CS504 Fundamentals of Research
Assignment #11
Due: Tuesday, April 17th.
4D Password Mechanism.
Fill out the review form
GPEM.txt . For this paper fill out the review form
in detail according to the paper "The Task of the Referee".
In particular, make sure you summarize the what they did and what the results
were, discuss strengths and weaknesses of the paper, and make recommendations
for improvements (whether you think it should have been accepted
or not).
Email me a link to the paper you plan to present in class. I just need the link
so that I can include it in the course schedule.
Starting with the population class we created in class (and available on the course schedule) add
the following:
- A new function to calculate the fitness of the individuals. Currently the fitness is simply
the sum of their "genes", change this function to be something somewhat more complex. For example,
the sum of the squared values, the sum of the differences between the values, the standard deviation
of the values, etc.
Make the population fairly large - 100 or more individuals.
Write a crossover function that copies roughly half of the genes from one offspring to the other
and vice versa.
Modify the "evolve()" function to do the following: pick two "parents" and two individuals to replace;
crossover the replaced individuals; mutate the replaced individuals; recalculate the fitness of the
replaced individuals.
Use a loop to call the new evolve() function multiple times (1000+). Record the average fitness
of the population after every loop and graph the results.
Turn in:
The paper review form.
The python code for the new program.
A very short (~1 paragraph) description of the python code including, a description of
your new fitness function, the graph of the average fitness, and whether of not the code is
Don't forget to email me a link to the paper you wnat to present.