Department of Computer Science

University of Idaho

Jim Alves-Foss



Publications and Student Dissertations and Thesis


Jim Alves-Foss is a professor of computer science and is the Director of the Center for Secure and Dependable Systems (est. 1998). He has been at the University of Idaho since 1991.

Dr. Alves-Foss received his Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis (UCD) in 1991, his M.S. in Computer Science from UCD in 1989 and his B.S. in Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science from UCD in 1987.


I teach classes in computer security, theory of programming languages and others as needed. Note that many of these courses are offered through the UI engineering video outreach program (208-885-6373) on DVD and streaming video. These courses can be taken for UI credit or audit, or rented/purchased for corporate viewing. I am open to discussing free use of this material by other instructors, just drop me a note

CS 448/548 Network Security

·         Website through UI Blackboard Learn

·         Local Website

·         Text: No textbook for this course