CS441/CS541 - Advanced Operating Systems

Instructor: Bob Rinker
Office: JEB 235 (Moscow), Innovation Den (418 E. Lakeside, CdA)
Email: rinker@cs.uidaho.edu
Phone: (208)885-7378
Office Hours (Spring 2020): TBD

Catalog Description:
CS J441/J541 Operating Systems (3 cr). Principles of contemporary operating systems for network and distributed computer systems; sequential processes, scheduling, process synchronization, device management, file systems, memory management, and protection and security. Additional work required for graduate credit. Prereq: CS 240.
Syllabus: (On-Campus) Downloadable from here .

Your grade will be calculated using the following percentages:
CS441 CS541
Two mid-semester exams 50% 40%
Final exam (comprehensive) 25% 20%
Homework/Projects 25% 20%
Term Paper/Project 20%
Total 100% 100%
The instructor reserves the right to adjust these percentages lower if deemed necessary.
- Any announcements for the class will appear here

Welcome to the class!

Before we adjourned for spring break, I mentioned that we would likely be using Zoom for monday's class. Most of what I told you is true, except that as you have probably heard, we will be doing "online" classes for the rest of the semester. We will be using zoom, and the zoom info I gave you is correct. While it is OK with me if you attend the class "live," the university recommends that you stay home and zoom in. The zoom info you need is below:

Website: zoom.uidaho.edu
Zoom id: 809303570

The first time you use zoom, the zoom client will be downloaded. This will only happen once, so connecting will be faster after that. Once connected, I recommend that you turn off your video, to save bandwidth. Also, leave your microphone muted, unless you have a question. Keep your fingers crossed - hopefully things will work as normal, but who knows!

Let me know if you have questions. Good luck with your classes!


Assignments will appear here as they are assigned
- Assignment #0
Set up MPI in your account. Here are the instructions to do so: ( pdf )

- Assignment #1 - ( pdf ) Due: Feb 14

- Assignment #2 - ( pdf ) Due: Feb 26

- Assignment #3 - ( pdf ) Due: Extended to Apr 3

A simple example using pthreads is available ( tgz here)
Some useful websites that describe the pthreads API and programming hints are available ( here)

- Assignment #4 - ( pdf ) Due: Apr 17

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Links to other useful information

Slides on networking and tcp ( pdf ).

Lamport's bakery paper ( pdf ).

A decent vi editor Cheat Sheet (pdf or ps)
Unix tutorial (from the University of Edinburgh) here.

Last updated Friday, January 17, 2020