CS 428 Games and Virtual Environments Homework #1

Do the following, before the next class (in 2011 that's Tuesday 1/18).

Part 1: Acclimatization

1. Send Dr. J an e-mail at jeffery@cs.uidaho.edu.
In it, please indicate what e-mail address I should use to contact you with course-related information.
2. Verify that you are able to locate and post to the CS428 Forum.
It is online under https://forums.cs.uidaho.edu. Post a reply to the topic "Welcome to the CS 428/528 Forum". You will need a working CS userid/password in order to login.
3. Find Dr. J's office and stop by to pickup your "graphics book".
It is JEB 230. Idaho Falls students: your graphics books should be there (or arrive very soon). See Deborah McQueen.
4. Visit http://unicon.org; download and install Unicon on your development machine. Generally you have to modify your PATH by hand to add Unicon's bin/ directory.
Please consult with Dr. J for assistance. Note: you do not need to download and install on CS lab Linux boxes, Dr. J has done that.
5. Test your Unicon install by compiling and running the following program. E-mail Dr. J the result.
# name this file hw1.icn
# compile with "unicon hw1", run with "hw1" (or maybe ./hw1)
procedure main()
   every write(&features)
6. Read Chapters 1-2 of the Unicon games book. Although you may want to download a local copy of this and the Unicon book for this course, these documents are likely to be updated during the semester with new content and with corrections.

Part 2: Note-taking

Each week this semester, we will have a combination of lecture materials from the Rabin book, plus materials from Dr. J. You will sign up for one week during the semester in which you will take detailed notes based on the lecture and send them to Dr. J for posting to the class. Your goal: supplement and correct Dr. J's online lecture notes. Catch items that were said in the lecture that are not in the notes. Sign up by e-mail. First-come first-served; names will be added to the Schedule as they are received. Notes are due by 5pm on the Monday following your week.