Assignment #6

Due at midnight on Monday Oct. 20th

For this assignment you will use the card class that you created in lab. If you did the lab in a team you may use the same team for the assignment. For the assignment do the following:

Using the two functions you just wrote write a program to do the following:

Include a block of comments at the beginning of the program (or add to the existing block) that lists your name (or names if this was done as a pair programming project), section number, date, and the assignment number. Also include comments on any parts of the assignment you didn't finish or on any extra work you did. Include this comment block at the beginning of every assignment and lab.

Turn in: Name your code file Assignment7SecX.cpp (where X is your section number) and turn in the code for your program (the .cpp file, not a.out) using the cscheckin command.