CS 445 HW#2

Due: Wednesday September 25 11:59pm.

Write or adapt a VGo grammar that works with Bison, and use it to produce a syntax tree for your input VGo source files. The recommended starting point is

To the extent that you modify the grammar, you are advised to ignore/allow any number of shift/reduce conflicts, but to not tolerate any reduce/reduce conflicts -- they generally require grammar changes such as refactoring common sequences within two or more production rules. Whichever grammar/parser you use, you are responsible for making it work for VGo and for any bugs. You may write your own grammar from scratch if you prefer.

Your parser should include at least the following:

If there is a syntax error, you should report the filename and line number. Your program's exit status should be 0 if there are no errors, and a nonzero number to indicate errors. For lexical errors, use the exit status 1. For syntax errors, the exit status should be 2.

If there are no errors, you should print a text representation of a syntax tree.

Suppose we have a tree structure that looks something like:

struct tree {
   int prodrule;
   char *symbolname; /* optional for Fall 2019: term or nonterm symbol name */
   int nkids;
   struct tree *kids[9]; /* if nkids >0 */
   struct token *leaf;   /* if nkids == 0; might be null */

int treeprint(struct tree *t, int depth)
  int i;

  printf("%*s %s: %d\n", depth*2, " ", humanreadable(t), t->nkids);
  for(i=0; i<t->nkids; i++)
    treeprint(t->kids[i], depth+1);

If you write a function humanreadable(t) that returns a human readable string, either from the production rule # or the optional symbolname, you can get output that looks something like
program: 1
 function: 2
  function header: 3
   typedecl: 1
   functioname: 1
   parmlist: 3

For leaves, print out the integer code and the lexeme (yytext[]) for the token, if any.