# # idol.icn -- core Idol-translator classes $include "ytab_h.icn" link getpaths # # global variables # global fin,fout,fName,fLine,alpha,alphadot,white,nonwhite,nonalpha,reserved global classes,comp,exec,strict,links,imports,loud,compiles,ct,tmpcount # classspec database (DBM) entry record db_entry(dir, entry) # # Abstract class for objects resulting from parsing lines of the form # tag name ( field1 , field2, ... ) # class declaration(name,fields,tag,lptoken,rptoken) method name() return self.name end method setname(s) self.name := s end # # parse a declaration string into its components # method Read(decl) decl ? ( (tab(many(white)) | "") , # get my tag (self.tag := =("procedure"|"class"|"method"|"record"|"package")) , (tab(many(white)) | "") , # get my name (self.name := tab(many(alpha))) , # get my fields (tab(find("(")+1))\1, (tab(many(white)) | "") , ((self.fields := classFields())$parse(tab(find(")")\1))), =")", (tab(many(white)) | ""), pos(0) ) | halt("declaration/read can't parse decl ",decl) end # # write a declaration # method Write(f) yyprint(tag) yyprint(name) yyprint(lptoken) yyprint(fields) yyprint(rptoken) end # # convert self to a string # method String() flds := (\(self.fields))$String() | "" if / (self.tag) then { write("null tag in ", image(self.name), " object ", image(self)) } return self.tag || " " || self.name || "(" || flds || ")" end initially tmpcount := 0 end global imported procedure import_class(node) local s, pack /imported := table() if type(node)=="treenode" & node.label=="implist" then { import_class(node.children[1]) import_class(node.children[3]) } else if node.tok = IDENT then { tempp := Package(node.s) if /tempp.dir then { uni_error("Unable to import package " || node.s) } tempp.add_imported() } else if node.tok = STRINGLIT then { node.s ? { move(1) pack := "" while pack ||:= tab(upto('/\\')) do pack ||:= move(1) if pack ||:= tab(find(".")) then { move(1) s := tab(-1) } else pack ||:= tab(-1) } tempp := Package(pack) if /tempp.dir then { uni_error("Unable to import package " || node.s) } tempp.add_imported(s) } end # # a package is a virtual syntax construct; it does not appear in source # code, but is stored in the database. The "fields" in a package are # the list of global symbols defined within that package. The filelist # is the list of source files that are linked in when that package is # imported. # class Package : declaration(files, dir, classes) # # Add to the two global tables of imported symbols from this package's # set of symbols. If sym is non-null, we are importing an individual # symbol (import "pack.symbol"). # method add_imported(sym) local s, f if /dir then return f := open(dir || "/uniclass", "dr") | stop("Couldn't re-open uniclass db in " || dir) every s := (if \sym then sym else fields.foreach()) do { if member(imported, s) then put(imported[s], self.name) else { imported[s] := [self.name] } if fetch(f, self.name || "__" || s) then { if member(imported_classes, s) then put(imported_classes[s], self.name) else { imported_classes[s] := [self.name] } } } close(f) end method Read(line) self$declaration.Read(line) self.files := idTaque(":") self.files$parse(line[find(":",line)+1:find("(",line)] | "") end method size() return fields$size() end method insertfname(filename) /files := idTaque(":") if files.insert(filename) then { write(filename, " is added to package ", name) writespec() } else write(filename, " is already in Package ", name) end method insertsym(sym, filename) if fields.insert(sym) then { write(sym, " added to package ", name) writespec() } else write(sym, " is already in Package ", name) end method containssym(sym) return \fields.lookup(sym) end method String() s := self$declaration.String() fs := files.String() if *fs > 0 then fs := " : " || fs s := s[1: (*tag + *name + 2)] || fs || s[*tag+*name+2:0] return s end method writespec() if \name & (f := open(env,"d")) then { insert(f, name, String()) close(f) return } stop("can't write package spec for ", image(name)) end initially(name) if name[1] == name[-1] == "\"" then { name := name[2:-1] self.name := "" name ? { if upto('/\\') then { while self.name ||:= tab(upto('/\\')) do self.name ||:= move(1) } self.name ||:= tab(find(".")|0) } } else { self.name := name } if dbe := fetchspec(self.name) then { Read(dbe.entry) self.dir := dbe.dir } /tag := "package" /fields := classFields() end # imethods and ifields are all lists of these: record classident(Class,ident) # # Attributes and operations of classes # class Class : declaration (supers, methods, text, imethods, ifields, glob, linkfile, dir, unmangled_name, supers_node) method ismethod(id) if \ (self.methods$lookup(id)) | (!\self.imethods).ident == id then return end method isfield(id) if \ (self.fields$lookup(id)) | (!\self.ifields).ident == id then return end method Read(line,L) self$declaration.Read(line) self.supers := idTaque(":") self.supers$parse(line[find(":",line)+1:find("(",line)] | "") self.methods:= taque() self$ReadBody(0, L) end method ReadBody(depth,L) while line := pop(L) do { line ? { tab(many(white)) if ="initially" then { (cf := classFields())$parse("") decl := Method(self.name,self.text,,cf,"method") decl$setname("initially") self.methods$insert(decl, "initially") } else if ="method" then { decl := Method(self.name) decl$Read(line,phase) self.methods$insert(decl,decl$name()) } else if ="end" & pos(0) then { # "end" is tossed here. see "initially" above return } else if ="procedure" then { decl := Method("") decl$Read(line,phase) /self.glob := [] put(self.glob,decl) } else if ="global" then { /self.glob := [] put(self.glob,vardecl(line)) } else if ="record" then { /self.glob := [] put(self.glob,declaration(line)) } else if upto(nonwhite) then { decl := Method(self.name) decl$Read("method " || line || "()", phase) self.methods$insert(decl,decl$name()) } } } if depth = 0 then halt("class/read syntax error: eof inside a class definition") end # # Miscellaneous methods on classes # method has_initially() return (methods$foreach())$name() == "initially" end method ispublic(fieldname) if self.fields$ispublic(fieldname) then return fieldname end method foreachmethod() suspend methods$foreach() end method foreachsuper() suspend supers$foreach() end method foreachfield() suspend fields$foreach() end method isvarg(s) if self.fields$isvarg(s) then return s end method transitive_closure() count := supers$size() while count > 0 do { added := taque() every sc := supers$foreach() do { if /(super := classes$lookup(sc)) then halt("class/transitive_closure: couldn't find superclass ",sc) every supersuper := super$foreachsuper() do { if / self.supers$lookup(supersuper) & /added$lookup(supersuper) then { added$insert(supersuper) } } } count := added$size() every self.supers$insert(added$foreach()) } end # # write the class declaration: if s is "class" write as a spec # otherwise, write as a constructor # method writedecl(f,s) writes(f, s," ",self.name) if s=="class" & ( *(superstr := self.supers$String()) > 0 ) then writes(f," : ",superstr) writes(f,"(") if s~=="class" & ((("initially" == (m := (methods$foreach()))$name()) & (m.fields ~=== EmptyNode)) | (((mn := !(self.imethods)).ident == "initially") & (m := classes.lookup(mn.Class).methods.lookup("initially")) & (m.fields ~=== EmptyNode)) ) then { yyprint(m.fields) } else { rv := self.fields$String(s) if *rv > 0 then rv ||:= "," if s~=="class" & *(\self.ifields)>0 then { # inherited fields every l := !self.ifields do { lid := l.ident if type(lid) == "string" then rv := rv || lid || "," else if type(lid)=="treenode" & lid.label == "arg3" then { rv := rv || (lid.children[1].s) if s=="class" then { rv := rv || ":" || lid.children[3].s } rv := rv || "," } else stop("Write(): can't handle ", type(ifi)) } # resolve the last field in order to see if it is a vararg if /(superclass := classes$lookup(l.Class)) then halt("class/resolve: couldn't find superclass ",sc) if superclass$isvarg(l.ident) then rv := rv[1:-1]||"[]," } writes(f,rv[1:-1]) } write(f,,")") end method WriteSpec() # write the specification of a class f := open(env,"d") | { write(&errout, "can't open class database to write spec for ",self.name) fail } nam := self.name s := fName || "\nclass " || nam if *(superstr := self.supers$String()) > 0 then { s ||:= " : "; s ||:= superstr } s ||:= "(" rv := self.fields$String(s) if *rv > 0 then rv ||:= "," s ||:= rv[1:-1] s ||:= ")\n" every s ||:= (methods$foreach())$mkspec() s ||:= "end\n" # if *(self.name) + *s > 1023 then { # need to compress s # f2 := open("gzip.out", "w") # writes(f2,s) # close(f2) # f2 := open("gzip -c gzip.out","p") # s := "\^z" || reads(f2,100000) # close(f2) # remove("gzip.out") # } insert(f, nam, s) | stop("...insert fails on ", image(nam), " value of size ", *s) close(f) f := open(env,"d") | stop("no check") s := fetch(f, nam) | stop("fetch(", image(nam),") fails") close(f) end # # write out the Icon code for this class' explicit methods # and its "nested global" declarations (procedures, records, etc.) # method writemethods(f) every (methods$foreach())$Write(f) if \self.glob & *self.glob>0 then { write(f,"#\n# globals declared within the class\n#") every i := 1 to *self.glob do yyprint(glob[i]) write(f) } end # # write - write an Icon implementation of a class to file f # method Write(f) nam := self.name yyprint("\n") writemethods(f) # # must have done inheritance computation to write things out # if /self.ifields then self$resolve() # # write a record containing the state variables # writes(f,"record ",nam,"__state(__s,__m") # reserved fields rv := "," rv ||:= self.fields$idTaque.String() # my fields if rv[-1] ~== "," then rv ||:= "," every ifi := (!self.ifields).ident do { if type(ifi) == "string" then rv := rv || ifi || "," # inherited fields else if type(ifi) == "treenode" & ifi.label == "arg3" then { rv := rv || (ifi.children[1].s) || "," } else stop("Write(): can't handle ", type(ifi)) } yyprint(rv[1:-1] || ")\n") # # write a record containing the methods # writes(f,"record ",nam,"__methods(") rv := "" every s := (((methods$foreach())$name()) | # my explicit methods (!self.imethods).ident | # my inherited methods supers$foreach() ) # super.method fields do rv := rv || s || "," if *rv>0 then rv[-1] := "" # trim trailling , yyprint(rv||")\n") # # write a global containing this classes' operation record # along with declarations for all superclasses op records # writes(f,"global ",nam,"__oprec") every writes(f,", ", supers$foreach(),"__oprec") yyprint("\n") # # write the constructor procedure. # This is a long involved process starting with writing the declaration. # self$writedecl(f,"procedure") yyprint("local self,clone\n") # # initialize operation records for this and superclasses # yyprint("initial {\n if /"||nam||"__oprec then "||nam||"initialize()\n") if supers$size() > 0 then every (super <- supers$foreach()) ~== nam do yyprint(" if /"||super||"__oprec then "||super||"initialize()\n"|| " "||nam||"__oprec."||super||" := "|| super||"__oprec\n") yyprint(" }\n") # # If the class field list has or inherits defaults, write them out. # every fld := fields$foreach() do { if type(fld) == "treenode" & fld.label == "arg3" then { writes(f,"/",fld.children[1].s, " := ") yyprint(fld.children[3]) yyprint("\n") } } every ifi := (!(self.ifields)).ident do { if type(ifi) == "treenode" & ifi.label == "arg3" then { writes(f,"/",ifi.children[1].s, " := ") yyprint(ifi.children[3]) yyprint("\n") } } # # create self, initialize from constructor parameters if no initially parms # writes(f," self := ",nam,"__state(&null,",nam,"__oprec") if (("initially" == (m := (methods$foreach()))$name()) & (m.fields ~=== EmptyNode)) | (((mn := !(self.imethods)).ident == "initially") & (m := classes.lookup(mn.Class).methods.lookup("initially")) & (m.fields ~=== EmptyNode)) then { yyprint(")\n self.__s := self\n") if \ (m.fields.varg) then { m.fields.String()[1:-2] ? { if find(",") then { writes(f," self.__m.initially!([self,") while writes(f,tab(find(","))) do { move(1) # if last was nonfinal write it if find(",") then writes(f,",") } write(f, "]|||", tab(0),") | fail") } else { write(f," self.__m.initially!(push(", tab(0), ",self)) | fail") } } } else { writes(f," self.__m.initially(self,") yyprint(m.fields) yyprint(") | fail\n") } } else { every fld := fields$foreach() do { if type(fld) == "treenode" then writes(f,",",fld.children[1].s) else writes(f,",",fld) } if \self.ifields then every ifi := (!self.ifields).ident do { if type(ifi) == "string" then writes(f,",",ifi) else if type(ifi) == "treenode" & ifi.label == "arg3" then { writes(f, ",", ifi.children[1].s) } else { write(&errout, "unicon: system error inheriting ", type(ifi)) } } yyprint(")\n self.__s := self\n") if ((methods$foreach())$name()| (!self.imethods).ident) == "initially" then yyprint(" self.__m.initially(self) | fail\n") } # # call my initially method, if any # # # by default, just return the self object we've constructed. # # In strict mode, return the pair that comprises the object: # a pointer to the instance (__mystate), and # a pointer to the class operation record # if \strict then yyprint(" return idol_object(self,"||self.name||"__oprec)\nend\n\n") else yyprint(" return self\nend\n\n") # # write out class initializer procedure to initialize my operation record # yyprint("procedure "||nam||"initialize()\n") writes(f," initial ",nam,"__oprec := ",nam,"__methods") rv := "(" every s := (methods$foreach())$name() do { # explicit methods if *rv>1 then rv ||:= "," rv := rv || nam || "_" || s } every l := !self.imethods do { # inherited methods if *rv>1 then rv ||:= "," rv := rv || l.Class || "_" || l.ident } yyprint(rv||")\nend\n") end # # resolve -- primary inheritance resolution utility # method resolve() # # these are lists of [class , ident] records # self.imethods := [] self.ifields := [] ipublics := [] addedfields := table() addedmethods := table() every sc := supers$foreach() do { if /(superclass := classes$lookup(sc)) then halt("class/resolve: couldn't find superclass ",sc) every superclassfield := superclass$foreachfield() do { if /self.fields$lookup(superclassfield) & /addedfields[superclassfield] then { addedfields[superclassfield] := superclassfield put ( self.ifields , classident(sc,superclassfield) ) if superclass$ispublic(superclassfield) then put( ipublics, classident(sc,superclassfield) ) } else if \strict then { warn("class/resolve: '",sc,"' field '",superclassfield, "' is redeclared in subclass ",self.name) } } every superclassmethod := (superclass$foreachmethod())$name() do { if /self.methods$lookup(superclassmethod) & /addedmethods[superclassmethod] then { addedmethods[superclassmethod] := superclassmethod put ( self.imethods, classident(sc,superclassmethod) ) } } every public := (!ipublics) do { if public.Class == sc then put (self.imethods, classident(sc,public.ident)) } } end end # # a class defining operations on methods and procedures # class Method : declaration (Class, locals, initl, procbody, abstract_flag, firsttoken) method mkspec() decl := self$String() decl ?:= { ="method " | write("can't strip method") tab(0) } decl ?:= tab(find("(")) # if s == "method" then decl[1:upto(white,decl)] := "method" # else { # decl[1:upto(white,decl)] := "procedure" # if *(self.Class)>0 then { # decl[upto(white,decl)] ||:= self.Class||"_" # i := find("(",decl) # decl[i] ||:= "self" || (((decl[i+1] ~== ")"), ",") | "") # } # } return decl || "\n" end method islocal(id) if self.fields === &null then fail if x := \ (self.fields$lookup(id)) then return x return isloco( \ (self.locals), id) # if x := \ (self.text.vars) then # return x$lookup(id) end method Write(f, nam) yyprint("\n") if \firsttoken then { if outfilename ~== firsttoken.filename | outline ~= firsttoken.line then { write(yyout,"\n#line ", firsttoken.line-1," \"", firsttoken.filename,"\"") outline := firsttoken.line outcol := 1 outfilename := firsttoken.filename } } writes(f, "procedure ") writes(f, self.Class$name(), "_") yyprint(name) writes(f, "(self") if fields ~=== EmptyNode & fields$size()>0 then { writes(f,",") } yyprint(fields) yyprint(")\n") if /abstract_flag then { yyprint(locals) if exists_statlists(locals) then { yyprint("\ninitial {") if initl ~=== EmptyNode then { # append into existing initial yyprint(initl.children[2]) yyprint(";\n") } yystalists(locals) yyprint("\n}\n") } else yyprint(initl) (\fields).coercions() yyvarlists(locals) yyprint(procbody) if name=="initially" then writes(f, "\n return") } else write(f, " runerr(700, \"method " || name || "()\")") yyprint("\nend\n") end end # # a class corresponding to an Icon table, with special treatment of empties # class Table(t) method size() return (* \ self.t) | 0 end method insert(x,key) /self.t := table() /key := x if (/ (self.t[key])) := x then return end method lookup(key) if tee := \self.t then return tee[key] return end method foreach() if tee := \self.t then every suspend !tee end end procedure methodstaque(node, cl, taq) /taq := taque() case type(node) of { "treenode": { if (node.label ~=== "global") & (node.label ~=== "record") then { if *node.children > 0 then every methodstaque(!node.children, cl, taq) else write("leaf ", node.label) } else { /(cl.glob) := [] put(cl.glob, node) } } "Method__state": { node.Class := cl if not (taq$insert(node, node$name())) then { uni_error("method " || node$name() || " redeclared in " || cl.name) } } "null": { } "token": { write("token ", tokenstr(node.tok), " line ", node.line, " file ", node.filename) } "declaration__state" : { # Record declaration. /(cl.glob) := [] put(cl.glob, node) } default: { write("methods Taque on ", type(node), " : ", image(node)) } } return taq end # # tabular queues (taques): # a class defining objects which maintain synchronized list and table reps # Well, what is really provided are loosely-coordinated list/tables # class taque : Table (l) method insert(x,key) /self.l := [] if self$Table.insert(x,key) then { put(self.l,x) return } end method Push(x,key) /self.l := [] if self$Table.insert(x,key) then { push(self.l,x) return } end method Put(x,key) /self.l := [] if self$Table.insert(x,key) then { put(self.l,x) return } end method foreach() if \self.l then every suspend !self.l end method insert_t(x,key) return self$Table.insert(x,key) end method foreach_t() suspend self$Table.foreach() end end # # support for taques found as lists of ids separated by punctuation # constructor called with (separation char, source string) # class idTaque : taque(punc) method parse(s) local name s ? { tab(many(white)) while name := tab(find(self.punc)) do { self$insert(trim(name,white)) move(1) tab(many(white)) } if any(nonwhite) then { self$insert(trim(tab(0),white)) } } return end method traverse(node) case type(node) of { "treenode": { if *node.children > 0 then { if node.label == ("arg2"|"arg3"|"arg4") then { insert(node, node.children[1].s) } else if node.label == "varlist2" then { insert(node, node.children[1].s) } else if node.label==("varlist3"|"varlist4") then { traverse(node.children[1]) insert(node, node.children[3].s) } else every traverse(!node.children) } else write("leaf ", node.label) } "token": { if node.tok = IDENT then insert(node.s) } "string": { if node ~== self.punc then write("idTaque on ", type(node), " : ", image(node)) } "null": { } default: { write("idTaque on ", type(node), " : ", image(node)) } } return end method String() if /self.l then return "" out := "" every id := !self.l do { if type(id) == "treenode" then id := id.children[1].s out := out || id || self.punc } return out[1:-1] end initially if type(\l) ~== "list" then { argtree := l l := [] if type(argtree) == "token" then insert(argtree.s) else traverse(argtree) } end # # parameter lists in which the final argument may have a trailing [] # The "[]" varg parameter is passed in by the parser if it is present. # class argList : idTaque(varg) method ispublic() fail end method isvarg(s) if s == \self.varg then return s end method coercions() local first every x := !\l do if type(x) == "treenode" then { if /first := 1 then write(yyout) v := x.children[1].s if x.label == ("arg3" | "arg4") then write(yyout, "/", v, " := ", x.children[-1].s) if x.label == ("arg2" | "arg4") then { case x.children[3].s of { "integer"|"string"|"numeric"|"cset"|"real": { writes(yyout, v, " := ", x.children[3].s, "(", v, ") |") } default: { writes(yyout, "(type(",v,")==\"",x.children[3].s,"\") |") } } writes(yyout, " runerr(") writes(yyout, case x.children[3].s of { "integer": 101 "numeric": 102 "string": 103 "cset": 104 "file": 105 "list": 108 "set": 119 "table": 124 "window": 140 default: 123 }) write(yyout,", ", v, ")") } } end method String() return self$idTaque.String() || ((\self.varg & "[]") | "") end method Write(f) writes(f,String()) end initially self.punc := "," self$idTaque.initially() end # # Idol class field lists in which fields may be preceded by a "public" keyword # class classFields : argList(publics) method String(s) if *(rv := self$argList.String()) = 0 then return "" if /s | (s ~== "class") then return rv if self$ispublic(self.l[1]) then rv := "public "||rv every field:=self$foreachpublic() do rv[find(","||field,rv)] ||:= "public " return rv end method foreachpublic() if \self.publics then every suspend !self.publics end method ispublic(s) if \self.publics then every suspend !self.publics == s end method insert(s) s ? { if ="public" & tab(many(white)) then { s := tab(0) /self.publics := [] put(self.publics,s) } } return self$argList.insert(s) end end # # find a class specification, along the IPATH if necessary # procedure fetchspec(name) static white, nonwhite local basedir := "." $ifdef _MS_WINDOWS_NT white := ' \t;' nonwhite := &cset -- ' \t;' $else white := ' \t' nonwhite := &cset -- ' \t' $endif name ? { while basedir ||:= tab(upto('\\/')) do { basedir ||:= move(1) } name := tab(0) # throw away initial "." and trailing "/" if basedir[-1] == ("\\"|"/") then basedir := basedir[2:-1] } if f := open(basedir || "/" || env,"dr") then { if s := fetch(f, name) then { close(f) # if s[1] == "\^z" then { # need to decompress s # f2 := open("gzip.out", "pw") # writes(f2, s[2:0]) # close(f2) # f2 := open("gzip -d -c gzip.out") # s := reads(f2, 100000) ## write(&errout, "decompressed to ", *s, " bytes") # close(f2) # remove("gzip.out") # } return db_entry(basedir, s) } close(f) } if basedir ~== "." then fail # if it gave a path, don't search IPATH ipath := ipaths() if \ipath then { ipath ? { dir := "" tab(many(white)) while dir ||:= tab(many(nonwhite)) do { if *dir>0 & dir[1]=="\"" & dir[-1] ~== "\"" then { dir ||:= tab(many(white)) | { fail } } else { if dir[1]==dir[-1]=="\"" then dir := dir[2:-1] if f := open(dir || "/" || env, "dr") then { if s := fetch(f, name) then { close(f); return db_entry(dir, s) } close(f) } tab(many(white)) dir := "" } } } } end # # procedure to read a single Idol source file # procedure readspec(name) local s if not (dbe := fetchspec(name)) then stop("fatal: can't read spec for class ", name) s := dbe.entry fName := name fLine := 0 if /s then write("fetchspec ", name, " returned null") s ? { L := [] while line := tab(find("\n") | 0) do { put(L, line) move(1) if pos(0) then break } } fromfile := pop(L) while line := pop(L) do { line ? { tab(many(white)) if ="class" then { decl := Class() decl.dir := dbe.dir decl.linkfile := fromfile decl$Read(line,L) #insert into table for lookup, but not into list for generation classes$insert_t(decl,decl$name()) } else if ="procedure" then { if comp = 0 then comp := 1 decl := Method("") decl$Read(line) decl$Write(fout,"") } else if ="record" then { if comp = 0 then comp := 1 decl := declaration(line) decl$Write(fout,"") } else if =("global"|"link") then { if comp = 0 then comp := 1 tab(many(white)) if pos(0) then line ||:= readln("wrap") decl := vardecl(line) decl$Write(fout,"") } else if ="const" then { ct$append ( constdcl(line) ) } else if ="method" then { halt("readinput: method outside class") } else if upto(nonwhite) then { halt("expected declaration on: ",line) } } if pos(0) then break } end # # finds series of high-precedence expressions # preceding a $ # procedure get_invoker() local id, rv rv := "" while any(alpha) | match(")"|"]"|"}") do { if id := tab(many(alpha)) then { if find(" "||id||" ", reserved) then { move(-*id) break } rv ||:= id if not ((tab(many(white))|"") & (rv ||:= =".")) then break } else { case &subject[&pos] of { ")": { if not (rv ||:= tab(&pos": line[x+:2] := "]" # # $. used to be a syntax shorthand for self. # ".": line[x] := "self" # # Invocation operators $! $* $@ $? (for $$ see below) # "!"|"*"|"@"|"?": { z ? { move(1) tab(many(white)) if not (id := tab(many(alphadot))) then { if not match("(") then halt("readln can't parse ",line) if not (id := tab(&pos=(x+methlen+1))|0)\1)] := front || methodname || back || c } } # case } # while there's a $ to process if /wrap | (prefix==line=="") then finished := line else { prefix := prefix || line || " " # " " is for bal() prefix ? { # we are done if the line is balanced wrt parens and # doesn't end in a continuation character (currently just ,) if ((*prefix = bal()) & (not find(",",prefix[-2]))) then { # add another condition or 3: we aren't done if we have # a class|method|procedure declaration with no parens yet if (tab(many(white)) | "") & =("class"|"method"|"procedure"|"


") & not find("(") & not find("
") then { } else { finished := prefix[1:-1] } } } } } # while / finished return ct$expand(finished) end # suspend all the HTML (4.0, at the moment) tags procedure htmltags() suspend ("EM"|"STRONG"|"BLOCKQUOTE"|"Q"|"SUP"|"SUB"| "H1"|"H2"|"H3"|"H4"|"H5"|"H6"| "BR"|"PRE"|"INS"|"DEL"|"UL"|"OL"|"DL"|"DT"|"DD"| "DIR"|"MENU"|"TABLE"|"CAPTION"|"THEAD"|"TFOOT"|"TBODY"| "COLGROUP"|"COL"|"TR"|"TH"|"TD"|"LINK"| "IMG"|"OBJECT"|"PARAM"|"APPLET"|"MAP"|"AREA"|"STYLE"| "TT"|"BIG"|"SMALL"|"STRIKE"|"U"|"FONT"| "HTML"|"HEAD"|"META"|"BODY"| "BASEFONT"|"HR"|"FRAMESET"|"FRAME"|"NOFRAMES"|"IFRAME"| "FORM"|"INPUT"|"BUTTON"|"SELECT"|"OPTGROUP"|"OPTION"| "TEXTAREA"|"ISINDEX"|"LABEL"|"FIELDSET"|"LEGEND"| "SCRIPT"|"NOSCRIPT"|"P"|"B"|"LI"|"A"|"BASE"|"I"|"S") end # # Strip HTML tags. Trivial/inefficient implementation at first, tune later. # May someday also translate some tags into syntactic constructs; make the # punctuation disappear in favor of WYSIWYG formatting. # Tags are not recognized if white space occurs between the < and the tagname, # so as to avoid conflicts with legitemate expressions that look like tags. # procedure dehtml(line) static lasttag rv := "" while line[1(x<-find(" ", line), notquote(line[1:x])) +: 6] := "" line ? { while rv ||:= tab(find("<")) do { if notquote(line[1:&pos]) then { tmps := move(1) tmps ||:= ="/" if tag := =(htmltags() | map(htmltags())) then { if (attrs := tab(find(">")) & notquote(line[1:&pos])) then { move(1) # throw away > attrs ? { if tab(find("idol=")+5) then { if ="\"" then rv ||:= " " || tab(find("\"")) || " " else rv ||:= " " || tab(upto(white)|0) || " " } } } else { rv ||:= tmps rv ||:= tag } } else { rv ||:= tmps # not a tag, move on } } else rv ||:= move(1) } rv ||:= tab(0) } return rv end