CS507 Computer Science 507

General Information
Fall 2013

Instructor: Dr. Terry Soule
Office: JEB 229
Office hours: TBD
Email: tsoule@cs.uidaho.edu

Textbook: None

Website: www2.cs.uidaho.edu/~tsoule/cs507/index.html

Assignments: Assignments will include reading and reviewing research papers, writing abstracts, introductions, backgrounds, and methods. Short paper presentations and class participation.

Exams: No exams.

Paper reviews30%
Paper presentations20%
Other writing assignments40%

University of Idaho Classroom Learning Civility Clause

In any environment in which people gather to learn, it is essential that all members feel as free and safe as possible in their participation. To this end, it is expected that everyone in this course will be treated with mutual respect and civility, with an understanding that all of us (students, instructors, professors, guests, and teaching assistants) will be respectful and civil to one another in discussion, in action, in teaching, and in learning.

Should you feel our classroom interactions do not reflect an environment of civility and respect, you are encouraged to meet with your instructor during office hours to discuss your concern. Additional resources for expression of concern or requesting support include the Dean of Students office and staff (5-6757), the UI Counseling & Testing Center.s confidential services (5-6716), or the UI Office of Human Rights, Access, & Inclusion (5-4285).