Projects from the 2013 Code Camp

Medieval love magic misshap A humorous scene from medieval times by the Stripyzebra team.

Listen to your Mother Danny Boy!!! Danny NEVER listens to his mother. So, when he goes into the deep dark woods when his mother said not to, he gets in BIG trouble. By EvilKoalas

Shark Attack! by EvilKoalas.

Space Ball by EvilKoalas.

Beach Mix-up by DoubleAs.

Fruit Bounce! by DoubleAs.

Riddle Friends Cassy and James telling each other Riddles hence the name Riddle Friends. By Ballonbursters.

Ball Bounce by Ballonbursters

After School Scene by Girlpower13.

Fish Catch by Girlpower13.

Girl Loosing Dog by 10elephant.

Bounce Giga by 10elephant.

Bat Chasing Unicorn and Giga by blue3.

The Fish Game by blue3.

The Great Race by teamdisneyworld.

Space Maze by Teamdisneyworld.

Untitled-3 by #1 Unicorns.

Nick Anderson's Habit by Pheonix7 and #1 Unicorns.

Two Girls Telling Jokes by Horsedoglovers.

Exotic Exploration by Horsedoglovers.

Space Aliens by FibonacciVulcan.

Sp-ace Adventure by FibonacciVulcan.

Amazing Penguin!! by hunterhayes998.

fish game by hunterhayes998.

An introduction to scratch.