CS504 Fundamentals of Research
Assignment #5

Due: Tuesday, February 20th.

1) Use Latex to create a document with the following features:

2) Write a Python function that accepts a two-dimensional array as an argument and a number of columns N. The function calculates the difference between the smallest and the largest value in first N elements of each row, and appends the difference on to the end of the row.

3) Write a Python function that accepts a two-dimensional array as an argument and a number of columns N. The function replaces any negative numbers in the first N columns with a zero.

Turn in both the code and sample output showing that each of the functions works. To do this you will need to create a two dimensional array, apply each function to the array, printing the new array each time.

6) Read for Wednesday Data Science: Challenges and Directions by Longbing Cao. Turn in: a completed copy of this review form for the article.