CS383 HW#1: Study the Application Domain

Due: 2:00pm Wednesday January 27, via Blackboard Include the full names and canonical e-mail addresses of coauthors on a title page at the front of the document you turn in.

This week, analyze your application domain, described at squire.html. Feel free to send the instructor questions, suggestions, and ideas, and please check back (refresh) this page and the starpad.html from time to time this week, as I may add requirements. Note that based on next Wednesday's turnin of HW#1, I may decide to adopt one of the teams' efforts wholesale, or merge ideas from multiple teams' work, or insert/substitute arbitrary details of my own devising.

You are to work in the following (randomly assigned) teams:

            1                             2
	mars2681			ocke8865
	burd3195			doum6708
	alsh5301			juts3869
	snev7821			purk2552
	sass8427			boss2849
	ferg2065			brec9824
	helb4651			gwade
	dani2918			slip5295
	cart1189			gall7417

            3                             4
	harr5275			guan2264
	camp7325			knic1468
	fran6139			carl7595
	wern0096			bolt1003
	song6803			jank6275
	welc2150			ratc8795
	denn2725			benz5834
	gent7104			mora5651
Meet your team members and exchange contact information. Discuss schedule availability for CS 383 work. Meet with your team during the scheduled class periods of Fri. 1/22 and Mon 1/25 and work on this homework. Take attendance, and elect someone from your team to e-mail me attendance and a brief summary after each hours' meeting.

Although it is a team assignment, each individual's work is to be identified on the written homework turnin discussed below. Be sure all authors' names are associated with anything that is turned in that was a joint effort; this can be on a per paragraph, per section, or per document basis.

Start Learning LaTeX

If you do not know LaTeX, learn it from one or more of the following: There is no additional deliverable turnin for this part of the assignment.

Start on Github

Create an account on Github, if you do not have one. E-mail me (Dr. J) with your Github userid.

Document Requirements

You are to construct an LaTeX document with the following components.