CS 371 Homework #2. Requirements Phase 2

Due: Monday February 13 in class.

In this assignment you will make a second pass at assessing the requirements for the system ("Game") that we are doing. Your main goals for this assignment are:

  1. Read the Lethbridge textbook Chapter 4 in detail; make as many improvements to your use cases and preliminary object-oriented analysis as you can identify from what you learn.
  2. If you are in a team, have your teammates critique your work. Incorporate those improvements that they identify.
  3. Incorporate revisions and additions suggested by your instructor
  4. Add more detail; master the entire application domain or identify any remaining areas needing further study.
  5. Add a preliminary user interface design. This design can consist of sample screens generated by an interface builder, plus sketches or electronic illustrations of interface details not handled by existing interface builder widgets, plus textual descriptions of operations in click-by-click detail (if your use cases are not doing this yet).
  6. Identify subsystems that can be assigned to individuals or smaller groups for detailed design. How shall we divide the labor for the next step?
An "A" grade on this assignment will be one that addresses instructor feedback thoroughly and provides us with a basis for preliminary software design work.

Questions to consider if you haven't already