Neural Network Firing Pattern:

	If the brain were the only thing to control muscle movement, our reaction to
  unexpected events would be extremely slow.  The human neural system compensates
  for this through a series of neurons located in our spinal cord that help control 
  our movement and generate reflex movements.  Using a network of Alpha- and Gamma-
  motoneurons, Afferent, and Renshaw cells, our bodies can detect variances in muscle
  tension and velocity that our brains would have trouble computing quickly.
	After the Alpha-motoneuron fires, it sends a signal not only to the muscle
  bundle, but also to every other Renshaw cell that controls a nearby muscle bundle.  If the
  arm is moving too quickly (meaning the Alpha-motoneurons are firing too quickly), an
  inhibitory signal is sent back to all the Alpha-motoneurons to prevent overexertion.
  	The opposite is true when it comes to the arm moving too slowly.  Inside each muscle
  bundle are different types of muscle fibers.  The extrafusal muscle fibers are those
  responsible for the tension that results in movement, but there are also intrafusal muscle
  fibers that help determine the current velocity and tension of the muscle bundle. If 
  there is a lot of tension, yet the arm has zero velocity (i.e. the arm isn't moving), 
  then the intrafusal fibers signal to the Afferent cells that the Alpha-motoneurons 
  need to fire faster.  To prevent the Afferent cells from creating a self-propagating
  signal, the Alpha-motoneuron sends an inhibitory signal to the Afferent cell each time
  it fires.  This network of neurons, when balanced with the right weights, can achieve
  a smooth arm movement that closely matches that of the target.