Lab #11

For this lab you will be testing and modfying the "robot world" program from chapter 7 of the text. It will be very helpful if you review chapter 7, which describes the general structure of the program, before the lab.

Begin by entering the robot world program from chapter 7 of the text. Note that it is actually three separate files: robot.h, world.h, and the main program. Once the program is entered and runs test it a few times to make sure you understand (generally) how it works. Once the program is running make the following modifications:

Turn in: To turn the program you will need to combine all three of your files into one file that you can use cscheckin to submit (see assignment 8). On a Unix computer you do this by taring the files together. Use the command:
tar -cvf lab11.tar lab11.cpp robot.h world.h
(note your main program may have a name other than lab11.cpp, use that file name instead of lab11.cpp). This will combine the files into one file called lab11.tar. Use cscheckin to turn in that file.