Lab #7

Due at the end of lab.

Being able to find and fix errors in code, i.e. debugging, is clearly an important skill. For this lab you will need to debug a program that is full of errors. The program is here.

The goal of the program is to calculate the average value of a series of numbers entered by the user. First the user enters how many numbers to average. Then the user enters the individual numbers and the program is supposed to calculate the average of the numbers that were entered.

To correct the program you need to 1) fix any typos, 2) improve the variable names to make the code more readable, 3) fix the program's output so that it is more useful to the user, and 4) fix any logical errors so the program prints the correct answer.

Some suggestions to get started:

Turn in: A copy of the corrected program and sample output showing that it runs. Place your sample output in a file named Lab7output.txt. As always, if you cannot finish all of the functionality turn in as much as you complete - as long as your code compiles and runs. Turn in a copy of your program code and your Lab7output.txt file to Canvas.