CS404/504 - Intermediate Computer Architecture

Instructor: Bob Rinker
Office: JEB B28
Email: rinker@cs.uidaho.edu
Phone: (208)885-7378
Office Hours (Spring 2009): 1:30-2:30 MW, 2:30-3:30 TTh or by appointment, or stop in anytime my door is open!

Syllabus: Downloadable from here (ps or pdf).

Your grade will be calculated using the following percentages:
The letter grade you receive from the course will be determined as follows:
Two mid-semester exams 30% 30%
Quizzes 15% 15%
Final exam (comprehensive) 20% 15%
Assignments 35% 25%
Term Project 15%
Total 100% 100%
Below 60%F
The instructor reserves the right to adjust these percentages lower if deemed necessary.
Policy on Academic Honesty and Cheating - your continued registration in this class indicates that you understand and agree to abide by the policy.

Will Appear here when assigned.
Assignment 1 - description in ps or pdf Revised Due Date: Feb 6

Assignment 2 - description in ps or pdf Revised Due Date: Feb 25

Assignment 3 - description in ps or pdf Due Date: Mar 2
MIPS Cross-Compiler for Linux is here.

Assignment 4 - description in ps or pdf
Mike Wilder's vhdl "buttons and LED's" example is in the zip file here.
My sample vhdl code that included a "skeleton" ALU module is available here. This code is modified somewhat from the version we discussed in class.
Assignment 5 - description in ps or pdf
The sample program you can use to test your processor is available here. This program is slightly modified from the one I handed out in class.

Some useful items:
How to use the checkin program - ps or pdf. Use the class name "cs350"
Link to the textbook lecture slides (password protected - get password from the instructor):
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.

A decent vi editor Cheat Sheet (pdf or ps)
Unix tutorial (from the University of Edinburgh) here.
Textbook website here
Mips handout is available in (ps) or (pdf)
Mips reference card is available in (ps) or (pdf)

Last updated Sunday, May 3, 2009