CS101 - Introduction to Computer Science

Instructor: Bob Rinker
Office: JEB B28
Email: rinker@cs.uidaho.edu
Phone: (208)885-7378
Office Hours (Summer 2008): 11:20-12:20 MTWTh, or by appointment, or stop in anytime my door is open!

Syllabus: Downloadable from here (ps or pdf).

Policy on Academic Honesty and Cheating - your continued registration in this class indicates that you understand and agree to abide by the policy ( ps or pdf)

Your grade will be calculated using the following percentages:
Two mid-semester exams 40%
Final exam (comprehensive) 20%
Quizzes 15%
Homework/Programming Assignments 25%
Total 100%

The letter grade you receive from the course will be determined as follows:
Below 60%F
The instructor reserves the right to adjust these percentages lower if deemed necessary.

Any class announcements will be posted here.

Don't forget the first test - This thursday, June 26 !!!

Class will not meet on thursday, July 3

Notes and Handouts
- Slides on number bases ( pdf or ps )
- Slides on Boolean algebra ( pdf or ps )
- Slides on networking ( pdf or ps )
- Slides on programming languages ( pdf or ps )


- Assignment #1: ( pdf or ps ) Due: June 18
- Assignment #2: ( pdf or ps ) Due: June 19
- Assignment #3: ( pdf or ps ) Due: June 25
- Assignment #4: ( pdf or ps ) Due: July 24
- Assignment #5: ( pdf or ps ) Due: July 24

Links to other useful information

An ASCII Code chart is available here ( pdf or ps )

Last updated Tuesday, July 15, 2008