Programming Assignment #8

Due Monday, Oct. 27 at midnight.

Begin by entering the Generic Board Game from Chapter 6 and creating the file "game.txt" (Listing 6.4 from the text).

Make sure that the program compiles and runs. Make sure you understand how the program works. Pay particular attention to how data is loaded from a file into the array of objects and how objects in the array are accessed.

After you are comfortable with the program make the following changes:

Turn in: To turn the program you will need to combine both your main program and your game file into one file that you can use cscheckin to submit. On a Unix computer you do this be taring the files together. Use the command:
tar -cvf assignment8.tar assignment8.cpp game.txt
This will combine the files assignment8.cpp and game.txt into one file called assignment8.tar. Submit assignment8.tar using cscheckin.

(tar is short for Tape ARchive. The command was originally used for storing file systems onto magnetic tape (yes, Unix is that old), but now it is also commonly used just for "bundling" files.)