CS499 - Fundamentals of Robotics

Instructor: Bob Rinker
Office: JEB 235
Email: rinker@cs.uidaho.edu
Phone: (208)885-7378
Office Hours (Fall 2010): 2:30 MW, 1:30 TTh or by appointment, or stop in anytime my door is open!

Co-Instructor: Tim Tate
Office: JEB 337
Email: timothytate@vandals.uidaho.edu

Topical Syllabus:
Downloadable from here pdf


Any announcements for the class will be posted here

- Note: The university mail system automatically filters emails that contain executables - there is no notification to either the sender or receiver, and there is no way to retrieve them (ie., no "spam folder"). The only acceptable way to "turn in" an assignment is to demonstrate it to me, either after class, during office hours or another arranged time.


Will appear here sometime after they have been assigned
- Assignment #1 ( pdf or ps )
- Assignment #2 ( pdf or ps )
- Assignment #3 ( pdf or ps )
- Assignment #4 ( pdf or ps )
- Assignment #5 ( pdf or ps )
- Assignment #6 ( pdf or ps )

Links to other useful information

Stepper motor basics handout - here
iRobot Create Handouts:
Main iRobot Create Manual
iRobot Create Open Interface Manual)

Last updated Thursday, October 21, 2010