Lecture 1 covered the syllabus and included a big discussion of possible
But software engineering is radically different than other engineering
disciplines, in that:
Java has many ugly warts:
- static vs. non-static
- constructors in subclasses do not inherit and must call superclass
The Development Team
Large projects are more of a challenge of organization and communication
than they are of "programming". The development team may be organized into
roles corresponding to the development phases (analyst, designer, programmer,
tester, etc.), but perhaps a more crucial distinction is between the customer
who is a domain expert and the developer who knows mainly about software.
Generalizing, we have content specialists (customer, user, artist, librarian,
manager) and functionality specialists (programmer, tester, manager) and one
of the main goals of software engineering must be to bridge the Great Divide
between these two spheres.
The Methods and Tools
You will be learning in this course many current state of the art methods
and tools used in software engineering. "Front end" tools are documentation
tools designed to help content specialists and programmers talk to (and
understand) each other. We will use a subset of UML, a popular diagramming
notation for requirements analysis and software design. A drawing tool
called Dia available on our Linux systems is good at writing UML diagrams.
Our Dia diagrams will be incorporated into HTML analysis and design documents.
"Back end" tools emphasize synthesis of solutions based on designs.
We will use a graphical user interface builder to generate user interfaces,
the "make" program to compile many files containing many persons' work
together, and the "cvs" source code revision control system.
Some quotes on tools, relevant to software engineering
- Software development is like war:
- "We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire.
Neither the sudden shock of battle nor the longdrawn trials
of vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the
tools and we will finish the job." -- Sir Winston Churchhill
- Do you only need one or two tools?
- "An apprentice carpenter may want only a hammer and saw, but a
master craftsman employs many precision tools. Computer programming
likewise requires sophisticated tools to cope with the complexity of
real applications, and only practice with these tools will build skill
in their use." -- Robert Kruse
Why is Software Engineering Crucial?
Because the larger a program gets, and the more features you add, the
more bugs you get. Why? Because things get too complex for us to handle.
Until we can solve this unsolvable puzzle, Moore's Law is limited or
revoked by our inability to utilize hardware, just as we are
unable to utilize our own brain (wetware).
Belady-Lehman observed:
[D. Berry, The Inevitable Pain of Software Development,
Monterey Workshop 2002]
So, Software Engineering is All About Pain
Software Engineering, it turns out, is mainly about pain.
Dan Berry, one of software engineering's luminary founding fathers,
had this to say last October about software engineering methods:
Each method, if followed religiously, works. Each method provides the
programmer a way to manage complexity and change so as to delay and
moderate the B-L upswing. However, each method has a catch, a fatal
flaw, at least one step that is a real pain to do, that people put off.
People put off this painful step in their haste to get the software
done and shipped out or to do more interesting things, like write more
new code. Consequently, the software tends to decay no matter what.
The B-L upswing is inevitable.
Dr. Berry goes on to give the following examples:
Software Method | Pain
Build-and-fix | doesn't scale up
Waterfall Model | it is impossible to fully understand and document complex software up front
Structured Programming | Change is a nightmare: patch or redesign from scratch
Requirements Engineering | Haggling over requirements is a royal pain.
Extreme Programming | Writing adequate test cases is a pain
Rapid Prototyping | We can't bear to throw away the prototype!
Formal Methods | Writing formal specification, and verifying it, may be a pain. Changing requirements is definitely a pain.
Code inspections | Documentation prep for inspection is a pain; nobody wants to be inspected.
"Daily Builds" | Testing, regression testing, and possibly reworking
your latest change to not break someone else's latest change is a pain.
My goal for this course is to maximize your learning while minimizing your pain.
Object Modeling
Before we do object oriented programming, we do object oriented modeling.
A model is a representation of a real-world process or concept
in graphic or narrative form. Your goal in modeling is to create a model
space that closely corresponds to reality. Your goal in modeling is also
to discern what parts of reality are relevant to the application at hand.
What the application needs to do, determines which parts of information to
represent, and how to store it. Light has been modeled variously as
particles or waves; people might be modeled as (SSN, income) number pairs,
or as pliable 3D solid bodies, etc.
Reality |
| Model space
![](http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~jeffery/jeffery.gif) | |
Person |
Name: Clint Jeffery
Email: jeffery@cs.nmsu.edu
Phone: 646-3480
Quest: grail
Favorite Color: blue
An object is an application-specific group of related information,
used to represent some part of a model.
"Numbers" or "arrays" are not application-specific, but "rate schedules"
or "teams" might very well be objects in applications that work with
those ideas.
Fields and Methods
The information in an object is called a field
(a.k.a. member variable). Fields are tightly controlled and
modified according to the rules of the application domain from which
that object originates (laws of physics, corporate policies, etc.).
This control is achieved by means of encapsulation: you can't
get at the information directly, you must go through a public interface
consisting of a set of methods (a.k.a. member functions).
Reality |
| Model space
![](http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~jeffery/jeffery.gif) | |
Person |
Name: Clint Jeffery
Email: jeffery@cs.nmsu.edu
Phone: 646-3480
Quest: grail
Favorite Color: blue
| +email(msg)
Objects are categorized and grouped with other similar objects into classes.
A class is a set of objects which represent similar things in the application
domain. We say the objects that are members of a particular class are
instances of that class.
What classes belong in an application depend on the application domain.
They might be real world entities (cars, people, machines in factories,
products in warehouses, asteroids, ...) or concepts (mathematical points
in 3D space).
There are lots of different kinds of cars that could be represented by the
same class, and share the same code. Classes define attributes and methods
which form some kind of approximation or projection of the real world thing
or idea. What attributes you choose depend on what the application will
need to do with the objects. A set of methods forms a public interface
to the objects of a given class; attributes are not accessed directly.
A method is a function that:
- operates on an instance
- can read or write information from the instance's fields
- can call other methods to do part of its work
- can ask another object to do part of its work (via its public interface)
lecture #3 began here
Book Learning!
Read: Lethbridge Chapter 2! It is titled "review of object
orientation", but it is OK if it is not review for some of you.
Book Learning!
Read: Lethbridge Chapter 7! This is all about user-centered
design and use cases, which I believe should come first as a way of
trying to identify the classes we will need for OO class design later.
Homework #1
Let's get started!
Boehm's Top 10
Barry Boehm is one of the titans of the software engineering field, a leading
proponent of such concepts as the "Spiral Model".
- Finding and fixing a software problem after delivery of the product
is 100 times more expensive than defect removal during requirements and
early design phases.
- Nominal software development schedules can be compressed up to 25%
(by adding people, money, etc.) but no more.
- Maintenance costs twice what development costs.
- Development and maintenance costs are primarily a function of size,
e.g. the number of source lines of code, in the product.
- Variations in humans account for the greatest variations in productivity.
- The ratio of software to hardware costs went from 15:85 in 1955 to
85:15 in 1985 and continues to grow in favor of software as the dominant cost.
- Only about 15% of the development effort is in coding.
- Application products cost three times as much per instruction as
individual programs; systems software products costs nine times as much.
- Walk-throughs catch 60% of the errors
- Many software processes obey a Pareto distribution:
- 20% of the modules contribute 80% of the cost
- 20% of the modules contain 80% of the errors!
- 20% of the errors consume 80% of the repair budget
- 20% of the modules take 80% of the execution time
- 20% of the tools are used 80% of the time
Source: Barry Boehm, Industrial Metrics Top 10 List,
IEEE Software 4:5, Sept. 1987.
Use Cases and Class Extraction
You can identify classes from a software specification document by looking
for "interesting" nouns, where interesting implies there are some pieces
of information to represent in your application, and operations to perform
on them. You can also identify classes by developing use cases from the
specification document. Use cases are formatted descriptions of "discrete"
tasks. By "discrete", we mean an individual standalone thing a user does
while using the system.
If you look through the tasks mentioned in a specification document, you
can identify a set of candidates.
Example candidate tasks for a "wargame":
- Combat
- Roll dice
- Move pieces
- Perform the Missions Phase
Example candidate tasks for Parker Brothers' Monopoly game:
- Buy property
- Roll dice
- Move piece
- Count money
Entire books have been written about use cases.
Use cases are also described in Chapter 11 of the Unicon book; some of today's
examples may be found there.
- actor
- role that an external entity plays in a system
- use case (or just "case")
- depiction of some aspect of system functionality that is visible
to one or more actors.
- extension
- a use case that illustrates a different or deeper perspective on another use case
- use
- a use cases that re-uses another use case.
We have previously introduced use cases and use case diagrams.
Lethbridge defines a use case as:
A use case is a typical sequence of actions that an actor performs in
order to complete a given task.
Now we will expand on the discussion of use cases, use case diagrams, and
look at examples.
Use Case Descriptions
Drawing an oval and putting the name of a task in it is not very helpful
by itself, for each use case you need to add a detailed use case
description. Your first homework assignment is to "go and do this" for
your semester project.
Section 7.3 of the text explains the format of use case descriptions. Each
use case has many or all of the following pieces of information. The items in
bold would be found in any reasonable use case description.
- Name
- The name of the use case.
- Actors
- What participants are involved in this task.
- Goals
- What those people are trying to accomplish.
- Preconditions
- The initial state or event that triggers this task.
- Summary
- Short paragraph stating what this task is all about.
- Related use cases
- What use cases does this use case use or extend? What uses/extends this use case?
- Steps
- The most common sequence of actions that are performed for this task.
Lethbridge divides actions into two columns: user input
is given in the left column, while system response is
given in the right column. The two column format is
optional, but saves on paper and may improve clarity.
The steps are numbered, so there is no ambiguity in using
both columns on each line.
- Alternatives
- Some use cases may vary the normal sequence of steps.
- Postconditions
- what does this task produce?
A simple generic use case for a "file open" operation might look like:
Open File
Summary: A user performs this task in order to view a document.
The user specifies a filename and the document is opened in a new window.
- Choose "Open" from the menu bar.
- System displays a File Open dialog.
- User selects a filename and clicks "OK".
- System closes the dialog and opens the file in a new window.
Alternative: If the user clicks Cancel in step 3, no file is opened.
Lethbridge-style two column format is nicely motivated in Example 7.2
from the text, which has enough steps to where two columns saves enough
space to matter. When you start having trouble fitting the whole use case
description on a page, there are substantial benefits to a compact format.
Exit parking lot, paying cash
Actor: car driver
Goal: to leave the parking lot
Precondition: driver previously entered the parking lot, picked up a ticket,
and has stayed in the lot long enough that they must pay to leave.
Summary: driver brings their vehicle to an exit lane, inserts their ticket
into a machine, and pays the amount shown on the machine.
Related use case: exit parking lot, paying via credit card.
1. Drive to exit lane, triggering a sensor.
| 2. System prompts driver to insert their ticket.
3. Insert ticket.
| 4. System displays amount due.
5. Insert money into slot until cash in exceeds amount due.
| 6. System returns change (if any) and raises exit barrier
7. Drive through exit, triggering a sensor.
| 8. Lower exit barrier
Alternative: User crashes through exit barrier with rambars on front of truck
in step 1. (just kidding)
Lethbridge Example 7.3 gives you one more look at use case descriptions.
This one is for a library management application.
Check out item for a borrower
Actor: Checkout clerk (regularly), chief librarian (occasionally)
Goal: Help the borrower borrow the item, and record the loan
Precondition: The borrower wants to borrow a book, and must have a library
card and not owe any fines. The item must be allowed for checkout (not on
reserve, not from reference section, not a new periodical, etc.)
1. Scan item's bar code and borrower's library card.
| 2. Display confirmation that the loan is allowed, give due date.
3. Stamp item with the due date.
4. Click "OK" to check out item to borrower.
| 5. Record the loan and display confirmation that record has been made.
Alternative: the loan may be denied for any number of interesting reasons
in step 2 (see preconditions).
Now, ask yourself: why is Dr. J convinced that use case descriptions are
a vital software engineering job in the initial stages of requirements
analysis? The first person to tell me can stop by for a delicious San Saba
chocolate covered almond in my office.
Use Case Diagrams and Examples
One reason to do a use case diagram is simply to summarize or catalog
what tasks are part of the system; a sort of table of contents. But
the main reason
use case diagrams exist is in order to show who does what, when different
users (actors) participate in different (overlapping) tasks. If you only
have one actor, or there are no tasks in which multiple actors interact,
there may be no reason that you have to do a use case dialog.
Consider the textbook example, Figure 7.1.
There are three actors (Registrar, Student, Professor), and there are
five use cases. The "Find information about course" use case is vague
and probably the three actor types can find out different information
from each other. They are not typically involved in the same
instance of finding out information about a class, so the example could
be better.
Figure 7.2 illustrates a bunch of more exotic use case diagram items,
namely actors and use cases that use or extend other actors and use cases.
Unlike last semester's textbook, Lethbridge covers the main thing about
use cases fairly well, which are the use case descriptions. For use case
diagrams, we need to look for or construct some more examples. Lethbridge
he omits one interesting category of actor in use case diagrams, namely:
external system actors. A computer program may interact with external
entities that are not humans; they may be remote database servers, for
Figures 11-1 and 11-2 of the Unicon book give some more examples of use
lecture #4 began here
Class Diagrams
Class diagrams are the "meat and potatoes" of object-oriented analysis and
design. We will begin our discussion of them today, and continue next week.
Class diagrams describe more detailed, more implementation-oriented things
than use case diagrams.
Class diagrams can present varying levels of detail about the classes in
them. Some class diagrams may have nothing more than the class name for
each class; others may hold the full list of fields and methods. When more
space is taken by class details, there is room for fewer classes per diagram,
so you often have "overview diagrams" that show many classes and their
connections, supplemented by "detail diagrams" that show more information
about closely related classes.
Perhaps the main purpose for class diagrams is to identify and depict
relationships between objects that will be needed in the running system.
An association is the word we use for such a relationship.
We draw a line between the rectangles for classes to depict an assocation.
There are three major types of associations:
- inheritance
- aggregation
- user defined
Inheritance: the Un-Association
We have discussed how inheritance is not really an association, it is
a relationship between kinds of things, in the design and maybe in the
programming language type system, whereas associations are relationships
between instances (objects) at run-time. Inheritance is so vital that
many class diagrams focus specifically on a large inheritance class
hierarchy, similar to a biological taxonomy of species. Inheritance is
usually a static feature of a design, although there exist
languages in which instances can change who they inherit from at runtime.
Here is an
example class hierarchy from the Lethbridge book (chapter 2):
Aggregation: the Simplest Association
Aggregation, the parts-whole relationship, is perhaps the most useful
association of all of them. Many many complex things are made up of
an assembly of simpler items. There are at least two flavors of aggregation,
static and dynamic. Static aggregation is lifelong aggregation; the parts
cannot exist apart from the whole, or enter or leave the whole. Dynamic
aggregation is more like a team whose members can come and go. Here is an
example of a massive chain of aggregations with a familiar theme:
Association Details
There are many details added to associations to show more information about
the relationship. Some of these details are discussed in Chapter 5 in your
- link
- just as classes have instances at runtime called objects, associations have instances at runtime
called links. Links occasionally are so important and complicated that they need
their own attributes. The main information about them is usually their lifetime, and what
instances they are connecting.
- multiplicity
- a.k.a. cardinality, it is the number of object instances per link instance in a given relationship
- qualifier
- some many-to-one relationships have a unique key used to traverse the association.
- roles
- the different ends of an association may have differing roles associated with them.
Especially useful if both ends of an association connect the same class.
- composition
- there is a special kind of aggregation called composition, which denotes aggregations
in which the component parts have no existence apart from the whole thing. The relationship
is hardwired, static, or constant. Composition
is marked using a filled diamond; hollow diamond means a regular (transitory, or dynamic)
Here are some more class diagram figures from some old software engineering text
(Pfleeger). One point here is that it is logical to start with a simple sketch
of classes and basic relationships, and add many details later on.
As a larger example of class diagrams and associations, consider a previous semester's project.
They produced two, overlapping class diagrams, one focusing mainly on
cards and card decks and one focusing on
characters, units, and the map. We can look at these two diagrams and consider what
they did right, what needs to be changed for the campaign game. We can also work, as an
example, some of the classes and relationships for the Monopoly game.
lecture #5 began here
User-defined Association Examples
Here is an association you might see in a human resources application:
employee employer
What are some example instances of this association?
Here is a more detailed version of that association:
Person | name SSN address salary job title |
employee employer
There is a multiplicity, since many people may work for the same company.
But what if a given person works for more than one company?
Here is an association you might need for a geography application:
Now, what are some examples of this association? Give me some instances --
and their "links". To include more information in this association, we need
to know:
- How many capitals can a country have?
- How many countries can a city be capital of?
- Does every country have a capital? Vice-versa?
lecture #6 began here
For coverage of this week's lectures,
read Lethbridge Chapter 8, ESPECIALLY Section 8.2.
A statechart, or state diagram, depicts dynamic properties of a system.
See p. 276 of the text. A statechart consists of
- a set of states
- drawn as circles, ovals, or rectangles, with a label or number inside.
- a set of transitions
- drawn as arrows from one state to another.
- a start state, and a set of final states
Some of you may be getting an eery sense of deja vu at this point.
Statecharts are a non-trivial extension of finite automata, because
they have:
- instead of "input symbols", events associated with transitions
- these may be complex, synchronous or asynchronous
- events may have conditions, drawn inside square brackets
- activities
Statechart Diagram Examples
lecture #7 began here
More Statechart Examples
Next week we will work on statechart examples relevant to
your semester project.
Collaboration Diagrams (Chapter 9)
Collaboration diagrams are the next form of UML diagram we will
describe in this course. Collaboration diagrams describe how
a set of objects interacts by calling from method to method.
Collaboration Diagram Examples
A collaboration where an actor pushes a button to get an elevator to
his floor. The control object checks how long the job queues of all
the elevators are and chooses the shortest. It then creates a job
order object and invokes it by putting it in a queue. The elevator
object runs concurrently and picks up jobs from the queues. The
elevator is an active object, meaning that it executes concurrently
with its own thread of control.
The object MainWindow receives the message NewCustomer, and creates a
Customer object. A CustomerWindow is created, and the customer object
is then passed to the CustomerWindow which allows for update of the
customer data.
A collaboration diagram that summarizes sales results.
A Collaboration Diagram for a Printer Server
Collaboration Diagram with Simple Numbering
Collaboration Diagram with Decimal Numbering
lecture #8 began here
Object Oriented Design: Adding Detail
This week's lectures will include material from Lethbridge Chapter 5.
You can view object oriented design as a process of adding detail to
class diagrams. We will look at as many examples of this process as we can.
Where Do We Go Next?
For detailed design, we need to reorganize/regroup and assign teams to
go into the details of various aspects of gameplay. A Big Question we
need to decide (today) is: one team, or two?
You are dividing labor right now for work on phase 2, adding
details and corrections to your project analysis, and merging
ideas you find in other teams' homework #2.
Make sure your names are on any submitted course documents. In fact,
I need to know who did which parts of which documents, so I don't lump
everyone together under the same grade. If you are asked to prepare part
of a document you don't understand, better ask your classmates and/or
instructor what is needed for that part.
lecture #9 began here
User Interface Design
By the next round of turnin, we will need to establish a fairly complete
user interface design for things like the main screen. User Interface
Design is the subject of an entire course (CS 485) and for our purposes
we will have to settle for a rudimentary and primitive introduction.
User interface design starts from what tasks/activities the application
is to support. You probably will discover a few tasks in this phase that
requires a dialog for a task we haven't identified previously. But mainly
we need to design dialogs and sequences of actions to perform specific tasks
in use cases.
Aspects of User Interfaces
- look
- this is the most obvious part of user interface design, but not the
most important part
- feel
- this is like: what clicks perform what operations. how many clicks
does it take. does it feel like you are directly manipulating the
objects on the screen, or does it feel like you are following a long
sequence of orders you receive from the program.
- metaphors
- users can quickly learn an unfamiliar task, or quickly interpret
an unfamiliar graphic, if a familiar metaphor
is used. Examples: "desktop metaphor"
- mental model
- a user interface provides the user with a particular mental model
of how they view the system. designing that model will determine
many aspects of the user interface (what info to show, what tasks
to support)
- navigation rules
- navigation through large structures which don't all fit on the screen
is a central issue for many (most) applications.
A few Obvious User Interface Tips
- Minimize # of clicks for common tasks
- Provide all the information that's needed on a single screen
- Strive for "direct manipulation"
- Modeless is usually better than modal
- Be familiar and consistent with other applications
Interpersonal Communications: Some Rules of Engagement
- 1. Respect your classmates, even when you disagree or they are wrong.
- "Treat others the way you would like to be treated" - Jesus.
I am not impressed, and will not tolerate for long, group "leaders"
who disrespect their teammates publically. If you have a problem
with one of your team member's contributions, discuss it with them
privately. If you cannot resolve it through polite discussion with
the individual, discuss it RESPECTFULLY within your group, and if
there is a problem that can't be resolved internally, see me. Part
of your grade will be based on whether I determine that you respected
your classmates or not.
- 2. Accept group decisions even when you disagree.
- "The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few...or the One" - Spock.
There has to be some mechanism for making decisions, whether it is
democracy, dictatorship, or whatever. Those decisions should be made
based on what's best for the group, not what makes an individual look good.
- 3. You must include all group members in decisions.
- I want to hear no more team members who are surprised about something
that affects them.
- 4. You should do your best to contribute to your team.
- "From each according to his abilities" - Marx.
The easiest way to fail this course is to not contribute to your team.
If you do your best, make your contribution, and the team discards it,
that is not your problem or fault. If you don't do your best
to help your team succeed, don't be surprised at the grade you get.
- 5. E-mail is not a good medium for resolving problems.
- I have found through many long years that e-mail does not work well
at conveying emotions. Using e-mail to try to resolve problems can
easily make them worse. Of course, sometimes you have no choice, but
basically e-mail is easily misinterpreted. Human faces and intonation
are lost, and people do not type as well as they talk. When there is
a problem, your best bet is to e-mail to setup a meeting to discuss it.
Your next best bet is to think, and rethink, what you are planning to
send by e-mail. Ask: how will this person react to this e-mail? Have
I respected them? Will they understand my situation? Will they feel
I am attacking them, or trying to help?
Example of how not to use e-mail for interpersonal communications:
From: ralph
To: cjeffery
Date: Wed, Apr 22
Subject: Carping
I'm more than a bit tired of beating you about the ears in hopes that you'll
rearrange your priorities, work habits, or whatever it takes to get your
research on track.
I'll assess the situation in a couple of weeks. If I'm still not
satisfied with your progress, I'll put it in writing.
This e-mail may have accomplished a certain motivational goal, but it did
not improve the working relationship between sender and recipient.
Why are collaboration diagrams useful?
Collaboration diagrams help connect the use cases and classes.
Each scenario (== sequence of steps for a use case description)
can lead to a collaboration diagram.
Design Buzzwords and Vague Concepts
Guess what, the book talks about design. Assignment: read Chapter 5 in full
at this point if you haven't already. It gives step-by-step procedures for
performing the tasks of detail design you need for your project homeworks
Here are some buzzwords and ideas that relate to design:
Design methods
- 1. modular decomposition
- top-down breaking up function into parts
- 2. data-oriented decomposition
- top-down breaking up information into parts
- 3. event-oriented decomposition
- identifying what changes are to be made, and when they occur
- 4. outside-in design
- blackbox I/O orientation
- 5. object-oriented design
- relationships between data
Things that get designed
- 1. Architecture
- interaction between programs and their environment, including other programs
- 2. Code
- algorithms and data structures, starting with equations, pseudocode, etc.
- 3. Executable/package
- how is this system going to be installed and run on user machines?
Common architectures
Pipes, layers, client-server, peer-to-peer, ring ...
Some common breakdowns
- poor prioritization
- failure to consider constraints on the solution (missing requirements)
- failing to perform mental simulations of complex multi-step activities
- failing to track and return to subproblems which aren't solved yet
- failing to expand/merge/integrate subsolutions into a complete whole
"Good" Design
Book material on design resides in chapters 7-9; skim them and look for
good parts.
- Low coupling
- Coupling refers to the interdependences between components.
Components need to be as independent as possible.
The book defines many kinds of coupling, including content coupling,
control coupling, stamp coupling, and data coupling.
- High cohesion
- Cohesion refers to the degree to which a component is focused
and connected internally (it is almost "internal coupling").
Bad cohesion has a single component doing unrelated tasks.
Bad cohesion may coinside with lots of duplicate code (same
thing repeated with slight changes for different tasks).
The book defines levels of cohesion: coincidental, logical,
temporal, procedural, communicational, sequential, functional.
- Minimal complexity
- There are several types of complexity, but in general, complexity
is bad, and the goal is to minimize it while meeting requirements.
Most of the complexity measures that are out there measure the
complexity of code, but we are talking about design right now.
Designs that are complex, or designs that poorly address the
application domain and requirements, lead to complex code.
Bad programmers can of course create complex code from even good designs.
lecture #10 began here
Good/Bad Design Examples
Comments on Homework
- Produce a readable document
- I have to be able to read your hard copies, I really mean it! If you
can't format your diagrams to fit the page, or print a lot of text so
small I can't read it with my glasses on, or don't have enough toner
in your printer: fix it.
- Avoid "buzzword infection"
- Students learning software engineering or UML are exposed to many new
terms. When writing software engineering documentation, keep the
technical buzzwords out of your application domain descriptions unless
they really belong there. Example: in use cases you learn about actors,
so in your descriptions of the application domain, the word "actors"
starts being used to refer to many non-actor things.
CVS and Version Control
CVS stands for "Concurrent Versions System". It is a software version
control system, whose primary function is to aid in the coordination of
programmers on large projects. Compared with earlier tools SCCS (source
code control system) and RCS (revision control system), CVS offers some
significant advantages:
- It allows all programmers to edit any file at any time. Earlier tools
used a "locking" system to allow only one programmer to edit a file at
a time.
- It semi-automatically merges changes by multiple programmers; if the
edits do not conflict it is fully automatic, and if the edits are to
the same place in the program, it notes the conflict, shows both
versions, and requires the programmer(s) to resolve
the conflicts manually.
- CVS works on multiple platforms (e.g. UNIX and Windows) and since it is
open source, everyone can use it. Previous systems were not very
portable (RCS) or proprietary and commercial (SCCS, PVCS, etc).
- CVS works over the internet, making it awesome for coordinating the
development of public open source projects with personnel scattered
around the world.
For these good technical and political reasons, CVS will be our source
code control system of choice.
There is a newer system called subversion which is said to compete
favorably with CVS; feel free to check it out, it seems to be on our system,
and to use mostly the same commands as CVS.
Major CVS Commands
CVS works using a "repository" which is a database for source files.
You can specify which repository to use via a command line option,
but it is usually done by setting a CVSROOT environment variable.
This can be set to either a local directory or an internet machine
and directory name. When you checkout a project from a repository,
your project directory remembers which repository it belongs to,
so there is no problem using CVS with many different projects in
different repositories; you don't have to keep resetting CVSROOT all the time.
Unless you are creating your own repository, the first command you need
cvs checkout projectname
which grabs a copy of a named project from the repository.
The various cvs commands that manipulate the repository have the syntax
cvs command [filenames...]
The other commands you need immediately for CVS include:
- cvs diff [filenames...]
- Show any differences between your file and the version in the repository
- cvs update [filenames...]
- Merge in any changes others' have committed to the repository.
If you have changed lines that others have changed, the conflict
is reported and both copies of the changed lines are left in for
you to merge by hand.
- cvs commit [filenames...]
- Merge your changes into the repository.
- cvs log [filenames...]
- Show history of changes that were made to a file or files.
There are a few other CVS commands, and command-line options, that
you may find useful; read the manuals! One option of special interest
is -r tag which let's you ask for older versions from
the repository instead of the current version. This may help if the
current repository gets broken. :-) Use it with care, however; when
you go back to an earlier version, the repository doesn't think any
changes you make apply to the current version. You may need to use
Dr. J's "Texas Three-Step"
Demonstration of CVS on the current class project
lecture #11 began here
Comments on Homework
- States in statecharts must correspond to (sets of) values of
attributes in some class: make explicit
- Arrows/transitions in statecharts must be identified/labeled
with the events that cause them.
- Methods in many use case descriptions need to migrate to class diagrams
- Some teams will need to split class diagram into multiple pieces
- Do not just copy text from rules (duh) -- analyze and adapt
- Many HW3 use case diagrams still have things that aren't use cases in them
- User tasks != character "tasks" in the simulation
- Tie your credits a bit closer to your materials
Implementing UML Constructs
At the beginning of the semester, we said...
languages vary in their ability to implement OO designs.
We had a lab where there was some UML-to-C++ going on, but we need a lot more
details in our designs, and we need a lot more practice with going from UML to
Now let's return to that topic and consider the implementation of associations
in your semester projects.
Go with InitialCaps on classnames and filenames. Unless you use 8.3 filenames,
you don't have infinite portability, but that is OK.
Documenting Code
I have alluded to JavaDoc, is there a similar tool for C++?
JavaDoc comments look like this example. They must be placed immediately
BEFORE the thing they describe. The first sentence should always be a
summary of the described entity.
* This is a beautiful JavaDoc comment.
Our UML documentation can be referenced (once we rename doc/ to doc-files/
in our project) with a comment like:
* The UML class diagram for this code is
* <A href="doc-files/myclass.html"> here </A>
JavaDoc comments can include a large number of interesting "tags", signalled
by the at sign (@). Some are standalone (@see, @deprecated, etc) and
some are "in-line", meaning they are enclosed by curly braces in order
to clear mark the end of the tag, as in {@link #getDiplomacy()}
For our class the best tags are: @author, {@link...}, @param, @return,
@see, and @version. There are other tags; read the man page.
lecture #12 began here
Midterm Exam: let's go ahead and see what you know on Friday March 10.
Review text chapters 2,4,5,7,8,9, focusing on sections that related to
material discussed in class or activities done in homeworks or labs.
CVS Repository
To create it I had to say
mkdir ~/371
mkdir ~/371/CVSROOT
cd ~/html/courses/371/fps # where my sources were
cvs import FPS mumbledy fumbledy
chgrp -R cs371 ~/371
To get your copy you should say
setenv CVSROOT /home/uni1/jeffery/371
newgrp cs371
cvs checkout FPS
To modify files in the repository
newgrp cs371
cvs update, commit, etc.
A Few Nuggets from Lethbridge
- Avoid unnecessary generalizations. At what point do you stop making
subclasses, and just handle differences in instances, if any, via a
field value?
- Have a generalization key.
- Constraints; OCL exists
- Tasks in developing a UML model are more than just drawing classes
and relationships.
They include identifying responsibilities for each class, which
help lead to the methods the class needs.
- Class criteria include: don't define two classes with different names,
if one of them is really the same thing as the other. Don't define
classes for things that should be instances of other classes. Don't
define classes for things that have no meaningful data. Don't define
classes for things that have no meaningful behavior (i.e. methods).
Don't define classes for things that are too vague. Don't define
classes for things irrelevant to this application domain or this
particular application within that domain.
lecture #13 began here
CVS check: 6 students have done enough lab work to stick their names into
void credits()
std::cout << "FPS - a CS371 project" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Clint Jeffery" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Michael Simmons" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Scott Blauert" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Gustavo Jimenez"<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Jeston Uhl"<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Curtis Wyatt" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Philip Killough" << std::endl;
Design Patterns
Some of this material can be found in Lethbridge Chapter 6.
Architect Christopher Alexander wrote extensively about the
concept of patterns in building, and software design patterns
were inspired by his work. Design Patterns create a common
vocabulary for "known good" solutions that seem to recur over
and over again. If we do not recognize and exploit these
recurrences, we reinvent the wheel over and over again.
Design Patterns in software got popularized by a "Gang of Four"
authors (Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides) who wrote a book in 1995.
Like most New Things in
software engineering, it spawned a cult following and a legion of
wannabes inventing "design patterns" for things like wallpaper.
But the original idea is valid and many of the design patterns
in the Design Patterns book are legitemate.
The original design patterns book described in detail 23 reoccurring
patterns in software, divided into three main categories: creational,
structural, and behavioral. Each pattern is described exceedingly well in
prose and outlined in a UML class diagram, after which example
implementations are sketched in C++ or Smalltalk. Within all three
categories a great deal of similarity can be observed, such as the heavy
use of abstract classes; enough to suggest the existence of meta-patterns.
The design patterns fad has died down, but the concept of design patterns
has been thoroughly institutionalized by the software engineering community.
What is a Design Pattern?
Minimalist Definition
A quad-tuple consisting of:
Respect class formatting conventions: use < 80 column lines.
- I want to be able to print hard copies without special tools
- some data transmission methods, such as some e-mailers, auto break
long lines, breaking the code in the process
lecture #18 began here
Software Measurement
Software metrics is the art of measuring aspects of software.
To measure is to assign numbers or symbols to attributes of entites
in order to describe them. Interpreting these measures requires some
model of what they were measuring.
People measure many different kinds of things.
Measures can be categorized as reporting information about software
process, products, or resources. Besides these broad categories,
there are direct vs. indirect measures, and internal vs. external measures.
Direct vs. Indirect
There are
direct measures (lines of code, size in bytes, running time in seconds)
and indirect measures (quality, functionality, complexity). Some
measures report static properties of program source code or data,
others measure dynamic properties of program execution.
While direct measures are "easy" to observe they are not necessarily very
meaningful/useful. Indirect measures allow more useful interpretation -- if
they are true about what they are measuring. There is a tendency to use a
couple of direct measures (say, #bugs, and #KLOC) to come up with a new
measure via a simple equation (say, #bugs/#KLOC) and claim this is a new,
indirect measure. Does quality = #bugs/#KLOC?
Internal vs. External
Engineers may want measures that estimate how long something will
take, or how much progress has been made (project monitoring), measures
of the effectiveness of tools or processes (process improvement).
Managers on the other hand may want measures that validate what
they are doing. Most software engineering texts I have read totally
deny that managers might use metrics in evaluating their
engineers. For example, in a test by Pressman it was noted that
normalized metrics data are used to evaluate the software process, but
but never the individual people. I suspect this is inevitably false,
and that assessing developers is another common use of metrics.
Classifying Software Measures
- Size-oriented, direct measures
- Lines of code
- Execution speed
- Memory size
- Bug reports per customer-week
- Function-oriented, indirect measures
- # of user-input activities
- # of user-output views
- # of user "inquiries" (for databases)
- # of files
- # of external interfaces (network, etc)
- # of non-trivial algorithms used
You can weight the indirect measures as (simple, average, or complex).
The sum of the weighted scores = "function points" of the program.
Unforunately, the resulting measure is pretty subjective.
Are Lines of Code a Good Measure of Program Size?
For example, can we use them to measure how productive some has been?
Pay people per line of code? Assign course grades based on it?
- #lines of code per programmer per day seems invariant across languages.
so maybe LOC is a metric of effort put in.
- languages vary in terms of #lines of code to implement a feature set.
so maybe LOC does not measure relative size across languages.
- humans have static limits on how many lines we can navigate well.
varies widely; for most programmers it is from 5K to 50K lines.
- unmonitored programmers can easy defeat a metric if its used for pay
or merit.
OK, but how else are you supposed to measure program "size"? Some software
engineers use "function points", counting each major unit of functionality
(algorithm, input handler, output formatter, etc) weighted by how difficult
it was. This is pretty inexact, but still gives one a way to attempt to
report how much the software can do, not just how much the programmers have
How do you Measure Progress
A student (Michael Simmons) once claimed his teams' semester project was 75%
complete the last week of the semester. What metrics would allow a manager
determine whether this was true or not?
- Compare delivered code against deadlines/milestones that were projected.
You might come up with a graph of how many "projected months" you are
completing per real month.
- The manager could measure team progress/effort in terms of thousands of
lines of code written (does lots of code imply lots of accomplishment?)
- Function points delivered, compared with total function points needed?
- FURPS - functionality, usability, reliability, performance, supportability
- Found and fixed defects -- if the bug count is a lot higher than it was
a month ago, that might or might not be an indication of health.
- Defect frequency (defects per 1000 test hours) -- given enough testing,
when testing is producing fewer and fewer bug reports, you have an
indicator of progress, and when the frequency drops below a certain
threshhold the software might be considered stable.
Measuring Quality
"Quality" means different things to different people. Many people would
say it is some combination of the following
- correctness
- degree to which software performs its required function.
Unit of measure: defects per 1000 lines of code
- maintainability
- ease with which a program can be corrected if an error is encountered.
Unit: mean-time-to-change.
- integrity
- ability to withstand attacks on security
- usability
- skill required to learn the system, time it takes to become proficient with it,
net increase in productivity over the old system, user attitudes towards the
Tools That Measure Execution Time
Why measure time? Ancient reason: CPU cycles cost $. Real time cost $.
Modern reasons: many programs have real-time requirements (say, a server
that must process a transaction in 100 milliseconds or less in order to
keep up with load, or an embedded software system that must talk to hardware).
Another modern reason: GUI's must keep up with human users who as a race
mostly have ADD. Psychology says it is better to be predictable
than to be fast on average but way slow part of the time (like the web is).
One tool that measures time: UNIX time(1) command.
Profiling and performance tuning. For C and UNIX, the standard tool
is gprof. Compile and link with -pg, run program, run gprof on .output
file. What about Java? JVMPI is standard, but is there a standard profiler?
Does Netbeans have one?
lecture #19 began here
Complexity is perhaps the most fun software metric out there.
How complex a code is affects its understandability, maintainability,
testability, and modifiability. CS algorithms tend to talk about
theoretical complexity in terms of big-Oh, notation, as in O(n).
Software engineers are interested in this, but usually use the term
complexity in a broader sense. Two algorithms might have the same
big-Oh value, but one may be vastly preferable if it is less subject
to bugs and easier to read and maintain.
Some ways to measure relative complexity of two competing solutions
to a problem:
- 1. nominal.
- Giving names to different solutions, without comparison power.
"Solution A uses dynamic programming; solution B uses decision tables."
- 2. ordinal.
- Ordering solutions, we can say something is more complex without
saying how much ("A is more complex than B").
- 3. interval
- "A is 18 units of difficulty more complex than B" - if we can define
units, we can calculate interval distances, but unless we know where
the "origin" is, we still have less comparison power than...
- 4. ratio
- Comparing in which the ratio between two values is meaningful, thanks
to knowing where the 0 is ("A is 3 times as difficult as B").
Design Complexity versus Implementation Complexity
It is possible to evaluate designs, and assess one design as being "more
complex" than another design. What measures of design complexity can you
think of? What kind of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio)
can we achieve for designs?
Halstead's "Software Science"
n1 = unique operators # n1 and n2 form the
n2 = unique operands # "vocabulary" n
N1 = total # operators # N1 and N2 form the
N2 = total # operands # program "length" N
(2/n1 * n2/N2) * (N * log2(n)) = "program intelligence content"
Published claims that this correlates well with total programming and
debugging time
McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity
For a program flow graph G, V(G) = E-N+2. Wasn't that easy? Actually
constructing the flow graph can be a non-trivial exercise, but often
flow graph may be already constructed as part of a compiler implementation,
so if that compiler source code is available it may be easy to get the
McCabe's number.
lecture #20 began here
lecture #21 began here
lecture #22 began here
lecture #23 began here
Software Testing
Testing is the process of looking for errors (not the process of
demonstrating the program is correct). Passing a set of tests
does not guarantee the program is correct, but failing a set of
tests does guarantee the program has bugs.
Testing is best done by someone other than the person who wrote the code.
This is because the person who wrote the code would write tests that
reflect the assumptions and perspectives they have already made, and
cannot be objective.
Kinds of errors include:
- Syntax & semantics errors
- typos, language misuse
- Logic errors
- I/O errors
- formatting & parsing failures, network handshake trouble, ...
- Design errors
- misinheritance
- Documentation errors
- program does one (reasonable) thing, document says another
Kinds of testing include:
- black box
- tests written from specifications, cast in terms of inputs
and their expected outputs
- white box
- tests written with the program source code in hand, for example, to
guarantee that every line of code has been executed in one or more tests.
- unit testing
- integration testing
- system testing
- regression testing
Coverage Testing
Coverage means: writing tests that execute all the code. Since a significant
portion of errors are due to simple typos and logic mistakes, if we execute
every line of code we are likely to catch all such "easy" errors.
There are at least two useful kinds of coverage: statement coverage
(executing every statement), and path coverage (executing every path
through the code). Statement coverage is not sufficient to catch
all bugs, but path coverage tends to suffer from a combinatorial
explosion of possibilities. Exhaustive path coverage may not be
an option, but some weaker forms of path coverage are useful.
lecture #24 began here
A note on Java "extends" (non-Java programmers can skip this section)
Last night around 11pm when I tried to make, I came across a baffling
error that looked like:
StarSystemGame.java:4: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor Game ()
location: class Game
1 error
It seemed to be complaining that Game() must provide a default constructor
in order for any subclass to be allowed. But Game() should not have a
default constructor, so I tried hard to understand why Java complains.
In looking for an answer, I first looked at other code in our project
that was doing to extends to see if it would show how to "do things right"
so it would compile. I game across the following bogosity:
// Constructor methods
* This empty constructor method was added by the Galactic and Province
* Team to allow Sovereign to extend Charactr.
public Charactr()
This pretty much proves that the error is common, and that one "solution" is
to add a default constructor that makes no sense. But, wanting a better fix
and some understanding, I went to google, and after some searching, came
across some notes from
Stanford which pretty much explain the situation.
In brief: the compiler error message seems to blame the parent for the
child's mistakes (a common pattern in the real world). The correct
solution is
Without it,
Java supplies a default constructor which calls the superclass default
constructor (which doesn't exist and generates an error message). This
issue is compounded by the fact that
The reason the child got a default constructor added was because it did not
inherit the parent's constructor.
This analysis got StarSystemGame compiling OK by adding the constructor:
public StarSystemGame(String sourceFile) {
I thought I was done, and feeling pretty clever, but there was one problem:
subclass Sovereign DOES define its constructor. And taking out the
dummy constructor from Charactr.java still causes Sovereign.java to fail.
I thought: maybe since Java doesn't inherit constructors, the subtype must
define all the same constructors its supertype does, but that didn't work.
Then I thought: maybe the subclass constructor always calls a superclass
constructor, and if you don't do it yourself, it gets done unto you. This
seems to be the case. So for class Sovereign to compile OK without the
bogus superclass Charactr default constructor, subclass Sovereign's
constructor has to call a superclass constructor. The following works,
although I was just guessing at the parameter names due to TERRIBLE
super('?', name, combatRating, 0, (Environ)null, "", "", "", "", "",
enduranceRating, 0, leadershipRating, 0, 0, 0, false);
Questions: what is the "scom" parameter? Characters do not have a
space combat value (they do have a space leadership value). The
constructor is confused about this because class Unit requires all
units to have a space combat value. The spacecombat attribute should
be moved down into class MilitaryUnit where it belongs. This got me
wondering whether that first Charactr constructor was being used at all.
Apparently not. Sovereign constructors were being passed a space leadership
rating, but the superclass didn't seem to have a field to store it in.
I added spaceLeadership to class Charactr. Code for parsing characters
from .dat files probably needs to know about space leadership and do the
right thing with it.
lecture #25 began here
Unit Testing
One method of unit testing that is statistically shown to be cost-effective
is to read the source code! This may be done with the aid of a partner or
team, performing either a walkthrough (where the code author sets the agenda
and others review) or an inspection (where the leadership sets the agenda).
Whole books have been written about methods of writing good tests, much of
which boils down to: write tests to challenge the boundary conditions and
assumptions that programmers typically make when writing code.
JUnit is for Java, CppUnit is a port of it for C++, installed locally at
/home/uni1/jeffery/371/cppunit-1.10.2/ but not yet tested.
Example of (white box) testing: Testing Loops
If your job is to write tests for some procedure that has a loop in it,
you can write tests that:
- skip the loop entirely
- execute only one iteration of the loop
- execute two iterations
- execute M iterations, for some random 2 < M < N-1
- execute (N-1), N, and (N+1) iterations
where N is the maximum number of allowable passes.
Public versus Accessors
In reading your HW4, I noticed one or more teams declaring "everything is
public". While public methods are normal, public fields are only normal
in a rapid prototyping context. For this reason, I am not surprised to see
the actual Java code using lots of privates where the design claimed
fields were public. One point I would like to reiterate is: if a
field is public there is no reason to write accessor get/set methods.
In fact, a big advantage of declaring a field public for rapid prototyping
purposes is that you get to defer writing these methods.
lecture #26 began here
L&L on Testing
Software Testing is described in Chapter 10 of the Lethbridge text.
Are you fully buzzword cognizant?
- failure
- an unacceptable behavior exhibited by a system
- defect
- a flaw in any aspect of the system including the requirements,
the design and the code, that contributes or may potentially contribute
to the occurrence of failures.
- error
- a slip-up or inappropriate decision by a software developer that
leads to the introduction of a defect into the system
Coverage testing clarification: "all possible paths" is impractical
due to combinatorial explosion. "all nodes" is inadequate because it
misses too much. The right compromise is "cover all edges".
lecture #27 began here
More Lethbridge on Testing
Testing is like detective work?
Lethbridge makes an unfortunate analogy between programmers and criminals;
they have a modus operandi, and once you find what type of bugs a
programmer is writing in one place, the programmer may well repeat similar
bugs elsewhere in the code.
In selecting test cases, look for equivalence classes
You usually cannot test all the possible inputs to a program or parameters
to a procedure that you wish to test. If you can identify what
ranges of values ought to evoke different kinds of responses,
it will help you minimize test cases to: one representative from each
class of expected answer, plus extra tests at the boundaries of the
equivalence classes to make sure the ranges are nonoverlapping.
Some (Lethbridge) Bug Categories
Failure to recover from crashes
lecture #28 began here
Lethbridge p. 383
Idea: examine source code looking for defects.
- author
- moderator
- runs the meeting. establishes and enforces the "rules"
- secretary
- recording defects when they are found
- paraphrasers
- step through the document, explaining it in their own words
Writing Formal Test Cases (Lethbridge 10.8)
- A test case is a set of instructions for detecting a particular
class of defects in a software system, by causing them to occur. A test case
often involves running many tests aimed at that particular defect to be detected.
- A test plan is a set of test cases.
A test plan should be written before testing starts. Lethbridge points out
that it can be developed right after requirements are identified. In recent
years the "extreme programming" community has argued in favor of writing the
test cases first, before coding. If you can't come up with satisfactory
test cases, you certainly don't know the problem yet well enough to code a
solution or know whether your program is in fact a solution.
A test case includes: a test case #/id, a descriptive name, a set of instructions,
a description of the expected (correct) results, and (for some tests) instructions
on how to restore the system back to normal after the test.
Test cases are generally assigned a priority; Lethbridge suggests they be
designated priority I (critical), II (general), and III (cosmetic).
In-class exercise: if we wanted test cases for our semester project, what should
be in them?
Testing Strategies for Large Systems
Integration Testing
The "big bang": what happens when you wire it all together? How do you avoid
the big bang?
Top Down vs. Bottom Up Testing
Top down = work from the user interface gradually deeper into the system
Bottom up = test individual units first
Sandwich testing = test UI and lowest levels first, because they are the easiest to test
lecture #29 began here
Project Status
- src/ has 428 lines in 5 files.
- What is this WidgetMasterOmega/ thing? Was it part of the design?
Are there supposed to be widgetmaster stuff up in src ?
- Client has 3443 lines in 23 files.
- Server has 229 lines in 4 files
- Server/include has 200 lines in 7 files
- Server/send_structs has 691 lines in 7 files
- Server/source has 825 lines in 5 files
The Rest of Software Engineering
So, what parts of software engineering didn't we cover this semester that we
would like to have covered?
``Graduate Level'' Topics
Over time, topics that used to be graduate level tend to become
undergraduate level. Which of these topics ought to be covered in CS 371,
and what parts of 371 should we remove to make room?
- Software Architecture
- Architecture involves "bigger picture" aspects of designing a software
system that involves multiple programs/threads/processes. Besides
"client server", what architectures are out there?
- Component-Based Software Engineering
- Components are independently-compiled, installable, reusable software
elements that are usable by multiple applications. What kinds of
components are widely used?
- Software Process
- Its one thing to define what notations are used for various phases of
software development. Its another to define what tasks, in what order,
a programming team should perform in order to go about the whole
development process in an efficient manner.
- Program Verification
- Loosely, this is the study of how to prove programs correct.
What does "correct" mean?
- Dynamic Analysis
- This is the study of program execution behavior, which may aid in detecting
bugs, understanding what is going on, or confirming correctness.
lecture #30 began here
Final Exam Review
The final exam will cover the whole course, with
an emphasis on software engineering "back-end" issues.
Review your UML, especially parts you missed on the midterm -- what is
the difference between a state and an event? When I ask you to draw
a statechart, knowing what a state is will be important.
What is the difference between a class and an association?
There were in general more misunderstandings about statecharts than
about class diagrams, and more misunderstandings about collaboration
diagrams than about statecharts. What is the purpose of a collaboration
What tasks are involved in the so-called ``back end'' of software development?
When you take a UML class diagram and write the code that corresponds to it,
how to you implement each of the things you see in the diagram? The closer
the language corresponds back to the diagramming notation, the easier it
will be to implement from a design and keep them in sync.
What is software testing? What is its purpose?
What kinds of software testing are there?
What is software metrics? What categories of measurement are there?
What specific measures?
What are the most frequent kinds of bugs you have encountered in this
semester? What has been the hardest part about doing the project? What
has been the hardest part about doing the coding? What methods worked,
and what methods did not work very well?
Is it harder to write new code, or to modify someone else's existing code?
What is CVS? How does it work? What are the major CVS commands?
Suppose you get a "conflicts during merge" message from CVS; what
causes it and what do you do about it?
What other software tools did we use this semester? What do they do, how do
you use them?
Were there any C++ language features you had to learn this semester
in order to implement your project? If so, what were they? Were there any
problems related to using the language or class libraries?