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Geoffrey Chambers
Connor Potucek

For our program, we used the fractal tree program, and although we were not able to get it to do what we wanted, we still accomplished some cool things and learned a good deal about Processing.

Some of the simple things we changed were the colors used, both background and the tree itself. We used a color scheme that seemed more tree-like, so blue for the sky, some green for grass, and set the last few branches to choose a random hue of green. For this effect, we used an if-else statement to color the outermost braches, and when it works properly, it gives the subtle impression of a slight breeze.

One of the more interesting parts of the tree program was the ability to change the shape of the fractal by moving the mouse, but with our modifications, the movement was taking up too much memory, so we found that eliminating the dependency of the angle on mouse position would be a simple way to solve that problem.

The angles of the new branches drawn were also modified, and since they weren’t dependent on the mouse anymore, we came up with a more tree-looking design.

The biggest difficulty we had was memory usage. Even in its current form, it can take a few minutes to render.

Source code: REALTREE

Built with Processing