Syllabus: Operating Systems (CS395)
The following section describes the policies for the class.
You are responsible for all material presented in class and/or in
assigned readings.
Contact me as soon as practicable if you have a legitimate reason
for missing any work (e.g. illness or death in the family).
The sooner the better!
In most cases, some requirements can be modified or waived.
- There will be two in-class exams and one final exam.
- Several homeworks will be given.
Each is due at the time indicated in the assignment.
- Instructor's discretion may be used in rare instances to raise
(but not lower) a borderline final course grade.
It will be used only when (in my opinion) a gross statistical
aberration has occurred which is so unique and so blatantly obvious
that there can be no questions regarding fairness or favoritism.
- Grading 395: the final grade is composed as follows:
25% for each of the two in-class exams, 30% for the final exam, 20% for homeworks.
NOTE: the homeworks are the key to doing well on the exams. Do not underesitmate this!