The goal of this project is to write a genetic
algorithm (GA) for a series of benchmark optimization problems.
In each case the problem is to optimize, i.e. find the (global) minimum,
of a real valued function.
To test the GA we'll use 6 starndard, benchmark, real-valued functions:
- Spherical
- Rosenbrock
- Rastrigin
- Schwefel
- Ackley
- Griewangk
Each of these
functions is defined at:
. (Note the first function labeled as Schwefel on this page is
actually the double sum, which we are not using. We are using the
Schwefel function defined immediately after the Rastigin function.)
Pay careful
attention to the ranges of the functions. You will want to use those
ranges both in creating intial individuals and in controlling the
generation of neighbors, e.g. you don't want your GA 'wondering' out of
the search space. Note that here the functions are all defined with 30
dimensions, e.g. P = 30 in the function definitions.
Project Requirements:
- Write a GA to find the input values (x1,...,x30) that minimizes
each of the six benchmark problems.
- You need to pick the details of the GA, including:
- Representation
- Fitness function
- Algorithm type: Steady state or generational
- Crossover type: 1-point, 2-point, uniform, arithmetic, etc.
- Mutation rate
- etc.
Project Write-up:
- You must write a short paper describing the results of your project
that includes the following sections:
- Abstract - a short (~200 words) summary of what you did and
what the results were.
- Algorithm descriptions - clear, complete descriptions of
your GA. Be careful to include all of the details someone would
need to replicate your work. Examples of necessary details include
(there are others):
- How fitness is measured
- Exactly how initial random solutions are generated
- Mutation rates
- etc.
Basically everytime you make a decision about how the algorithm works (what
type of crossover it will use, how mutaiton is performed, etc.) you should
make a note of it.
- Results - you should include graphs and/or tables to make it
easy to understand the results. Make sure that the graphs and table are
clearly labeled.
- Conclusions - based on your results draw some specific conclusions
about how well the algorithm performed.
- (CS572 Students Only) Population size versus number of
generations/iterations - For a fixed number of evaluations test whether
and, if so, how dividing these
evaluations between population size and interations affects the results. For
example, given a limit of 5000 evaluations a generational GA could use a
population size of 100 for 50 generations, or a population size of 200
for 25 generations, or any other combination whose product is 5000.
Determine whether the population size/iterations division matters for these