Spring 2014
CS472/572 - Schedule

Note that this schedule is a guide and may change as the semester proceeds.

Evolved "creatures"
Evolve your own art with picbreeder
Theo Jansen's Strandbeasts

Week Dates TopicReadingAssignmentComments and Topics
1 1/15-1/17 Intro. to Evolutionary Computation Chapter 1 Course introduction. Evolution, individuals, populations, fitness, inheritance, selection, reproduction. Genotypes and phenotypes.
Evolved circuit article
2 1/20-1/24 Evolutionary Computation Chapter 2 Search, fitness and search landscapes. Local and global optimum. Simulated annealing. Representations. Operators. (GAs).
3 1/27-1/31 Genetic Algorithms Chapter 3 Subproject A
Subproject B
Project 1
Representations: binary, integer, real valued. Mutation operators. Recombination operators. Selection methods.
4 2/3-2/7 More GAs Chapter 3 Permutations
5 2/10-2/14 Evolutionary Strategies Chapter 4 Representations, mutation, self-adaptation
6 2/17-2/21 Genetic Programming Chapter 6 Tree based representations
7 2/24-2/28 GP Chapter 6 Subproject 2A
First Exam, Weds. Feb. 26th
8 3/3-3/7 More GP Chapter 6 Subproject 2B
Project 2
Expression trees, mutation, crossover, selection, 90/10 rule.
9 3/10-3/14 Code Growth An Analysis of the Causes of Code Growth in Genetic Programming Growth, removal bais, protection, search bias.
10 3/17-3/21 Spring Break
11 3/24-3/28 Other forms of GP Cartesian GP
Why Ants are Hard
Grammatical Evolution
Project 3 Daniel Beck, PhD Defense, "Investigating the use of classification models to study microbial community associations with bacterial vaginosis", Thursday, March 27th, 2:30 PM TLC 223.
Linear GP, Push, grammatical evolution, Cartesian GP
12 3/31-4/4 review Second mid term, April 2nd.
13 4/7-4/11 ADFs, fitness sharing Chapter 9 Automatically Defined Functions (ADFs); Fitness sharing, crowding, niching; island models; speciation
14 4/14-4/18 Theory Chapter 11 Project 4
Project 4a
Possible topics for Project 4
schema theory, no free lunch
15 4/21-4/25 More theory Chapter 11 Kolmogorov complexity, deceptive problems
16 4/28-5/2 Co-evolution "God Save the Red Queen! Competition in Co-Evolutionary Robotics", Floreano and Nolfi
"Orthogonal Evolution of Teams", Terence Soule and Pavankumarreddy Komireddy
Competitive co-evolution, cooperative coevolution
17 5/5-5/9 Developmental EC Generative Development L-systems, evolving analog circuits
18 5/12-5/16 Final Exams notes