CS 428: Schedule

This course will include assignments that involve studying topics from the research literature, as well as assignments that involve the construction of games and virtual environments. There will be a lot of hands-on programming. A very approximate schedule looks like the following table. Take this as guidelines, not actual rules.
Week Date Chapters Topics Note-Taker Notes
0 1/13 1.1 intro; history
1 1/18 1.2 dice; cards; board games Lawrence Kerr
2 1/25 2.1-2.2 game design; text adventures; interactive storytelling; ASCII games Daniel Norris
3 2/1 3.1-3.3 game programming; arcade games Gary Hollingshead
4 2/8 3.4-3.5 architecture Joel Kim
5 2/15 3.6 debugging; strategy games Jacob Flynn
6 2/22 4.1-4.3 game math & physics Cody Miller
7 3/1 5.1 graphics; virtual environments overview Jamie Nance
8 3/8 Unicon 3D, JEB Demo, SecondLife
* 3/15 spring recess, no class
9 3/22 5.2 3D models; character animation; should do 6.4 texture mapping in here or earlier next time
10 3/29 5.3-5.4 game A/I Nathan Mazur
11 4/5 5.6multi-player; CVE - static and dynamic data models
12 4/12 5.5,6.9 audio Doug Drobny
13 4/19 6.1-6.3 3d modeling
14 4/26 6.4 textures
15 5/3 ... educational games; serious games