CS 371 Lab #4: Detailed Design
Due: before next week's lab.
This lab has you practicing topics pertaining to the detailed design of
your semester project. Turn in your work via hard copy and electronic
turnin in the TA's submission system.
- Try out "Umbrello" - another UML drawing tool competing with Dia,
which may have the advantage that it can generate C++ code for us.
- Use Dia or Umbrello to draw a statechart approximating the one
shown as "Figure 5.8" in the lecture notes.
Print us a hard copy of your diagram. Then draw a statechart
that approximates one "Turn" in your semester project, and print a hard
copy for us. A "Turn" is whatever timestep unit all players are able
to do one movement step, fire one round, etc.
- Use Dia or Umbrello to draw a collaboration diagram approximating the one
shown as "A Collaboration Diagram for a Printer
Server" in the lecture notes.
Print me a hard copy of your diagram. Then use Dia to draw a statechart
that approximates the collaboration between objects required for one
player's character to attack an opposing
player's character. Print a hard copy for me.