Project #4 - A Research Experiment

Evolutionary Computation
Spring 2014
Due Friday May 9th (last day of class)

The goal of this project is to perform an experiment to test a hypothesis relating to evolutionary computation or to write an evolutionary algorithm for a specific (challenging) application. The exact hypothesis or application is up to you (but see subproject 4a). If you plan to test a hypothesis make sure that it is clear, well defined, and reasonable to answer experimentally. Ideally you can claim "if my hypothesis is correct and if I perform this experiment then the result will be X and if the result is not X then my hypothesis is incorrect".

The simpler and more specific your hypothesis is, the easier it will be to do this project, and you should understand the reasoning behind your hyptohesis. For example, if your hypothesis is "using random trails in the artificial ant/Sante Fe trail problem will improve results" you're going to have a hard time - what does improve mean? Why should they improve?

On the other hand if your hypothesis is "using random trails in the artificial ant/Santa Fe trail problem will on average produce individuals whose fitness is higher, although they may take longer to evolve, because the random trails will force GP to evolve a more general and hence more successful soluton" it's going to be much easier to complete the project.

If you plan to tackle a specific application you should have a specific reason why the application is interesting and challenging.

Project Requirements:

Project Write-up: You must write a short paper describing the results of your project. The paper should be formatted using the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates. This is a standard format for many research conferences. Note that there is a Word and a Latex template, you may use either one.

The final paper should include the following sections: