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Courtney Brock
Amanda Headtke
Olivia Hodges
Juanita Jones
For our group we choose BouncyBubbles in Processing.

Int numBalls = 12;
Changed to Int numBalls = 16
This made more bubbles.

Float spring = 0.05;
Changed to float spring = 0.25
This made the bubbles appear to bounce slower.

Float friction = -0.9;
Changed to float friction = -0.7
This made the bubbles drop down slower.

Int numBalls = 12;
Changes to int numBalls = 20
Made even more bubbles then before.

Float gravity = 0.03;
Changed to float gravity = 0.00
This made the bouncy bubbles look like real bubbles frozen until one of them moves.

Size (640, 200);
Changed to size (600, 240)
The 600 shortens the width of the window and the 240 made it taller changing the height.

Background (0);
Changed to background to (#0000FF)
This made the background the color blue from black before.

Fill (255, 204);
Changed fill to (#33FF00, 175)
This changed the bubbles to the color green and left the walls not as see through.
We changed the transparency to 175 which made the color of the bubbles more see through and look like real bubbles.

We also tried to make it so that all the small bubbles were one color, all medium were a color, and all the large were another color, but there was a syntax error or something so we left it as it is now.

Source code: cbb2

Built with Processing