CS 404/504 Games and Virtual Environments Semester Projects

Decide: by Friday of this week, via written/e-mail communication with Dr. J

Due: end of semester. Probably this means middle of Finals Week, with a scheduled demo. Turnin is by electronic mail to jeffery@uidaho.edu. Remember to put your NAME in a comment at the top of your file(s), in case I print them out in paper form.

For the end of the semester, you have some choices

1. Finish something you started

Take one of your games from earlier this semester, make it really playable, and hopefully even fun. Demo it substantively during finals week. (Confirm and obtain approval from Dr. J for what you are doing, make sure it is "gamey" enough.)

2. Build in SecondLife

Given the published amount of content we manage to accumulate in the next few weeks, build a virtual version of JEB in SecondLife. Dr. J will provide the real estate, but it appears we don't have time to make Everyone do a major SecondLife assignment. Confirm with Dr. J if you intend to work on this; if two or more persons work on it it will probably be easier to work together and get a pleasant result.

3. Work on CVE

You may also choose to do your semester project to add something to the VIEW software.
