %rdx
    	movq	b(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	c(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	d(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	e(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	f(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	g(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	a(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	c(%rip), %rax
    	addq	%rax, %rdx
    	movq	e(%rip), %rax
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rax
    	movq	%rax, a(%rip)


    In final code, do parameters look like locals?

    Consider the following example. Note that "long" is used to more closely resemble the g0 "everything is a 64-bit value" mind-set.

    #include <stdio.h>
    long f(long,long,long);
    int main()
       long rv = f(1, 2, 3);
       printf("rv is %d\n", rv);
    long f(long a, long b, long c)
       long d, e, f, g;
       d = 4; e = 5; f = 6; g = 7;
       a = ((a+b)*(c+d))+(((e+f)*(g+a))/(c*e));
       return a;
    for which the generated code was
    	.file	"expr.c"
    	.section	.rodata
    	.string	"rv is %d\n"
    .globl main
    	.type	main, @function
    	pushq	%rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
    	.cfi_offset 6, -16
    	movq	%rsp, %rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
    	subq	$16, %rsp
    	movl	$3, %edx
    	movl	$2, %esi
    	movl	$1, %edi
    	call	f
    	movq	%rax, -8(%rbp)
    	movl	$.LC0, %eax
    	movq	-8(%rbp), %rdx
    	movq	%rdx, %rsi
    	movq	%rax, %rdi
    	movl	$0, %eax
    	call	printf
    	.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
    	.size	main, .-main
    .globl f
    	.type	f, @function
    	pushq	%rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
    	.cfi_offset 6, -16
    	movq	%rsp, %rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
    	pushq	%rbx
    	movq	%rdi, -48(%rbp)
    	movq	%rsi, -56(%rbp)
    	movq	%rdx, -64(%rbp)
    	movq	$4, -40(%rbp)
    	movq	$5, -32(%rbp)
    	movq	$6, -24(%rbp)
    	movq	$7, -16(%rbp)
    	movq	-56(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-48(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rcx
    	movq	-40(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-64(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rax
    	imulq	%rax, %rcx
    	movq	-24(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-32(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rbx
    	.cfi_offset 3, -24
    	movq	-48(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-16(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rax
    	imulq	%rbx, %rax
    	movq	-64(%rbp), %rdx
    	movq	%rdx, %rbx
    	imulq	-32(%rbp), %rbx
    	movq	%rbx, -72(%rbp)
    	movq	%rax, %rdx
    	sarq	$63, %rdx
    	idivq	-72(%rbp)
    	leaq	(%rcx,%rax), %rax
    	movq	%rax, -48(%rbp)
    	movq	-48(%rbp), %rax
    	popq	%rbx
    	.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
    	.size	f, .-f
    	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)"
    	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
    We learned that (the first 6+) parameters are passed in registers, but you can allocate local variable space for them, and copy them into their local space, after which they can be treated exactly like other locals.

    lecture #50 began here


    I saw your in your three address code examples of calling a function that pass array variables that before PARAM, you always put the array address into a temporary variable. like:
    char s[64];
    	ADDR   loc:68,loc:0
    	PARAM8 loc:68
    	CALL   readline,1,loc:68
    and printf("%d\n", 10+2);
         addr	    loc:0,string:0
         parm	    loc:0
         add	    loc:8,im:10,im:2
         parm	    loc:8
         call	    printf,16,loc:16
    So, before passing the variables to the function, do you have to copy the variables to the temporary variables? And then PARAM the temporay variables. Or it is only true for passing array address?

    I know the PARAM will copy the passing arguments into the called function's activation record's parameter region. So there is no need copy the parameter variables into temporary variables then PARAM the temporary variables.

    Answer: The three-address instructions use addresses, but they normally operate by implicitly fetching and storing values pointed to by those addresses.

    The ADDR instruction does not copy the variable into a temporary variable, it copies the address given, without fetching its contents, into its destination. This is needed in order to pass an reference parameter. In Pascal, by default we would have to allocate (on the stack) an entire physical copy of the whole array in order to pass it as a parameter. This is potentially very expensive, which is why C-based languages don't do it.

    (Q: if you wanted a physical copy of an array to be passed, do you know some ways to get one?)

    Aside on .cfi* assembler directives

    lecture #51 began here

    Creating an object via new

    Consider the following C++ example of final code for an object constructor. Executing the reserved word new from function main() calls two functions to create an object in the heap (via new):
    similar to a malloc(); it takes an integer parameter (constant 16, the # of bytes to allocate) and returns a pointer
    a call to a C++ constructor function, with an implicit/added first parameter for this, the object instance that the member function is working on.

    "new" in final code FYI

    class C {
      private: long x, y;
      public:  C() { x=3; y=4; }
    int main()
       C *a = new C;
    	.file	"new.cpp"
    	.section	.text._ZN1CC2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN1CC5Ev,comdat
    	.align 2
    	.weak	_ZN1CC2Ev
    	.type	_ZN1CC2Ev, @function
    	.cfi_personality 0x3,__gxx_personality_v0
    	pushq	%rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
    	.cfi_offset 6, -16
    	movq	%rsp, %rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
    	movq	%rdi, -8(%rbp)
    	movq	-8(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	$3, (%rax)
    	movq	-8(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	$4, 8(%rax)
    	.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
    	.size	_ZN1CC2Ev, .-_ZN1CC2Ev
    	.weak	_ZN1CC1Ev
    	.set	_ZN1CC1Ev,_ZN1CC2Ev
    .globl main
    	.type	main, @function
    	.cfi_personality 0x3,__gxx_personality_v0
    	pushq	%rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
    	.cfi_offset 6, -16
    	movq	%rsp, %rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
    	pushq	%rbx
    	subq	$24, %rsp
    	movl	$16, %edi
    	.cfi_offset 3, -24
    	call	_Znwm
    	movq	%rax, %rbx
    	movq	%rbx, %rax
    	movq	%rax, %rdi
    	call	_ZN1CC1Ev
    	movq	%rbx, -24(%rbp)
    	movl	$0, %eax
    	addq	$24, %rsp
    	popq	%rbx
    	.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
    	.size	main, .-main
    	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)"
    	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
    As you may observe: the final code for a new calls a memory allocator (nwm) whose return value (%rax) gets copied in as a parameter (%rdi) to the constructor (N1CC1Ev), with an interesting side trip to %rbx.

    On C/C++ Calling Convention and Order of Passed Parameters

    In compilers, the calling conventions are the set of rules by which parameters and return values are communicated between caller and callee. The calling conventions also cover things like whether the caller or the callee has to save and restore specific registers as part of the process of call/return.

    How this looks and is used inside member functions

    About name mangling in C++ vs. your compiler

    lecture #52 began here

    End of Semester Planning


    I am doing LLVM for HW#6 and my LLVM is incompatible with the one on the grading machine! What do I do?
    You can demo your HW#6 results during finals week on your machine. Or you can do your HW6 on the grading machine. Or you can do x86_64. I will take and grade anything you give me on HW#6.
    Has this class been a one long Kobayashi Maru Test?
    Thanks for the pop culture reference! CS 445 is similar to the Kobayashi Maru in that it may seem unwinnable. It is different than the Kobayashi Maru in that the goal is not merely to test your character, but more importantly, to make you gain experience points and go up levels in programming skill, such that you are ready to work professionally.

    More about LEAL

    In a previous example, complicated arithmetic drove GCC to start "leal'ing".

    Lastly (for now) consider:

       a = ((a+b)*(c+d))+(((e+f)*(g+a))/(c*e));
    The division instruction adds new wrinkles. It operates on an implicit register accumulator which is twice as many bits as the number you divide by, meaning 64 bits (two registers) to divide by a 32-bit number. Note in this code that 32-bit gcc would rather spill than use %ebx. %ebx is reserved by the compiler for some (hopefully good) reason. %edi and %esi are similarly ignored/not used.
    32-bit 64-bit
    	movl	b, %eax
    	movl	a, %edx
    	addl	%eax, %edx
    	movl	d, %eax
    	addl	c, %eax
    	movl	%edx, %ecx
    	imull	%eax, %ecx
    	movl	f, %eax
    	movl	e, %edx
    	addl	%eax, %edx
    	movl	a, %eax
    	addl	g, %eax
    	imull	%eax, %edx
    	movl	c, %eax
    	imull	e, %eax
    	movl	%eax, -4(%ebp)
    	movl	%edx, %eax
    	idivl	-4(%ebp)
    	movl	%eax, -4(%ebp)
    	movl	-4(%ebp), %edx
    	leal	(%edx,%ecx), %eax
    	movl	%eax, a
    	pushq	%rbx
    	subq	$88, %rsp
    	movq	$1, -72(%rbp)
    	movq	$2, -64(%rbp)
    	movq	$3, -56(%rbp)
    	movq	$4, -48(%rbp)
    	movq	$5, -40(%rbp)
    	movq	$6, -32(%rbp)
    	movq	$7, -24(%rbp)
    	movq	-64(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-72(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rcx
    	movq	-48(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-56(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rax
    	imulq	%rax, %rcx
    	movq	-32(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-40(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rbx
    	.cfi_offset 3, -24
    	movq	-72(%rbp), %rax
    	movq	-24(%rbp), %rdx
    	leaq	(%rdx,%rax), %rax
    	imulq	%rbx, %rax
    	movq	-56(%rbp), %rdx
    	movq	%rdx, %rbx
    	imulq	-40(%rbp), %rbx
    	movq	%rbx, -88(%rbp)
    	movq	%rax, %rdx
    	sarq	$63, %rdx
    	idivq	-88(%rbp)
    	leaq	(%rcx,%rax), %rax
    	movq	%rax, -72(%rbp)
    	movl	$.LC0, %eax
    	movq	-72(%rbp), %rdx
    	movq	%rdx, %rsi
    	movq	%rax, %rdi
    	movl	$0, %eax
    	call	printf
    	addq	$88, %rsp
    	popq	%rbx
    In the 32-bit version, you finally see some register spilling. In the 64-bit version, there is

    LEAVE instruction

    In our example of using new we saw a LEAVE instruction before the function returned. LEAVE restores the frame pointer to the caller's value, something like
    movq rsp, rbp ; set top of stack back to where caller had it
    popq rbp      ; set base pointer back to saved value at (%rsp)
    Interestingly, there is a corresponding ENTER instruction, but g++ does not tend to use it because it is slower than corresponding lower-level operations like subq $nbytes, %rsp.

    Chapter 10 of this free compiler book from Doug Thain

    For what its worth, professor Thain provides a good introduction to x86_64 assembler, more than our Louden text.

    lecture #53 began here

    Brief Comment on HW Resubmissions

    At various points in this course you have a choice between completing/fixing a previous homework, or working on the next homework. But sometimes you have to complete/fix an old homework for the next one to be implementable. I have been accepting resubmissions this semester, to make corrections, restoring points up to a "C" grade for a given assignment. Please test your work prior to each resubmission; I won't be able to just keep regrading it until it passes.

    More on DIV instruction

    When I looked for more, I found this Cheat Sheet, which pointed at the big books (A-MN-Z).

    Helper Function for Managing Registers

    Define a getreg() function that returns a location L to hold the value of x for the assignment
    x := y op z
    1. if y is in a register R that holds the value of no other names, AND y is not live after the execution of this instruction, THEN return register R as your location L
    2. ELSE return an empty register for L if there is one
    3. ELSE if x has a next use in the block or op is an operator that requires a register (e.g. indexing), find an occupied register R. Store R into the proper memory location(s), update the address descriptor for that location, and return R
    4. if x is not used in the block, or no suitable occupied register can be found in (3), return the memory location of x as L.

    Putting It All Together: A Simple Code Generator


    // make an array (12?) of these:
    struct regdescrip {
       char name[12]; // name to use in codegen, e.g. "%rbx"
       int status;    // 0=empty, 1=loaded, 2=dirty, 4=live, ...
       struct address addr;
    // upgrade symbol table entry to use these instead of struct address
    struct addr_descrip {
       int status;    // 0=empty, 1=in memory, 2=in register, 3=both
       struct reg_descrip *r; // point at an elem in reg array. could use index.
       struct address a;

    Code Generation Algorithm

    For each three-address statement of the form
    x := y op z:
    1. Use getreg() to determine location L where the result of the computation y op z should be stored.
    2. Use the address descriptor for y to determine y', a current location for y. If y is currently in a register, use the register as y'. If y is not already in L, generate the instruction MOV y',L to put a copy of y in L.
    3. Generate the instruction OP z',L where z' is a current location for z. Again, prefer a register location if z is currently in a register.

      Update the descriptor of x to indicate that it is in L. If L is a register, update its descriptor to indicate that it contains x. Remove x from all other register descriptors.

    4. If y and/or z have no next uses and are in registers, update the register descriptors to reflect that they no longer contain y and/or z respectively.

    Register Allocation

    Need to decide:

    Approaches to Register Allocation

    1. Partition the register set into groups that are use for different kinds of values. E.g. assign base addrs to one group, pointers to the stack to another, etc.

      Advantage: simple
      Disadvantage: register use may be inefficient

    2. Keep frequently used values in registers, across block boundaries. E.g. assign some fixed number of registers to hold the most active values in each inner loop.

      Advantage: simple to implement
      Disadvantage: sensitive to # of registers assigned for loop variables.

    lecture #54 began here

    Challenge Question we Ended with Last Time

    So, how can you know what are the frequently used variables in a function?

    x86_64 Floating Point

    Float Operations

    There is a useful set of notes from Andrew Tolmach of Portland State University. Arithmetic operations on floats have different opcodes, and results have to be stored in floating point registers, not integer registers.
    	movsd	-56(%rbp), %xmm0
    	movapd	%xmm0, %xmm1
    	addsd	-48(%rbp), %xmm1

    Float Constants

    Doubles are the same 64-bit size as longs. They can be loaded into memory or registers using the normal instructions like movq. A spectacular x86_64 opcode named movabsq takes an entire floating point constant as an immediate (bit pattern given as a decimal integer!) and stores it in a register. (Q: What C code (or library function) would take your double and produce the equivalent decimal integer string?)
    	movabsq	$4620355447710076109, %rax
    	movq	%rax, -8(%rbp)

    Simple Machine Model

    This model is probably relevant for selecting between equivalent sequences of instructions but is presented here as food for thought regarding which variables deserve to stay in registers.
    Instruction Costs
    for an instruction I, cost(I) = 1 + sum(cost(operands(I)))

    operand costs:

    Usage Counts
    In this model, each reference to a variable x accrues a savings of 1 if x is in a register.

    Cost savings flow graph example

    For the following flow graph, how much savings would be earned by leaving variables (a-f) in a register across basic blocks?

    Savings B1 B2 B3 B4 Total
    a 2 1 1 0 4
    b 2 0 2 2 6
    c 1 0 1 1 3
    d 3 1 1 1 6
    e 2 0 2 0 4
    f 1 2 1 0 4

    x86_64 Discussion

    For what its worth on Windows 64

    Warning: the Mingw64 compiler (and possibly other Windows 64-bit c compilers) do not use the same memory sizes as Linux x86_64! Beware. If you were compatible with gcc on Linux you might not be on Windows and vice versa.

    Three Kinds of Dependence

    In all three of these examples, a dependence relationship implies that in the program semantics, the second instruction depends on the first one in some way.

    a = b + c;
    d = a + e;
    a = b + c;
    b = d + e;
    a = b + c;
    a = d + e;

    Review of x86_64 Calling Conventions

    64-bit x86 was first done by AMD and licensed afterwards by Intel, so it is sometimes referred to as AMD64. Warning: Linux and Windows do things a lot different!

    Final Code Generation Example

    Lessons From the Final Code Generation Example

    Reverse Engineering, gcc -S, and Optimization

    I decided to fill in a missing piece of the x86_64 final code generation template page that I am providing you, and chose a real easy one: if !x goto L. I figured it would be a two-instruction analogue of if x goto L. So I constructed a simple program to try and produce the desired code.
    int fac(long y)
       long x;
       if (!y) goto L;
       return 1;

    I was frustrated to find seemingly idiotic code as gcc's default: it was generating an extra jump and an extra label. Eventually, I tried it with -O just to see what we would get.

    The corresponding gcc -S output is as follows:

    gcc -Sgcc -O -S
    	.file	"foo.c"
    	.section	.rodata
    	.string	"hello"
    	.globl	fac
    	.type	fac, @function
    	pushq	%rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
    	.cfi_offset 6, -16
    	movq	%rsp, %rbp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
    	subq	$16, %rsp
    	movq	%rdi, -8(%rbp)
    	cmpq	$0, -8(%rbp)
    	jne	.L2
    	jmp	.L3
    	movl	$.LC0, %edi
    	movl	$0, %eax     # num of float args, for vararg funcs
    	call	printf
    	movl	$1, %eax
    	.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
    	.size	fac, .-fac
    	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)"
    	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
    	.file	"foo.c"
    	.section	.rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
    	.string	"hello"
    	.globl	fac
    	.type	fac, @function
    	testq	%rdi, %rdi
    	je	.L4
    	subq	$8, %rsp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
    	movl	$.LC0, %edi
    	movl	$0, %eax     # num of float args, for vararg funcs
    	call	printf
    	movl	$1, %eax
    	addq	$8, %rsp
    	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
    	movl	$1, %eax
    	.size	fac, .-fac
    	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)"
    	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

    Flow Graphs

    In preparation for lectures discussing code optimization, a more detailed discussion of flow graphs is needed.

    Flow Graph Example

    if (x + y <= 10 && x - y >= 0) x = x + 1;
    Construct the flow graph from the basic blocks

    t1 := x + y
    if t1 > 10 goto L1
    t2 := x - y
    if t2 < 0 goto L1
    t3 := x + 1
    x := t3

    Next-Use Information

    use of a name
    consider two statements
    I1: x := ... /* assigns to x */
    I2: ... := ... x ... /* has x as an operand */
    such that control can flow from I1 to I2 along some path that has no intervening assignments to x. Then, I2 uses the value of x computed at I1. I2 may use several assignments to x via different paths.
    live variables
    a variable x is live at a point in a flow graph if the value of x at that point is used at a later point.

    Computing Next-Use Information (within a block only)

    lecture #55 began here


    Could we cover assembly stack allocation/management?
    Sure. I've pointed you at a lot of resources; here is another, on Eli Bendersky's site.

    When and what do we have to push and pop from the stack when we call a function?
    We (that mens you) should probably look at a bunch of examples, probably by reverse engineering them with gcc -S, to get a feel for this. A summary on which we can expand/correct is:
    Can we use the stack exclusively for all of our parameters and local variables?
    Your compiler can ignore register parameters entirely when you generate code that calls to and returns from your own functions. IFF your code needs to call C library code (such as printf, reads, etc.) you would have to use the standard calling conventions (including registers) to call those functions successfully.

    Storage for Temporaries

    Storage for Temporaries Example

    Consider the following (a dot-product code) example. This is a single basic block, subdivided using the liveness of some non-overlapping temporary variables.

    t1 live
    	prod := 0
    	i := 1
    L3:	t1 := 4 * i
    	t2 := a[t1]
    t3 live
    	t3 := 4 * i
    	t4 := b[t3]
    t5 live
    	t5 := t2 + t4
    	t6 := prod + t5
    t7 live
    	prod := t6
    	t7 := i + 1
    	i := t7
    	if i <= 20 goto L3

    t1, t3, t5, t7 can share the same location. What about t2, t4, and t6?


    DAG representation of basic blocks

    This concept is useful in code optimization. Although we are not doing a homework on optimization, you should understand it to be essential in real life and have heard and seen a bit of the terminology.

    A DAG for a basic block is one with the following labels on nodes:

    1. leaves are labelled by unique identifiers, either variable names or constants.
    2. interior nodes are labelled by operator symbols
    3. nodes are optionally given a sequence of identifiers as labels (these identifiers are deemed to have the value computed at that node).


    For the three-address code
    L:	t1 := 4 * i
    	t2 := a[t1]
    	t3 := 4 * i
    	t4 := b[t3]
    	t5 := t2 * t4
    	t6 := prod + t5
    	t7 := i + 1
    	i := t7
    	if i <= 20 goto L
    What should the corresponding DAG look like?

    Constructing a DAG

    Input: A basic block.

    Output: A DAG for the block, containing:

    Method: Consider an instruction x := y op z.

    1. If node(y), the node in the DAG that represents the value of y at that point, is undefined, then create a leaf labelled y. Let node(y) be this node. Similar for z.
    2. determine if there is a node labelled op with left child node(y) and right child node(z). if not, create such a node. let this node be n

    Applications of DAGs

    1. automatically detects common subexpressions
    2. can determine which identifiers have their value used in the block -- these are identifiers for which a leaf is created in step (1) at some point.
    3. Can determine which statements compute values that could be used outside the block -- these are statements s whose node n constructed in step (2) still has node(x)=n at the end of the DAG construction, where x is the identifier defined by S.
    4. Can reconstruct a simplified list of 3-addr instructions, taking advantage of common subexpressions, and not performing copyin assignments of the form x := y unless really necessary.

    Evaluating the nodes of a DAG

    The "optimized" basic block after DAG construction and common subexpression elimination equates x and z, but this behaves incorrectly when i = j.

    Code Optimization

    There are major classes of optimization that can significantly speedup a compiler's generated code. Usually you speed up code by doing the work with fewer instructions and by avoiding unnecessary memory reads and writes. You can also speed up code by rewriting it with fewer gotos.

    Constant Folding

    Constant folding is performing arithmetic at compile-time when the values are known. This includes simple expressions such as 2+3, but with more analysis some variables' values may be known constants for some of their uses.
         x = 7;
         y = x+5;

    Common Subexpression Elimination

    Code that redundantly computes the same value occurs fairly frequently, both explicitly because programmers wrote the code that way, and implicitly in the implementation of certain language features.


        (a+b)*i + (a+b)/j;
    The (a+b) is a common subexpression that you should not have to compute twice.


        x = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = x;
    Every array subscript requires an addition operation to compute the memory address; but do we have to compute the location for a[i] and a[j] twice in this code?

    Loop Unrolling

    Gotos are expensive (do you know why?). If you know a loop will execute at least (or exactly) 3 times, it may be faster to copy the loop body those three times than to do a goto. Removing gotos simplifies code, allowing other optimizations.

    originalunrolledafter subsequent constant folding
    for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
       x += i * i;
       y += x * x;
       x += 0 * 0;
       y += x * x;
       x += 1 * 1;
       y += x * x;
       x += 2 * 2;
       y += x * x;
       y += x * x;
       x += 1;
       y += x * x;
       x += 4;
       y += x * x;

    lecture #56 began here

    Optimization Techniques, cont'd

    Algebraic Properties

    Implicit in the previous example of loop unrolling was the notion that certain computations can be simplified by basic math properties.

    name sample optimized as
    x = x * 1;
    x = x + 0;
    y = (5 * x) + (7 * x);
    y = 12 * x;
    y = (5 * x) + (x * 7);
    y = (5 * x) + (7 * x);
    strength reduction
    x = y * 16;
    x = y << 4;
    This open-ended category might also include exploits of associativity, distributive properties, etc.

    Hoisting Loop Invariants

    This one requires knowledge, perhaps too much knowledge. I know the following optimization is safe, but does the compiler know? What would you have to know/prove in order for this example to be "safe" for a compiler to do?

    for (i=0; i<strlen(s); i++)
       s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
    t_0 = strlen(s);
    for (i=0; i<t_0; i++)
       s[i] = tolower(s[i]);

    Peephole Optimization

    Peephole optimizations look at the native code through a small, moving window for specific patterns that can be simplified. These are some of the easiest optimizations because they potentially don't require any analysis of other parts of the program in order to tell when they may be applied. Although some of these are stupid and you wouldn't think they'd come up, the simple code generation algorithm we presented earlier is quite stupid and does all sorts of obvious bad things that we can avoid.

    name sample optimized as
    redundant load or store
    MOVE R0,a
    MOVE a,R0
    MOVE R0,a
    dead code
    #define debug 0
    if (debug) printf("ugh");
    control flow simplification
    if a < b goto L1
    L1: goto L2
    if a < b goto L2
    L1: goto L2

    Peephole Optimization Examples

    It would be nice if we had time to develop a working demo program for peephole optimization, but let's start with the obvious.

    as generatedreplace withcomment
    	movq	%rdi, -56(%rbp)
    	cmpq	$1, -56(%rbp)
    	movq	%rdi, -56(%rbp)
    	cmpq	$1, %rdi
    reuse n that's already in a register
    	cmpq	$1, %rdi
    	setle	%al
    	movzbl	%al,%eax
    	movq	%rax, -8(%rbp)
    	cmpq	$0, -8(%rbp)
    	jne	.L0
    	cmpq	$1, %rdi
    	jle	.L0
    boolean variables are for wimps.
    setle sets a byte register (%al) to contain a boolean
    movzbl zero-extends a byte to a long (movsbl sign-extends)
    	cmpq	$1, %rdi
    	jle	.L0
    	jmp	.L1
    	cmpq	$1, %rdi
    	jg	.L1
    Use fall throughs when possible; avoid jumps.
    	movq	%rax, -16(%rbp)
    	movq	-16(%rbp), %rdi
    	movq	%rax, %rdi
    TAC code optimization might catch this sooner
    	movq	-56(%rbp), %rax
    	subq	$1, %rax
    	movq	%rax, %rdi
    	movq	-56(%rbp), %rdi
    	subq	$1, %rdi
    What was so special about %rax again?
    	movq	%rax, -40(%rbp)
    	movq	-24(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-40(%rbp), %rax
    	addq	-24(%rbp), %rax
    Addition is commutative.

    Interprocedural Optimization

    Considering memory references across procedure call boundaries; for example, one might pass a parameter in a register if both the caller and callee generated code knows about it.

    argument culling

    when the value of a specific parameter is a constant, a custom version of a called procedure can be generated, in which the parameter is eliminated, and the constant is used directly (may allow additional constant folding).
    int f(int x, float y, char *z, int n)
      switch (n) {
      case 1:
         do_A; break;
      case 2:
         do_B; break;
    int f_1(int x, float y, char *z)
    int f_2(int x, float y, char *z)

    Code Generation for Input/Output

    This section is on how to generate code for basic C input/output constructs.
    Basic appearance of a call to getchar() in final code:
    	call	getchar
    	movl	%eax, destination
    Of course, VGo does not have a getchar() function, it reads a line at a time. A built-in function for reading a line at a time might be built on top of this in vgo or in C, but it might be better to call a different input function.
    gets() is part of the C standard that permanently encodes a buffer overrun attack in the language for all time. However, we could use fgets(char*,int,FILE*) to implement VGo's input function.
    char *vgoread()
       int i;
       char *buf = malloc(4096);
       if (buf == NULL) return NULL; // should do more
       i = fgets(buf, 4095, stdin);
       // should do more
       return buf;
    What-all is wrong with this picture?
    First parameter is passed in %rdi. An "interesting" section in the AMD64 reference manuals explains that 32-bit operands are automatically sign-extended in 64-bit registers, but 8- and 16-bit operands are not automatically signed extended in 32-bit registers. If string s has label .LC0
    	movl	$.LC0, %eax	; load 32-bit addr
    				; magically sign-extended to 64-bits
    	movq	%rax, %rdi	; place 64-bit edition in param #1 reg.
    	call	printf		; call printf
    printf(s, i)
    Printf'ing an int ought to be the simplest printf. The second parameter is passed in %rsi. If you placed a 32-bit int in %esi you would still be OK.
    	movq	source, %rsi	; what we would do
    	movl	source, %esi	; "real" C int: 32, 64, same diff
    printf(s, c)
    Printf'ing a character involves passing that char as a parameter. Generally when passing a "char" parameter one would pass it in a (long word, aligned) slot, and it is prudent to (basically) promote it to "int" in this slot.
    	movsbl	source, %esi
    printf(s, s)
    Printf'ing a string involves passing that string as a parameter. For local variable string constant data, gcc does some pretty weird stuff. I'd kind of rather allocate the string constant out of the string constant region and then copy it into the local region, but perhaps calculating the contents of a string constant as a sequence of 32-bit long immediate values is an interesting exercise.

    Another Word on Interprocedural Optimization

    The optimization unit of this course mentions only the biggest categories of compiler optimization and gives very brief examples. That "argument culling" example of interprocedural optimization deserves at least a little more context:

    Comments on Debugging Assembler

    The compiler writer that generates bad assembler code may need to debug the assembler code in order to understand why it is wrong.

    Dominators and Loops

    Raison d'etre: many/various Loop Optimizations require that loops be specially identified within a general flow graph context. If code is properly structured (e.g. no "goto" statements) these loop optimizations are safe to do, but in the general case for C you would have to check...
    node d in a flow graph dominates node n (written as "d dom n") if every path from the initial node of the flow graph to n goes through d
    dominator tree
    tree formed from nodes in the flow graph whose root is the initial node, and node n is an ancestor of node m only if n dominates m. Each node in a flow graph has a unique "immediate dominator" (nearest dominator), hence a dominator tree can be formed.

    Loops in Flow Graphs

    Algorithm to construct the natural loop of a back edge

    Input: a flow graph G and a back edge n -> d
    Output: the set (named loop) consisting of all nodes in the natural loop of n -> d.

    Method: depth-first search on the reverse flow graph G'. Start with loop containing only node n and d. Consider each node m | m != d that is in loop, and insert m's predecessors in G into loop. Each node is placed once on a stack, so its predecessors will be examined. Since d is put in loop initially, its predecessors are not examined.

    procedure insert(m)
       if not member(loop, m) then {
          loop := loop ++ { m }
          push m onto stack
       stack := []
       loop := { d }
       while stack not empty do {
          pop m off stack
          for each predecessor p of m do insert(p)

    Inner Loops

    Code Generation for Virtual Machines

    A virtual machine architecture such as the JVM changes the "final" code generation somewhat. We have seen several changes, some of which simplify final code generation and some of which complicate things.
    no registers, simplified addressing
    a virtual machine may omit a register model and avoid complex addressing modes for different types of variables
    uni-size or descriptor-based values
    if all variables are "the same size", some of the details of memory management are simplified. In Java most values occupy a standard "slot" size, although some values occupy two slots. In Icon and Unicon, all values are stored using a same-size descriptor.
    runtime type system
    requiring type information at runtime may complicate the code generation task since type information must be present in generated code. For example in Java method invocation and field access instructions must encode class information.
    Just for fun, let's compare the generated code for java with that X86 native code we looked at earlier when we were talking about how to make variables spill out of registers:
    	iload 4
    	iload 5
    	iload 6
    	iload 7
    	iload 5
    What do you see?

    thanks here to T. Mowry.


    Loop optimizations often require code to be executed once before the loop. Example: loop hoisting. Solution: introduce a new (possibly empty) basic block for every loop. It had to have a header anyhow; give it a preheader.

    What was all that Loops/Dominators Stuff For?

    Given that you find such a natural loop, you can do:

    Loop Hoisting

    Hoisting Conditions thank you to Peter Lee Hoisting conditions For a loop-invariant definition d: t = x op y we can hoist instruction d into the loop’s pre-header if: 1. d’s block dominates all loop exits at which t is live-out, and 2. there is only one definition of t in the loop, and 3. t is not live-out of the pre-header

    Finding Loop Invariants

    OK, what can you do with this:

    Did you get:

    Exercise: run it a few billion times; see whether hoisting a couple operations out of the loop makes a measurable difference. It might not, after all... gotos are expensive. Exercise: what is wrong with this example? Another example (from Wikipedia loop-invariant code motion):

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        x = y + z;
        a[i] = 6 * i + x * x;
    One can hoise not just x = y + z; because it establishes x as invariant, subexpression x*x (into a temp variable) can also be hoisted.

    More on Runtime Systems

    Every compiler (including yours) needs a runtime system. A runtime system is the set of library functions and possibly global variables maintained by the language on behalf of a running program. You use one all the time; in C it functions like printf(), plus perhaps internal compiler-generated calls to do things the processor doesn't do in hardware.

    So you need a runtime system; potentially, this might be as big or bigger a job than writing the compiler. Languages vary from assembler (no runtime system) and C (small runtime system, mostly C with some assembler) on up to Java (large runtime system, mostly Java with some C) and in even higher level languages the compiler may evaporate and the runtime system become gigantic. The Unicon language has a relatively trivial compiler and gigantic virtual machine and runtime system. Other scripting languages might have no compiler at all, doing everything (even lexing and parsing) in the runtime system.

    Quick Look at the Implementation of Unicon

    The remainder of this quick look will focus on OO features, as implementing object-oriented language features is of broad interest.

    On Double Constants in Assembler

    For what its worth, I was Wrong. I claimed to one or more of you that immediate mode instructions didn't include full 64-bit immediate constants, but see the end of lecture #48! Earlier this semester we already noted that x86_64 does in fact have immediate mode for 64-bits...for at least one instruction/opcode (movabsq). Proof by contradiction. I note that the double 3.1415 was represented in output assembler by $4614256447914709615. Just for fun, I checked my earlier cast-to-long strategy:
    using namespace std;
    int main()
       double d;
       d = 3.1415;
       long l = *(long *)(&d);
       cout << "$" << l << endl;
    We win.

    Tips on Invoking the Assembler and Linker from your Compiler

    HW#6 calls for your compiler to produce an executable that I can run. But we have mainly discussed a compiler that writes out code suitable for input to an assembler. A student requested that I give you some tips on getting the rest of the way.

    Imports and Inheritance in Unicon

    Unicon is different from mainstream languages, and this section is not intended to tell you what you are supposed to do, it is intended to provide a basis for comparison.

    Syntax Tree Overview

    Unicon uses "iyacc", a variant of Berkeley yacc, which is a cousin of Bison. The unigram.y grammar has around 234 shift reduce conflicts. The semantic action at the import statement is illustrative of tree construction as well as what little semantic analysis Unicon does.
    import: IMPORT implist {
       $$ := node("import", $1,$2," ")
       } ;
    For what its worth, the tree type in Unicon is very challenging and sophisticated:
    record treenode(label, children)
    procedure node(label, kids[])
       return treenode(label, kids)
    Actually, Unicon syntax trees are incredibly simple, except that they are actually heterogeneous trees with a mixture of treenode, string, token, and various class objects.


    Despite the generic tree, various class objects from idol.icn store all the interesting stuff in the syntax tree. It is almost really one class per non-terminal type, and those non-terminals that have symbol tables have a field in the class that contains the symbol (hash) table object.

    class Package (one of the only parts of idol.icn I didn't write) tells a real interesting story. There is both an in-memory representation of what we know about the world, and a persistent on-disk representation (in order to support separate compilation).

    # a package is a virtual syntax construct; it does not appear in source
    # code, but is stored in the database.  The "fields" in a package are
    # the list of global symbols defined within that package.  The filelist
    # is the list of source files that are linked in when that package is
    # imported.
    class Package : declaration(files, dir, classes)
       # Add to the two global tables of imported symbols from this package's
       # set of symbols.  If sym is non-null, we are importing an individual
       # symbol (import "pack.symbol").
       method add_imported(sym)
          local s, f
          if /dir then return
          f := open(dir || "/uniclass", "dr") |
    	 stop("Couldn't re-open uniclass db in " || dir)
          every s := (if \sym then sym else fields.foreach()) do {
             if member(imported, s) then
                 put(imported[s], self.name)
              else {
                 imported[s] := [self.name]
             if fetch(f, self.name || "__" || s) then {
                if member(imported_classes, s) then
                   put(imported_classes[s], self.name)
                else {
                   imported_classes[s] := [self.name]
       method Read(line)
          self.files := idTaque(":")
          self.files$parse(line[find(":",line)+1:find("(",line)] | "")
       method size()
          return fields$size()
       method insertfname(filename)
          /files := idTaque(":")
          if files.insert(filename) then {
             write(filename, " is added to package ", name)
          else write(filename, " is already in Package ", name)
       method insertsym(sym, filename)
          if fields.insert(sym) then {
             write(sym, " added to package ", name)
          else write(sym, " is already in Package ", name)
       method containssym(sym)
           return \fields.lookup(sym)
       method String()
          s := self$declaration.String()
          fs := files.String()
          if *fs > 0 then fs := " : " || fs
          s := s[1: (*tag + *name + 2)] || fs || s[*tag+*name+2:0]
          return s
       method writespec()
       if \name & (f := open(env,"d")) then {
          insert(f, name, String())
       stop("can't write package spec for ", image(name))
       if name[1] == name[-1] == "\"" then {
          name := name[2:-1]
          self.name := ""
          name ? {
    	 if upto('/\\') then {
    	    while self.name ||:= tab(upto('/\\')) do self.name ||:= move(1)
    	 self.name ||:= tab(find(".")|0)
       else {
          self.name := name
       if dbe := fetchspec(self.name) then {
          self.dir := dbe.dir
       /tag := "package"
       /fields := classFields()

    fetching a specification

    Given a class name, how do we find it? It must live in a GDBM database (uniclass) somewhere along the IPATH. A bunch of tedious string parsing concluding with a GDBM fetch.
    # find a class specification, along the IPATH if necessary
    procedure fetchspec(name)
       static white, nonwhite
       local basedir := "."
    $ifdef _MS_WINDOWS_NT
       white := ' \t;'
       nonwhite := &cset -- ' \t;'
       white := ' \t'
       nonwhite := &cset -- ' \t'
       name ? {
          while basedir ||:= tab(upto('\\/')) do {
    	 basedir ||:= move(1)
          name := tab(0)
          # throw away initial "." and trailing "/"
          if basedir[-1] == ("\\"|"/") then basedir := basedir[2:-1]
       if f := open(basedir || "/" || env,"dr") then {
          if s := fetch(f, name) then {
    	 return db_entry(basedir, s)
       if basedir ~== "." then fail # if it gave a path, don't search IPATH
       ipath := ipaths()
       if \ipath then {
          ipath ? {
             dir := ""
    	 while dir ||:= tab(many(nonwhite)) do {
    	    if *dir>0 & dir[1]=="\"" & dir[-1] ~== "\"" then {
    		dir ||:= tab(many(white)) | { fail }
    	    else {
    		if dir[1]==dir[-1]=="\"" then dir := dir[2:-1]
    		if f := open(dir || "/" || env, "dr") then {
    		    if s := fetch(f, name) then {
    			close(f); return db_entry(dir, s) }
    		dir := ""

    Closure-Based Inheritance

    Unicon not only allows multiple inheritance, it is the only language that I know of that can handle cycles in the inheritance graph. It does this by having each child be completely self-centered. When they inherit, they rifle through their parents looking for spare change. This is a depth-first method that completely/perfectly inherits from the first superclass (including all its parents) and only then considers later step-parents.

    Inside class Class, supers is an object that maintains an ordered list of a class' superclasses (i.e. parents). Variable classes is effectively a global object that knows all the classes in the current package and let's you look them up by name. Variable added tracks classes already visited, and prevents repeating any classes already on the list.

      method transitive_closure()
        count := supers.size()
        while count > 0 do {
    	added := taque()
    	every sc := supers.foreach() do {
    	  if /(super := classes.lookup(sc)) then
    	    halt("class/transitive_closure: couldn't find superclass ",sc)
    	  every supersuper := super.foreachsuper() do {
    	    if / self.supers.lookup(supersuper) &
    		 /added.lookup(supersuper) then {
    	count := added.size()
    	every self.supers.insert(added$foreach())
    Given that all the superclasses have been ordered, the actual inheritance in class Class is done by a method resolve():
      method resolve()
        # these are lists of [class , ident] records
        self.imethods := []
        self.ifields := []
        ipublics := []
        addedfields := table()
        addedmethods := table()
        every sc := supers.foreach() do {
    	if /(superclass := classes.lookup(sc)) then
    	    halt("class/resolve: couldn't find superclass ",sc)
    	every superclassfield := superclass.foreachfield() do {
    	    if /self.fields.lookup(superclassfield) &
    	       /addedfields[superclassfield] then {
    		addedfields[superclassfield] := superclassfield
    		put ( self.ifields , classident(sc,superclassfield) )
    		if superclass.ispublic(superclassfield) then
    		    put( ipublics, classident(sc,superclassfield) )
    	    } else if \strict then {
    		warn("class/resolve: '",sc,"' field '",superclassfield,
    		     "' is redeclared in subclass ",self.name)
    	every superclassmethod := (superclass.foreachmethod()).name() do {
    	    if /self.methods.lookup(superclassmethod) &
    	       /addedmethods[superclassmethod] then {
    		addedmethods[superclassmethod] := superclassmethod
    		put ( self.imethods, classident(sc,superclassmethod) )
    	every public := (!ipublics) do {
    	    if public.Class == sc then
    		put (self.imethods, classident(sc,public.ident))

    Unicon Methods Vectors

    Unicon resolves each class' inheritance information at compile time, and generates a field table for runtime calculations that map field names to slot#/offsets. Methods vectors are just structs, shared by objects by means of a pointer (__m) added to class instances.

    lecture #57 began here

    Final Exam Review

    The final exam is comprehensive, but with a strong emphasis on "back end" compiler issues: symbol tables, semantic analysis, and code generation.

    Sample Final Exam

    This final is from a previous year and has questions specific to that year's project. But it gives you an idea of the kinds of questions that appear on the final.