Project #1 Programming in Processing
Due Friday, Oct. 2nd.

The goal for this project is to modify one of the example programs in the Processing library. This is a group project, you should work in groups of 3-4. Make sure that at least one of your group members has a computer and is comfortable downloading Processing.

Plan on doing this project in a number of steps:

  1. Download and install processing
  2. Try a bunch of the example programs
  3. Pick an example program to modify
  4. Understand the basics of how the program works
  5. Modify the program in interesting ways
  6. Try some other modifications
  7. Write a short description of your changes both to the code and how it affected the program's output

Here are some example programs that might be used:

  1. TriangleFlower in Basics, Transform
  2. MoveEye in 3d, Camera
  3. Animator in Topics, Drawing
  4. Tree in Topics, Fractal
  5. KineticType in 3D, Typography

What to turn in:

  1. Email me (tsoule@cs.uidaho.edu) and the TA (mawh2688@vandals.uidaho.edu) the following:
    1. The file containing your modified program.
    2. A 1-2 paragraph describing what you changed in the code and how it effected the program's output.
    3. Make sure to include the names of all of your group members so everyone gets credit.