$include "../common/defaults.icn" $include "posix.icn" $ifdef THREADS $include "threadh.icn" $endif link datetime link datecomp global ici_groups, proj_tooltip_msg, session_tooltip_msg, uTDays, uTHours, currMode, npcs record SocketDriver(socket, user, # Associated user object, or &null if none type, # "listen", "user", "admin", "agnt", or "npc" pending_output, # string containing generated # output not yet sent across the # socket barrier. pending_input # unhandled input (typically from # incomplete lines). ) # # CVE Daemon Server Class: handles all network related communications # class Server(listen_UDP_sock, Tsocket_drivers, # socket to SocketDriver objects socket_list, Tuser_sock, # user to socket mapping Cmds, # commands object reference Tname_group, # name to group obj ref mapping port, # port to use logHandler, # Logger object dynStHandler, # dynamic state stuff fileHandler, # fileTransfer object commandHelper, # provides help on commands Tide, # Table of users in the IDEsession IDECounter, # IDE session counter IDE_Checked_Counter, Addcounter, Lusers_to_send, agents, Tusername_user, local_npc_set ) # # open_TCP_listener(): starts listening on a specific port for TCP requests # method open_TCP_listener() # open up network to listen for connections until server is shut down local listen_sock, driver listen_sock := open(":" || port, "nl") if /listen_sock then { logHandler.logit("open_TCP_listener(:" ||image(port) || "): starting _ server failed because " || sys_errstr(&errno)) shutdown() } logHandler.logit("open_TCP_listener(): Virtual Environment Server ", cve_version(), " started on port ", port) driver := SocketDriver(listen_sock, &null, "listen", "", "") Tsocket_drivers[listen_sock] := driver put(socket_list, listen_sock) end # # open_UDP_listener(): starts listening on a specific port for UDP requests # method open_UDP_listener() listen_UDP_sock := open(":"||fileHandler.xm_ports.getAvatarPort(),"nua")| stop("Failed Opening UDP", sys_errstr(&errno)) logHandler.logit("open_UDP_listener(): UDP Connection started on port "|| fileHandler.xm_ports.getAvatarPort()) end method get_all_availability_str(userID, ava_files) local f, d, h, myTDays := table(), myLDays, i, myTHours, l, ln, lday, lhrs, times, all_ava_str := "", newlst myLDays := ["Sat", "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"] every myTDays [!myLDays] := table(0) every d := key(myTDays) do { myTHours := table() every myTHours[1 to 24] := 0 myTDays[d] := myTHours } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS||"temp.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { while not(pos(0)) do { ln := tab(find("[]")) move(2) ln ? { lday := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lhrs := tab(0) } if \lday & \lhrs then { if lday === ("Sat" | "Sun" | "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri") then { lhrs ? { i := 1 while not(pos(0)) do { times := integer(tab(find(" "))) myTDays[lday][i] +:= times move(1) i +:= 1 } } } } } } } close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"allavaTbl.log", "w") then { every d := key(myTDays) do { writes(f, d||" ") every h := 1 to 24 do { if ava_files > 0 then writes(f, ((myTDays[d])[h])/ava_files||" ") else writes(f, "0 ") } write(f) } close(f) } newlst := table() if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"allavaTbl.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { d := tab(find(" ")) move(1) } newlst[d] := l } close(f) } all_ava_str := "" every all_ava_str ||:= newlst["Sun"|"Mon"|"Tue"|"Wed"|"Thu"|"Fri"|"Sat"]||"&&" return all_ava_str end method getUserAFKInfo(userID, flag) local afkTDays, afk_rec, d, l, f, afk_str := "", aday, astr, afk_time afkTDays := table(0) every d := ("Sunday"|"Monday"|"Tuesday"|"Wednesday"| "Thursday"|"Friday"|"Saturday") do afkTDays[d] := 0 if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"afk_activity.log", "r") then { while afk_rec := read(f) do { if afk_rec ~== "" then { afk_rec ? { aday := tab(find(" ")) move(1) astr := tab(find("(")) move(1) afk_time := integer(tab(find(")"))) move(1) } afkTDays[aday] +:= afk_time } } close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"currWeek_afk_summary.log", "w") then { every d := ("Sunday"|"Monday"|"Tuesday "| "Wednesday"|"Thursday"|"Friday"|"Saturday") do { if \afkTDays[d] then afkTDays[d] := round(afkTDays[d]) else afkTDays[d] := 0 write(f, d||" "||(afkTDays[d]/60)) } close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"currWeek_afk_summary.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { afk_str ||:= l || "&&" } close(f) } if flag = 0 then { if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"afk_summary.log", "a") then { write(f, &dateline) write(f, " ") every d := ("Sunday"|"Monday"|"Tuesday "| "Wednesday"|"Thursday"|"Friday"|"Saturday") do write(f, d||" "||afkTDays[d]) write(f, "--------------------------------------") close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"currWeek_afk_summary.log", "w") then { every d := ("Sunday"|"Monday"|"Tuesday "| "Wednesday"|"Thursday"|"Friday"|"Saturday") do write(f, d||" 0") close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"afk_activity.log", "w") then { close(f) } } return afk_str end method usersAvailability() local login_time, login_date, login_hr, login_mnt, login_sec, login_day, f, d, h, myTDays := table(), myLDays, i, myTHours, logins_str, l, lday, lhrs, times, newlst myLDays := ["Sat", "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"] every i:= 1 to *myLDays do { myTDays [myLDays[i]] := table() } every myTDays[!myLDays] := table() every d := key(myTDays) do { myTHours := table() every h := 1 to 24 do myTHours[h] := 0 myTDays[d] := myTHours } logins_str := "" if f := open("dat"||PS|| "availability.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { logins_str ||:= l || "&&" } close(f) } logins_str ? { while not(pos(0)) do { l := tab(find("&&")) move(2) l ? { lday := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lhrs := tab(0) } if \lday & \lhrs then { if lday === ("Sat"|"Sun"|"Mon"|"Tue"|"Wed"|"Thu"|"Fri") then { lhrs ? { i := 1 while not(pos(0)) do { times := integer(tab(find(" "))) myTDays[lday][i] := times move(1) i +:= 1 } } } } } } login_date := &dateline login_time := &clock login_time ? { login_hr := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) login_mnt := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) login_sec := integer(tab(0)) } login_date ? { login_day := tab(find(",")) } if login_hr = 0 then login_hr := 24 login_day := login_day[1:4] (myTDays[login_day])[login_hr] +:= 1 if f := open("dat"||PS||"availability.log", "w") then { every d := key(myTDays) do { writes(f, d||" ") every h := 1 to 24 do { writes(f, (myTDays[d])[h]||" ") } write(f) } close(f) } newlst := table() if f := open("dat"||PS||"availability.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { d := tab(find(" ")) move(1) } newlst[d] := l } close(f) } if f := open("dat"||PS||"availability.log", "w") then { every d := ("Sun"|"Mon"|"Tue"| "Wed"|"Thu"|"Fri"|"Sat") do write(f, newlst[d]) close(f) } end method write_msg(con, msg) end method login(driver) local parsed, params, user_id, password local buffer, x, new_user, q, user_type local savedPosition, u, uLDays, i, d local temp1, message # Used for VoIP initialization local currNodeName, fd local avatar # To deal with agent avatars local pinv, isdisabled $ifdef THREADS buffer := <<@driver.socket | { if type(driver.socket)=="file" then close(driver.socket) fail } #see if command is valid and a login request if not (parsed := Cmds.LoginCommand(buffer)) then { logHandler.logit("Connection failed to login, sending command " || image(buffer)) "Failed"@>>driver.socket # NAK "\\say Connection Not Made, invalid command"@>>driver.socket if type(driver.socket)=="file" then close(driver.socket) fail } params := Cmds.SplitArgs(parsed[2], "split on space only") # make sure there is a username and password to process if /params | (*params < 2) then { logHandler.logit("login(): "|| "login with not enough parameters.") "Failed" @>> driver.socket if type(driver.socket)=="file" then close(driver.socket) fail } $else buffer := read(driver.socket) | { if type(driver.socket)=="file" then close(driver.socket) fail } #see if command is valid and a login request if not (parsed := Cmds.LoginCommand(buffer)) then { logHandler.logit("Connection failed to login, sending command " || image(buffer)) write(driver.socket, "Failed") # NAK write(driver.socket, "\\say Connection Not Made, invalid command") if type(driver.socket)=="file" then close(driver.socket) fail } params := Cmds.SplitArgs(parsed[2], "split on space only") # make sure there is a username and password to process if /params | (*params < 2) then { logHandler.logit("login(): "|| "login with not enough parameters.") write(driver.socket,"Failed") if type(driver.socket)=="file" then close(driver.socket) fail } $endif # login command seems valid so grab some info from it params[1] ? { if = "-cvecypher" then { user_id := decypher(tab(0)) password := decypher(params[2]) } else { user_id := params[1] password := params[2] } } del_ide_invitations(user_id) if not (user_type := authenticate(user_id,password,driver.socket)) then { logHandler.logit("login(): Authentication failure for user " || image(user_id)) $ifdef THREADS "Failed"@>>driver.socket "Authentication Failed."@>>driver.socket $else write(driver.socket, "Failed") write(driver.socket, "Authentication Failed.") $endif if type(driver.socket)=="file" then close(driver.socket) fail } # # Handle duplicate logins. Since the new one is a valid login, logout the # old session. Don't do this, however, to user "system". # if (user_id ~=== "system") & (x := getUser(user_id)) then { sendtoOne(user_id, "You are logging in on another machine!", "inform", user_id) $ifdef THREADS Tsocket_drivers[Tuser_sock[x]].pending_output @> Tuser_sock[x] $else write(Tuser_sock[x], Tsocket_drivers[Tuser_sock[x]].pending_output) $endif removeUser(Tuser_sock[x], "noconfirm") } logHandler.logit("run(): Successful Authentication of " || user_id || " from IP " || getIP(driver.socket)) if user_id == "system" then { $ifdef THREADS "Valid" @>> driver.socket $else write(driver.socket, "Valid") $endif addUser(driver, "system") driver.type := "admin" } else { if params[3] then driver.type := "npc" else { driver.type := \user_type | "user" $ifdef AAA usersAvailability() if not stat(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||user_id||PS||"stats.log") then { if fd := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||user_id||PS|| "stats.log","w") then { write(fd, "Project/Add 0\nProject/Access 0\n_ Project/Delete 0\nProject/Join 0\n_ Group/Add 0\nGroup/Delete 0\nGroup/Join 0\n_ Friend/Add 0\n_ Profile/View 0\nProfile/Update 0\n_ Session/Edit 0\nSession/Debug 0\n_ File/Compile 0\nFile/Open 0\nFile/Run 0\n_ Feed/Add 0\nFeed/Delete 0\nFeed/View 0") close(fd) } } if not stat("dat"||PS||"partner_stats.log") then { if fd := open("dat"||PS||"partner_stats.log", "w") then { write(fd, "P:Project Partner ~ G:Group Partner ~ E:Expert") close(fd) } } if not stat(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||user_id||PS||"avaTable.log") then { if fd := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||user_id||PS|| "avaTable.log", "w") then { every d := ("Sun"|"Mon"|"Tue"|"Wed"|"Thu"|"Fri"|"Sat") do { writes(fd, d||" ") every i := 1 to 24 do writes(fd, 0||" ") write(fd) } close(fd) } } $endif } addUser(driver, user_id) # Tell the user user they logged in OK. Tell everyone # else about the new user. Tell everyone how many # users are online. isdisabled := 0 # chat is enabled when 0 $ifdef THREADS "Valid" @>> driver.socket $else write(driver.socket, "Valid") $endif sendtoOne(driver.user.name, "Login Completed.", "inform", driver.user.name) sendtoMany(driver.socket, "User " || driver.user.name || " has logged in. ", "inform", 1) sendtoMany(driver.socket, "There are " || *Tuser_sock || " user(s) online.", "inform", 0) sendtoMany( driver.socket,driver.user.name, "Addusers", 1) sendtoOne(driver.user.name, driver.user.name||" "||isdisabled, "Whoami", driver.user.name) sendtoMany(driver.socket,driver.user.name, "c", 1) # # New IP strategy: # get the real IP from the machine itself using ifconfig/ipconfig and # store it in user.IP field; this will solve the undef problem forever # sendtoOne(driver.user.name, " ", "vgetip", driver.user.name) sendtoOne(driver.user.name, DAT, "dat", driver.user.name) # # Create the new user's avatar on everyone's client # savedPosition := dynStHandler.loadAvatarState(driver.socket, driver.user) if savedPosition[4] < 1.5 then savedPosition[4] := 1.5 message := " " || user_id || " " || savedPosition[1] || " " || savedPosition[2] || " " || savedPosition[3] || " " || savedPosition[4] || " " || driver.type # need to calculate who should receive the avatar creation message # based on room proximity, similar to how move messages are sent; # use getRecipientUsers and sentToSelected sendtoMany( driver.socket, message, "avatar", 0) # # Tell the user about his active quests # new_user := Tusername_user[driver.user.name] every q := !(new_user.active_quests_table) do { message := "\\npcmsg " || (if \q.npc_name then ( q.npc_name||":") else "") || "Quest Title("|| q.title || ") URL Active " || q.url driver.pending_output ||:= message || "\n" } # # Tell the user about his pending invitations/requests # every pinv := !(new_user.pending_inv_table) do { message := "\\ADDPending " || pinv.pid || ", " || pinv.uname || ", " || pinv.psubject || ", " || pinv.ppriority || ", " || pinv.pdate || ", " || pinv.pcomment driver.pending_output ||:= message || "\n" } # # Tell the user about his friends' locations # $ifdef AAA if \(message := get_my_friendsLocations(driver.user.name)) then { message:= "FRIENDLOCATION " || message sendtoOne(driver.user.name, message, "inform", driver.user.name) } $endif # # Tell the user about all registered users # if \(message := all_users(driver.user.name)) then { sendtoOne(driver.user.name, message, "allusers", driver.user.name) } $ifdef AAA # # Tell the user about all newsfeeds # if \(message := get_all_newsfeeds(user_id)) then { message:= "NEWSFEED " || message sendtoMany(driver.user.name, message, "inform", 1) } # # Tell the user about all groups and their members # if \(message := get_all_groups_and_members()) then { message:= "GROUPS " || message sendtoMany(driver.user.name, message, "inform", 1) } # # Tell the user about projects and project files # if \(message := get_all_projects()) then { message:= "PROJECTS " || message sendtoMany(driver.user.name, message, "inform", 1) } # # Tell the user about his own projects list # if \(message := get_my_projects(driver.user.name)) then { message:= "MYPROJECTS " || message sendtoOne(driver.user.name, message, "inform", driver.user.name) } # # Tell the user about his block list # if \(message := get_my_blocklist(driver.user.name)) then { message:= "MYBLOCKLIST " || message sendtoOne(driver.user.name, message, "inform", driver.user.name) } $endif # # Create everyone else's avatar on new user's client # every u := key(Tuser_sock) do { if u.name == user_id then next savedPosition := u.getPosition() message := u.name || " " || savedPosition[1] || " " || savedPosition[2] || " " || savedPosition[3] || " " || savedPosition[4] || " " || u.user_type sendtoOne(driver.user.name, message, "avatar", u.name) } # Now, to handle the agents' avatars. every avatar := !agents.avatars do { # TODO: We need to send an avatar command for each agent avatar } # # DYNAMIC STATE HANDLING CODE # # this logic that handles problematic avatar position # in a edge will be removed later. We need logic that # will determine the intermmediate position and place # the avatar in either of the edges # # Send the dynamic data to the user. We know his # previous saved node already # currNodeName := dynStHandler.getAvatarNodeInfo(user_id, savedPosition[1], savedPosition[3], savedPosition[2]) # # If the client is in a valid node # if \currNodeName then { # save the temporary position in the user object to the Scene Graph dynStHandler.saveSafeAvtState(savedPosition,driver.user, &null,driver.socket) dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.updateAvatarState( user_id, savedPosition[1], savedPosition[2], savedPosition[3], savedPosition[4], savedPosition[5], dynStHandler.TonlineUsers, MAX_MOVES) message := dynStHandler.getAdjDynamicState(Cmds, map(currNodeName," -","__")||" "|| map(currNodeName," -","__") || " " || savedPosition[1] || " " || savedPosition[3] || " " || (savedPosition[1]+cos(savedPosition[4])) || " " || (savedPosition[3]+sin(savedPosition[4])), driver.socket,driver.user) # We need to notify all actors in the current # node that the new user has arrived dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.notify_actors_of_arrival(currNodeName, user_id) } else { # # If the client is passing through a exit, his # current node is not valid # message := "NOUPDATE" logHandler.logit("State not consistent at the moment.") } sendtoOne(driver.user.name,message,"dynstate",driver.user.name) } $ifdef AAA if not stat("dat"||PS||"current_mode.log") then { if fd := open("dat"||PS|| "current_mode.log", "w") then close(fd) } every (usr := !Tusername_user).name ~== user_id do if (usr.get_activity_status()) ~== "Offline" then sendtoOne(usr.name, all_users(usr.name), "allusers", usr.name) $endif return end # # run(): the main loop to service client requests # method run() local i, sock, L, L2 local buffer,buffer2 local driver local listen_sock local backup_time, curr_time, curr_day, curr_mnthday, currDayTime, userID, f, bhr, bmn, bsc, chr, cmn, csc, backup_day, currHour, checktime := 0, npc_thread, timeout:=1000 (\agents).startup() backup_time := "Saturday 00:00" backup_time ? { backup_day := tab(find(" ")) #current day move(1) bhr := tab(find(":")) #current hour move(1) bmn := tab(find(":")|0) #current min } repeat { checktime +:= 1 if checktime%50=0 & find(backup_day, &dateline) then{ checktime := 0 curr_time := &dateline curr_time ? { curr_day := tab(find(", ")) #current day move(2) curr_mnthday := tab(find(", ")) #current day move(2) } currHour := &clock currDayTime := curr_day||" "||currHour currHour ? { chr := tab(find(":")) move(1) cmn := tab(find(":")) move(1) csc := tab(0) } if find(curr_day, backup_time) & chr === bhr & cmn === bmn & csc <= 5 then { every userID :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==( ==(!open(USER_GLOBALPATH))))))) do { getUserAvailability(userID, 0) # The following two function's calls generate # a weekly usage report for each user # Day IDE-min 3D-min AFK-min getUserAFKInfo(userID, 0) getUserUsage(userID, 0) } } } $ifdef THREADS while npc_thread := <@ do{ timeout := 0 driver := SocketDriver(npc_thread, &null, "npc", "", "") Tsocket_drivers[npc_thread] := driver insert(local_npc_set, npc_thread) if not login(driver) then { # If they can't log in, stop listening to them. # login() would have closed the socket already delete(Tsocket_drivers, npc_thread) delete(local_npc_set, npc_thread) } } } $endif L2:=[] every npc_thread:=!local_npc_set do if *npc_thread>0 then { put(L2, npc_thread) timeout := 0 } L := select( socket_list, SERVER_TIMEOUT*timeout) if *L=*L2=0 & timeout < 250 then timeout +:=1 every sock := (!L | !L2) do { driver := Tsocket_drivers[sock] if /driver then { # this should not happen # What is the best way to handle this? write("Driver is null; do not know socket ", image(sock)) next # fail? } case driver.type of { "listen": { if not login(driver) then { # If they can't log in, stop listening to them. # login() would have closed the socket already delete(Tsocket_drivers, sock) every i := 1 to *socket_list do { if socket_list[i] === sock then { delete(socket_list, i) break } } } # create a net listener socket to replace the last one # note that the last one gets connected to a user in the # lower level code regardless of whether the login works, # and is thus not usable for listening for any new users. # This is a feature of the unicon networking design, and # probably a good one. if listen_sock := open(":" || port, "nl") then { driver := SocketDriver(listen_sock, &null, "listen", "", "") Tsocket_drivers[listen_sock] := driver put(socket_list, listen_sock) } else { logHandler.logit("can't open a new listener!") # need to do more here } } # Read from connected, logged-in Users "admin" | "user" | "npc" : { if not (Tsocket_drivers[sock].pending_input) then { write(&errout, "what the heck Tsock_d fails on ", image(sock)) } if buffer2 := Tsocket_drivers[sock].pending_input || $ifdef THREADS <@sock then { $else ready(sock) then { $endif Tsocket_drivers[sock].pending_input := "" buffer2 ? { while buffer := tab(find("\n")) do { ExecuteCommand( Tsocket_drivers[sock].user.name, buffer ) move(1) } if *(buffer := tab(0)) > 0 then { Tsocket_drivers[sock].pending_input ||:= buffer } } } else { write("Failure in reading input from socket ", image(sock), "; removing user immediately") write("removed user is ", Tsocket_drivers[sock].user.name) removeUser( sock, "noconfirm" ) } } default: { write("unknown driver.type ", image(driver.type)) } # end default } # end case } # end every sock := !L every driver := !Tsocket_drivers do { if *(\ driver.pending_output) > 0 then { $ifdef THREADS driver.pending_output @> driver.socket $else write( driver.socket, driver.pending_output) $endif driver.pending_output := "" } } dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.services.handle_pending() (\agents).pulse() } # end repeat end #### # # Network protocol command handlers, called by ExecuteCommand(). # # All handlers receive four parameters: user is a User, sock is a network # connection, cmd is the command name, rest is a list of parameters. # ### # # Implementation for "agents" command. See preceding comment about # network protocol command handlers called by ExecuteCommand(). # method do_agents(user, sock, cmd, rest) local username := user.name, room, actor sendtoOne(username, "Listing all agents", "say", username) every room := !dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.nodesTable do { every actor := !room.actors do { if \ (actor.public) then { sendtoOne(sock, image(actor), "say", sock) } } } end # # Implementation for "tellagent" command. See preceding comment about # network protocol command handlers called by ExecuteCommand(). # method do_tellagent(user, sock, cmd, rest) local room, actor every room := !dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.nodesTable do { every actor := !room.actors do { if actor.name === rest then { # sendtoOne(sock, image(actor), "say", sock) write("found the agent") } } } write("User " || image(sock) || " is trying to tell an agent something") end # # Implementation for "move" command. # method do_move(user, sock, cmd, rest) local TrecpUser_sock := table() # # save the temporary position in the user object in # list and to the Scene Graph # dynStHandler.saveAvatarState(Cmds, sock, user, rest) dynStHandler.getRecipientUsers(Cmds, user, Tuser_sock, TrecpUser_sock, "AvtMove", rest) sendtoSelected(sock, TrecpUser_sock, rest, "move", 1) return end # # ExecuteCommand(): validate command and service it # method ExecuteCommand( username, buffer ) static Tcmds local UserCmd, parsed, message, params, TrecpUser_sock := table() local userToLoad, avtName, oldNodeName, newNodeName local room, actor, x, sigName, sigOwner, userid local newfriend, hostuser, u, o_m, dot local user := getUser(username) local sock := Tuser_sock[user] local breakPoint, saveDatFileName, saveDatFileData, includeListDat, saveDatFile, fone, roomStats, tmpWord, tmpLetter, serverUpdateFile, listUpdateFiles, checkUpdate, tmpSplit, matched, checking, saveDatPath, readingData, fileData, tmpRoom, checkTime, checkFile local command, userID, pcontents, flag, f, line, feed_lbl, reply_lbl, feed_contents, fcontents, ln, fowner, usrid, rcontents, grphost, client, pinv, rec_obj, sock_to, permission, objType, profileName, new_member, userslst, log1, objName, objOwner, lst, removedUser, ustatus, Tusers, recipient, sender, msg, msgfrom, msgto, dt, profile_id, alluserinfo, allfriendslst, allprojectslst, myfriends_str, allgroupslst, allinterestslst, projName, profuserID, email, password, privacy, fout, privacy_settings, projects_privacy, groups_privacy, newsfeed_privacy, status_privacy, a_settings, p_settings, projOwner, pname, powner, pmembers, pfiles, pdate, fileName, ismember, project_access_time, file_access_time, fd, fbuffer, l, removedFile, currentlyworkingrecords, previouslychangedrecords, closedfileinfo, old_ver, allfilesstr, compare_file, with_file, diff_results_str, projhost, profName, mypartners_str, mpart_1, mpart_2, userID_1, userID_2, who_is_allowed, fcontents_lst, feed_name, flbl, blockedUser, line2, snode, i, action, usrWall, ownerColor, permissionType, fname, uId, faccess_time, time_spent, total_time_spent, user_time_tbl, max_time_spent, min_time_spent, most_active_member, stime, etime, actiontype, fn, pn, log2, ma_member, file_contents, experts_str, lang_name, uname, fName, lang_n, sessionName, colorfound, mc, memberColor, s_name, l_no, old_userID, commited_line_user_table, line_user_table, lineno, updatedlines_str, clines_file, line_user_str, memberID, deadline, ava_str, ppriority, new_user, userRequested, pdeadline, pprivacy, f_lbl, c, info_str, usrID, sType, roomName, event_type, usr, interactionType, blockedUsersLst, mfound, user_is_allowed, wall_str, room_coords, sigPath, projPath, objPath, projDesc, sigDesc, datpath, seconds_time, postName, p_permission, frnds_set, frnds_set2, ava_files, newlst, all_avastr, d, fpath, user_mode_table, cmode,requestedUser, rmode, newfont, avaReport_str, cTime, to_user local Tsock_user initial { # # Tcmds is a table mapping command names to [object,method] pairs. # For those commands handled by this table, the method will be # called as o.m(username, socket, cmd, argv) # Tcmds := table() Tcmds["agents"] := [self, self.__m.do_agents] Tcmds["tellagent"] := [self, self.__m.do_tellagent] Tcmds["move"] := [self, self.__m.do_move] } # A temporary table going from sock -> user objects. This is only # necessary while CVESceneGraph/ServerCVESceneGraph expect this table -- # it looks like they really only want a list of the active users. Tsock_user := table() every x := key(Tsocket_drivers) do { Tsock_user[x] := \ (Tsocket_drivers[x]).user } every parsed := Cmds.newParseCommand(buffer) do { UserCmd := parsed[1] if o_m := \ (Tcmds[UserCmd]) then { o_m[2](o_m[1], user, sock, UserCmd, parsed[2]) } else case UserCmd of { "movedoor": { dynStHandler.saveDoorState(Cmds,parsed[2]) # Obtain the avatars to send the door motion to..... dynStHandler.getRecipientUsers(Cmds, Tsock_user[sock], Tuser_sock, TrecpUser_sock, "EdgeMove",parsed[2]) sendtoSelected(sock, TrecpUser_sock, parsed[2], "doorMotion", 1) #sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "doorMotion", 1) } "logwatch" : { logHandler.subscribe( sock, getIP(sock) ) } "avatar" : { sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "avatar", 1 ) } "moveavatar": { moveAvatar ( sock, parsed[2] ) } "say" : { sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], UserCmd, 1 ) } "users" : { sendtoOne(username, who_is_up(), "users", username)} "latency" : { sendtoOne(username,string(&clock) , "latency", username)} "allusers" : { sendtoOne(username, all_users(username), "allusers", username)} "WEBopen" :{ Url_Send(sock, buffer) } "query" :{ query(username, parsed[2]) } "createroom":{ roomStats := [] tmpWord := "" every tmpLetter := !parsed[2] do { if tmpLetter == " " then { put(roomStats, tmpWord) tmpWord := "" } else tmpWord ||:= tmpLetter } put(roomStats, tmpWord) tmpRoom := Room(dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder.opMode, dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder.world, dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder.dispatcher, roomStats[1], roomStats[2], roomStats[3], roomStats[4], roomStats[5], roomStats[6], roomStats[7], roomStats[8]) tmpRoom.make_default_left_wall(roomStats[8]) tmpRoom.make_default_right_wall(roomStats[8]) tmpRoom.make_default_front_wall(roomStats[8]) tmpRoom.make_default_back_wall(roomStats[8]) /tmpRoom.actors := [] dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder.sceneGraph. putRoomInWorld(tmpRoom) dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder.sceneGraph. nodesTable[roomStats[1]] := tmpRoom if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "rooms_info.log", "a") then { write(log1, roomStats[1]||" "||roomStats[2]||" "|| roomStats[3]||" "||roomStats[4]||" "||roomStats[5]||" "|| roomStats[6]||" "||roomStats[7]) close(log1) } sendtoMany(username, parsed[2], "createroom", 1) } "checkforupdates": { if not stat(DAT || PS || "ServerUpdate.tim") then { if serverUpdateFile := open(DAT || PS || "ServerUpdate.tim", "w") then close(serverUpdateFile) } listUpdateFiles := [] if serverUpdateFile := open(DAT || PS ||"ServerUpdate.tim", "r") then { while checkUpdate := read(serverUpdateFile) do { tmpSplit := find("\t", checkUpdate) if /checkUpdate | /tmpSplit then break checkTime := checkUpdate[1:tmpSplit] checkFile := checkUpdate[tmpSplit+1:0] if parsed[2] < checkTime then { matched := 0 #Pretty sure I can use the member function to make this more elegant every checking := !listUpdateFiles do if checkFile === checking then matched := 1 if matched = 0 then put(listUpdateFiles, checkFile) } } close(serverUpdateFile) } every checkFile := !listUpdateFiles do { saveDatPath := checkFile if not stat(checkFile) then break if serverUpdateFile := open(checkFile, "r") then { fileData := checkFile || "\t" while readingData := read(serverUpdateFile) do fileData ||:= readingData || "$" close(serverUpdateFile) } sendtoOne(username, fileData, "createDatFile", username) } sendtoOne(username, "BREAK", "createDatFile", username) } # # might need to add a "send to many" to keep online users # up to date with saves. # roomname&FLAGdata # where roomname is the name of the room. # & is a delimiter. # FLAG is a one or a zero, 1 means the room needs to be added to the list # of include files and zero means it is already in the list. # data is the .dat file that the client sent it. "saveroom":{ breakPoint := find("&", parsed[2]) saveDatFileName := parsed[2][1:breakPoint] saveDatFileData := parsed[2][breakPoint + 2:0] includeListDat := parsed[2][breakPoint+1:breakPoint+2] saveDatFileData := map(saveDatFileData, "@", "\n") saveDatFileData := map(saveDatFileData, "#", "\t") saveDatFileData := map(saveDatFileData, "~", " ") saveDatFile := open(DAT||PS||"roomdat"||PS|| saveDatFileName||".dat", "w") write(saveDatFile, saveDatFileData) close(saveDatFile) if includeListDat = 1 then { if fone := open(DAT||PS|| "roomdat" ||PS|| "roomlist.dat", "wa") then { write(fone,"include roomdat" ||PS|| saveDatFileName || ".dat") close(fone) } } if fone := open(DAT || PS || "ServerUpdate.tim", "wa") then { if includeListDat = 1 then write(fone, &now || "\t" || DAT || PS || "roomdat" || PS || "roomlist.dat") write(fone, &now || "\t" || DAT || PS || "roomdat" || PS || saveDatFileName || ".dat") close(fone) } } # towards minigames as special collaborative sessions # "createsession": { # write(&errout, "the server received your session request.") # write("parsed ", image(parsed)) # write("parsed[2] ", image(parsed[2])) # } ## ## Start NewsFeed commands ## "writeToWall" :{ buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) msg := tab(0) } if \find("collaboration session", msg) then { if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "wall.log", "a") then { write(f, userID || " " || msg) write(f, &dateline) write(f, "____________________________") write(f,"") close(f) } } else { msg ? { mpart_1 := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID_2 := tab(find(" ")) move(1) mpart_2 := tab(0) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "wall.log", "a") then { write(f, userID || " " || msg) write(f, &dateline) write(f, "-------------------------") write(f) close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID_2||PS|| "wall.log", "a") then { write(f, userID || " " || mpart_1 || " " || userID_2 || " " ||mpart_2) write(f, &dateline) write(f, "-------------------------") write(f) close(f) } } #add_members_communication_record("Wall") } "addWallPost" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objType := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) addPostId := tab(find(" ")) move(1) ppriority := tab(find(" ")) move(1) pcontents := tab(0) } if objType === "Group" then datpath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH else datpath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH if f := open(datpath||PS||objName||PS||"Wall"||PS|| userID||"~"||ppriority||"["||addPostId||"].log", "w") then { write(f, "User: ", userID, " Date/Time: ", &dateline) write(f, repl("=",50)) pcontents ? { while not (pos(0)) do { line := tab(find("$$")) move(2) write(f, line) } } close(f) } add_members_communication_record("Wall") } "delWallPost" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objType := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) postName := tab(0) } if objType === "Group" then datpath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH else datpath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH system("rm "||datpath||PS||objName||PS|| "Wall"||PS||postName) } "replyWallPost" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objType := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) postName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) rcontents := tab(0) } if objType === "Group" then datpath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH else datpath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH if f := open(datpath||PS||objName||PS||"Wall"||PS|| postName, "a") then { write(f, " ") write(f, "Replied : "||userID|| " Date/Time: ",&dateline) write(f, "================================================"|| "==============") rcontents ? { while not (pos(0)) do { line := tab(find("$$")) move(2) write(f, " "||line) } } close(f) } add_members_communication_record("Wall") } "addFeed" :{ buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) #ppriority := tab(find(" ")) #move(1) pcontents := tab(find("@@")) move(2) flag := tab(find(" ")) move(1) who_is_allowed := tab(find(":")) move(1) objName := tab(0) } if *pcontents >= 30 then feed_lbl := trim(pcontents[1:30], "$", 0) else feed_lbl := trim(pcontents, "$", 0) #if who_is_allowed ~== "ALL" then # feed_lbl := userID || " " || feed_lbl if \flag = 0 then { if f := open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||" "|| feed_lbl||"["||who_is_allowed||"].log", "w") then { write(f, "User: ", userID, " Date/Time: ", &dateline) write(f, "==================================================") if who_is_allowed === "ALL" then { pcontents ? { while not (pos(0)) do { line := tab(find("$$")) move(2) write(f, line) } } } else write(f, userID || " " ||pcontents) close(f) } } add_members_communication_record("Feed") ## Check this later addFeed_nodes(sock, userID, feed_lbl, ppriority, who_is_allowed, objName) } "removeFeed" :{ buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) feed_lbl := tab(find("@@")) move(2) reply_lbl := tab(find("@@")) move(2) flag := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) userID := tab(0) } fcontents_lst := [] feed_name := "" every feed_name := !open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH) do { if \find(feed_lbl, feed_name) then { feed_name ? { usrID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) #ppriority := tab(find(" ")) #moveability(1) f_lbl := tab(0) } feed_lbl := feed_name } } if f := open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH||PS||feed_lbl, "r") then { while ln := read(f) do { if find("User:", ln) then { ln ? { flbl := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fowner := tab(find(" ")) } } } close(f) } f_lbl := "" every c := 0 to *feed_lbl do { if feed_lbl[c] === (" " | "[" | "]") then f_lbl ||:= "\\"||feed_lbl[c] else f_lbl ||:= feed_lbl[c] } feed_name := feed_lbl feed_lbl := f_lbl if fowner == userID then { if flag = 1 then { #Remove the feed system("rm "||NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH||PS||feed_lbl) sendtoMany(userID, feed_name[1:-4]||"@@"|| reply_lbl||"@@"||flag, "removeFeed", 1) } #if else if flag = 0 then { #Remove the reply if f:=open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH||PS||feed_name, "r") then { while line := read(f) do { line2 := read(f) if find("Replied >>>>", line) & find(reply_lbl, line2) then { while l := read(f) do if find("Replied >>>>", l) then { put(fcontents_lst, l) break } } else { put(fcontents_lst, line) put(fcontents_lst, line2) } } close(f) } #if f := open if f:=open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH||PS||feed_name, "w") then { every write(f, !fcontents_lst) close(f) } sendtoMany(userID, feed_name ||"@@"||reply_lbl||"@@"|| flag, "removeFeed", 0) } #else update_stats("Feed/Delete") update_user_stats("Feed/Delete", userID) } #if fowner } "viewFeed" :{ buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) feed_lbl := tab(0) } every feed_name := !open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH) do { if \find(feed_lbl, feed_name) then feed_lbl := feed_name } fcontents := "" if f := open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH||PS||feed_lbl, "r") then { while line := read(f) do fcontents ||:= line ||"$$" close(f) } update_stats("Feed/View") update_user_stats("Feed/View", userID) sendtoOne(userID, feed_lbl[1:-4]||"@@"||fcontents, "viewFeed", userID) } "replytoFeed" :{ buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) feed_lbl := tab(find("@@")) move(2) rcontents := tab(0) } every feed_name := !open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH) do { if \find(feed_lbl, feed_name) then feed_lbl := feed_name } if f := open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH||PS||feed_lbl, "a") then { write(f, " ") write(f, " "||"Replied >>>> "||userID|| " Date/Time: ",&dateline) rcontents ? { while not (pos(0)) do { line := tab(find("$$")) move(2) write(f, " "||line) } } close(f) } if *rcontents >= 30 then reply_lbl := trim(rcontents[1:30], "$", 0) else reply_lbl := trim(rcontents, "$", 0) add_members_communication_record("Feed") sendtoMany(userID, userID||" "||feed_lbl[1:-4]|| "@@"||reply_lbl, "replytoFeed", 1) } ## ## Start Groups commands ## "groupInvite" : { #invite user to join group buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) #invited user move(1) sigName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) grphost:= tab(0) } if /isBlocked(grphost, userID) then { sigOwner := getOwner(sigName, "sig") if grphost === sigOwner then { Invite_to_join(sock, buffer, "sig") } else sendtoOne(grphost, "You are not the group owner, only "|| sigOwner ||" can invite users to the group", "tell", grphost) } else sendtoOne(grphost, "You cannot send invitation to user "|| userID, "tell", grphost) } "addFriend" : { #add user to friends list params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) newfriend := params[2] userID := params[3] client := Tsocket_drivers[sock].user.name if /isBlocked(userID, newfriend) then { if /isFriend(userID, newfriend) then { pinv := pending_invitation( SetUID(client[1]), client, "Friendship Request", 3 , ClockToSec(&clock), newfriend|| ", You got a friendship request from user "||client) rec_obj := getUser(newfriend) if \rec_obj then sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] add_notification_record("Friend/Add", userID, newfriend) new_pending_invitation(sock, pinv, sock_to) if \rec_obj then sendtoOne(sock, newfriend||" "||userID, "addFriend", sock_to) sendtoOne(userID, "A friendship request has been sent to "||newfriend|| ".", "tell", userID) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You are friend of "||newfriend||".", "tell", userID) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You cannot send invitation to user "|| newfriend, "tell", userID) } "blockUser" : { #add user to friends list params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) blockedUser := params[2] userID := params[3] if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "blocklist.log", "a") then { write(f, blockedUser) close(f) } } "unblockUser" : { #remove user from the block list params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) blockedUser := params[2] blockedUsersLst := [] userID := params[3] if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "blocklist.log", "r") then { while u := read(f) do if u ~== blockedUser then put(blockedUsersLst, u) close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "blocklist.log", "w") then { every write(f, !blockedUsersLst) close(f) } } "addFriendAccept" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) newfriend := params[2] userID := params[3] if /(usr1 := Tusername_user[userID]) then ## should handle this next if /(usr2 := Tusername_user[userID]) then ## should handle this next insert(usr1.friends, newfriend) insert(usr2.friends, userID) if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "friends.log", "w") then { every write(f, usr1.friends) close(f) } frnds_set2 := set() if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||newfriend||PS|| "friends.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do insert(frnds_set2, l) insert(frnds_set2, userID) close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||newfriend||PS|| "friends.log", "w") then { every write(f, usr2.friends,) close(f) } update_notification_record("Friend/Add", userID, newfriend) update_stats("Friend/Add") update_user_stats("Friend/Add", userID) if \isPartner (newfriend, userID, "project") then update_partner_stats("Friend", "P", "Add") if \isPartner (newfriend, userID, "sig") then update_partner_stats("Friend", "G", "Add") every usr := !Tusername_user do if (usr.get_activity_status()) ~== "Offline" then sendtoOne(usr.name, all_users(usr.name), "allusers", usr.name) } "makesig" : { #create special interest group buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sigName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sigOwner := tab(find(" ")) move(1) permission := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sigDesc := tab(0) } sigPath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName mkdir(sigPath) mkdir(sigPath||PS||"msgs") mkdir(sigPath||PS||"Wall") setOwner(sigName, sigOwner, "sig") setPermission(sigName, permission, "sig") if log1 := open(sigPath||PS||"desc.log", "w") then { sigDesc ? { while not (pos(0)) do { line := tab(find("$$")) move(2) write(log1, line) } } close(log1) } if f := open(sigPath||PS||"msgs"||PS||"msgs.log", "w") then { close(f) } update_stats("Group/Add") update_user_stats("Group/Add", sigOwner) sendtoMany(sigOwner, sigName||" "||sigOwner, "makesig", 0) } "setPermissions" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) objType := params[2] permission := params[4] userID := params[5] if objType === "sig" then { sigName := params[3] if userID === getOwner(sigName, "sig") then { setPermission(sigName, permission, objType) sendtoOne(userID, "You changed the group("||sigName||") permissions to "|| permission||".","tell", userID) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You cannot change this group permissions.", "tell", userID) } else if objType === "profile" then { profileName := params[3] if profileName === userID then { setPermission(profileName, permission, objType) sendtoOne(userID, "Your profile's access permission is changed to "|| permission, "tell", userID) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You cannot change this group permissions.", "tell", userID) } else if objType === "project" then { projName := params[3] if userID === getOwner(projName, "project") then { setPermission(projName, permission, objType) sendtoOne(userID, "You changed the project("||projName||") permissions "|| permission||".","tell", userID) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You cannot change this project permissions.", "tell", userID) } } "groupRemove" : { #Remove a group params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) sigName := params[2] userID := params[3] if \isOwner(userID, sigName, "sig") then { system("rm -r "||GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName||PS) update_user_stats("Group/Delete", userID) update_stats("Group/Delete") sendtoMany(userID, sigName, "groupRemove", 0) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You cannot delete this group.", "tell", userID) } "objDescription" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) objName := params[2] objType := params[3] userID := params[4] msg := "\n======================================\n" msg ||:= "Description of "||"Group/Project ("||objName||")\n" msg ||:= "--------------------------------------\n" if objType == "sig" then objPath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName else objPath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName if log1 := open(objPath||PS||"desc.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do msg ||:= l ||"\n" close(log1) } msg ||:= "======================================\n" sendtoOne(userID, msg, "objDescription", userID) } "getDescription" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) objName := params[2] objType := params[3] userID := params[4] if objType == "sig" then objPath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName else objPath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName msg := "" if log1 := open(objPath||PS||"desc.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do msg ||:= l ||"NEWLINE" close(log1) } sendtoOne(userID, msg, "getDescription", userID) } "setDescription" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objType := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) msg := tab(0) } if objType == "sig" then objPath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName else objPath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName if log1 := open(objPath||PS||"desc.log", "w") then { msg ? { while not(pos(0)) do { l := tab(find("NEWLINE")) move(7) write(log1, l) } } close(log1) } } "groupWall" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) objName := params[2] userID := params[3] objType := params[4] if \isOwner(userID, objName, objType) | \isMember(objName, userID, objType) then { wall_str := objName||" "||objType||" "|| getWallInfo(objName, objType) sendtoOne(userID, wall_str, "groupWall", userID) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You cannot access this wall.", "tell", userID) } "refreshWall" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) objName := params[2] userID := params[3] objType := params[4] wall_str := objName||" "||objType||" "|| getWallInfo(objName, objType) sendtoOne(userID, wall_str, "refreshWall", userID) } "groupJoin" : { #join a group params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) new_member := params[2] sigName := params[3] sigOwner := getOwner(sigName, "sig") if /isBlocked(new_member, sigOwner) then { if /isOwner(new_member, sigName, "sig") then { if /isMember(sigName, new_member, "sig") then { if getPermission(sigName, "sig") === "Friends" then { if \isFriend(sigOwner, new_member) then { join_request(sock, new_member, sigName, sigOwner, "sig") } else sendtoOne(new_member, "Only owner friends'"|| "can join the group", "tell", new_member) } else if getPermission(sigName, "sig") === "Private" then { sendtoOne(new_member, "You cannot join this group "|| ", It is private", "tell", new_member) } else if getPermission(sigName, "sig")=== "Public" then { join_request(sock, new_member, sigName, sigOwner, "sig") } } } } else sendtoOne(new_member, "You cannot join "||sigOwner|| "'s groups.", "tell", new_member) } "groupLeave" : { #leave a group userslst := [] params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := params[2] sigName:= params[3] mfound := &null if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName||PS|| "members.log", "r") then { every put(userslst, read(log1)) close(log1) } if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName||PS|| "members.log", "w") then { every u := !userslst do { if u ~== userID then write(log1, u) else mfound := 1 } close(log1) } if \mfound then { sendtoMany(userID, userID||" "||sigName, "groupLeave", 0) sendtoOne(userID, "You just left the group.", "tell", userID) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You are the owner. You cannot leave this _ group, but still can delete it.", "tell", userID) } "sciAdduser" : { #add new user to the group/project params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) command:=\params[1] objType := \params[2] new_member := \params[3] objName := \params[4] objOwner := \params[5] #actType := \params[6] #activity type (join or request) if objType === "sig" then { #adds expert record fileName := &null if objName == "cpp" then fileName := "objname.cpp" else if objName == "java" then fileName := "objname.java" else if objName == "unicon" then fileName := "objname.icn" if \fileName then add_expert_record(new_member, fileName) #adds the new member to the users' list if /isMember(objName, new_member, objType) & /isOwner(new_member, objName, objType) then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log", "a") then { write(log1, new_member) close(log1) } } update_notification_record("Group/Join", new_member, objOwner) update_stats("Group/Join") update_user_stats("Group/Join", new_member) update_user_stats("Group/Join", objOwner) if \isPartner (new_member, objOwner, "sig") then update_partner_stats(objName, "G", "Join") if \isPartner (new_member, objOwner, "project") then update_partner_stats(objName, "P", "Join") sendtoMany(objOwner, buffer, "sciAdduser", 0) } else if objType === "project" then { #adds expert record fileName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS||"files")))))))) if \fileName & \find(".icn" | ".cpp" | ".c" | ".java", fileName) then add_expert_record(new_member, fileName) #adds the new member to the users' list if /isMember(objName, new_member, objType) & /isOwner(new_member, objName, objType) then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log", "a") then { write(log1, new_member) close(log1) } ####################set_Member_Color(objName, new_member, "red") } update_notification_record("Project/Join", new_member, objOwner) update_stats("Project/Join") update_user_stats("Project/Join", new_member) update_user_stats("Project/Join", objOwner) if \isPartner (new_member, objOwner, "project") then update_partner_stats(objName, "P", "Join") if \isPartner (new_member, objOwner, "sig") then update_partner_stats(objName, "G", "Join") sendtoOne(new_member, new_member||" "||objName, "projTeleport", new_member) } } "userRemove" : { #Remove a user lst := [] # store group members params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) removedUser := trim(params[2], " ", 0) sigName:= trim(params[3], " ", 0) userID := trim(params[4], " ", 0) if \isOwner(userID, sigName, "sig") then { every u := !getMembers(sigName, "sig") do { if u ~== removedUser then put(lst, u) } setMembers(sigName, lst, "sig") sendtoMany(userID, removedUser||" "|| getOwner(sigName, "sig"), "userRemove", 0) } else sendtoOne(userID, "Only the owner "|| getOwner(sigName, "sig")||" can remove users", "tell", userID) } "changeStatus" : {#change status away, busy, offline, online params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := params[2] ustatus:= params[3] Tusers[userID] := ustatus sendtoMany(userID, userID||" "||ustatus, "changeStatus", 0) } "sendToGroup" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) msg := "" buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sType := tab(find(" ")) move(1) recipient := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sender := tab(find(" ")) move(1) snode := tab(find(" ")) move(1) msg := tab(0)# data and time } setMsg(sock, sType, recipient, sender, snode, msg) } "getEmail" : { #params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) action := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objType := tab(find(" ")) move(1) msgfrom := tab(find(" ")) move(1) msgto := tab(find(" ")) move(1) dt := tab(0)# data and time } getMsg(sock, action, msgfrom, msgto, dt, objName, objType) } "avatlocation": { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) if /(new_user := Tusername_user[params[2]]) then next roomName := new_user.getRoom() sendtoMany(params[3], roomName, "avatlocation", 0) } ## ## Start user's profile tab commands ## "userAvailability" : { #single user availability params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := trim(params[2], " ", 0) userRequested := params[3] # the user requested the info objType := params[4] # the object type ava_files := 0 #show the number of the availbility files for each user newlst := table("") all_avastr := "" every fname :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID)))))))) do { if find("avaTable(", fname) then { ava_files +:= 1 if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||fname, "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { d := tab(find(" ")) move(1) } newlst[d] ||:= l || "[]" } close(f) } } } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"temp.log", "w") then { every d := ("Sun"|"Mon"|"Tue"|"Wed"| "Thu"|"Fri"|"Sat") do write(f, newlst[d]) close(f) } all_avastr := get_all_availability_str(userID, ava_files) sendtoOne(userRequested, objType||" "||userID||"~"|| all_avastr, "userAvailability", userRequested) } "avaReport" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := trim(params[2], " ", 0) usr := trim(params[3], " ", 0) # The following two function's calls generate # a weekly usage report for each user # Day IDE(min) 3D(min) AFK(min) getUserAFKInfo(userID, 1) getUserUsage(userID, 1) avaReport_str := "" if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"currWeek_ide_3d_usage.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do if l ~== "" then avaReport_str ||:= l ||"\n" close(f) } sendtoOne(usr, avaReport_str, "avaReport", usr) } "usersAvailability" : { #shows all users' availabilty patterns params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := trim(params[2], " ", 0) ava_str := "" if log1 := open("dat"||PS|| "availability.log", "r") then { while ava_str ||:= read(log1)||"&&" close(log1) } sendtoOne(userID, ava_str, "usersAvailability", userID) } "userProfile" : { #User Profile params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) profile_id := trim(params[2], " ", 0) userID := params[3] # the user requested the profile user_is_allowed := isAllowed(profile_id, userID, getPermission(profile_id, "profile"), "profile") if \user_is_allowed then { #get user's general information alluserinfo := "" if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||profile_id|| PS||profile_id||".reg", "r") then { while u := read(log1) do { alluserinfo ||:= u || "&&" } close(log1) } if \alluserinfo then trim(alluserinfo, "&&", 0) #get user's friend list allfriendslst := "" if /(new_user := Tusername_user[userID]) then next every allfriendslst ||:= !(new_user.friends) || " " trim(allfriendslst, " ", 0) allprojectslst := "" allgroupslst := "" allinterestslst := "" usrWall := "" #get user's SIGs and their members every sigName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { if \isMember(sigName, profile_id, "sig") | \isOwner(profile_id, sigName, "sig") then { if map(sigName) ==("cpp" | "java" | "unicon" | "se¨") then { allinterestslst ||:= sigName || "(" if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName||PS|| "members.log","r") then { while u := read(log1) do allinterestslst ||:= u ||"," close(log1) } if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName|| PS||"owner.log","r") then { while u := read(log1) do allinterestslst ||:= u ||"," close(log1) } trim(allinterestslst, ",", 0) allinterestslst ||:= ") " } else { allgroupslst ||:= sigName || "(" if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName||PS|| "members.log","r") then { while u := read(log1) do allgroupslst ||:= u ||"," close(log1) } if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName|| PS||"owner.log","r") then { while u := read(log1) do allgroupslst ||:= u ||"," close(log1) } trim(allgroupslst, ",", 0) allgroupslst ||:= ") " } } } #get user's projects and their members every projName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { if projName ~== "appropriate_partner.log" then { if projName ~== "rooms_info.log" & projName ~== "lastroom.log" then { if \isMember(projName, profile_id, "project") | \isOwner(profile_id, projName, "project") | \getPermission(projName, "project") === "Public" then { #if projName ~== "appropriate_partner.log" then allprojectslst ||:= projName || "(" if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName|| PS||"members.log","r") then { while u := read(log1) do allprojectslst ||:= u ||"," close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName|| PS||"owner.log","r") then { while u := read(log1) do allprojectslst ||:= u ||"," close(log1) } trim(allprojectslst, ",", 0) allprojectslst ||:= ") " } } } } #get user's general information if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||profile_id|| PS||"wall.log", "r") then { usrWall := "" while u := read(log1) do { usrWall ||:= u || "&&" } close(log1) } trim(usrWall, "&&", 0) sendtoOne(userID, profile_id||"$$"||((\alluserinfo|"")\1)|| "$$"||((\allfriendslst|"")\1)||"$$"||allgroupslst||"$$"|| allinterestslst||"$$"||allprojectslst||"$$"||usrWall, "userProfile", userID) } else { sendtoOne(userID, "You are not allowed to view "|| "this profile.", "tell", userID) } update_stats("Profile/View") update_user_stats("Profile/View", userID) if \isPartner (profile_id, userID, "project") then update_partner_stats("Profile", "P", "View") if \isPartner (profile_id, userID, "sig") then update_partner_stats("Profile", "G", "View") } "memberProjectsList" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) memberID := trim(params[2], " ", 0) userID := params[3] # the user requested the info allprojectslst := "" #get user's projects and their members every projName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { if \isMember(projName, memberID, "project") | \isOwner(memberID, projName, "project") then { allprojectslst ||:= projName || "~~" } } sendtoOne(userID, allprojectslst, "memberProjectsList", userID) } "myProjectsList" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := params[2] # the user requested the info allprojectslst := "" #get user's projects and their members every projName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { if \isMember(projName, userID, "project") | \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") then { allprojectslst ||:= projName || "~~" } } sendtoOne(userID, allprojectslst, "myProjectsList", userID) } "myFriendsList" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := params[2] # the user requested the info myfriends_str := "" if *friendsList(userID) > 0 then every myfriends_str ||:= !(friendsList(userID)) || "~~" sendtoOne(userID, myfriends_str, "myFriendsList", userID) } "myPartnersList" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := params[2] # the user requested the info mypartners_str := "" if *partnersList(userID) > 0 then every mypartners_str ||:= !(partnersList(userID)) || "~~" sendtoOne(userID, mypartners_str, "myPartnersList", userID) } "setAccountSettings" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find("&&")) move(2) profName := tab(find("&&")) move(2) profuserID := tab(find("&&")) #profile user ID move(2) email := tab(find("&&")) move(2) password := tab(find("&&")) move(2) privacy := tab(0) } if fout := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "account_settings.log", "w") then { write(fout, "Name = "||profName) write(fout, "Username = "||profuserID) write(fout, "Email = "||email) write(fout, "Password = "||password) write(fout, "Privacy = "||privacy) close(fout) } update_stats("Profile/Update") update_user_stats("Profile/Update", userID) } "setPrivacySettings" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find("&&")) move(2) privacy_settings := tab(find("&&")) move(2) projects_privacy := tab(find("&&")) move(2) groups_privacy := tab(find("&&")) move(2) newsfeed_privacy := tab(find("&&")) move(2) status_privacy := tab(0) } if fout := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "privacy_settings.log", "w") then { #write(fout, "Privacy = "||privacy_settings) write(fout, "Projects = "||projects_privacy) write(fout, "Groups = "||groups_privacy) write(fout, "NewsFeed = "||newsfeed_privacy) write(fout, "Status = "||status_privacy) close(fout) } update_stats("Profile/Update") update_user_stats("Profile/Update", userID) } "getAccountSettings" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := params[2] a_settings := "" if not stat(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "account_settings.log") then { if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "account_settings.log", "w") then { write(log1, "Name = "||userID) write(log1, "Username = "||userID) write(log1, "Email = "||"") write(log1, "Password = "||"welcome") write(log1, "Privacy = "||"EveryOne") close(log1) } } if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "account_settings.log","r") then { while u := read(log1) do a_settings ||:= u ||"&&" # account settings close(log1) } sendtoOne(userID, a_settings, "getAccountSettings", userID) } "getPrivacySettings" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := params[2] p_settings := "" if not stat(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "privacy_settings.log") then { if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "privacy_settings.log", "w") then { #write(log1, "Privacy = "||privacy_settings) write(log1, "Projects = "||"EveryOne") write(log1, "Groups = "||"EveryOne") write(log1, "NewsFeed = "||"EveryOne") write(log1, "Status = "||"EveryOne") close(log1) } } if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "privacy_settings.log","r") then { while u := read(log1) do { p_settings ||:= u ||"&&" # privacy settings } close(log1) } sendtoOne(userID, p_settings, "getPrivacySettings", userID) } ## ## Start projects commands ## "makeProject" : { #create special interest group buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projOwner := tab(find(" ")) move(1) ownerColor := tab(find(" ")) move(1) deadline := tab(find(" ")) move(1) permission := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projDesc := tab(0) } projPath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName mkdir(projPath) mkdir(projPath||PS||"Wall") mkdir(projPath||PS||"files") mkdir(projPath||PS||"buffer_files") mkdir(projPath||PS||"members_activity") mkdir(projPath||PS||"files_activity") if log1 := open(projPath||PS||"desc.log", "w") then { projDesc ? { while not (pos(0)) do { line := tab(find("$$")) move(2) write(log1, line) } } close(log1) } log1 := projPath||PS||"members_activity"||PS|| "currently_working.log" close(open(log1, "w")) log1 := projPath||PS||"members_activity"||PS|| "previously_changed.log" close(open(log1, "w")) log1 := projPath||PS||"files_activity"||PS|| "files_activities.log" close(open(log1, "w")) if log1 := open(projPath||PS||"member_color.log", "w") then { write(log1, projOwner||":"||ownerColor) close(log1) } if log1 := open(projPath||PS||"proj_info.log", "w") then { write(log1, "Started (Date): "||&date) write(log1, "Started (Time): "||&clock) write(log1, "Deadline: "||deadline) write(log1, "Privacy: "||permission) close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "lastroom.log", "r") then { room_coords := read(log1) close(log1) } else { room_coords := "1000 1000 200 25 25 25" } change_lastRoom_coordinates(room_coords) setOwner(projName, projOwner, "project") #setPermission(projName, permission, "project") set_Member_Color(projName, projOwner, ownerColor) update_stats("Project/Add") update_user_stats("Project/Add", projOwner) sendtoMany(projOwner, projName||" "||projOwner||" "|| room_coords, "makeProject", 0) } "projectDelete" : { #Delete a project params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) projName := params[2] userID := params[3] if \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") then { system("rm -r "||PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS) update_stats("Project/Delete") update_user_stats("Project/Delete", userID) sendtoMany(userID, projName, "projectDelete", 0) } else sendtoOne(userID, "You cannot delete this project."|| " You are not the project owner.", "tell", userID) } "getProjectInfo" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) pname := params[2] userID := params[3] powner := getOwner(pname, "project") pmembers :="" every u := !getMembers(pname, "project") do pmembers ||:= u || "," pfiles := "" every u := !getprojectFiles(pname) do pfiles ||:= u || "$$" pdate := ctime(stat(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||pname).mtime)[5:17] if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| pname||PS||"proj_info.log", "r") then { pdate := read(log1) pdeadline := read(log1) pprivacy := read(log1) close(log1) } if pname ~== ("appropriate_partner.log") then { if pname ~== "rooms_info.log" & pname ~== "lastroom.log" then { sendtoOne(userID, pname||"&&"||powner||"&&"||pmembers|| "&&"|| pfiles||"&&"||pdate||"&&"||pdeadline|| "&&"||pprivacy, "getProjectInfo", userID) } } } "projfileOpen" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) projName := params[2] fileName := params[3] userID := params[4] permissionType := getPermission(projName, "project") if \isMember(projName, userID, "project") | \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") | \permissionType == "Public" then { on_projfileOpen(projName, fileName, userID) } else if \permissionType == "Friends" then { if \isFriend(getOwner(projName, "project"), userID) then on_projfileOpen(projName, fileName, userID) } else { sendtoOne(userID, "You don't have permission"|| " to open this file.", "tell", userID) } } "projfileClose" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) projName := params[2] fileName := params[3] userID := params[4] seconds_time := ClockToSec(&clock) #current time in seconds # get the closed file information record(file name, # project name, date and time opened) # Then remove the file from the currently working on # files. lst := [] if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(fileName || " " || userID, l) then closedfileinfo := l #(fileName||" "||userID||" "||access_time) else put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } # Check the accessed file history # and compute the time spent working in this file before closing # and the total time spent working on this file lst := [] if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||projName || "_access.log", "r") then { while l := read(fd) do { if find(fileName||" "||userID, l) then { l ? { fname := tab(find(" ")) move(1) uId := tab(find(" ")) move(1) faccess_time := tab(find(" ")) move(1) time_spent := tab(0) } if time_spent == 0 then time_spent := seconds_time - faccess_time l := fname||" "||uId||" "||faccess_time||" "|| time_spent } put(lst, l) } close(fd) } total_time_spent := 0 if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||projName || "_access.log", "w") then { every l := !lst do { if l ~== "" then write(fd, l) if find(fileName||" "||userID, l) then { l ? { fname := tab(find(" ")) move(1) uId := tab(find(" ")) move(1) faccess_time := tab(find(" ")) move(1) time_spent := integer(tab(0)) total_time_spent +:= time_spent } } } close(fd) } user_time_tbl := table() if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||fileName || "_time_spent.log", "r") then { while l := read(fd) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { uId := tab(find(":")) move(1) time_spent := integer(tab(0)) } user_time_tbl[uId] := time_spent } } close(fd) } user_time_tbl[userID] := total_time_spent if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||fileName || "_time_spent.log", "w") then { every u := key(user_time_tbl) do write(fd, u||":"||user_time_tbl[u]) close(fd) } max_time_spent := 0 min_time_spent := 0 every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { if user_time_tbl[u] >= max_time_spent then max_time_spent := user_time_tbl[u] if user_time_tbl[u] <= min_time_spent then min_time_spent := user_time_tbl[u] } every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { if integer(user_time_tbl[u]) === integer(max_time_spent) then { most_active_member := u } } # store the previously changed files records in a list # (file name, project name, date and time opened, date and time # closed) # Then add the closed file record to the previously changed # files (file name, project name, date and time opened, date and # time closed) lst := [] if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if l ~== "" then { if find(\closedfileinfo, l) then { l ? { fileName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) stime := tab(find(" ")) #star time move(1) etime := tab(find(" ")) #end time move(1) actiontype := tab(0) } put(lst, fileName||" "||userID ||" "|| stime||" "||seconds_time||" "||actiontype) } else put(lst, l) } } close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } } "projfileAdd" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fcontents := tab(0) } seconds_time := ClockToSec(&clock) #current time in seconds if \isMember(projName, userID, "project") | \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") then { if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName|| PS||"files"||PS||fileName, "w") then { fcontents ? { while not(pos(0)) do { l := tab(find("\x1e")) write(f, l) move(1) } } close(f) } if find("(PF)", fileName) then { fileName ? { fn := tab(find("(PF)")) #fileName ="(PF)" pn := tab(0) #projName } fileName := fn } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "w") then { write(f, fileName||" "||userID||" "||seconds_time) close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "w") then { write(f, fileName||" "||userID||" "||seconds_time|| " "||seconds_time||" "||"Added") close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName||"_changedlines.log", "w") then { close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines_with_uncommitted("|| userID||").log","w") then { #write(f, 0||":"||userID) close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "creators.log","w") then { write(f, fileName||" "||userID) close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "updaters.log","w") then { #filename updater count_updates write(f, fileName||" "||userID||" "||1) close(f) } update_stats("Project/Add") update_user_stats("Project/Add", userID) sendtoMany(userID, projName||" "||fileName, "projfileAdd", userID) } else { sendtoOne(userID, "You don't have permission to add "|| "files to the project.", "tell", userID) } } "projfileDelete" : { #Remove a project file lst := [] # store project files params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) removedFile := params[2] projName:= params[3] userID := params[4] if \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") then { fpath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files"||PS||removedFile system("rm "||fpath) update_stats("Project/Delete") update_user_stats("Project/Delete", userID) sendtoMany(userID,removedFile||" "|| projName,"projfileDelete", 0) } else sendtoOne(userID, "Only the project owner"|| " can delete files.", "tell", userID) } "readytoCommit" : { currentlyworkingrecords := "" previouslychangedrecords := "" buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := trim(tab(find(" ")), " ", 0) move(1) fcontents := tab(0) } if find("(PF)", fileName) then { fileName ? { fn := tab(find("(PF)")) #fileName ="(PF)" pn := tab(0) #projName } fileName := fn } # make a string of all the recods of users are currently # working on the file. if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(fileName, l) then currentlyworkingrecords ||:= l || "\x1e" } close(f) } # get the committed file information record(file name, # project name, date and time opened) lst := [] if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "ra") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(fileName||" "||userID, l) then closedfileinfo := l else put(lst, l) } close(f) } # store the previously changed files records in a list # (file name, project name, date and time opened, date and time # closed) # Then add the closed file record to the previously changed # files (file name, project name, date and time opened, date and # time closed) lst := [] if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if l ~== "" then { if find(\closedfileinfo, l) then { l ? { fileName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) stime := tab(find(" ")) #start time move(1) etime := tab(find(" ")) #end time move(1) actiontype := tab(0) } put(lst, fileName||" "||userID ||" "|| stime||" "||ClockToSec(&clock)||" "||actiontype) } else put(lst, l) } } close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(fileName, l) then previouslychangedrecords ||:= l || "\x1e" } close(f) } allfilesstr := "" every u :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==(!open( PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files")))))))) do { if find(fileName[1:find(".", fileName)]||"_", u) then { allfilesstr ||:= u || " " } } allfilesstr := trim(allfilesstr, ' ', 0) sendtoOne(userID, fileName || " " || projName || " " || currentlyworkingrecords || "^^^" || previouslychangedrecords || "^^^" || allfilesstr, "readytoCommit", userID) } "commitChanges" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fcontents := tab(0) } if dot := find(".", fileName) then old_ver:= fileName[1:dot]||"_"||userID||"."||fileName[dot+1:0] else old_ver := fileName||"_"||userID if \old_ver then if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files"||PS||old_ver, "w") then { fcontents ? { while not(pos(0)) do { l := tab(find("\x1e")) move(1) write(f, l) } } close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files"||PS||fileName, "w") then { fcontents ? { while not(pos(0)) do { l := tab(find("\x1e")) write(f, l) move(1) } } close(f) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines_with_uncommitted("|| userID||").log","r") then { if log2 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines.log", "a") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { write(log2, l) } } close(log2) } close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines_with_uncommitted("|| userID||").log","w") then { close(log1) } # # Who updated the last updated a file information # if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "last_updated.log", "w") then { write(f, "Last updated on: "||&dateline) write(f, "Last active member: "||userID) write(f, "Last updated file: "||fileName) close(f) } # # The appropriate partner is the most active member in # this project (most_active_member : programming_language) # ma_member := proj_most_active_member(projName, fileName, userID) add_expert_record(ma_member, fileName) update_fileupdates_stats(projName, fileName, userID) } "checkdiff" : { file_contents := [] buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) compare_file := tab(find(" ")) move(1) with_file := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fcontents := tab(0) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "buffer_files"||PS||compare_file||".buffer", "w") then { fcontents ? { while line := tab(find("\x1e")) do { = "\x1e" write(f, line) put(file_contents, line) } line := tab(0) write(f, line) put(file_contents, line) } close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files"||PS||"diffresults.log", "w") then { system("diff"||" "|| PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"buffer_files"||PS|| compare_file||".buffer"||" "|| PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files"||PS|| with_file || " > " || PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files"||PS|| "diffresults.log") close(f) } diff_results_str := "" if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files"||PS||"diffresults.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do diff_results_str ||:= l || "\x1e" close(f) } sendtoOne(userID, diff_results_str, "checkdiff", userID) } "getExpertsList" : { # Check a list of the experts in # a specific language (lang_name) experts_str := "" buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lang_name := tab(0) } # # This file (appropriate_partner.log) stores # the most active member in each SCI project. # if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "appropriate_partner.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { uname := tab(find(":")) move(1) lang_n := tab(0) } to_user := getUser(uname) if lang_n == lang_name then if \(usr := Tusername_user[u]) then if (usr.get_activity_status()) ~== "Offline" then experts_str ||:= uname ||":" } close(f) } # # This part to get the members who belong to # a group such as C++, Java, or Unicon. # The group members are the experts in the # language (lang_name) # if lang_name === ("C++" | "C") then sigName := "cpp" else if lang_name === ("java" | "Java") then sigName := "Java" else if lang_name === ("unicon" | "Unicon") then sigName := "unicon" if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName|| PS||"members.log","r") then { while uname := read(log1) do if uname ~== "system" then experts_str ||:= uname ||":" close(log1) } if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName|| PS||"owner.log","r") then { while uname := read(log1) do if uname ~== "system" then experts_str ||:= uname ||":" close(log1) } sendtoOne(userID, experts_str, "getExpertsList", userID) } "projectInvite" : { #invite user to join project buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projhost:= tab(0) } projOwner := getOwner(projName, "project") buffer ||:= " "||projOwner if /isBlocked(grphost, userID) then { if projhost === projOwner then Invite_to_join(sock, buffer, "project") else sendtoOne(projhost,"you are not the project owner, only "|| projOwner ||" can invite users to the group", "tell", projhost) } else sendtoOne(projhost, "You cannot send invitation to user "|| userID) } "projectJoin" : { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) new_member := params[2] projName := params[3] projOwner := getOwner(projName, "project") p_permission := getPermission(projName, "project") if /isBlocked(new_member, projOwner) then { if /isOwner(new_member, projName, "project") then { if /isMember(projName, new_member, "project") then { if \p_permission === "Friends" then { if \isFriend(projOwner, new_member) then { join_request(sock, new_member, projName, projOwner, "project") } else sendtoOne(new_member, "Only project owner friends"|| " can join the project", "tell", new_member) } if \p_permission === "Open" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| projName||PS||"members.log", "a") then { write(log1, new_member) close(log1) } set_Member_Color(projName, new_member, "red") sendtoOne(new_member, "You have joined the "|| projName||" project.", "tell", new_member) } else if \p_permission === "Private" then { sendtoOne(new_member, "You cannot join this project, It is private.", "tell", new_member) } else if \p_permission === "Public" then { join_request(sock, new_member, projName, projOwner, "project") } } else sendtoOne(new_member, "You are a member of this project.", "tell", new_member) } else sendtoOne(new_member, "You are a member of this project.", "tell", new_member) } else sendtoOne(new_member, "You cannot join "||projOwner|| "'s projects.", "tell", new_member) } "projectLeave" : { #leave a project userslst := [] params := Cmds.SplitArgs(buffer) userID := params[2] projName:= params[3] if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members.log", "r") then { every put(userslst, read(log1)) close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members.log", "w") then { every u := !userslst do { if u ~== userID then write(log1, u) } close(log1) } every u := !userslst do sendtoOne(u, userID||" left the prject "|| projName , "tell", u) } "sessionActivity" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(0) } session_history(userID, fileName) } "projActivity" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(0) } if \isMember(projName, userID, "project") | \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") | (\getPermission(projName, "project") === "Public") then { project_history(userID, projName, fileName) } else if \permissionType == "Friends" then { if \isFriend(getOwner(projName, "project"), userID) then project_history(userID, projName, fileName) } } "userTimeSpent" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(0) } info_str := getMemberTimeList(projName) sendtoOne(userID, projName||"~"||info_str, "userTimeSpent", userID) } "userProgress" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userRequested := tab(0) } info_str := getMemberProgress(userID) user_is_allowed := isAllowed(userID, userRequested, getPermission(userID, "profile"), "profile") if \user_is_allowed then { sendtoOne(userRequested, userID||"~"||info_str, "userProgress", userRequested) } } "membersColorList" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(0) } if \isOwner (userID, projName, "project") | \isMember(projName, userID, "project") then { sendtoOne(userID, projName||" "||getMemberColorList(projName), "membersColorList", userID) } else { if getPermission(projName, "project") === "Friends" then { projOwner := getOwner(projName, "project") if \isFriend(projOwner, userID) then { sendtoOne(userID, projName||" "|| getMemberColorList(projName), "membersColorList", userID) } } else if getPermission(projName, "project") === "Public" then { sendtoOne(userID, projName||" "|| getMemberColorList(projName), "membersColorList", userID) } } } "projTooltip" : { lst := [] buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) flag := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fName := tab(0) } pdeadline := "" if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| projName||PS||"proj_info.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if find("Deadline", l) then pdeadline := l } close(log1) } if flag = 2 then proj_most_active_member(projName, fName, userID) if flag = 3 then proj_file_activity(projName, fName, userID) if flag = 2 then if \isOwner (userID, projName, "project") | \isMember(projName, userID, "project") then { sendtoOne(userID, flag||" "||projName||"$$"||pdeadline|| "$$"||getMemberColorList(projName)||"$$"|| proj_tooltip_msg,"projTooltip", userID) } else { if getPermission(projName, "project") === "Friends" then { projOwner := getOwner(projName, "project") if \isFriend(projOwner, userID) then { sendtoOne(userID, flag||" "||projName||"$$"||pdeadline|| "$$"||getMemberColorList(projName)|| "$$"||proj_tooltip_msg,"projTooltip", userID) } } else if getPermission(projName, "project") === "Public" then { sendtoOne(userID, flag||" "||projName||"$$"||pdeadline|| "$$"||getMemberColorList(projName)|| "$$"||proj_tooltip_msg,"projTooltip", userID) } else if getPermission(projName, "project") === "Open" then { sendtoOne(userID, flag||" "||projName||"$$"||pdeadline|| "$$"||getMemberColorList(projName)|| "$$"||proj_tooltip_msg,"projTooltip", userID) } } } "sessionTooltip" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sessionName := tab(0) } session_file_activity(sessionName) sendtoOne(userID, sessionName||"$$"|| session_tooltip_msg,"sessionTooltip", userID) } "checkMemberColor" :{ # check if the user already # have a color in the project colorfound := 0 buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(0) } mc := getMemberColorList(projName) if find(userID, mc) then colorfound := 1 sendtoOne(userID, projName||" "||colorfound, "checkMemberColor", userID) } "setMemberColor" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) memberColor := tab(0) } set_Member_Color(projName, userID, memberColor) } "memberActivity" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) # user who request info move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) s_name := tab(0) # user his info is requested } if \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") | \isMember(projName, userID,"project") then proj_member_activity_history(userID, projName, s_name) } "getAccessedProjFiles" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) # user who request info move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) s_name := tab(0) # user his info is requested } if \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") | \isMember(projName, userID,"project") then accessed_projfiles(userID, projName, s_name) } "projMembersLst" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(0) } pmembers := "" every u := !getMembers(projName, "project") do pmembers ||:= u || "," sendtoOne(userID, pmembers, "projMembersLst", userID) } "storeUpdatedLines" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(0) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines.log", "r") then { if log2 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines_buffer.log", "a") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { write(log2, l) } } close(log2) } close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines.log", "r") then { if log2 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines_with_uncommitted.log", "a") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { write(log2, l) } } close(log2) } close(log1) } } # store previously changed lines in a table # called commited_line_user_table # and in log file called filename_changedlines_buffer.log "storeChangedLines" : { commited_line_user_table := table() buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(0) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { l_no := tab(find(":")) move(1) old_userID := tab(0) } } commited_line_user_table[l_no] := old_userID } close(log1) } if log2 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines_buffer.log", "w") then { every l := key(commited_line_user_table) do { write(log2, l||":"||commited_line_user_table[l]) } close(log2) } } "setFont" : { buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) usr := tab(find(" ")) move(1) newfont := tab(0) } sendtoOne(usr, newfont, "setFont", userID) } "updateMode" : { user_mode_table := table("3D") buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) currMode := tab(0) } if currMode === "Map" then currMode := "3D" if log1 := open("dat"||PS|| "current_mode.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { usr := tab(find(" ")) move(1) cmode := tab(0) } } user_mode_table[usr] := cmode } if user_mode_table[userID] ~== currMode then { logHandler.logUserActivity(userID, "Out "||user_mode_table[userID]) user_mode_table[userID] := currMode logHandler.logUserActivity(userID, "In "||user_mode_table[userID]) } close(log1) } if log1 := open("dat"||PS|| "current_mode.log", "w") then { every l := key(user_mode_table) do { write(log1, l||" "||user_mode_table[l]) } close(log1) } } "checkMode" : { rmode := "3D" buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) requestedUser := tab(0) } if log1 := open("dat"||PS|| "current_mode.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { usr := tab(find(" ")) move(1) cmode := tab(0) } } if usr == userID then rmode := cmode } if /rmode then rmode := "3D" close(log1) } sendtoOne(requestedUser, userID||" is currently in "|| rmode||" mode.", "tell", requestedUser) } "updateChangedLines" : { line_user_table := table() buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(find("&")) move(1) lineno := tab(0) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { l_no := tab(find(":")) move(1) old_userID := tab(0) } } line_user_table[l_no] := old_userID } close(log1) } line_user_table[lineno] := userID if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines_with_uncommitted("|| userID||").log", "a") then { every l := key(line_user_table) do { write(log1, l||":"||line_user_table[l]) } close(log1) } } "getUpdatedLines" : { updatedlines_str := "" buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) userID := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(0) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName|| PS||"files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do updatedlines_str ||:= l ||"&" close(log1) } every clines_file :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity")))))))) do { if find( fileName||"_changedlines_with_uncommitted(", clines_file) then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||clines_file, "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { #if l ~== "" then updatedlines_str ||:= l ||"&" } if updatedlines_str ~== "" then sendtoOne(userID, projName||" "||fileName||" "|| updatedlines_str,"getUpdatedLines", userID) close(log1) } } } } "getChangedLines" :{ line_user_str := "" buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lineno := tab(find(" ")) move(1) projName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fileName := tab(0) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||fileName|| "_changedlines.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { l_no := tab(find(":")) move(1) userID := tab(0) } if l_no == lineno then line_user_str ||:= userID ||" ~ " } } close(log1) } sendtoOne(userID, lineno||" "|| line_user_str,"getUpdatedLines", userID) } "updatelocations" :{ buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) username := tab(0) } update_rooms_changed(username) update_3D_interactions(username, "ChangeLocation") every usr := !Tusername_user do if (usr.get_activity_status()) ~== "Offline" then sendtoOne(usr.name, all_users(usr.name), "allusers", usr.name) } "interactionsIn3D" :{ buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) username := tab(find(" ")) move(1) interactionType := tab(0) } update_rooms_changed(username) update_3D_interactions(username, interactionType) every usr := !Tusername_user do if (usr.get_activity_status()) ~== "Offline" then sendtoOne(usr.name, all_users(usr.name), "allusers", usr.name) } ## ## Start pendings management commands ## "DELPending" :{ del_pending_invitation(sock, buffer)} "FWDPendingSuggest": {fwd_pending_invitation(sock, buffer)} ## ## Start Collaborative IDE commands ## "RejectIDE" :{ Decrement_IDE(buffer) } "CETLaccept" :{ CETL_New(sock, buffer,1) } "CETLOpen" :{ CETL_New(sock, buffer,2) } "CETLevent" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,0,1) } "SHLevent" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,0,2) } "CETLCompile" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,4) } "CETLmouse" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,1,1) } "SHLmouse" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,1,2) } "CETLkey" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,2,1) } "SHLkey" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,2,2) } "CETLscrol" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,3,1) } "SHLscrol" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,3,2) } "CETLDeletefile" :{ Delete_File_From_IDE(sock, buffer) } "CETLSendUser" :{ Send_Added_IDE_User(sock, buffer) } "CETLLock" :{ CETL_Lock_Request(sock, buffer) } "CETLLockTransfer":{ CETL_Change_Owner(sock, buffer) } "SHLResize" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,5,) } "SHLHighlight" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,6,) } "CETLPaste" :{ handle_CETL_Event(sock, buffer,7,) } "setIDESession" :{ handle_session_creation(buffer)} "CETLStoreOutput" :{ handle_compile_output(buffer)} ## ## End Collaborative IDE commands ## #---- Start VoIP commands "vrequest":{ VoiceRequest(sock, buffer) } "vaccept" :{ VoiceAccept(sock, buffer) } "vreject" :{ VoiceReject(sock, buffer) } "vhold" :{ VoiceHold(sock, buffer) } "vuhold" :{ VoiceUnHold(sock, buffer) } "vpend" :{ VoiceEnd(sock, buffer,"vpend") } "vphone" :{ GetWhoInCellPhone(sock, buffer) } "vstate" :{ Tsock_user[sock].VoiceState := parsed[2] sendtoOne(username, Tsock_user[sock].VoiceState , "vstate", username) } "gvstate" :{ sendtoOne(sock, Tsock_user[sock].VoiceState , "gvstate", sock) } "vroom" :{ GetMyRoom(sock, buffer) } "vlocal" :{ GetWhoInMyRoom(sock, buffer) GetWhoActiveInMyRoom(sock, buffer) } "vlend" :{ VoiceEnd(sock, buffer,"vlend") } "avtroom" :{ GetWhoInMyRoom(sock, buffer) } "vwho" :{ sendtoOne(username, who_is_up(), "vwho", username) } "vrtalk" :{ VoiceRequestDirectTalk(sock, buffer) } # -- new voip "vtalk" :{ VoiceDirectTalk(sock,buffer) } "vend" :{ VoiceEnd(sock, buffer,"vend")} "setip" :{ Tsocket_drivers[sock].user.IP := parsed[2] } "vgetip" :{ sendtoOne(username, user.IP, "say", username) } #---- End VoIP commands "inform": { sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], UserCmd, 0 ) } "logout": { removeUser( sock ) } # # obtain the dynamic state information and dump it to the user # "nodechange": { userToLoad := Tsock_user[sock] avtName := userToLoad.name params := Cmds.SplitArgs(parsed[2]) oldNodeName := params[1] newNodeName := params[2] message := "\\inform "|| avtName || " leaves " || oldNodeName || " and enters " || newNodeName || " " logHandler.logUserActivity(avtName, "Left " || oldNodeName || " and entered " || newNodeName) sendtoMany(sock, message, "inform", sock,0) message := dynStHandler.getAdjDynamicState(Cmds,parsed[2], sock,userToLoad) #logHandler.logit("Sending nodechange dyn state: "||message) sendtoOne(username, message, "dynstate", username) #---- For VoIP sendtoOne(username, dynStHandler.getMyRoom(Tsock_user[sock]. name), "vchroom", username) } "possess":{ write("server parsed",image(sock),UserCmd) write("parsed[2]",parsed[2]) sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "possess", 1 ) } "unpossess": { write("server parsed",image(sock),UserCmd) write("parsed[2]",parsed[2]) sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "unpossess", 1 ) } "switchobjectup": { write("server parsed",image(sock),UserCmd) write("parsed[2]",parsed[2]) sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "switchobjectup", 1 ) write("entred up") } "switchobjectdown": { write("server parsed",image(sock),UserCmd) write("parsed[2]",parsed[2]) sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "switchobjectdown", 1 ) write("entred down") } "history": { user_history(username, buffer) update_3D_interactions(username, "History") } "tell": { tell( username, buffer ) } "npcmsg": { npcmsg( username, buffer ) } "afk": { if Tsock_user[sock].set_afk() & Tsock_user[sock].is_status("Online") then sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "afk", 1 ) } "back": { if Tsock_user[sock].set_back(parsed[2]) then { if Tsock_user[sock].is_status_not("Away") then sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "back", 1 ) else # the user is not afk, but he wants to appear away sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "afk", 1 ) } } "ignore": { UpdateIgnoreList(sock, parsed[2], 1) } "allow": { UpdateIgnoreList(sock, parsed[2], 2) } "who": { sendtoOne(username, who_is_up(), "say", username) } "version": { sendtoOne(username, version_check(parsed[2]), "say", username) } "groups": { sendtoOne(username, Tsock_user[sock].which_groups(), "say", username) } "join": { joinGroup(sock, parsed[2]) } #"disband":{ disbandGroup(net, args) } #"emote": { sendEmote(net, sockets_t, users_l, args) } #"set": { setDefaults(net, sockets_t, users_l, args) } "transfer": { fileHandler.setConnection ( sessionConn(sock) ) fileHandler.receiveFile( parsed[2] ) } #"broadcast": { # sendtoMany( sock, parsed[2], "say", 1 ) # } "uptime": { sendRaw(sock, logHandler.getUptime(), "say") } "changereg": { regChange(sock, parsed[2]) } "passwd": { passwordChange(sock, parsed[2]) } "newuser": { if newuser(parsed[2]) then sendRaw(sock, "new user creation succeeded", "success") else sendRaw(sock, "new user creation failed", "failure") } "admin:list": { userlist(sock) } "admin:add": { useradd(sock, parsed[2]) } "admin:remove": { userrem(sock) } "admin:change": { userchange(sock) } "admin:quit": { shutdown() } "getip": { if parsed[2] == "" then sendtoOne(username, getIP( sock ), "say", username) else sendtoOne(username, getIP( parsed[2] ), "say", username) } "fetchip" :{ sendtoOne(username, getIP( sock ), "fetchip", username) } default: { if /UserCmd then return message := "Command " || UserCmd || " not implemented yet. " $ifdef THREADS message @>> sock $else write(sock, message) $endif } } } end # # passwordChange: invoked by \passwd (UNIX style) and expects a list of # arguments of length 2 (username oldpass newpass). It then # proceeds to change the user's password only if the old # one matched. # method passwordChange(sock, args) local params, username, oldpass, newpass, new_user, passuser params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) username := params[1] oldpass := params[2] newpass := params[3] passuser:= getUser(username) sock := Tuser_sock[passuser] # what is wrong with this? if /username | /oldpass | /newpass then { sendRaw(sock, "Error: Syntax Error on \"" || args || "\"", "failure") fail } new_user := User(username,dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder) if authenticate(username, oldpass, sock) then { # go ahead and change the password new_user.setPassword(newpass) sendRaw(sock, "Success: Password Changed for user " || username, "success") logHandler.logit("passwordChange(): password changed successfully " || "for user " || username) return } logHandler.logit("passwordChange(): password not changed, " || "user does not exist or password does not match") sendRaw(sock, "Error: Password not Changed. Unknown user or password " || "does not match.", "failure") fail end # # changereg: invoked by \changereg (UNIX style) and expects a list # of arguments of length 2 (username passwd fn ln emailId aff). # It then proceeds to change the user's password only if the old # one matched. # method regChange(sock, args) local params, username,pass,fn,ln,emailid,affiliation, new_user, reguser params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) username := params[1] pass := params[2] fn := params[3] ln := params[4] emailid := params[5] affiliation := params[6] reguser:= getUser(username) sock := Tuser_sock[reguser] if /username | /pass | /fn | /ln | /emailid | /affiliation then { sendRaw(sock, "Error: Syntax Error on \"" || args || "\"", "failure") fail } new_user := User(username,dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder) if authenticate(username, pass, sock) then { # go ahead and change the password new_user.setReginfo(fn,ln,emailid,affiliation) sendRaw(sock, "Success: Register info Changed for user " || username, "success") logHandler.logit("ReginfoChange(): Reginfo changed successfully " || "for user " || username) return } logHandler.logit("regChange(): reginfo not changed, " || "user does not exist or password does not match") sendRaw(sock, "Error: reginfo not Changed. Unknown user or password " || "does not match.", "failure") fail end method query(username, args) local params, msg, r params := Cmds.SplitArgs(\args) if params[1] == "Room" then { # someday we might query about other stuff msg := "Room " if r := dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.getRoomByName(params[2]) then msg ||:= r.name || " " || r.str_xyzlwh() else msg ||:= params[2] || " @Error don't know the room " || params[2] sendtoOne(username, msg, "query", username) } end # # moveAvatar: reports avatar movement through UDP # method moveAvatar(sock, args) local av_port, r write("reading trial") while r := receive(listen_UDP_sock) do { write("inside") send(r.addr, "received: " || r.addr) write("done") } return end # #---------------------# Begin Collaborative IDE # method Swap_IDE_Owner(user,index) local Temp,j,found if \Tide[index] then { Temp := Tide[index].IDEOwner Tide[index].IDEOwner := user put(Tide[index].Lusers,Temp) j := 1 found := 0 while (j <= *Tide[index].Lusers) & (found=0) do { if Tide[index].Lusers[j] == user then { found := 1 } j +:= 1 } if found = 1 then { delete(Tide[index].Lusers,j-1) } } end # #Change the owner of the IDE and send changes to the all users # method CETL_Change_Owner(sock_from, args) local params,user,table_index,Users,recipient,i,rec_obj, f local client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) user:= params[2] table_index:= integer(params[3]) if \Tide[table_index] then { Users:=Tide[table_index].Lusers every i:=1 to *Users do { recipient:=Users[i] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(client, "No recipient provided. Usage: " || "\\tell user message", "say", client) return } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { sendtoOne(recipient,table_index||" "||user, "CETLLockTransfer", client) } else sendtoOne(client, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", client) } Swap_IDE_Owner(user,table_index) if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"activities.log", "a") then { write(f, Tide[table_index].IDEFile||" --- "||user||" --- "|| ClockToSec(&clock)||" --- "||"Present"||" --- "||"Take Turn"|| " --- "||"NO"||" --- "||0) close(f) } } end ## ## method Lock request ## method CETL_Lock_Request(sock_from, args) local recipient, params,user,index,rec_obj,client, sock_to, pinv client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := params[2] user:= params[3] index:= params[4] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(client, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", client) return } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "IDE: Take Turn", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), "User "||user||" is requesting to take turn editing the session") new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) add_notification_record("Session/TakeTurn", params[3], params[2]) if \rec_obj then sendtoOne(recipient, user||" "||index, "CETLLock", client) return } sendtoOne(client, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", client) end # # handles the session records when logged in # method handle_session_records(userID, cTime) local f, log1, lst := [], sUser, sTime, eTime, sOwner, action, t_spent, l, fName, coutput, ts # # Code to update the "activities.log" # if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(userID||" --- ", l) & find("Present", l) then { l ? { fName := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) sUser := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) sTime := integer(tab(find(" --- "))) move(5) eTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) action := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) coutput := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) t_spent := integer(tab(0)) } if cTime > 0 then { ts := cTime - sTime } else if cTime = 0 then { cTime := ClockToSec(&clock) if (cTime - sTime) <= 360 then ts := cTime - sTime else ts := 0 } l := fName||" --- "||sUser||" --- "||sTime||" --- "|| cTime||" --- "||action||" --- "||coutput||" --- "||ts } put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "activities.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } end # # # method handle_session_activity(userID, fileName) local f, lst := [], sUser, startTime, endTime, sOwner, action, t_spent, l, fName, compile_output # # Code to update the "activities.log" # if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(fileName||" --- ", l) & find("Present", l) then { l ? { fName := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) sUser := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) startTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) endTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) action := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) compile_output := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) t_spent := tab(0) } l := fName||" --- "||sUser||" --- "||startTime||" --- "||ClockToSec(&clock)|| " --- "||action||" --- "||compile_output||" --- "|| (ClockToSec(&clock) - startTime) } put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "activities.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } # # Code to update the fileName||"_activity_summary.log" # lst := [] sOwner := getOwner(fileName, "session") if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||fileName||"_activity_summary.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(fileName||" --- ", l) then { l ? { fName := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) sUser := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) startTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) endTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) action := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) t_spent := tab(0) } l := fName||" --- "||sUser||" --- "||startTime||" --- "|| ClockToSec(&clock)||" --- "||action||" --- "|| (ClockToSec(&clock) - startTime) } put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||fileName||"_activity_summary.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } end # # # method handle_session_creation(args) local command, fName, sOwner, sWatcher, f, c_time := &clock, #time in hh:mm:ss format s_time := ClockToSec(c_time) # time in seconds args ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sOwner := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sWatcher := tab(0) } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"owners.log", "a") then { write(f, fName||" --- "||sOwner) close(f) } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"activities.log", "a") then { write(f, fName||" --- "||sOwner||" --- "||s_time||" --- "||"Present"|| " --- "||"Created"||" --- "||"NO"||" --- "||0) write(f, fName||" --- "||sWatcher||" --- "||s_time||" --- "||"Present"|| " --- "||"Joined"||" --- "||"NO"||" --- "||0) close(f) } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||fName||"_activity_summary.log", "w") then { write(f, "File : "||fName) write(f, "Session Created : "||c_time) write(f, "File Access Time : "||c_time) write(f, "-------------------------------------------") write(f, "Session Activity:") write(f, "-------------------------------------------") write(f, fName||" --- "||sOwner||" --- "||s_time||" --- "||"Present"|| " --- "||"Created"||" --- "||"NO"||" --- "||0) write(f, fName||" --- "||sWatcher||" --- "||s_time||" --- "|| "Present"||" --- "||"Joined"||" --- "||"NO"||" --- "||0) close(f) } end # #Send IDE events # method handle_CETL_Event(sock_from, args,event_type, obj_type) local recipient, params, rec_obj, client, pos, user_file_name, sock_to, special_key, x_mouse, y_mouse, scrol_type, ev_type, ev_param, tmp, file_name, table_index, Users:=[], i, owner, compile_msg, cetl_type, highlightline, clipboard_contents, myevent, times, command, f_name if event_type = 4 then { args ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) table_index := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) f_name := tab(find(" ")) move(1) compile_msg := tab(0) } } if event_type = 6 then { args ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) table_index := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) highlightline := integer(tab(0)) } } if event_type = 7 then { args ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) table_index := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) clipboard_contents := tab(0) } } else { params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) if event_type = 0 then { args ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) table_index := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) myevent := tab(0) } } else { table_index:= integer(params[2]) myevent:= params[3] } } if event_type = 1 then { x_mouse:= params[4] y_mouse:= params[5] } else if event_type = 2 then { #keypressed special_key:= params[4] } else if event_type = 3 then { #scrol args ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) table_index := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) myevent := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) ev_type := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) ev_param := tab(find(")"))||")" | -7 move(2) scrol_type := tab(0) } # ev_type:= params[4] # ev_param := params[5] # scrol_type := params[6] } if \Tide[table_index] then { Users:=Tide[table_index].Lusers owner:=Tide[table_index].IDEOwner every recipient := (!Users | owner) do { if /recipient then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", sock_from) next } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] if sock_from === sock_to then { #write(&errout, "skipping forwarding message from ", # client, " to themself") next } #else write(&errout, "forwarding from ", client, " to ", # image(rec_obj.name)) if event_type = 1 then { #mouse if obj_type = 1 then cetl_type := "CETLmouse" if obj_type = 2 then cetl_type := "SHLmouse" sendtoOne(sock_to, table_index ||" "||myevent||" "|| x_mouse||" "|| y_mouse, cetl_type, sock_from) } else if event_type = 2 then { #keypressed if obj_type = 1 then cetl_type := "CETLkey" if obj_type = 2 then cetl_type := "SHLkey" sendtoOne(sock_to, table_index ||" "||myevent||" "|| special_key,cetl_type, sock_from) } else if event_type = 3 then { #scroll if obj_type = 1 then cetl_type := "CETLscrol" if obj_type = 2 then cetl_type := "SHLscrol" sendtoOne(sock_to, table_index ||" "||myevent||" "|| ev_type||" "||ev_param|| " "||scrol_type, cetl_type,sock_from) } else if event_type == 4 then { #compiler update_stats("Session/Debug") update_user_stats("Session/Debug", owner) update_session_activity(owner, f_name, compile_msg) if \isPartner (recipient, owner, "project") then update_partner_stats(table_index, "P", "Debug") else if \isPartner (recipient, owner, "sig") then update_partner_stats(table_index, "G", "Debug") else update_partner_stats(table_index, "E", "Debug") store_compile_msg(compile_msg, f_name) sendtoOne(sock_to, table_index ||" "||compile_msg, "CETLCompile", sock_from) } else if event_type == 5 then { #resize sendtoOne(sock_to, table_index ||" ","SHLResize", sock_from) } else if event_type == 6 then { #highlight sendtoOne(sock_to, table_index ||" "||highlightline, "SHLHighlight", sock_from) } else if event_type == 7 then { #clipboard contents sendtoOne(sock_to, table_index ||" "|| clipboard_contents,"CETLPaste", sock_from) } else {#event if obj_type = 1 then cetl_type := "CETLevent" if obj_type = 2 then cetl_type := "SHLevent" #must send {to_user(user name),table_index,event) sendtoOne(sock_to, table_index||" "||\myevent, cetl_type, sock_from) } } else sendtoOne(sock_from, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", sock_from) }#end every } end method handle_compile_output(buff) local fname, cmsg, cmd buff ? { cmd := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fname := tab(find(" ")) move(1) cmsg := tab(0) } store_compile_msg(cmsg, fname) end method store_compile_msg(cmsg, fname) local lst := [], f, l cmsg ? { while not(pos(0)) do { l := tab(find("^n")) move(2) put(lst, l) } } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||fname|| "_output.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } end method compare_compile_msg(cmsg) local lst := [], lst2 := [], is_correct := "NO", compile_output, f, l cmsg ? { while not(pos(0)) do { l := tab(find("^n")) move(2) if \l ~=="" then put(lst, l) } } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"session_output.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do put(lst2, l) close(f) } if *lst > 0 then if find("512", lst[*lst-3]) & find("1024", lst[*lst-2]) & find("2048", lst[*lst-1]) then is_correct := "YES" return is_correct end method update_session_activity(userID, f_name, compile_msg) local fName, sUser, startTime, endTime, action, t_spent, compile_output, f, l, lst := [] if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { fName := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) sUser := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) startTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) endTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) action := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) compile_output := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) t_spent := tab(0) } if find(f_name||" --- "||userID, l) then { if compare_compile_msg(compile_msg) === "YES" then { l := fName||" --- "||sUser||" --- "||startTime||" --- "|| endTime||" --- "||action||" --- "||"YES"||" --- "||t_spent } } put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"activities.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } end method update_3D_interactions(username, type) local found := &null, interactionType, log1, l, interactionsTbl := table(), times_done if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||username|| PS||"interactions_in3D.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { interactionType := tab(find(":")) move(1) times_done := integer(tab(0)) } if interactionType === type then { found := 1 interactionsTbl[interactionType] := (times_done + 1) } else interactionsTbl[interactionType] := times_done } } close(log1) } if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||username|| PS||"interactions_in3D.log", "w") then { if *(\interactionsTbl) > 0 then { every l := key(interactionsTbl) do write(log1, l||":"||interactionsTbl[l]) } if /found then write(log1, type||":"||1) close(log1) } end method update_rooms_changed(username) local found := &null, count:= 0, new_user, rname, log1, l, locs_changed := table(), room_name, times_visited if /(new_user := Tusername_user[username]) then fail rname := new_user.getRoom() if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||username|| PS||"locations.log", "r") then { count := read(log1) while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { room_name := tab(find(":")) move(1) times_visited := integer(tab(0)) } if room_name === rname then { found := 1 locs_changed [room_name] := (times_visited + 1) } else locs_changed [room_name] := times_visited } } close(log1) } if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||username|| PS||"locations.log", "w") then { write(log1, count +1) if *(\locs_changed) > 0 then { every l := key(locs_changed) do write(log1, l||":"||locs_changed[l]) } if /found then write(log1, rname||":"||1) close(log1) } end # # Returns a list of all friends and their locations # method all_users(userID) local allfriends_str := "", f, u, usr, others_str := "", npc_str := "", p ### AAA fail this fucntion for now fail if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "friends.log", "r") then { while u := read(f) do { if \(usr := Tusername_user[u]) then allfriends_str ||:= u||":"||usr.getRoom()||"," else allfriends_str ||:= u||":OFFLINE," } close(f) } every usr := !Tusername_user do if usr.user_type == "npc" then npc_str ||:= usr.name||":"||usr.getRoom()||"," else others_str ||:= usr.name||":"||usr.getRoom()||"," if allfriends_str ~== "" | others_str ~== "" | npc_str~==""then return allfriends_str||"~~"||npc_str||"~~"||others_str end method on_projfileOpen(projName, fileName, userID) local project_access_time, file_access_time, fd, fbuffer, f, l project_access_time := file_access_time := ClockToSec(&clock) if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||projName || "_access.log", "a") then { write(fd,fileName||" "||userID||" "||file_access_time||" "||0) close(fd) } fbuffer := fileName || " " || projName || " "||project_access_time|| " "||file_access_time||" " if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| PS||"files"||PS||fileName, "r") then { while l:= read(f) do fbuffer ||:= l || "xx1e" close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "a") then { write(f, fileName||" "||userID||" "||file_access_time) close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "a") then { write(f, fileName||" "||userID||" "||file_access_time||" "||"-----"|| " "||"Opened") close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files_activity"|| PS||fileName||"_changedlines.log","w") then { close(f) } update_stats("Project/Access") update_stats("File/Open") update_user_stats("Project/Access", userID) update_user_stats("File/Open", userID) sendtoOne(userID, fbuffer, "projfileOpen", userID) end # # This method updates the statslog file # method update_stats(etype) local f, l, event_type, count, lst := [] if f := open("dat" || PS || "stats.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open("dat" || PS || "stats.log", "w") then { every l := !lst do { if find(etype, l) then { l ? { event_type := tab(find(" ")) move(1) count := integer(tab(0)) } l := event_type ||" "|| (count+1) } write(f, l) } close(f) } end # # This method updates the userID statslog file # method update_user_stats(etype, userID) local f, l, event_type, count, lst := [] if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS||"stats.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS||"stats.log", "w") then { every l := !lst do { if find(etype, l) then { l ? { event_type := tab(find(" ")) move(1) count := integer(tab(0)) } l := event_type ||" "||(count+1) } write(f, l) } close(f) } end # # This method updates each file's updates count # method update_fileupdates_stats(pname, fname, userID) local f, l, f_name, u_id, count, lst := [] if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||pname||PS|| "updaters.log") then { while put(lst, read(f)) close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||pname||PS||"updaters.log","w") then { every l := !lst do { if find(fname||" "||userID, l) then { l ? { f_name := tab(find(" ")) move(1) u_id := tab(find(" ")) move(1) count := integer(tab(0)) } l := f_name||" "||u_id||" "||(count+1) } write(f, l) } close(f) } end # # # method add_members_communication_record(cType) local f, l, event_type, count, lst := [], fd if not stat("dat"||PS||"communication_stats.log") then { if fd := open("dat"||PS||"communication_stats.log", "w") then { write(fd, "Email 0\nWall 0\nFeed 0\nChat 0\nSystemChat 0") close(fd) } } if f := open("dat" || PS || "communication_stats.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open("dat" || PS || "communication_stats.log", "w") then { every l := !lst do { if find(cType, l) then { l ? { event_type := tab(find(" ")) move(1) count := integer(tab(0)) } l := event_type ||" "|| (count+1) } write(f, l) } close(f) } end # # # method add_notification_record(nType, uFrom, uTo) local f if f := open("dat"||PS||"notification_response.log", "a") then { write(f, nType||" "||uFrom||" "||uTo||" "||ClockToSec(&clock)|| " "||"----") close(f) } end # # # method update_notification_record(nType, uFrom, uTo) local l, f, nT, uF, uT, tStart, tSpent, lst := [] if f := open("dat" ||PS|| "notification_response.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { if find(nType||" "||((uFrom||" "||uTo)|(uTo||" "||uFrom))) then { nT := tab(find(" ")) move(1) uF := tab(find(" ")) move(1) uT := tab(find(" ")) move(1) tStart := tab(find(" ")) move(1) tSpent := tab(0) if tSpent === "----" then { tSpent := ClockToSec(&clock) - tStart l := nT||" "||uF||" "||uT||" "||tStart||" "||tSpent } } } put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open("dat"||PS|| "notification_response.log", "w") then { every write(f, !lst) close(f) } end # # This method updates partners' interactions stats # method update_partner_stats(objName, objType, etype) local f, l, f_name, u_id, count, event_type, lst := [], rec_found := 0 if f := open("dat"||PS||"partner_stats.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { put(lst, l) } close(f) } if f := open("dat"||PS||"partner_stats.log", "w") then { every l := !lst do { if find(objName||" "||objType||" "||etype, l) then { l ? { objName := tab(find(" ")) move(1) objType := tab(find(" ")) move(1) event_type := tab(find(" ")) move(1) count := integer(tab(0)) } l := objName ||" "||objType ||" "||event_type ||" "||(count+1) rec_found := 1 } write(f, l) } if rec_found == 0 then { count := 0 write(f, objName ||" "||objType ||" "||etype ||" "||(count+1)) } close(f) } end # # # method get_all_projects() local fname, lst := [], r, f := "", allprojectslst, projName, d allprojectslst := "" every projName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { allprojectslst ||:= projName || "(" every fname :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files")))))))) do { r := stat(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files"|| PS||fname) if r.mode[1] === "d" then { f ||:= fname||"[dir][" every d :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files"||PS||fname)))))))) do { if d ~== ("appropriate_partner.log") & d ~== ("appropriate_partner.log~") & d ~== ("rooms_info.log") & d ~== ("last_room.log") then f ||:= d || "," } trim(f, ",", -1) f ||:= "]:" fname := f allprojectslst ||:= fname } else allprojectslst ||:= fname ||":" } trim(allprojectslst, ":", 0) allprojectslst ||:= ")&&&" } return allprojectslst end method get_my_projects(userID) local myprojectslst:= "", projName, r every projName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { r := stat(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName) if r.mode[1] === "d" then { if \isMember(projName, userID, "project") then { myprojectslst ||:= projName || "," } else if \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") then { myprojectslst ||:= projName || "," } } } return myprojectslst end method get_my_blocklist(userID) local f, blst := "", u if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS||"blocklist.log", "r") then { while u := trim(read(f)) do blst := u ||"," close(f) } return blst end method get_my_friendsLocations(userID) local f, friend_loc_lst:="", u, usr if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "friends.log", "r") then { while u := read(f) do { if \(usr := Tusername_user[u]) then friend_loc_lst ||:= u||" "||usr.getRoom()||"~" else friend_loc_lst ||:= u||" OFFLINE~" } close(f) } if /friend_loc_lst then friend_loc_lst := "" else trim(friend_loc_lst, " ", 0) return friend_loc_lst end method get_all_newsfeeds(user2) local allfeedslst, log1, feed_lbl, reply_lbl, line, line2, user1, ppriority, flbl, fpriority, orig_feed_lbl allfeedslst := "" every feed_lbl :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { feed_lbl ? { user1 := tab(find(" ")) move(1) #ppriority := tab(find(" ")) #move(1) flbl := tab(0) } orig_feed_lbl := feed_lbl fpriority := get_feed_priority(user1, user2) feed_lbl := user1||" "||fpriority||" "||flbl[1:-4] allfeedslst ||:= feed_lbl|| "{" if log1 := open(NEWSFEED_GLOBALPATH||PS||orig_feed_lbl,"r") then { while \(line := read(log1)) do { line2 := read(log1) if \find("Replied >>>>", line) then { if *line2 >= 30 then reply_lbl := trim(line2[1:30], "$", 0) else reply_lbl := trim(line2, "$", 0) allfeedslst ||:= reply_lbl || "@@" } } close(log1) } trim(allfeedslst, "@", 0) allfeedslst ||:= "} " } trim(allfeedslst, " ", 0) if allfeedslst~=="" then return allfeedslst end method get_feed_priority(user1, user2) local ppriority := "low" if \isFriend(user1, user2) then ppriority := "high" # else if \isPartner (user1, user2, "sig") then # ppriority := "high" else if \isPartner (user1, user2, "project") then ppriority := "high" else if \isFriend_Of_Friend (user1, user2) then ppriority := "medium" else ppriority := "low" return ppriority end method get_all_groups_and_members() local allgroupslst, grp, log1, usr, u allgroupslst := "" every grp :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { allgroupslst ||:= grp || "(" if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||grp||PS|| "members.log","r") then { while usr := read(log1) do { if \(u:=Tusername_user[usr]) then allgroupslst ||:= usr || ":" ||u.get_activity_status(0) ||"," else allgroupslst ||:= usr || ":Offline," } close(log1) } # This part adds the owner as a child to each group node if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||grp||PS|| "owner.log","r") then { usr := read(log1) if usr ~== "system" then { if \(u:=Tusername_user[usr]) then allgroupslst ||:= usr||":"||u.get_activity_status(1)|| "_owner," else allgroupslst ||:= usr||":Offline_owner," } close(log1) } trim(allgroupslst, ",", 0) allgroupslst ||:= ") " } trim(allgroupslst, " ", 0) if allgroupslst~=="" then return allgroupslst end # # # method Invite_to_join(sock_from, args, objType) local params, command, recipient, sigName, rec_obj := &null, client, sock_to, pinv params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := \params[2] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", sock_from) return } rec_obj := getUser(recipient) client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if objType === "sig" then { if \rec_obj then sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] #else # sock_to := getOwner(params[3], "sig") pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "Group Invitation", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), recipient|| ", "||client||" invited you to join~group:"||params[3]) add_notification_record("Group/Join", params[2], params[4]) new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) if \rec_obj then sendtoOne(sock_from, params[2]||" "||params[3]||" "||params[4], "groupInvite", sock_to) } else if objType === "project" then { if \rec_obj then sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] #else # sock_to := getOwner(params[3], "project") pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "Project Invitation", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), recipient|| ", "||client||" invited you to join~project:"||params[3]) add_notification_record("Project/Join", params[2], params[4]) new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) if \rec_obj then sendtoOne(sock_to, params[2]||" "||params[3]||" "||params[4]|| " "||params[5], "projectInvite", sock_from) } sendtoOne(sock_from, "A group/project invitation has been sent to "|| recipient||".", "tell", sock_from) end # # Request to join group/project # method join_request(sock_from, new_member, objName, objOwner, objType) local rec_obj, client, sock_to, pinvType, msg, cmd, pinv rec_obj := (getUser(objOwner)) client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] if objType === "sig" then { pinvType := "Join Group" msg := new_member ||" is interested in joining~group:"|| objName cmd := "groupJoin" if objName === ("cpp"|"java"|"unicon"|"se¨") then { sendtoOne(new_member, 0||" "||new_member||" "||objName||" "|| objOwner, cmd, objOwner) } else { pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, pinvType, 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), msg) new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) add_notification_record("Group/Join", new_member, objOwner) if \rec_obj then sendtoOne(objOwner, 1||" "||new_member||" "||objName||" "|| objOwner, cmd, new_member) } } else if objType === "project" then { pinvType := "Join Project" msg := new_member ||" is interested in joining~project:"|| objName cmd := "projectJoin" pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, pinvType, 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), msg) new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) add_notification_record("Project/Join", new_member, objOwner) if \rec_obj then sendtoOne(objOwner, new_member||" "||objName||" "|| objOwner, cmd, new_member) } if objName === ("cpp"|"java"|"unicon"|"se¨") then { if objType === "sig" then sendtoOne(sock_from, "You have joined the "|| objName||" interest group.", "tell", sock_from) else sendtoOne(sock_from, "You have joined the "|| objName||" project.", "tell", sock_from) } else sendtoOne(sock_from, "A group/project request has been sent to "|| objOwner||".", "tell", sock_from) end method getWallInfo(objName, objType) local wall_str := "", number_of_posts := 0, postName, log1, u, datPath, mdate, mdateLst := [], # modified dates list sorted_mdateLst := [], # sorted list sorted_mdateTbl := table(), # sorted table mdate_Lst := [], # list of the most recent modified posts (4 posts) mdate_Set := set(), # set of the most recent modified posts (4 posts) total_members := 0, online_members := 0, objInfo, objlst, objDesc, usr if objType === "sig" then datPath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH else datPath := PROJECT_GLOBALPATH every postName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(datPath||PS||objName||PS||"Wall")))))))) do { if log1 := open(datPath||PS||objName||PS|| "Wall"||PS||postName, "r") then { mdate := (stat(log1)).mtime # modified date put(mdateLst, mdate) } } sorted_mdateLst := sortf(mdateLst) #sorted list mdate_Lst := sorted_mdateLst[-4|-3|-2|-1:0] mdate_Set := set(mdate_Lst) if objType === "sig" then { every postName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(datPath||PS||objName||PS||"Wall")))))))) do { if log1 := open(datPath||PS||objName||PS|| "Wall"||PS||postName, "r") then { mdate := (stat(log1)).mtime close(log1) } if member(mdate_Set, mdate) then { wall_str ||:= postName ||"<<<" number_of_posts +:= 1 if log1 := open(datPath||PS||objName||PS|| "Wall"||PS||postName, "r") then { while u := read(log1) do { if u ~== "" then wall_str ||:= u ||"@@@" } close(log1) } # trim(wall_str, "@@@", 0) wall_str ||:= ">>>" } } } else if objType === "project" then { every postName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(datPath||PS||objName||PS||"Wall")))))))) do { mdate := (stat(postName)).mtime if member(mdate_Set, mdate) then { wall_str ||:= postName ||"<<<" number_of_posts +:= 1 if log1 := open(datPath||PS||objName||PS|| "Wall"||PS||postName, "r") then { while u := read(log1) do { if u ~== "" then wall_str ||:= u ||"@@@" } close(log1) } wall_str ||:= ">>>" } } } objlst := "{" if log1 := open(datPath||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log","r") then { while usr := read(log1) do { total_members +:= 1 if \(u:=Tusername_user[usr]) then { objlst ||:= usr || ":" ||u.get_activity_status(0) ||"," online_members +:= 1 } else objlst ||:= usr || ":Offline," } close(log1) } if log1 := open(datPath||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log","r") then { usr := read(log1) total_members +:= 1 if \(u:=Tusername_user[usr]) then { objlst ||:= usr || ":" ||u.get_activity_status(0) ||"," online_members +:= 1 } else objlst ||:= usr || ":Offline," close(log1) } trim(objlst, ',', 0) objlst ||:= "}" objDesc := "Description is not added yet." objInfo := "{"||online_members||"/"||total_members||"}" wall_str := number_of_posts||objInfo||wall_str return wall_str end method isMember(objName, userID, objType) local log1, u, ismember := &null if objType === "sig" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log", "r") then { while u := read(log1) do if u == userID then ismember := 1 close(log1) } } else if objType === "project" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log", "r") then { while u := read(log1) do if u == userID then ismember := 2 close(log1) } } return ismember end method isFriend(userID, newfriend) local usr if \(usr := Tusername_user[userID]) then return usr.isFriend(newfriend) end # # Checks if the first user is in the # second's user block list # method isBlocked(first_user, second_user) local log1, u, isblocked := &null, f if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||second_user||PS|| "blocklist.log", "r") then { while u := trim(read(f)) do { if u === first_user then isblocked := 1 } close(f) } return isblocked end # # # method friendsList(userID) local usr, friendslst := [] if \(usr := Tusername_user[userID]) then every put( friendlst, !(usr.friends)) return friendslst end # # # method partnersList(userID) local log1, f, partnerslst := set(), u, objName every objName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { if \isMember(objName, userID, "sig") | \isOwner(userID, objName, "sig") then { if f := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS||"members.log", "r") then { while u := read(f) do { insert(partnerslst, u) } close(f) } if f := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS||"owner.log", "r") then { insert(partnerslst, u := read(f)) close(f) } } } every objName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { if \isMember(objName, userID, "project") | \isOwner(userID, objName, "project") then { if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS||"members.log","r") then { while u := read(f) do { insert(partnerslst, u) } close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS||"owner.log", "r") then { insert(partnerslst, u:= read(f)) close(f) } } } return partnerslst end # # # method blockList(userID) local log1, f, blocklst := [] if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "blocklist.log", "r") then { while f := trim(read(log1)) do put(blocklst, f) close(log1) } return blocklst end # # # method isOwner(userID, objName, objType) local log1, u, isowner := &null if objType === "sig" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log", "r") then { u := read(log1) if \u then if u == userID then isowner := 1 close(log1) } } else if objType === "project" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log", "r") then { u := read(log1) if \u then if u == userID then isowner := 1 close(log1) } } return isowner end # # Check if first_user and second_user are # project or group partners # method isPartner (first_user, second_user, objType) local objDir, objName, ispartner := &null if objType == "sig" then { every objName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { if \isMember(objName, first_user, objType) & \isMember(objName, second_user, objType) then { ispartner := 1 } } } else if objType == "project" then { every objName :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { if \isMember(objName, first_user, objType) & \isMember(objName, second_user, objType) then { ispartner := 1 } } } return ispartner end # # Check if first_user and second_user have a # friend of a friend relation # method isFriend_Of_Friend (first_user, second_user) local f, isfriend_of_friend := &null every f := !(friendsList(second_user)) do { if isFriend(first_user, f) then isfriend_of_friend := 1 } return isfriend_of_friend end method getOwner(objName, objType) local log1, owner := &null, u, l, fname if objType === "sig" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log", "r") then { owner := read(log1) close(log1) } } else if objType === "project" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log", "r") then { owner := read(log1) close(log1) } } else if objType === "session" then { if log1 := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "owners.log", "r") then { while l:= read(log1) do if find(objName, l) then { l ? { fname := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) owner := tab(0) } } close(log1) } } return owner end method change_lastRoom_coordinates(roomCoords) local rx, ry, rz, rw, rl, rh, log1 if /roomCoords then roomCoords := "1000 1000 200 25 25 25" roomCoords ? { rx := tab(find(" ")) move(1) ry := integer(tab(find(" "))) + 26 move(1) rz := tab(find(" ")) move(1) rw := tab(find(" ")) move(1) rl := tab(find(" ")) move(1) rh := tab(0) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "lastroom.log", "w") then { write(log1, rx||" "||ry||" "||rz||" "||rw||" "||rl||" "||rh) close(log1) } end method set_Member_Color(objName, userID, member_color) local log1, lst := [], lst2 := [], l, findr := &null if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "member_color.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { put(lst, l) } if *lst >= 1 then every l := !lst do { if find(userID, l) then { l := userID||":"||member_color findr := 1 } put(lst2, l) } if findr === &null then put(lst2, userID||":"||member_color) close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "member_color.log", "w") then { every l := !lst2 do { write(log1, l) } close(log1) } end method getMemberColorList(objName) local log1, l, c := "" if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "member_color.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do c ||:= l || "," close(log1) } return c end method getMemberTimeList(objName) local log1, l, tbl := table(0), c := "", uId, tSpent, uColor if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| objName||"_spent_time.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { l ? { uId := tab(find(":")) move(1) tSpent := tab(0) } if /tSpent then tSpent := 0 tbl[uId] := tSpent } close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "member_color.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { l ? { uId := tab(find(":")) move(1) uColor := tab(0) } c ||:= uId||":"||uColor||":"||tbl[uId]||"," } close(log1) } return c end # get the time user spent in each project method getMemberProgress(userID) local log1, l, tbl_time := table(0), tbl_color := table(0), c := "", uId, tSpent, total_spent, uColor, projName every projName := ("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { total_spent := 0 if projName ~== "appropriate_partner.log" & projName ~== ("appropriate_partner.log~") then { if projName ~== "rooms_info.log" & projName ~== "lastroom.log" then { if \isMember(projName, userID, "project") | \isOwner(userID, projName, "project") | \getPermission(projName, "project") === "Public" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| projName||"_spent_time.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { l ? { uId := tab(find(":")) move(1) tSpent := tab(0) } if /tSpent then tSpent := 0 if uId === userID then tbl_time[projName] := tSpent total_spent +:= tSpent } close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "member_color.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { l ? { uId := tab(find(":")) move(1) uColor := tab(0) } if uId === userID then tbl_color[projName] := uColor } close(log1) } c ||:= projName||":"||tbl_color[projName]||":"||tbl_time[projName]|| ":"||total_spent||"," } } } } return c end method setOwner(objName, objOwner, objType) local log1 if objType === "sig" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log", "w") then { write(log1, objOwner) close(log1) } } else if objType === "project" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log", "w") then { write(log1, objOwner) close(log1) } } end # # Check if user_id is allowed to access profile_id's # profile, project, newsfeed method isAllowed(profile_id, user_id, permission, objType) local isallowed := &null if profile_id === user_id then isallowed := 1 else if /isBlocked(user_id, profile_id) then { if permission === ("Everyone" | "Public") then isallowed := 1 else if \isFriend(profile_id, user_id) & permission === "Friends" then isallowed := 1 else if \isPartner (profile_id, user_id, objType) then isallowed := 1 else isallowed := &null } return isallowed end # # Here objName depends on objType # objType = sig --> objName = sigName # objType = profile --> objName = userID # method setPermission(objName, permission, objType) local log1, lst := [], l if objType === "sig" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "permissions.log", "w") then { write(log1, permission) close(log1) } } else if objType === "project" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "proj_info.log", "r") then { put(lst, l) close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "proj_info.log", "w") then { every l := !lst do { if \find("Privacy", l) then l := "Privacy: "||permission write(log1, l) } close(log1) } } else if objType === "profile" then { if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "permissions.log", "w") then { write(log1, permission) close(log1) } } end # # Permission is either Private, Public, or # Friends # method getPermission(objName, objType) local l, log1, permission := "Public", p if objType === "sig" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "permissions.log", "r") then { permission := read(log1) close(log1) } } else if objType === "project" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "proj_info.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if find("Privacy", l) then { l ? { p := tab(find(" ")) move(1) permission := tab(0) } } } close(log1) } } else if objType === "profile" then { if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "account_settings.log", "r") then { while p := read(log1) if find("Privacy", p) then { p? { tab(find("= ")) move(2) permission := tab(0) } } close(log1) } } return permission end method getprojectFiles(projName) local fname, lst := [], r, f :="", d . every fname :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files")))))))) do { r := stat(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||"files"||PS||fname) if r.mode[1] === "d" then { f ||:= fname||"[dir][" every d :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files"||PS||fname)))))))) do { f ||:= d || ":" } trim(f, ":", -1) f ||:= "]" fname := f put(lst, fname ) } else put(lst, fname) } return lst end #User usage IDE vs 3D method getUserUsage(userID, flag) local log1, l, u, in_day, out_day, ahour_start, ahour_end, lrem, trem, start_t, end_t, tperiod,amin_start, asec_start, amin_end, asec_end,str, str2, tIDEDays, t3DDays, tAFKDays, afk_time, uTMinutes, munit, uLDays, d, h, m, tspent, tspent_1st_hr, tspent_last_hr, hrs_diff, hrs_between, i, f, lst, lst_3d, lst_ide, lst_ide_old, lst_3d_old, k, in, out, lstmode, lMsg, aday, lst_sn, lst_sn_old, tSNDays, lday, ltime, lact, lmode, ntime munit := 10 #meature unit uLDays := ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] tIDEDays := table(0) t3DDays := table(0) tSNDays := table(0) every tIDEDays[!uLDays] := 0 every t3DDays[!uLDays] := 0 every tSNDays[!uLDays] := 0 lst_ide_old := list() #list to store IDE records lst_3d_old := list() #list to store 3D records lst_sn_old := list() #list to store SN records lst_ide := list() #list to store IDE records lst_3d := list() #list to store 3D records lst_sn := list() #list to store SN records lst := list() lMsg := &dateline lMsg ? { aday := tab(find(",")) #activity day move(1) } if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"ide_3d_activity.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if find("Map", l) then { l ? { lday := tab(find(" ")) move(1) ltime := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lact := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lmode := tab(0) } l := lday||" "||ltime||" "||lact||" 3D" } put(lst, l) } if find("3D", lst[*lst]) then put(lst_3d, aday||" "||&clock||" "||"Out 3D") else if find("Editor", lst[*lst]) then put(lst_ide, aday||" "||&clock||" "||"Out Editor") else if find("Profile", lst[*lst]) then put(lst_ide, aday||" "||&clock||" "||"Out Profile") else if find("Wall", lst[*lst]) then put(lst_ide, aday||" "||&clock||" "||"Out Wall") every i := 1 to (*lst) do { if find("In Editor" | "Out Editor", lst[i]) then put(lst_ide, lst[i]) else if find("In 3D" | "Out 3D", lst[i]) then put(lst_3d, lst[i]) else put(lst_sn, lst[i]) } close(log1) } # # Ordering the IDE in/out records # in := 0 out := 0 k := 1 every l := !lst_ide do { if find("In Editor", l) & in = 0 then { put(lst_ide_old, l) in := 1 out := 0 } else if find("Out Editor", l) & in = 1 then { put(lst_ide_old, l) in := 0 out := 1 } } # # Cleaning the 3D in/out records # in := 0 out := 0 k := 1 every l := !lst_3d do { if find("In 3D", l) & in = 0 then { put(lst_3d_old, l) in := 1 out := 0 } else if find("Out 3D", l) & in = 1 then { put(lst_3d_old, l) in := 0 out := 1 } } # # Cleaning the SN in/out records # in := 0 out := 0 k := 1 every l := !lst_sn do { if find("In ", l) & in = 0 then { put(lst_sn_old, l) in := 1 out := 0 } else if find("Out ", l) & in = 1 then { put(lst_sn_old, l) in := 0 out := 1 } } lst_ide := copy(lst_ide_old) lst_3d := copy(lst_3d_old) lst_sn := copy(lst_sn_old) # #Parsing the IDE records # m := 1 while m < *lst_ide do { # parse the Logged In line lst_ide[m] ? { in_day := tab(find(" ")) move(1) start_t := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lrem := tab(0) } start_t ? { ahour_start := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amin_start := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asec_start := integer(tab(0)) } # parse the Logged Out line lst_ide[m+1] ? { out_day := tab(find(" ")) move(1) end_t := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lrem := tab(0) } end_t ? { ahour_end := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amin_end := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asec_end := integer(tab(0)) } if in_day == out_day then { #in and out in same day if ahour_start = ahour_end then { #in and out in the same hour tspent := (amin_end - amin_start) tIDEDays[in_day] +:= tspent } else { #in and out in different hours tspent_1st_hr := 60 - amin_start tIDEDays[in_day] +:= tspent_1st_hr tspent_last_hr := 60 - amin_end tIDEDays[in_day] +:= tspent_last_hr hrs_diff := ahour_end - ahour_start if hrs_diff > 1 then { hrs_between := hrs_diff - 1 every i := (ahour_start + 1) to (ahour_start + hrs_between) do tIDEDays[in_day] +:= 60 } } } else { #in and out in different days tspent_1st_hr := 60 - amin_start tIDEDays[in_day] +:= tspent_1st_hr every i := (ahour_start + 1) to 24 do tIDEDays[in_day] +:= 60 every i := 1 to (ahour_end - 1) do tIDEDays[out_day] +:= 60 tspent_last_hr := 60 - amin_end tIDEDays[out_day] +:= tspent_last_hr } m +:= 2 } # #Parsing the 3D records # m := 1 while m < *lst_3d do { # parse the Logged In line lst_3d[m] ? { in_day := tab(find(" ")) move(1) start_t := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lrem := tab(0) } start_t ? { ahour_start := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amin_start := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asec_start := integer(tab(0)) } # parse the Logged Out line lst_3d[m+1] ? { out_day := tab(find(" ")) move(1) end_t := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lrem := tab(0) } end_t ? { ahour_end := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amin_end := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asec_end := integer(tab(0)) } if in_day == out_day then { #in and out in same day if ahour_start = ahour_end then { #in and out in the same hour tspent := (amin_end - amin_start) t3DDays[in_day] +:= tspent } else { #in and out in different hours tspent_1st_hr := 60 - amin_start t3DDays[in_day] +:= tspent_1st_hr tspent_last_hr := 60 - amin_end t3DDays[in_day] +:= tspent_last_hr hrs_diff := ahour_end - ahour_start if hrs_diff > 1 then { hrs_between := hrs_diff - 1 every i := (ahour_start + 1) to (ahour_start + hrs_between) do t3DDays[in_day] +:= 60 } } } else { #in and out in different days tspent_1st_hr := 60 - amin_start t3DDays[in_day] +:= tspent_1st_hr every i := (ahour_start + 1) to 24 do t3DDays[in_day] +:= 60 every i := 1 to (ahour_end - 1) do t3DDays[out_day] +:= 60 tspent_last_hr := 60 - amin_end t3DDays[out_day] +:= tspent_last_hr } m +:= 2 } # #Parsing the SN records # m := 1 while m < *lst_sn do { # parse the Logged In line lst_sn[m] ? { in_day := tab(find(" ")) move(1) start_t := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lrem := tab(0) } start_t ? { ahour_start := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amin_start := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asec_start := integer(tab(0)) } # parse the Logged Out line lst_sn[m+1] ? { out_day := tab(find(" ")) move(1) end_t := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lrem := tab(0) } end_t ? { ahour_end := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amin_end := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asec_end := integer(tab(0)) } if in_day == out_day then { #in and out in same day if ahour_start = ahour_end then { #in and out in the same hour tspent := (amin_end - amin_start) tSNDays[in_day] +:= tspent } else { #in and out in different hours tspent_1st_hr := 60 - amin_start tSNDays[in_day] +:= tspent_1st_hr tspent_last_hr := 60 - amin_end tSNDays[in_day] +:= tspent_last_hr hrs_diff := ahour_end - ahour_start if hrs_diff > 1 then { hrs_between := hrs_diff - 1 every i := (ahour_start + 1) to (ahour_start + hrs_between) do tSNDays[in_day] +:= 60 } } } else { #in and out in different days tspent_1st_hr := 60 - amin_start tSNDays[in_day] +:= tspent_1st_hr every i := (ahour_start + 1) to 24 do tSNDays[in_day] +:= 60 every i := 1 to (ahour_end - 1) do tSNDays[out_day] +:= 60 tspent_last_hr := 60 - amin_end tSNDays[out_day] +:= tspent_last_hr } m +:= 2 } if flag = 0 then { if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "ide_3d_activity.log", "w") then { close(f) } } tAFKDays := table(0) if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"currWeek_afk_summary.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { d := tab(find(" ")) move(1) afk_time := real(tab(0)) } tAFKDays[d] := afk_time } close(f) } if flag = 0 then { if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"ide_3d_usage.log", "a") then { write(f, &dateline) write(f, " ") write(f, left("Day", 11), left("IDE (min)", 11), left("3D (min)", 11), left("SN (min)", 11), left("AFK (min)", 11)) every d := ("Sunday"|"Monday"|"Tuesday"|"Wednesday"| "Thursday"|"Friday"|"Saturday") do write(f, left(d, 11), left(tIDEDays[d], 11), left(t3DDays[d], 11), left(tSNDays[d], 11), left(tAFKDays[d], 11)) write(f, "--------------------------------------") close(f) } } else { if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"currWeek_ide_3d_usage.log", "w") then { write(f, &dateline) write(f, " ") write(f, left("Day", 11), left("IDE (min)", 11), left("3D (min)", 11), left("SN (min)", 11), left("AFK (min)", 11)) every d := ("Sunday"|"Monday"|"Tuesday"|"Wednesday"| "Thursday"|"Friday"|"Saturday") do write(f, left(d, 11), left(tIDEDays[d], 11), left(t3DDays[d], 11), left(tSNDays[d], 11), left(tAFKDays[d], 11)) write(f, "--------------------------------------") close(f) } } end method getUserAvailability(userID, flag) local log1, l, u, in_day, out_day, ahour_start, ahour_end, lrem, trem, start_t, end_t, tperiod,amin_start, asec_start, amin_end, asec_end,str, str2, uTMinutes, mylst := [], curr_time, curr_day, curr_mnthday, uTdays := table(0) # Table to store time spent local munit, uLDays, d, h, lr_lst, m, new_lr_lst, tspent, tspent_1st_hr, tspent_last_hr, hrs_diff, hrs_between, i, ava_str, f munit := 10 #meature unit uLDays := ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] uTDays := table() every uTDays[!uLDays] := table() every d := key(uTDays) do { uTHours := table() every h := 1 to 24 do uTHours[h] := 0 uTDays[d] := uTHours } lr_lst := list() #list to store all login records if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"availability.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if find("Logged In", l) | find("Logged Out", l) then put(lr_lst, l) } close(log1) } m := 1 new_lr_lst := [] while m < *lr_lst do { if find("Logged In", lr_lst[m]) then { if find("Logged Out", lr_lst[m+1]) then { put(new_lr_lst, lr_lst[m]) put(new_lr_lst, lr_lst[m+1]) m +:= 2 } else { m +:= 1 } } else if find("Logged Out", lr_lst[m]) then { m +:= 1 } } lr_lst := new_lr_lst m := 1 while m < *lr_lst do { # parse the Logged In line lr_lst[m] ? { in_day := tab(find(" ")) move(1) start_t := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lrem := tab(0) } start_t ? { ahour_start := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amin_start := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asec_start := integer(tab(0)) } # parse the Logged Out line lr_lst[m+1] ? { out_day := tab(find(" ")) move(1) end_t := tab(find(" ")) move(1) lrem := tab(0) } end_t ? { ahour_end := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amin_end := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asec_end := integer(tab(0)) } if in_day == out_day then { #in and out in same day if ahour_start = ahour_end then { #in and out in the same hour tspent := (amin_end - amin_start) uTDays[in_day][ahour_start] := tspent } else { #in and out in different hours tspent_1st_hr := 60 - amin_start uTDays[in_day][ahour_start] := tspent_1st_hr tspent_last_hr := 60 - amin_end uTDays[in_day][ahour_end] := tspent_last_hr hrs_diff := ahour_end - ahour_start if hrs_diff > 1 then { hrs_between := hrs_diff - 1 every i := (ahour_start + 1) to (ahour_start + hrs_between) do uTDays[in_day][i] := 60 } } } else { #in and ou in different days tspent_1st_hr := 60 - amin_start uTDays[in_day][ahour_start] := tspent_1st_hr every i := (ahour_start + 1) to 24 do uTDays[in_day][i] := 60 every i := 1 to (ahour_end - 1) do uTDays[out_day][i] := 60 tspent_last_hr := 60 - amin_end uTDays[out_day][ahour_end] := tspent_last_hr } m +:= 2 } if flag = 0 then { if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "availability.log", "w") then { close(f) } ava_str := "" if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"avaTable.log", "w") then { every d := key(uTDays) do { ava_str ||:= d[1:4]||" " writes(f, d[1:4]||" ") every h := key(sort(uTDays[d])) do { if \((uTDays[d])[h]) then { ava_str ||:= (uTDays[d])[h]||" " writes(f, (uTDays[d])[h]||" ") } } ava_str ||:= "&&" write(f) } close(f) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "avaTable.log", "r") then { while put(mylst, read(f)) close(f) } curr_time := &dateline curr_time ? { curr_day := tab(find(", ")) #current day move(2) curr_mnthday := tab(find(", ")) #current day move(2) } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "avaTable("||curr_mnthday||").log", "w") then { every write(f, !mylst) close(f) } } end # # Here objType is either # objType = "sig" # or # objType = "profile" # method getMembers(objName, objType) local log1, lst := [], u if objType === "sig" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log", "r") then { while u := read(log1) do put(lst, u) close(log1) } if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log", "r") then { u := read(log1) put(lst, u) close(log1) } } else if objType === "project" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log", "r") then { while u := read(log1) do put(lst, u) close(log1) } if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "owner.log", "r") then { u := read(log1) put(lst, u) close(log1) } } return lst end method setMembers(objName, lst, objType) local log1 if objType === "sig" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log", "w") then { every write(log1, !lst) close(log1) } } else if objType === "project" then { if log1 := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS|| "members.log", "w") then { every write(log1, !lst) close(log1) } } end method setMsg(sock_from, sigName, recipient, sender, snode, msg) local log1, u, rec_obj, client, sock_to, pinv if snode === "group" then { if recipient === "All" then { if log1 := open(GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||sigName||PS||"msgs"|| PS||"msgs.log", "a") then { write(log1, "("||&date||" : "||&clock||") --> "||sender|| " --> "||msg) close(log1) } #send notifications to all members every u := !getMembers(sigName, "sig") do { rec_obj := getUser(u) client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if \rec_obj then sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "Group Message(New)", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), "("|| &date||" : "||&clock||")~"||"Group("||sigName||")~from:"||u) new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) add_notification_record("Group/Message", sender, recipient) ##sendtoOne(sock_from, msg, "sendToGroup", sock_to) } #sends notification to the owner u := getOwner(sigName, "sig") rec_obj := getUser(u) if \rec_obj then sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "Group Message(New)", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), "("||&date|| " : "||&clock||")~"||"Group("||sigName||")") new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) add_notification_record("Group/Message", sender, recipient) add_members_communication_record("Email") ##sendtoOne(sock_from, msg, "sendToGroup", sock_to) } else { if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||recipient||PS|| "msgs.log", "a") then { write(log1, "("||&date||" : "||&clock||") --> "||sender|| " --> "||msg) close(log1) } rec_obj := getUser(recipient) if \rec_obj then sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "Message(Email)(New)", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), "("||&date|| " : "||&clock||")~"||"User("||recipient||")") new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) add_notification_record("Email", client, recipient) add_members_communication_record("Email") ##sendtoOne(sock_from, msg, "sendToGroup", sock_to) } } else if snode === "user" then { if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||recipient||PS|| "msgs.log", "a") then { write(log1, "("||&date||" : "||&clock||") --> "||sender|| " --> "||msg) close(log1) } rec_obj := getUser(recipient) if \rec_obj then sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "Message(Email)(New)", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), "("||&date|| " : "||&clock||")~"||"User("||recipient||")") new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) add_notification_record("Email", sender, recipient) add_members_communication_record("Email") ##sendtoOne(sock_from, msg, "sendToGroup", sock_to) } end method getMsg(sock_from, action, msgfrom, msgto, dt, objName, objType) local log1, mdt, mf, line, msg_contents, fpath if objType === "sig" then fpath := GROUP_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS||"msgs"||PS||"msgs.log" else fpath := USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||objName||PS||"msgs.log" if log1 := open(fpath, "r") then { while line := read(log1) do { line ? { mdt := tab(find(" --> ")) # message date and time move(5) mf := tab(find(" --> "))# message from move(5) msg_contents := tab(0) # message contents } if (mdt === dt) & (mf === msgfrom) then { sendtoOne(sock_from, msgfrom ||" --> "||action ||" --> "|| msg_contents, "getEmail", sock_from) } } close(log1) } end ## ## ## method new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) local f, data, uname, invitation_found := 0, sname, l, str, objName, ulst sname := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name #pending_from if /Tsocket_drivers[sock_to] then { if pinv.psubject == "Group Message(New)" then { pinv.pcomment ? { str := tab(find("Group(")) move(6) objName := tab(find(")~from:")) move(7) uname := tab(0) } #get the members list } else if pinv.psubject == "Message(Email)(New)" then { pinv.pcomment ? { str := tab(find("User(")) move(5) uname := tab(find(")")) } } else if pinv.psubject == "Join Group" then { pinv.pcomment ? { str := tab(find("~group:")) move(7) objName := tab(0) } uname := getOwner(objName, "sig") } if pinv.psubject == "Group Invitation" then { pinv.pcomment ? { uname := tab(find(",")) move(1) str := tab(find("~group:")) move(7) objName := tab(0) } } if pinv.psubject == "Project Invitation" then { pinv.pcomment ? { uname := tab(find(",")) move(1) str := tab(find("~project:")) move(9) objName := tab(0) } } else if pinv.psubject == "Join Project" then { pinv.pcomment ? { str := tab(find("~project:")) move(9) objName := tab(0) } uname := getOwner(objName, "project") } else if pinv.psubject == "Friendship Request" then { pinv.pcomment ? { uname := tab(find(",")) move(1) str := tab(0) } } } else uname := Tsocket_drivers[sock_to].user.name #pending_to if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||uname||PS||"pending_inv.log","r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(pinv.uname||", "||pinv.psubject, l) then { l := read(f) if find(pinv.pcomment, l) then invitation_found := 1 } } close(f) } if invitation_found == 0 then { if isFriend(uname, sname) then pinv.ppriority := 5 else if isPartner (uname, sname, "sig") | isPartner (uname, sname, "project") then pinv.ppriority := 4 else if isFriend_Of_Friend (uname, sname) then pinv.ppriority := 3 data := pinv.pid || ", " || pinv.uname || ", " || pinv.psubject || ", " || pinv.ppriority || ", " || pinv.pdate if \sock_to then sendtoOne(sock_to, data ||", " || pinv.pcomment,"ADDPending",sock_from) if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||uname||PS||"pending_inv.log", "a") then { write(f, "INVPENDING_BEGIN") write(f, data) write(f, pinv.pcomment) write(f, "INVPENDING_END") close(f) } #else # write("can't create pending_inv.log for user:", pinv.uname) } end method fwd_pending_invitation(sock_from, mybuffer) local usr, command, myargs, user_from, fwdfrom_usr, fwdto_usr, fwd_args, rec_obj, client, sock_to, pinv mybuffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fwdfrom_usr := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fwdto_usr := tab(find(" ")) move(1) fwd_args := tab(0) } if rec_obj := getUser(fwdfrom_usr) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "Forward IDE Session", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), "Forward To:"|| fwdto_usr) new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) sendtoOne(sock_to, fwdto_usr||" "||fwd_args, "FWDPendingSuggest", sock_from) } end method del_pending_invitation(sock_from, buffer) local recipient, rec_obj, sock_to, p_pid, p_uname, new_user, pinv, fout, l, indx, pendings_lst := [], i, command, p_sender, p_recepient, f, part1, part2, isMsg := &null, rec, wall_str, p1, p2 buffer ? { command := tab(find(" ")) # skip the command move(1) p_pid := tab(find(", ")) move(2) p_sender := tab(find(", ")) move(2) p_recepient := tab(0) } # line new_user := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||p_recepient||PS|| "pending_inv.log", "r") then { i := 1 while l := read(f) do { if find(p_pid, l) then { indx := i if find("Message(Email)(New)", l) | find("Group Message(New)", l) then { isMsg := 1 l ? { part1 := tab(find("(New)")) move(5) part2 := tab(0) } l := part1||"(Old)"||part2 } else if find("Message(Email)(Old)", l) | find("Group Message(Old)", l) then { isMsg := 1 } } put(pendings_lst, l) i +:= 1 } close(f) } #else # write("can't create pending_inv.log") delete(new_user.pending_inv_table, p_pid) if /isMsg then { i := 1 if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||p_recepient||PS|| "pending_inv.log", "w") then { every l := !pendings_lst do { if i ~== (indx-1) & i ~== (indx) & i ~== (indx+1) & i ~== (indx+2) then { write(f, l) } i +:= 1 } close(f) } #new_user.save_pending_inv() } else { i := 1 if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||p_recepient||PS|| "pending_inv.log", "w") then { every l := !pendings_lst do { if i ~== indx then write(f, l) else { if find("New", l) then { l ? { p1 := tab(find("New")) move(3) p2 := tab(0) } l := p1||"(Old)"||p2 } write(f, l) } } close(f) } #new_user.save_pending_inv() } end method SetUID(ch) #This is a quick hack to derive a Unique ID. return string( (?224 + 31) * (256*256*256) + (?224 + 31) * (256*256) + (?224 + 31) * 256 + (?224 + 31)) || ch end method addFeed_nodes(sock_from, userID, feed_lbl, ppriority, who_is_allowed, objName) local ulst, objType, rec_obj, sock_to, u, x if who_is_allowed == "Group" then { ulst := getMembers(objName, "sig") ppriority := "high" put(ulst, userID) every u := !ulst do { if rec_obj := getUser(u) then { sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, userID||" "||ppriority||" "||feed_lbl||"["|| who_is_allowed||"]", "addFeed", sock_to) } } } else if who_is_allowed == "Project" then { ulst := getMembers(objName, "Project") ppriority := "high" put(ulst, userID) every u := !ulst do { if rec_obj := getUser(u) then { sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, userID||" "||ppriority||" "||feed_lbl||"["|| who_is_allowed||"]", "addFeed", sock_from) } } } else if who_is_allowed == ("Session"|"ALL") then { every x := !Tuser_sock do { if \(Tsocket_drivers[x]).user.name=="system" | \(Tsocket_drivers[x]).user.name==userID then next u := \(Tsocket_drivers[x]).user.name ppriority := get_feed_priority(userID, u) sendtoOne(x, userID||" "||ppriority||" "||feed_lbl||"["|| who_is_allowed||"]", "addFeed", sock_from) } } update_stats("Feed/Add") update_user_stats("Feed/Add", userID) end ## ## method CETL_New ## method CETL_New(sock_from, args,which_command) local recipient, params, client,slave, sock_to,file_contents,file_name:="",temp,wpos, found,i,index_counter,str_users, pinv, command, user, sdp_flag, msg_contents, hostuser, rec_obj, f, font_size, lst_ln, lnum, cnum if which_command = 1 then { args ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) font_size := tab(find(" ")) move(1) user := tab(find(" ")) move(1) index_counter := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) file_name := tab(find(" ")) move(1) slave := tab(find(" ")) move(1) sdp_flag := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) lst_ln := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) lnum := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) cnum := integer(tab(0)) } } if which_command = 2 then { args ? { command := tab(find(" ")) move(1) font_size := tab(find(" ")) move(1) user := tab(find(" ")) move(1) file_name := tab(find("|")) move(1) file_contents := tab(find("@@")) move(2) msg_contents := tab(find("$$")) move(2) hostuser:= tab(find(" ")) move(1) sdp_flag:= integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) lst_ln := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) lnum := integer(tab(find(" "))) move(1) cnum := integer(tab(0)) } } params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := params[3] $ifdef later if which_command = 2 then { temp:=params[3] wpos:=find("|",temp) file_name:= temp[1:wpos] wpos:=find("|",args) file_contents:=args[wpos+1:0] } if which_command = 1 then { index_counter:=params[3] file_name:=params[4] slave:=params[5] } $endif if /recipient then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", sock_from) return } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] if which_command = 2 then { Check_Session(client,file_name) if IDE_Checked_Counter = 0 then IDE_Checked_Counter := 1 if Addcounter=0 then { #Session already exist str_users:=IDE_Session_User_List( Tide[IDE_Checked_Counter].Lusers) } else { str_users:="No" } pinv := pending_invitation(SetUID(client[1]), client, "IDE Session", 1 , ClockToSec(&clock), "File:"||file_name) add_notification_record("Session/Edit", client, recipient) new_pending_invitation(sock_from, pinv, sock_to) if \rec_obj then sendtoOne(sock_to, font_size||" "||client||" "||IDE_Checked_Counter|| " "||recipient||" "||file_name||"|"||file_contents||"@@"|| msg_contents||"$$"||hostuser||"$$"||Addcounter||" "||str_users|| " "||\sdp_flag||" "||lst_ln||" "||lnum||" "||cnum, "CETLOpen", sock_from) } if which_command = 1 then { sendtoOne(sock_to, font_size||" "||recipient||" "||index_counter|| " "||file_name||" "||slave||" "||sdp_flag||" "||lst_ln||" "|| lnum||" "||cnum, "CETLaccept", sock_from) Add_IDE(recipient,index_counter,file_name ,slave) if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"members.log", "a") then { write(f, file_name||" --- "||slave) close(f) } update_notification_record("Session/Edit", recipient, client) update_stats("Session/Edit") update_user_stats("Session/Edit", slave) if \isPartner (client, slave, "project") then update_partner_stats(file_name, "P", "Edit") else if \isPartner (client, slave, "sig") then update_partner_stats(file_name, "G", "Edit") else update_partner_stats(file_name, "E", "Edit") } return } sendtoOne(sock_from, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", sock_from) end # #Create user list to be send to the invited user # method IDE_Session_User_List(Luser) local Str:="",i,rec_obj,client,sock_to every i:=1 to *Luser do { Str:=Str||"$"||Luser[i] } return Str end # # #Send new invited user to all users in the IDE session # method Send_Added_IDE_User(sock_from, args) local user_to_add,index,rec_obj,client,sock_to,recipient,params params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := params[2] user_to_add:= params[3] index:= params[4] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", sock_from) return } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to,user_to_add||" "||index , "CETLSendUser", sock_from) return } sendtoOne(sock_from, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", sock_from) end # #If user rejected collaborative IDE #we will decrement the counter # method Decrement_IDE(args) local index,params params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) index := params[2] IDECounter:=integer(index) end # #Check if session already exist with other users # if it is exist send it's index # method Check_Session(owner, filename) local counter:=1, found:=1 Addcounter:=0 if IDECounter = 0 then { IDECounter +:= 1 IDE_Checked_Counter := IDECounter Addcounter := 1 } else { while (found=1) & (counter <= IDECounter) & (\Tide[1]) do { if \Tide[counter] then { if \Tide[counter].IDEFile then { if (Tide[counter].IDEFile == filename) & (Tide[counter].IDEOwner == owner) then { found := 0 } } } counter +:= 1 } if found=0 then { #Session already exist with other user IDE_Checked_Counter -:= 1 } else { IDECounter +:= 1 IDE_Checked_Counter := IDECounter Addcounter := 1 } } end ## ## Add_IDE ## method Add_IDE(owner,index_counter,file_name ,user) local ide_prop index_counter:=integer(index_counter) if /Tide[index_counter] then { ide_prop := SessionMC(owner, file_name, "on") Tide[index_counter] := ide_prop } put(Tide[index_counter].Lusers,user) end # #Swap(i) #swap last entry in the table with the entry that will be deleted # method Swap(i) local Temp Temp:=Tide[IDECounter] Tide[IDECounter]:=Tide[i] Tide[i]:=Temp end # #If user close the file reomve him from the IDE users list # method Delete_File_From_IDE(sock_from,args) local i,found:=0,j,owner,k,U,Temp,table_length,client, rec_obj,sock_to,params,file_name,index,user params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) user:=params[2] file_name:=params[3] index:=integer(params[4]) table_length:=IDECounter if \Tide[index] then {# if not null if (Tide[index].IDEOwner==user)&(Tide[index].IDEFile==file_name) then { Send_To_Delete_IDE_Entry(index,user,sock_from,2,0) #swap to the last location to delete it if (IDECounter>1)&(IDECounter~=index) then { # No need to do swap if # IDECounter==1 or if # it the last element Swap(index) } delete(Tide, IDECounter) IDECounter -:= 1 } # end if, he is the owner else {# the user who closed the file is not the owner j := 1 while (j<= *Tide[index].Lusers) & (found=0) do { if Tide[index].Lusers[j]===user then { found := 1 } j +:= 1 } #end while if found = 1 then { delete(Tide[index].Lusers,j-1) if (*Tide[index].Lusers = 0) then { # if list is empty if (IDECounter > 1) & (IDECounter ~= index) then { # No need to swap if IDECounter==1 or its the last element Swap(index) } #remove Owner and whiten background U:=Tide[index].IDEOwner if rec_obj := getUser(U) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, "User "||user|| " of the collaborative IDE file "||Tide[index].IDEFile|| " has closed the file", "say", sock_from) sendtoOne(sock_to, index, "CETLDeleteEntry", sock_from) } delete(Tide,IDECounter) IDECounter -:= 1 }# end of if empty user list else { # Lusers is not empty, we will send to all other users # to remove the user Send_To_Delete_IDE_User(index,user,sock_from,2) } }# end if user found }#end else handle_session_activity(user, file_name) } end # #Send closed file command to all users to remove the user who closed the file # method Send_To_Delete_IDE_User(i,user,sock_from,logout_or_fileclosed) local k,U,rec_obj,client,sock_to,Str if logout_or_fileclosed=1 then { Str := " has closed the file" } else { Str := " has exit the session" } k := 1 if \Tide[i] then { while k <= *Tide[i].Lusers do { U:=Tide[i].Lusers[k] if rec_obj := getUser(U) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, "User "||user|| " of the collaborative IDE file "||Tide[i].IDEFile|| Str, "say", sock_from) sendtoOne(sock_to, i||" "||user, "CETLDeletefile", sock_from) update_notification_record("Session/Edit", user, Tide[i].IDEOwner) } k +:= 1 } #end while U:=Tide[i].IDEOwner if rec_obj := getUser(U) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, "User "||user||" of the collaborative IDE file "|| Tide[i].IDEFile||Str, "say", sock_from) sendtoOne(sock_to, i||" "||user, "CETLDeletefile", sock_from) } } end # #Send remove user entry from the IDE table # method Send_To_Delete_IDE_Entry(i,user,sock_from,logout_or_fileclosed,not_owner) local k := 1, U, rec_obj, client, sock_to, Str if logout_or_fileclosed=1 then { Str := " has closed the file" } else { Str := " has exit the session" } if \Tide[i] then { if not_owner = 0 then { while k <= *Tide[i].Lusers do { U := Tide[i].Lusers[k] if rec_obj := getUser(U) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, "Owner "||user|| " of the collaborative IDE file "||Tide[i].IDEFile||Str, "say", sock_from) sendtoOne(sock_to, i, "CETLDeleteEntry", sock_from) } k +:= 1 } #end while } else { U:=Tide[i].IDEOwner if rec_obj := getUser(U) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, "User "||user|| " of the collaborative IDE file "||Tide[i].IDEFile|| Str,"say", sock_from) sendtoOne(sock_to, i||" "||user, "CETLDeleteEntry", sock_from) } } } end # #Send All users who has collaboration with logged out user # method Send_To_Remove_Logged_Out_User(user,sock_from) local i,U,rec_obj,client,sock_to, eTime, client2 eTime := ClockToSec(&clock) handle_session_records(user, eTime) if \Lusers_to_send then { every i:=1 to *Lusers_to_send do { U:=Lusers_to_send[i] if rec_obj := getUser(U) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] client2 := Tsocket_drivers[sock_to].user.name sendtoOne(sock_to, "User "||user|| " has exit the collaborative IDE session", "say", sock_from) handle_session_records(client2, eTime) sendtoOne(sock_to, user, "CETLRemoveUser", sock_from) } } #end every } end # #Check if user is already in the list # method Check_User(user) local j:=1,found:=0 if \Lusers_to_send then { while (j<= *Lusers_to_send) & (found=0) do { if Lusers_to_send[j]==user then { found := 1 } j +:= 1 } } return found end # #Add users who are in the collaboration of exited user to the Lusers_to_send # method Add_Users_To_List(i,user_index) local j:=1,found if \Tide[i] then {# if not null while j<= *Tide[i].Lusers do { if user_index ~= j then { if \Lusers_to_send then { found:=Check_User(Tide[i].Lusers[j]) if found = 0 then { put(Lusers_to_send,Tide[i].Lusers[j]) } } } j:=j+1 } #end while if j ~= -1 then { found:=Check_User(Tide[i].IDEOwner) if found = 0 then { put(Lusers_to_send,Tide[i].IDEOwner) } } } end ## ## Delete_User_From_IDE(user) ## if user logged out delete him from IDE session ## method Delete_User_From_IDE(user,sock_from) local i:=1,found,j,owner,k,U,Temp,client,rec_obj,sock_to,target Lusers_to_send:=[] #table_length:=IDECounter while i<= IDECounter do { found:=0 j:=1 owner:=0 target:=0 if \Tide[i] then {# if not null if Tide[i].IDEOwner==user then { owner := i } else {#he is not the owner while (j<= *Tide[i].Lusers) &(found=0) do { if Tide[i].Lusers[j]==user then { found:=1 } j:=j+1 } #end while if found=1 then {# we found the user who logged out Add_Users_To_List(i,j-1) delete(Tide[i].Lusers,j-1) if (*Tide[i].Lusers = 0) then { # if it's empty make if (IDECounter>1)&(IDECounter~=i) then { #No need to do swap if #IDECounter==1 or if it the last element Swap(i) target:=1 } delete(Tide,IDECounter) IDECounter -:= 1 }# end of if empty user list }# end if user found } #end else not owner if (owner ~=0) then {# he is the owner #swap to the last location to delete it Add_Users_To_List(i,-1) if (IDECounter>1)&(IDECounter~=i) then { #No need to do swap if #IDECounter==1 or if it the last element Swap(owner) target:=1 } delete(Tide,IDECounter) IDECounter:=IDECounter-1 } # end if, he is the owner if target ~= 1 then { i:=i+1 } } #end if ,not null table entry }# end while Send_To_Remove_Logged_Out_User(user,sock_from) end # #--------------------# End Collaborative IDE #----------------------# # #---------------------- IDE -------------------------------# #Url_Send: Invite user to browsing session # method Url_Send(sock_from, args) local recipient, params, rec_obj,client ,sock_to,url params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := params[2] url:=params[3]||":"||params[4] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", sock_from) return } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, client ||" "||url , "WEBopen", sock_from) return } sendtoOne(sock_from, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", sock_from) end # # newuser: creates the necessary entries for a new user # method newuser(args) local new_user, params params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) if /params[1] | /params[2] then { logHandler.logit("newuser(): malformed command; missing parameters") fail } # insert the new user in the db new_user := User(params[1],dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder) if \new_user.exists() then { #yes this user already exists logHandler.logit("newuser(): user " || params[1] || " exists") fail } # user does not exist, lets create the account new_user.create_user(params[2],params[3],params[4],params[5],params[6]) logHandler.logit("newuser(): new user has been created, "||new_user.name) return end # # group_Exists: simply tests the existence of a group # fails if not found # method group_Exists(groupname) if \Tname_group[groupname] then return fail end # # joinGroup: joins the current user to a group # creates the group if it does not exist # method joinGroup(sock_from, args) local confirmation, user_from, target_group, message # grab a reference to the user user_from := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user # there must be a group here if *args = 0 then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "Please specify the group name!","say",sock_from) return } if group_Exists(args) then { target_group := Tname_group[args] # check for user existence in the given group if \user_from.groups[args] then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "You already belong to group: " || args, "say", sock_from) return } } else { # it does not exist so create it first and become its owner target_group := Group(args, user_from.name) Tname_group[args] := target_group } # add the user on the group side target_group.membership +:= 1 target_group.addMember(user_from) # add the user on the user side user_from.groups[args] := 1 # notify the user confirmation := "You were added to the group, " || (if find("clb",args) then args[5:*args+1] else args) || " (" || target_group.membership || " members)" sendtoOne(sock_from, confirmation, "say", sock_from) # notify everyone else (except for myself) message := user_from.name || " has joined group " || target_group.name || "." sendtoGroup(target_group.name, message, user_from) return end # # sendtoGroup(): send the message to everybody in the group # and myself if myself is not set to a username # method sendtoGroup(which_group, message, sender) local current_group, new_member if *which_group = 0 then return # reference to the group in question current_group := Tname_group[which_group] # notify everyone else every new_member := !(current_group.memberList()) do if(new_member.name ~== sender.name) then sendtoOne(Tuser_sock[new_member], message,"say",Tuser_sock[sender]) end # # UpdateIgnoreList: this manipulates each user's ingore list # if behavior is 1 then it means that ignore was invoked # if behavior is 0 then the user is allow was invoked # method UpdateIgnoreList(sock_from, args, behavior) local sender, user_to_ignore, n, params params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) sender := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user user_to_ignore := params[1] if /user_to_ignore then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "No user to ignore provided. Usage: "|| "\\ignore user", "say", sock_from) return } if behavior == 1 then { # check to see if user already in the ignore list if sender.isIgnored(user_to_ignore) == 1 then { put(sender.IgnoreList, user_to_ignore) sendtoOne(sock_from, user_to_ignore || " is being ignored", "say", sock_from) } else sendtoOne(sock_from, user_to_ignore || " already being ignored", "say", sock_from) } else { # check to see if user already in the ignore list if sender.isIgnored(user_to_ignore) == 1 then sendtoOne(sock_from, user_to_ignore || " not being ignored in the first place", "say", sock_from) else { sender.stopIgnoring(user_to_ignore) sendtoOne(sock_from,user_to_ignore || " not being ignored anymore", "say", sock_from) } } end # # who_is_up: returns a string version of all active users # method who_is_up() local x, user_list, t user_list := "Users currently online:\n" if *Tuser_sock > 0 then every x := key(Tuser_sock) do { if x.name=="system" then next user_list := user_list || x.name if x.is_status("Busy") | x.is_status("Offline") then user_list ||:= ":"|| x.get_activity_status() else if x.is_afk() | x.is_status("Away") then user_list ||:= ":afk " || x.get_afk_duration() else user_list ||:= ":Online" user_list ||:= ",\n" } # to get rid of the superfluous comma and newline user_list := user_list[1:*user_list-1] return user_list end # # Version check: check the version of Unicron # method version_check(clientver) if \clientver ~== cve_version() then return "Invalid Version, wanted " || cve_version() || " you gave " || image(clientver) || "\n" || "To get a new version visit: " || "http://sourceforge.net/projects/cve/" || "\n" else return "Valid Version " || cve_version() || "\n" end # #---- For VoIP # method GetVoIPUserIP(uid) local user := getUser(uid) return uid||":"||user.IP||":5000" end # #---- For VoIP # method VoiceRequest(sock_from, args) local recipient, params, rec_obj,client ,sock_to params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := params[2] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", sock_from) return } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, client , "vrequest", sock_from) return } sendtoOne(sock_from, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", sock_from) end # #---- For VoIP # method VoiceAccept(sock_from, args) local params, client1, client2, rec_obj1, rec_obj2, message1, message2, sock1, sock2 params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) client1 := params[2] client2 := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if rec_obj1 := getUser(client1) then { sock1 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj1] message1 := client2|| ":" || getIP(client2) || ":5000" if find("undef", message1) then message1 := GetVoIPUserIP(client2) sendtoOne(sock1, message1, "vaccept", sock1) } if rec_obj2 := getUser(client2) then { sock2 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj2] message2 := client1|| ":" || getIP(client1) || ":5000" if find("undef", message2) then message2 := GetVoIPUserIP(client1) sendtoOne(sock2, message2, "vaccept", sock2) } end # #---- For new VoIP # method VoiceRequestDirectTalk(sock_from, args) local recipient, params, rec_obj,client ,sock_to params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := params[2] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(sock_from, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", sock_from) return } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(sock_to, client , "vrtalk", sock_from) return } sendtoOne(sock_from, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", sock_from) end # #---- For new VoIP # method VoiceDirectTalk(sock_from, args) local params, client1, client2, rec_obj1, rec_obj2, message1, message2, sock1, sock2 params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) client1 := params[2] client2 := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if rec_obj1 := getUser(client1) then { sock1 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj1] message1:=client2|| ":" || getIP(client2) || ":5000" if find("undef", message1) then message1:= GetVoIPUserIP(client2) sendtoOne(sock1, message1, "vtalk", sock1) } if rec_obj2 := getUser(client2) then { sock2 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj2] message2:=client1|| ":" || getIP(client1) || ":5000" if find("undef", message2) then message2:= GetVoIPUserIP(client1) sendtoOne(sock2, message2, "vtalk", sock2) } end # #---- For VoIP # method VoiceReject(sock_from, args) local params, client1, client2, rec_obj1, rec_obj2, sock1, sock2 params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) client1 := params[2] client2 := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if rec_obj1 := getUser(client1) then { sock1 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj1] sendtoOne(sock1, client2 , "vreject", sock1) } if rec_obj2 := getUser(client2) then { sock2 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj2] sendtoOne(sock2, client1, "vreject", sock2) } end # #---- For VoIP # method VoiceHold(sock_from, args) local params, client1, client2, rec_obj1, rec_obj2, sock1, sock2 params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) client1 := params[2] client2 := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if rec_obj1 := getUser(client1) then { sock1 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj1] sendtoOne(sock1, client2 , "vhold", sock1) } if rec_obj2 := getUser(client2) then { sock2 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj2] sendtoOne(sock2, client1, "vhold", sock2) } end # #---- For VoIP # method VoiceUnHold(sock_from, args) local params, client1, client2, rec_obj1, rec_obj2, message1, message2, sock1, sock2 params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) client1 := params[2] client2 := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if rec_obj1 := getUser(client1) then { sock1 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj1] message1:=client2|| ":" || getIP(client2) || ":5000" if find("undef", message1) then message1:= GetVoIPUserIP(client2) sendtoOne(sock1, message1 , "vuhold", sock1) } if rec_obj2 := getUser(client2) then { sock2 := Tuser_sock[rec_obj2] message2:=client1|| ":" || getIP(client1) || ":5000" if find("undef", message2) then message2:= GetVoIPUserIP(client1) sendtoOne(sock2, message2, "vuhold", sock2) } end # #---- For VoIP # method VoiceEnd(sock_from, args, cmd) local params, user_to, user_from, rec_obj_to, sock_to params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) user_to := params[2] user_from := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if rec_obj_to := getUser(user_to) then { sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj_to] sendtoOne(sock_to, user_from , cmd, sock_to) } end # #---- For VoIP # method GetMyRoom(sock_from, args) local client client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name sendtoOne(sock_from, dynStHandler.getMyRoom(client) , "vroom", sock_from) end # #---- For VoIP # method GetWhoInMyRoom(sock_from, args) local client,avt_list, x , dest client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name avt_list := dynStHandler.getAvatInMyRoom(client) dest :="" every x := !avt_list do { dest := dest || x dest ||:=" \n" } dest := dest[1:*dest-1] if dest ~== "" then sendtoOne(sock_from, dest , "avtroom", sock_from) end # #---- For VoIP # method GetWhoActiveInMyRoom(sock_from, args) local client, client_dest, avt_list, x , dest, rec_obj, sock_to, user_ip client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name avt_list := dynStHandler.getAvatInMyRoom(client) dest :="" client_dest := client||":"||getIP(client) every x := !avt_list do { if x ~== client then { rec_obj := getUser(x) if \rec_obj then { sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] if Tsocket_drivers[sock_to].user.VoiceState === "Local" then { user_ip := getIP(x) if find("undef", user_ip) then { dest:= GetVoIPUserIP(x) sendtoOne(sock_from, dest , "vlocal", sock_from) dest:="" rec_obj:= &null sendtoOne(sock_to, client_dest , "vlocal", sock_to) } else { dest := x ||":"||user_ip sendtoOne(sock_from, dest , "vlocal", sock_from) dest:="" rec_obj:= &null sendtoOne(sock_to, client_dest , "vlocal", sock_to) } } } } } #dest := dest[1:*dest-1] #sendtoOne(sock_from, dest , "vlocal", sock_from) end # #---- For VoIP # method GetWhoInCellPhone(sock_from, args) local client, x, user_list user_list := "" client := Tsocket_drivers[sock_from].user.name if *Tuser_sock > 0 then every x := key(Tuser_sock) do { if x.name ~=== client & x.VoiceState === "Private" then { user_list := user_list || x.name user_list ||:= " \n" # Remove the comma???????? } } # to get rid of the superfluous comma and newline user_list := user_list[1:*user_list-1] if user_list ~== "" then sendtoOne(sock_from, user_list , "vphone", sock_from) end method get_offline_user_summary(username) local fin, p, s # open the summary file and get the old data if fin := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||username||PS|| username || "_summary.log", "r") then { p := stat(fin) | fail s := reads(fin, p.size) | fail close(fin) } return s end # # # method session_history(userID, fileName) local msg, t, afk_percent, rec_obj, fd, pt, l, cw_msg, fa_msgs, f, fn, l2, max_time_spent, min_time_spent, user_time_tbl, most_active_member := userID, user_active_percent_tbl, sUser, startTime, endTime, action, t_spent, active_percent, u, total_time_members_spent, user_active_str, a_percent, active_t, fName, compile_output, s_time := ClockToSec(&clock) #current time in seconds rec_obj := getUser(userID) t := s_time - rec_obj.login_time_stamp if t = 0 then t := 1 afk_percent := integer((real(rec_obj.afk_duration)/t)*10000)/100 user_time_tbl := table(0) user_active_percent_tbl := table(0) every fn :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH)))))))) do { #if find("_activities.log", fn) then { if fd := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(fd) do { if find(fileName|" --- "||userID, l) then { l ? { fName := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) sUser := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) startTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) endTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) action := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) compile_output := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) t_spent := tab(0) } if t_spent < (s_time - startTime) then t_spent := (s_time - startTime) user_time_tbl[sUser] +:= t_spent } } close(fd) } } } max_time_spent := 0 min_time_spent := 0 active_percent := 0 every u := !user_time_tbl do { if u >= max_time_spent then max_time_spent := u if u <= min_time_spent then min_time_spent := u } total_time_members_spent := 0 every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { if integer(user_time_tbl[u]) === integer(max_time_spent) then most_active_member := u total_time_members_spent +:= integer(user_time_tbl[u]) } if total_time_members_spent > 0 then { active_percent := real(max_time_spent)/real(total_time_members_spent) active_percent := integer(active_percent * 100) } user_active_str := "" every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { a_percent := real(user_time_tbl[u])/real(total_time_members_spent) user_active_percent_tbl[u] := integer(a_percent * 100) user_active_str ||:= u ||"\t\t"||seconds_to_clock(user_time_tbl[u])|| "\t\t"||user_active_percent_tbl[u]||"% \n" } msg := "SESSION_ACTIVITY\n" || "Activity Summary of Session : " || fileName || "\n"|| "-----------------------------------------------\n"|| "Users' Activity :"|| "\n\nName"||"\t\t"||"Time Spent"||"\t\t"||"Active Percent \n"|| "-----------------------------------------------\n"|| user_active_str||"\n"|| "\nMost Active Member :"|| "\n\nName"||"\t\t"||"Time Spent"||"\t\t"||"Active Percent \n"|| "-----------------------------------------------\n\n"|| most_active_member||"\t\t"|| seconds_to_clock(user_time_tbl[most_active_member])|| "\t\t"||active_percent||"% \n\n"|| "Time spent : \n"||" In the cve : " || seconds_to_clock(t) ||" (h:m:s)\n" || " In the project : " || seconds_to_clock(user_time_tbl[most_active_member])|| " (h:m:s)\n" || " AFK : " || seconds_to_clock(rec_obj.afk_duration) || " (" || afk_percent || "%)\n" t +:= rec_obj.time_in_cve_total afk_percent := integer((real(rec_obj.afk_duration + rec_obj.afk_duration_total)/t)*10000)/100 active_t := t-rec_obj.afk_duration-rec_obj.afk_duration_total msg ||:= "-----------------------------------------------\n\n"|| "\nOther Info \n"|| "\nTime spent : \n"||" In the cve (total) : " || seconds_to_clock(t)||" (h:m:s)\n"||" AFK (total) : " || seconds_to_clock(rec_obj.afk_duration+rec_obj.afk_duration_total) || " (" || afk_percent || "%)\n" || " Active : "||seconds_to_clock(active_t)|| "\n\n*AFK = Away from keyboard" if fd := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||fileName || "_summary.log", "w") then { write(fd, msg) close(fd) } sendtoOne(userID, msg, "sessionActivity", userID) end # # Return a message of all the project activity summary # method project_history(userID, projName, fileName) local msg, t, afk_percent, rec_obj, fd, pt, l, cw_msg, fa_msgs, f, fn, l2, max_time_spent, min_time_spent, user_time_tbl, ln, tts, active_t, most_active_member := userID, fa_msg, f_name, t_start, t_end, f_activity, uId, time_spent, u, active_percent, u_name, total_time_members_spent, h1, h2, update_info_lst, rec_found := &null, s_time := ClockToSec(&clock) #current time in seconds rec_obj := getUser(userID) t := s_time - rec_obj.login_time_stamp pt := s_time #- project_access_time if t = 0 then t := 1 if pt = 0 then pt := 1 afk_percent := integer((real(rec_obj.afk_duration)/t)*10000)/100 cw_msg := "" fa_msg := "" if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do if find(fileName, l) then { if find(userID, l) then rec_found := 0 if \fileName then { l ? { fn := tab(find(" ")) move(1) l2 := tab(0) } l2 ? { u_name := tab(find(" ")) move(1) t_start := tab(0) } l2 := u_name||"\t\t"|| seconds_to_clock(t_start)||"\t\t"|| (s_time - t_start)||" sec." cw_msg ||:= l2||"\n" } } #if /rec_found then # cw_msg ||:= userID||"\t"||seconds_to_clock(s_time)|| # "\t"||"Present\n" close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do if find(fileName, l) then { if \fileName then { l ? { fn := tab(find(" ")) move(1) l2 := tab(0) } l2 ? { u_name := tab(find(" ")) move(1) t_start := seconds_to_clock(tab(find(" "))) move(1) t_end := tab(find(" ")) if t_end ~== "-----" then t_end := seconds_to_clock(t_end) move(1) f_activity := tab(0) } l2 := u_name||"\t\t"||t_start||"\t\t"|| t_end||"\t\t"||f_activity fa_msg ||:= l2 ||"\n" } } close(f) } user_time_tbl := table(0) every fn :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName)))))))) do { if find("_time_spent.log", fn) then { if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName|| PS||fn, "r") then { while l := read(fd) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { uId := tab(find(":")) move(1) time_spent := integer(tab(0)) } user_time_tbl[uId] +:= time_spent } } close(fd) } } } if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| projName||"_spent_time.log", "w") then { every u := key(user_time_tbl) do write(fd, u||":"||user_time_tbl[u]) close(fd) } max_time_spent := 0 min_time_spent := 0 active_percent := 0 every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { if user_time_tbl[u] >= max_time_spent then max_time_spent := user_time_tbl[u] if user_time_tbl[u] <= min_time_spent then min_time_spent := user_time_tbl[u] } total_time_members_spent := 0 every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { if integer(user_time_tbl[u]) === integer(max_time_spent) then most_active_member := u total_time_members_spent +:= integer(user_time_tbl[u]) } if total_time_members_spent > 0 then { active_percent := real(max_time_spent)/real(total_time_members_spent) active_percent := integer(active_percent * 100) } if /fileName | fileName=="" then { l := "Activity Summary of Project : " || projName || "\n" h1 := "File"||"\t\t"||"User"||"\t\t"||"Date" ||"\t\t"||"Time" h2 := "File"||"\t\t"||"User"||"\t\t"||"Start"||"\t\t"||"End"|| "\t\t"||"Activity Type" } else { l := "Activity Summary \n File: " || fileName||"\n Project: "|| projName || "\n" h1 := "User"||"\t\t"||"Start" ||"\t\t"||"Time" h2 := "User"||"\t\t"||"Start"||"\t\t"||"End"||"\t\t"|| "Activity Type" } update_info_lst := [] if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "last_updated.log", "r") then { while ln:= read(f) do { if find("Last updated on", ln) then put(update_info_lst, ln) else if find("Last active member", ln) then put(update_info_lst, ln) else if find("Last updated file", ln) then put(update_info_lst, ln) } close(f) } tts := total_time_members_spent msg := "PROJ_ACTIVITY\n" || l ||"-----------------------------------------------\n"|| (\update_info_lst[1] | ("Last updated on : "||&dateline))||"\n"|| (\update_info_lst[2] | ("Last active member : "||userID))||"\n"|| (\update_info_lst[3] | ("Last updated file : "||fileName))||"\n"|| "Active : " || seconds_to_clock(tts-rec_obj.afk_duration)|| "\n"||"File Changed : "||"\n"|| "Currently Working : "||"\n"||h1|| "\n-----------------------------------------------\n"|| ""||cw_msg||"\n"|| "All File Activities : "||"\n"||h2|| "\n-----------------------------------------------\n"|| ""||fa_msg||"\n"|| "Most Active Member :"|| "\nName"||"\t\t"||"Time Spent"||"\t\t"||"Active Percent \n"|| "-----------------------------------------------\n"|| most_active_member||"\t\t"|| seconds_to_clock(user_time_tbl[most_active_member])|| "\t\t\t"||active_percent||"% \n\n"|| "\nTime spent : \n"||"\n In the cve : " || seconds_to_clock(pt) ||" (h:m:s)\n" || " In the project : " || seconds_to_clock(user_time_tbl[most_active_member])|| " (h:m:s)\n" || " AFK : " || seconds_to_clock(rec_obj.afk_duration) || " (" || afk_percent || "%)\n" t +:= rec_obj.time_in_cve_total afk_percent := integer((real(rec_obj.afk_duration + rec_obj.afk_duration_total)/t)*10000)/100 active_t := t - (rec_obj.afk_duration + rec_obj.afk_duration_total) msg ||:= "Other Info \n"|| "Time spent : \n"||"\n In the cve (total) : " || SecToClock(t)||" (h:m:s)\n"||" AFK (total) : " || seconds_to_clock(rec_obj.afk_duration + rec_obj.afk_duration_total) || " (" || afk_percent || "%)\n" || " Active : "||SecToClock(active_t)|| "\n\n*AFK = Away from keyboard" if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||projName || "_summary.log", "w") then { write(fd, msg) close(fd) } sendtoOne(userID, msg, "projActivity", userID) #return msg end method session_file_activity(sessionName) local f, l, sUser, startTime, endTime, action, t_spent, lst := [], fName, compile_output, s_time := ClockToSec(&clock) # time in seconds if f := open(SESSION_GLOBALPATH||PS||"activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { l ? { fName := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) sUser := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) startTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) endTime := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) action := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) compile_output := tab(find(" --- ")) move(5) t_spent := tab(0) } l := fName||" "||sUser||" "|| seconds_to_clock(s_time - startTime) put(lst, l) } close(f) } session_tooltip_msg := "Session("||sessionName||") " if *lst > 0 then { every session_tooltip_msg ||:= \(!lst) || "~" } end method proj_file_activity(projName, fileName, userID) local cw_msg, fa_msg, f, l, f_name, u_name, t_start, t_spent, l2, fn, t_end, f_activity, cw_found := 0, fa_found := 0, s_time := ClockToSec(&clock) # time in seconds proj_tooltip_msg := "" cw_msg := "Currently Working : ~ " fa_msg := "Previously Changed: ~ " if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(fileName, l) then { cw_found := 1 if \fileName then { l ? { f_name := tab(find(" ")) move(1) u_name := tab(find(" ")) move(1) t_start := tab(0) } t_spent := seconds_to_clock(s_time - t_start) l2 := u_name||" "||t_spent cw_msg ||:= l2 || " ~ " } } } if cw_found = 0 then cw_msg ||:= "No Activity" || " ~ " close(f) } if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(fileName, l) then { fa_found := 1 if \fileName then { l ? { fn := tab(find(" ")) move(1) l2 := tab(0) } l2 ? { u_name := tab(find(" ")) move(1) t_start := tab(find(" ")) move(1) t_end := tab(find(" ")) if t_end ~== "-----" then t_end := t_end move(1) f_activity := tab(0) } if t_end ~== "-----" then { if t_start ~== "-----" | "" then # seeming bug here t_spent := seconds_to_clock(t_end - t_start) l2 := u_name||" "|| t_spent fa_msg ||:= l2 ||" ~ " } } } } if fa_found = 0 then fa_msg ||:= "No Activity" || " ~ " close(f) } proj_tooltip_msg := cw_msg||"$$"||fa_msg end method proj_most_active_member(projName, fName, userID) local user_time_tbl, fn, fd, l, uId, time_spent, u, max_time_spent, min_time_spent, active_percent, total_time_members_spent, ma_member := userID user_time_tbl := table(0) every fn :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName)))))))) do { if find("_time_spent.log", fn) then { if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName|| PS||fn, "r") then { while l := read(fd) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { uId := tab(find(":")) move(1) time_spent := tab(0) } user_time_tbl[uId] +:= time_spent } } close(fd) } } } if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| projName||"_spent_time.log", "w") then { every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { write(fd, u||":"||user_time_tbl[u]) } close(fd) } max_time_spent := 0 min_time_spent := 0 active_percent := 0 every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { if user_time_tbl[u] >= max_time_spent then max_time_spent := user_time_tbl[u] if user_time_tbl[u] <= min_time_spent then min_time_spent := user_time_tbl[u] } total_time_members_spent := 0 every u := key(user_time_tbl) do { if integer(user_time_tbl[u]) === integer(max_time_spent) then ma_member := u #most active member total_time_members_spent +:= integer(user_time_tbl[u]) } if total_time_members_spent > 0 then { active_percent := real(max_time_spent)/real(total_time_members_spent) active_percent := integer(active_percent * 100) } proj_tooltip_msg := ma_member||" "||total_time_members_spent|| " "||active_percent return ma_member end method proj_member_activity_history(userID, projName, s_name) local msg, t, afk_percent, rec_obj, fd, pt, l, cw_msg, fa_msgs, fc_msg, f, fn, un, l2, user_time_tbl, fa_msg, file_time_tbl, uId, time_spent, fname, name_rest, u, s_time := ClockToSec(&clock) # time in seconds rec_obj := getUser(userID) t := s_time - rec_obj.login_time_stamp pt := s_time #- project_access_time if t = 0 then t := 1 if pt = 0 then pt := 1 afk_percent := integer((real(rec_obj.afk_duration)/t)*10000)/100 cw_msg := "" fa_msg := "" fc_msg := "" if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do if find(s_name, l) then { l ? { fn := tab(find(" ")) move(1) un := tab(find(" ")) move(1) l2 := tab(0) } cw_msg ||:= fn||"\t\t"||seconds_to_clock(l2)||" (h:m:s) \n" } close(f) } user_time_tbl := table(0) file_time_tbl := table(0) # time user spent in each file # # Check what files a user chaned # every fn :=("."~==(".."~==(".SVN"~==(".svn"~==("CVS"~==("cvs"~==( !open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName)))))))) do { if find("_time_spent.log", fn) then { file_time_tbl[fn] := 0 if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName|| PS||fn, "r") then { while l := read(fd) do { if l ~== "" then { l ? { uId := tab(find(":")) move(1) time_spent := integer(tab(0)) } user_time_tbl[uId] +:= time_spent fn ? { fname := tab(find("_")) move(1) name_rest := tab(0) } if uId === s_name then file_time_tbl[fname] +:= time_spent } } close(fd) } } } if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| projName||"_spent_time.log", "w") then { every u := key(user_time_tbl) do write(fd, u||":"||user_time_tbl[u]) close(fd) } if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| s_name||"_file_time.log", "w") then { every f := key(file_time_tbl) do { if not find("time_spent", f) then { write(fd, f||":"||file_time_tbl[f]) fc_msg ||:= f || "\t\t" || file_time_tbl[f] || " sec. \n" } } close(fd) } msg := "MEMBER_ACTIVITY\n\n" || "Activity Summary of:"|| "\n Member : "||s_name|| "\n Project : "||projName|| "\n Active : " || seconds_to_clock(user_time_tbl[s_name])|| "\nFiles Changed : "||"\n"|| "File"||"\t\t"||"Time Spent"||"\n"|| "\n---------------------------------\n" || fc_msg||"\nCurrently Working On: "||"\n"|| "File"||"\t\t"||"Time Spent"||"\n"|| "\n---------------------------------\n" || cw_msg||"\n"||"Other Info \n"|| "Time spent:\n"|| " In the project : " || seconds_to_clock(s_time - pt) || " (h:m:s)\n" || " AFK : " || seconds_to_clock(rec_obj.afk_duration) || " (" || afk_percent || "%)\n" t +:= rec_obj.time_in_cve_total afk_percent := integer((real(rec_obj.afk_duration + rec_obj.afk_duration_total)/t)*10000)/100 msg ||:= " In the cve (total) : " || SecToClock(t) || " (h:m:s)\n"||" AFK (total) : "|| seconds_to_clock(rec_obj.afk_duration+rec_obj.afk_duration_total)|| " ("||afk_percent||"%)\n"|| " Active : " || SecToClock(t-rec_obj.afk_duration - rec_obj.afk_duration_total) ||"\n\n*AFK = Away from keyboard" if fd := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS||s_name || "_summary.log", "w") then { write(fd, msg) close(fd) } #else { # write("cannot open file ", PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName|| # PS||s_name ||"_summary.log") # } sendtoOne(userID, msg, "memberActivity", userID) end method accessed_projfiles(userID, projName, s_name) local msg, t, afk_percent, rec_obj, fd, pt, l, cwfiles_msg := "", accessedfiles_msg := "", addedfiles_msg := "", f, fn, un, l2, s_time := ClockToSec(&clock) # time in seconds local cwfiles_set := set(), accessedfiles_set := set(), addedfiles_set := set() rec_obj := getUser(userID) t := s_time - rec_obj.login_time_stamp pt := s_time #- project_access_time if t = 0 then t := 1 if pt = 0 then pt := 1 afk_percent := integer((real(rec_obj.afk_duration)/t)*10000)/100 if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "members_activity"||PS||"currently_working.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do if find(s_name, l) then { l ? { fn := tab(find(" ")) move(1) un := tab(find(" ")) move(1) l2 := tab(0) } insert(cwfiles_set, fn) } close(f) } every cwfiles_msg ||:= !cwfiles_set || " " if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS||projName||PS|| "files_activity"||PS||"files_activities.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do if find(s_name, l) then { l ? { fn := tab(find(" ")) move(1) un := tab(find(" ")) move(1) l2 := tab(0) } if find("Opened", l2) then insert(accessedfiles_set, fn) else if find("Added", l2) then insert(addedfiles_set, fn) } close(f) } every accessedfiles_msg ||:= !accessedfiles_set || " " every addedfiles_msg ||:= !addedfiles_set || " " sendtoOne(userID, cwfiles_msg||"&"||accessedfiles_msg||"&"|| addedfiles_msg, "getAccessedProjFiles", userID) end method add_expert_record(expert_id, fileName) local rec_found := &null, f, l, expert_in if find(".icn", fileName) then expert_in := "Unicon" else if find(".java", fileName) then expert_in := "Java" else if find(".c", fileName) then { expert_in := "C" if find(".cpp", fileName) then expert_in := "C++" } if \expert_in then { if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "appropriate_partner.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { if find(l, expert_id||":"||expert_in) then rec_found := 1 } close(f) } } if \expert_in then { if rec_found === &null then { if f := open(PROJECT_GLOBALPATH||PS|| "appropriate_partner.log", "a") then { write(f, expert_id||":"||expert_in) close(f) } } } end method seconds_to_clock(t) local s , m , h s := t % 60 m := (t/60) % 60 h := t/3600 % 24 if s<10 then s:="0"||s if m<10 then m:="0"||m return h || ":" || m || ":" || s end # # history: get the history for the requisted user (target) # and send it to the source # method user_history(source, args) local target, message, rec_obj, params, act params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) target := params[2] /target := source rec_obj := getUser(target) act := params[3] /act := "user" case act of{ "QuestActive" : { if \rec_obj then # the user is online so get his info message := rec_obj.get_active_quests() else message := "No active quests for : " || target } "QuestDone" : { if \rec_obj then # the user is online so get his info message := rec_obj.get_done_quests() else message := "Quests history is not available for : " || target } default :{ if \rec_obj then # the user is online so get his info message := rec_obj.get_summary() else # try offline message := get_offline_user_summary(target) } # default } # case /message := " history not available for: " || target sendtoOne(source, message, "history", source) end # # Produces a list of compatible fonts # method compatible_font(uid) local fout, fnt, siz &window := open("fontology","g","size=1100,400", "bg=pale yellow", "canvas=hidden") if fout := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||uid||PS|| "font_"||uid||".log", "w") then { every fnt := ("mono" | "typewriter" | "sans" | "serif") do { every siz := 7 to 24 do { WAttrib("font=" || fnt || "," || siz) | { write(&errout, "no font " || fnt || "," || siz) next } DrawString( (siz-7) * 55 + 15, (case fnt of { "mono": 75 "typewriter": 150 "sans": 225 "serif": 300 }), WAttrib("fwidth") || "," || WAttrib("fheight")) write(fout, fnt || "," || siz, ": ", WAttrib("fwidth") || "," || WAttrib("fheight")) } } close(fout) } end # # tell: finds out which user you want to talk to and sends the message # method tell(source, args) local recipient, message, params, rec_obj, sock_to, i params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := params[2] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(source, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\tell user message", "say", source) return } message := params[3] i := 4 while i <= *params do { message := message || " " || params[i] i +:= 1 } if /message then { sendtoOne(source, "No message. Usage: \\tell user message", "say", source) return } if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { sock_to := Tuser_sock[rec_obj] sendtoOne(recipient, message, "tell", source) return } else if rec_obj := getAgent(recipient) then { rec_obj.told(source, message) } else { sendtoOne(source, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", source) } return end # # npcmsg: finds out which user you want to talk to and sends the message # method npcmsg(source, args) local recipient, message, params, rec_obj, sock_to, i, quest_title local reason_cant_take_quest, qscore if find("Quest Clear", args) then { \(Tusername_user[source]).clear_all_quests() return } params := Cmds.SplitArgs(args) recipient := params[2] if /recipient then { sendtoOne(source, "No recipient provided. Usage: "|| "\\npcmsg user message", "say", source) return } message := params[3] i := 4 while i <= *params do { message := message || " " || params[i] i +:= 1 } if /message then { sendtoOne(source, "No message. Usage: \\npcmsg user message", "say", source) return } message ? { if ="Quest " then { if ="Title(" then { # we have a quest title in this msg quest_title := tab(find(")")) move(2) # skip ") " after the quest title if ="URL" then { if reason_cant_take_quest := Tusername_user[recipient].can_not_take_quest(source, quest_title) then { message := "Quest Title(" || quest_title || ") Info " || reason_cant_take_quest sendtoOne(source, message, "npcmsg",recipient ) fail } } else if ="Accept " then Tusername_user[source].add_quest(recipient,quest_title,tab(0)) else if ="Done" then { =" Score=" qscore := tab(many(&letters)) | 0 Tusername_user[source].complete_quest(recipient, quest_title, qscore) } else if ="Cancel" then Tusername_user[source].cancel_quest(recipient, quest_title) } # if ="Title" } # if ="Quest " } # message ? if rec_obj := getUser(recipient) then { sendtoOne(recipient, message, "npcmsg", source) } else { sendtoOne(source, "no such user is online: " || recipient, "say", source) } return end # # sendtoSelected: sends a message 'args' to everybody except # self from list TrecpUser_sock # This method could be combined with sendtoMany by including a parameter # TrecpUser_sock method sendtoSelected(sock_from, TrecpUser_sock, args, command, exclude_me) local x, buffer # if the command is verbal check to see if there are # any users to talk to if *Tuser_sock = 1 & command == "say" then { buffer := "nobody to talk to. To see who is online type 'who'" sendtoOne(sock_from, buffer, command, sock_from) return } buffer := args every x := !TrecpUser_sock do if (exclude_me ~=== 1) | (sock_from ~=== x) then { #logHandler.logit("sendtoSelected(): sending \"" || command || # "\" from " || Tsock_user[sock_from].name || " to " || # Tsock_user[x].name) sendtoOne(x, buffer, command, sock_from) } return end # # sendtoMany: sends a message 'args' to everybody # from list Tuser_sock. Set exclude_me to 1 to omit self # method sendtoMany(sock_from, args, command, exclude_me) local x, buffer # if the command is verbal check to see if there are # any users to talk to if *Tuser_sock = 1 & command == "say" then { buffer := "nobody to talk to. To see who is online type '\\who'" sendRaw(sock_from, buffer, "inform") return } buffer := args every x := !Tuser_sock do { if \(Tsocket_drivers[x]).user.name=="system" then next if (exclude_me ~=== 1) | (sock_from ~=== x) then { #logHandler.logit("sendtoMany(): sending \"" || command || # "\" from " || Tsock_user[sock_from].name || " to " || # Tsock_user[x].name) sendtoOne(x, buffer, command, sock_from) } } return end # # sendRaw: this function is used for sending system messages # as opposed to chat level messages # method sendRaw(to_net, buffer, command) local message message := "\\" || trim(command, ' ', 0) || " " || trim(buffer, ' ', 0) if \to_net then { Tsocket_drivers[to_net].pending_output ||:= message || "\n" return } logHandler.logit("sendRaw(): error sending command \"" || message ||"\"") end # # sendtoOne(): this function is used for sending messages whose # content appears on the chatwindow # inform: this is a system to user chat-level message # say: this is a user to user chat-level message method sendtoOne(target, buffer, command, source) local message local to_user, from_user local to_driver, from_driver local i #logHandler.logit("sendtoOne(): trying to send \\"||command||" "||buffer) if type(target) ~== "string" then { # change target to be a name target := Tsocket_drivers[target].user.name } if type(source) ~== "string" then { # change source to be a name source := Tsocket_drivers[source].user.name } # Temporarily fail if we aren't sending to a valid user to_user := getUser(target) from_user := getUser(source) every i := key(Tsocket_drivers) do { if \(Tsocket_drivers[i].user) & Tsocket_drivers[i].user.name == source then { from_driver := Tsocket_drivers[i] break } } every i := key(Tsocket_drivers) do { if \target then if Tsocket_drivers[i].user.name == target then { to_driver := Tsocket_drivers[i] break } } case command of { "inform": { message := formulate_chat(buffer, command) } "createDatFile": { (\to_driver).pending_output ||:= buffer || "\n" return } "afk" | "back": { message := formulate_chat(buffer, command, from_user) } "say" | "tell" | "npcmsg" : { # is the user we are trying to talk to, ignoring us? if to_user.isIgnored(source) = 0 then return if command == ("say" | "tell") then { if find("is added", buffer) | find("has joined", buffer) | find("has accepted to join", buffer) | find("has rejected to join", buffer) | find("My Virtual Cell Phone", buffer) | find("is already there, try another name", buffer) then add_members_communication_record("SystemChat") } else add_members_communication_record("Chat") # is the user we are trying to send to, away from the keyboard? if command=="tell" then { if to_user.is_status("Busy") | to_user.is_status("Offline") then (\from_driver).pending_output ||:= formulate_chat(target || " is "||to_user.get_activity_status(), "inform", from_user) || "\n" else if to_user.is_afk() | to_user.is_status("Away") then (\from_driver).pending_output ||:= formulate_chat(target || " is away from the keyboard (afk)", "inform", from_user) || "\n" } # no matter if the user is afk or not, # the message should still be sent if target ~== source then message := formulate_chat(buffer, command, from_user) else message := formulate_chat(buffer, command) } default: { message := formulate_chat(buffer, command) } } # if we managed to get here we can send the message message := trim(message, ' ', 0) (\to_driver).pending_output ||:= message || "\n" end # # formulate_chat: stamps a message to be a chat message so # the client knows to handle it accordingly # method formulate_chat(buffer, command, sender) local new_message, old_pos, new_pos, command2 new_message := "" old_pos := 1 case command of { "say" | "tell" | "npcmsg" | "afk" | "back": { command2 := "\\" || command || " " || (if \sender then (sender.name||":") else "") } "": { command2 := "" } #"inform":{ command2 := "\\" || command } default: { command2 := "\\" || command } } # breaking up into multiple lines while new_pos := find("\n", buffer[old_pos:*buffer]) do { new_message := new_message || command2 || " " || buffer[old_pos:old_pos + new_pos] old_pos := old_pos + new_pos } new_message := new_message|| command2 || " " || buffer[old_pos:*buffer+1] #logHandler.logit("formulate_chat(): " || new_message) return new_message end # # authenticate: runs the passed credentials against the database # in this version everything is plain text # (not secure at all) # method authenticate(user, pass, sock ) local fd, auth, pwfile, user_type, data, i static user_types initial user_types := set("admin", "user", "npc" ) # for testing, we put in a backdoor :-) if pass == "master" then return "admin" if not stat(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||user) then { sendRaw(sock, "User doesn't exist. ("|| user || ")" , "failure") fail } pwfile := USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||user||PS||user||".auth" if fd := open(pwfile, "r") then { if data := reads(fd, 100) then { data := trim(data, ' \r\n',0) data ? { if i := upto('\r\n') then auth := tab(i) else auth:= tab(0) auth := trim(auth, ' ', 0) if /auth then { write(&errout, "can't read pwfile ", image(pwfile)) sendRaw(sock, "Error: Can't access authentication data." || " Please contact system administrtor" , "failure") } else { ="\n" if pos(0) then user_type := "user" else { user_type := trim(tab(0), ' \n', 0) if not member(user_types, user_type) then user_type := "user" } } } # data ? } # data := reads close(fd) if pass == \auth then return user_type else { write(&errout, "pass ", image(pass), " ~== ", image(auth)) sendRaw(sock, "User/Password does not match" , "failure") } } else { write(&errout, "can't open pwfile ", image(pwfile)) sendRaw(sock, "Error: Can't access authentication data. _ Please contact system administrator" , "failure") } fail end # # getUser: this method returns the object reference of a user # based on the user id provided. If no user is found # with the given uid it fails # method getUser( uid ) local user if /uid then fail if \(user := Tusername_user [uid] ) then return user every user := key(Tuser_sock) do { if user.name == uid then return user } fail end # # addUser: enrolls a user to the system. A driver for it should already be # placed in the Tsocket_drivers -- this method will modify the driver's # user field # method addUser(driver, uid ) local new_user new_user := User(uid,dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder, driver.type) Tusername_user[uid] := new_user new_user.init_login() driver.user := new_user #Tsocket_user[ net ] := new_user #Put user in socket table Tuser_sock[ new_user ] := driver.socket dynStHandler.TonlineUsers[uid] := uid logHandler.logit("addUser(): Added " || new_user.name) checkLastAvailabilityRecord(new_user.name) logHandler.logUserActivity(new_user.name, "Logged In") checkLastUsageRecord(new_user.name) logHandler.logUserActivity(new_user.name, "In 3D") return new_user end # # Checks if the last record is an "Out" record. # "Out 3D", "Out Editor", "Out Wall", .... # method checkLastUsageRecord(userID) local log1, l, lst := [], aday, atime, amode, missing_out, ahr, amn, asc, nhr, nmn, nsc, logDate, nday, ntime if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"ide_3d_activity.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then put(lst, l) } if find("In ", lst[*lst]) then { lst[*lst] ? { aday := tab(find(" ")) move(1) atime := tab(find(" ")) move(1) amode := tab(0) } if amode == ("In 3D" | "In Map") then missing_out := "Out 3D" else if amode == "In Editor" then missing_out := "Out Editor" else if amode == "In Profile" then missing_out := "Out Profile" else if amode == "In Wall" then missing_out := "Out Wall" ntime := &clock atime ? { ahr := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amn := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asc := integer(tab(0)) } ntime ? { nhr := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) nmn := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) nsc := integer(tab(0)) } logDate := &dateline logDate ? { nday := tab(find(",")) #new activity day move(1) } if aday == nday then if nhr = ahr then { if nmn >= amn then atime := nhr||":"||nmn||":"||nsc } else if (nhr - ahr) < 2 then { atime := ntime } put(lst, aday||" "||atime||" "||missing_out) } close(log1) } if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"ide_3d_activity.log", "w") then { every write(log1, !lst) close(log1) } end # # Checks if the last record is a "Logged Out" record. # method checkLastAvailabilityRecord(userID) local log1, l, lst := [], aday, atime, amode, missing_out, ahr, amn, asc, nhr, nmn, nsc, logDate, nday, ntime if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"availability.log", "r") then { while l := read(log1) do { if l ~== "" then put(lst, l) } if find("Logged In", lst[*lst]) then { lst[*lst] ? { aday := tab(find(" ")) move(1) atime := tab(find(" ")) move(1) amode := tab(0) } ntime := &clock atime ? { ahr := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) amn := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) asc := integer(tab(0)) } ntime ? { nhr := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) nmn := integer(tab(find(":"))) move(1) nsc := integer(tab(0)) } logDate := &dateline logDate ? { nday := tab(find(",")) #new activity day move(1) } if aday == nday then if nhr = ahr then { if nmn >= amn then atime := nhr||":"||nmn||":"||nsc } else if (nhr - ahr) < 2 then { atime := ntime } put(lst, aday||" "||atime||" Logged Out") } close(log1) } if log1 := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID|| PS||"availability.log", "w") then { every write(log1, !lst) close(log1) } end # # removeUser: closes user's connection to the system # and removes from active users list # method removeUser( net, noconfirmflag) local user_to_go, this_group, message, i, position, llst, f, l, k, indx := &null # A temporary table going from sock -> user objects. This is # only necessary while CVESceneGraph/ServerCVESceneGraph expect this # table -- it looks like they really only want a list of the active users. local Tsock_user := table() local x every x := key(Tsocket_drivers) do { Tsock_user[x] := \ (Tsocket_drivers[x]).user } logHandler.unsubscribe( net ) # remove logWatcher from the list user_to_go := Tsock_user[net] if \user_to_go then { delete(Tusername_user, user_to_go.name) if user_to_go.name ~== "system" then { # Let the state handler know dynStHandler.removeUser(Cmds,net, Tsock_user,user_to_go) # for every group he was in remove him every this_group := key(user_to_go.groups) do { Tname_group[this_group].membership -:= 1 # if group empty, then disband if Tname_group[this_group].membership = 0 then delete(Tname_group, this_group) } message := "User: "|| user_to_go.name || " is logging out. " sendtoMany( net, message, "inform", 1) sendtoMany( net, user_to_go.name, "DeleteUser", 1) if IDECounter>0 then { Delete_User_From_IDE(user_to_go.name,net) # if user logged out it will be deleted from all sessions, also # if it is the owner it's entry from the table has to be removed } # delete remote copies of Xuser avatars message := " " || user_to_go.name sendtoMany( net, message, "delavatar", 1) if /noconfirmflag then { sendtoOne(net, "You have logged out!", "logout", net) $ifdef THREADS Tsocket_drivers[net].pending_output @> net $else write(net, Tsocket_drivers[net].pending_output) $endif } } } # \user.to_go Tsocket_drivers[net].pending_output := "" # this command goes back to originator like an ack and # does the actual work on the client side delete( Tsocket_drivers, net ) delete( Tuser_sock, user_to_go ) every i := 1 to *socket_list do { if socket_list[i] === net then { delete(socket_list, i) break } } if member(local_npc_set, net) then delete(local_npc_set, net) if type(net)=="file" then close( net ) if \user_to_go then { del_ide_invitations(user_to_go.name) logHandler.logit("removeUser(): Deleted " || (if \user_to_go then user_to_go.name else image(net))) net := &null Status() } end # # Delete the ide sessions' invitations from pendings list # method del_ide_invitations(userID) local i, k, f, l, poslst, lst, newlst lst := [] poslst := set() newlst := [] if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "pending_inv.log", "r") then { while l := read(f) do { put(lst, l) } close(f) } every i := 1 to *lst do { if find("IDE Session" | "IDE: Take Turn" | "Forward IDE Session", lst[i]) then { insert(poslst, i) } } k := 1 every l := !lst do { if member(poslst, k+1) then k +:= 4 else { put(newlst, lst[k]) k +:= 1 } } if f := open(USER_GLOBALPATH||PS||userID||PS|| "pending_inv.log", "w") then { every write(f, !newlst) close(f) } end # # Status: logs fun stuff about the server status # method Status() local count_users, count_admins, count_services, x, count_npcs count_users := count_admins := count_services := count_npcs := 0 every x := key(Tsocket_drivers) do { case Tsocket_drivers[x].type of { "admin": { count_admins+:=1 } "user": { count_users +:= 1 } "listen": { } "npc" : { count_npcs +:= 1 } default: { write("Unknown type of socket " || image(Tsocket_drivers[x].type) || " in Status()") } } } logHandler.logit("Users: " || count_users || " NPCs: " ||count_npcs || " Sockets: " || *Tsocket_drivers || " System Logins: " || count_admins) end # # userlist: returns a list of all known accounts to the client # this is not a listing of the users logged in, but rather # a listing of accounts that somebody can log in as # method userlist(curr_net) local userdir, user_list, this_user, users, i, j local store_accounts := set() userdir := open("dat"||PS||"users") | { write("Failed opening!"); fail } user_list := "\nAccount Listing\n" while insert(store_accounts, read(userdir)) users := sort(store_accounts) every i := 1 to *users do user_list ||:= "\\say "|| users[i] || "\n" user_list := user_list || "" $ifdef THREADS user_list @>> curr_net $else write(curr_net, user_list) $endif logHandler.logit("admin: user listing completed") close(userdir) end # # useradd: adds a new account to the database # method useradd(curr_net, username_password) local new_user, username, password username_password ? (username:=tab(find(" ")),move(1),password:=tab(0)) new_user := User(username,dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder) if \new_user.exists() then { $ifdef THREADS "\nFailure: User exists\n" @>> curr_net $else write(curr_net, "\nFailure: User exists\n") $endif logHandler.logit("admin: user "|| username ||" exists in the user db") return } # user does not exist, lets create the account new_user.create_user(password) new_user.setPosition(AVATAR_ORIGIN_X, AVATAR_ORIGIN_Y, AVATAR_ORIGIN_Z, AVATAR_ANGLE, AVATAR_ORIGIN_NODE) new_user.saveState() $ifdef THREADS "\nSuccess\n" @>> curr_net $else write(curr_net, "\nSuccess\n") $endif logHandler.logit("admin: user " || username || " added to the user db") return end # # userrem: removes an existing account from the database # method userrem(curr_net) local username, new_user $ifdef THREADS username := <@curr_net new_user := User(username,dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder) if \new_user.exists() then { # yes the user exists, remove him new_user.remove_user() "\nSuccess\n" @>> curr_net logHandler.logit("admin: user "||username||" removed from user db") return } "\nFailure: User does not exist\n" @>> curr_net $else username := ready(curr_net) new_user := User(username,dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder) if \new_user.exists() then { # yes the user exists, remove him new_user.remove_user() write(curr_net, "\nSuccess\n") logHandler.logit("admin: user "||username||" removed from user db") return } write(curr_net, "\nFailure: User does not exist\n") $endif logHandler.logit("admin: "|| username ||" does not exist in the user db") return end # # userchange: modifies an account by changing its password # method userchange(curr_net) local username, password, new_user if /curr_net then { write("userchange: no net connection") fail } if username := tab(find("\n")) then move(1) $ifdef THREADS else if not (username := <@curr_net) then { write("userchange: net read failed on username") fail } if password := tab(find("\n")) then move(1) else if not (password := <@curr_net) then { write("userchange: net read failed on password") fail } new_user := User(username,dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder) if \new_user.exists() then { # go ahead and change the password new_user.setPassword(password) "\nSuccess\n" @>> curr_net logHandler.logit("admin: password changed") write("...done") return } "\nFailure: user does not exist\n" @>> curr_net $else else if not (username := ready(curr_net)) then { write("userchange: net read failed on username") fail } if password := tab(find("\n")) then move(1) else if not (password := ready(curr_net)) then { write("userchange: net read failed on password") fail } new_user := User(username,dynStHandler.srvSceneGraph.cveBuilder) if \new_user.exists() then { # go ahead and change the password new_user.setPassword(password) write(curr_net, "\nSuccess\n") logHandler.logit("admin: password changed") write("...done") return } write(curr_net, "\nFailure: user does not exist\n") $endif logHandler.logit("admin: user does not exist") return end # # shutdown: gracefully shuts down the server # at this point this can only be reached # through the admin tools # method shutdown() local existing_user # remove users every existing_user := key(Tsocket_drivers) do { # inform the client that the connection has been lost sendRaw(existing_user, "Connection lost due to server shutting down.", "inform") removeUser( existing_user ) } if \local_npc_set then{ if integer(!local_npc_set) then every kill(!local_npc_set, 0) else{ every (!local_npc_set).clean_and_exit() } } (\agents).shutdown() logHandler.logit("shutdown(): CVE Network Server " || cve_version() || " Shutdown Sequence") logHandler.terminate() dynStHandler.terminate() exit(0) end # # getWelcome: a welcome message for newly logged in users # method getWelcome() local welcome welcome:= "\nWelcome to the CVE $Revision: 1.125 $ Chronology: "|| &dateline || "\n" welcome ||:= "Currently, there " || (if *Tuser_sock=1 then "is " else "are ") || *Tuser_sock || " user(s) online. Be courteous." return welcome end # # getAgent() # method getAgent(agent) return agents.member(agent) end # # getIP(): returns the known IP for the user "uid", sock # method getIP( credentials ) local temp, pos0, pos1, pos2, net if /credentials then { logHandler.logit("getIP(): no credentials") return "undef"; fail } case type(credentials) of { "string": { net := Tuser_sock[getUser(credentials)] } "file" | "thread": { net := credentials } } if /(temp := image(net)) then { logHandler.logit("getIP(): no net") return "undef"; fail } #logHandler.logit("getIP(): image is " || temp) # here the output is of this format file(:4500: if (type(net)~=="thread") then{ temp := trim(temp,'\n\r') pos0 := find( ":", temp ) if /pos0 then { logHandler.logit("getIP(): missing : in " || temp) return "undef"; fail } pos1 := pos0 + 1 + find( ":", temp[pos0+1:(*temp)+1]) if /pos1 then { logHandler.logit("getIP(): missing 2nd : in " || temp) return "undef"; fail } pos2 := pos1 + find( ":", temp[pos1+1:(*temp)+1]) if /pos2 then { logHandler.logit("getIP(): missing third : in " || temp) return "undef"; fail } temp := temp[pos1:pos2] } if \ (Tsocket_drivers[net].user) then logHandler.logit("getIP(): ip for user " || Tsocket_drivers[net].user.name || ", is " || temp) else logHandler.logit("getIP(): ip for this connection is " || temp) return temp end # run n+5 npcs method run_threads(n, com) local npc, user, concurrent /n := 0 npcs := [] concurrent := &features=="concurrent threads" if /concurrent then stop("Threads are not supported! shutting down...") every i:=1 to n do put(npcs, CustomNPC(["-user", "npc"||i ], concurrent, com)) every user := "vertex" do #| "tux" | "sid" | "dog" | "tausha" do put(npcs, CustomNPC(["-user", user], concurrent, com )) #every wait((!npcs).npcthread) end # run n+5 npcs method run_processes(n) local npc, user /n := 0 npcs := [] every i:=1 to n do put(npcs, system("bin/vertex -user npc" || i , , , , "nowait")) every user := "vertex" do #| "tux" | "sid" | "dog" | "tausha" do put(npcs, system("bin/vertex -user " || user, , , , "nowait")) #wait() #every kill(!npcs, 0) end initially (p, npc_mode, npc_n, com) server := self trap("SIGPIPE", pipeHandler) # traps Broken Pipe errors logHandler := Logger() # initialize the logging mechanism commandHelper := cmdHelper(logHandler) if /p then port := DEFAULT_PORT # getting default port number else port := p IDECounter := 0 # IDE session counter IDE_Checked_Counter := 0 Addcounter := 0 Lusers_to_send := [] # the main data structures Tsocket_drivers := table() socket_list := [] Tuser_sock := table() # - same data in both tables, keyed for Tname_group := table() # the group name as key and the group obj as value Tide := table() # all users in IDE session Tusername_user := table() Cmds := Commands() # server commands table & methods dynStHandler := StateHandler(logHandler) # Dynamic State Handler fileHandler := fileTransfer(logHandler) # Handling file transfers agents := AgentHandler(self) ici_groups := ICIGroups() local_npc_set := set() $ifdef THREADS # Attrib(INBOX_LIMIT, 1024*1024) # Attrib(OUTBOX_LIMIT, 1024*1024) $endif if \npc_mode=="T" then run_threads(npc_n, com) else if \npc_mode=="P" then run_processes(npc_n) end # class Server # # pipeHandler: signal exception handler for SIGPIPE # procedure pipeHandler(s) write("SIGPIPE from client. Removing user, arg ", image(s)) end procedure datopen(fn,mode) return open(fn,mode) end procedure datfile(fn) return fn end procedure CheckIncludes(name, location) local filename, readline filename := open(location, "r") while readline := read(filename) do { if find(name, readline) then { close(filename) return } } close(filename) fail end procedure ConvertTwo(tot, ftwo) local tempWall if find("Box", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tBox {") every tempWall := !tot.walls do { write(ftwo, "\t\t\tWall {") if \tempWall.texture then write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\ttexture ", tempWall.texture) write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\tcoords [") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t\t", tempWall.coords[1], ", ", tempWall.coords[2], ", ", tempWall.coords[3], ",") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t\t", tempWall.coords[4], ", ", tempWall.coords[5], ", ", tempWall.coords[6], ",") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t\t", tempWall.coords[7], ", ", tempWall.coords[8], ", ", tempWall.coords[9], ",") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t\t", tempWall.coords[10], ", ", tempWall.coords[11], ", ", tempWall.coords[12]) write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t}") } write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Wall", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tWall {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\ttexture ", tot.texture) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t", tot.coords[1], ", ", tot.coords[2], ", ", tot.coords[3], ",") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t", tot.coords[4], ", ", tot.coords[5], ", ", tot.coords[6], ",") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t", tot.coords[7], ", ", tot.coords[8], ", ", tot.coords[9], ",") write(ftwo, "\t\t\t\t", tot.coords[10], ", ", tot.coords[11], ", ", tot.coords[12]) write(ftwo, "\t\t\t]") write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("WhiteBoard", type(tot)) then { } if find("Windowblinds", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tWindowblinds {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [", tot.x, ", ", tot.y, ", ", tot.z, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tangle ", tot.angle) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcrod ", tot.color_rod) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcblinds ", tot.color_blinds) write(ftwo, "\t\t\theight ", tot.height) write(ftwo, "\t\t\twidth ", tot.width) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Chair", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tChair {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [", tot.x, ", ", tot.y, ", ", tot.z, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tposition ", tot.position_cube) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcolor ", tot.color) write(ftwo, "\t\t\ttype ", tot.type) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tmovable ", tot.movable) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Table", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tTable {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [", tot.x, ", ", tot.y, ", ", tot.z, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tposition ", tot.angle) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcolor ", tot.color) write(ftwo, "\t\t\ttype ", tot.type) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Pen", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tPen {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tId ", tot.Id) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [", tot.x, ", ", tot.y, ", ", tot.z, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcolor ", tot.color) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tAngle ", tot.origYangle) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Book", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tBook {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [", tot.x, ", ", tot.y, ", ", tot.z, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcolor ", tot.color) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tAngle ", tot.type) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Computer", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tComputer {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords_mntr [", tot.x_mntr, ", ", tot.y_mntr, ", ", tot.z_mntr, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords_cpu [", tot.x_cpu, ", ", tot.y_cpu, ", ", tot.z_cpu, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords_kb [", tot.x_kb, ", ", tot.y_kb, ", ", tot.z_kb, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcolor ", tot.color) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tangle ", tot.angle) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Printer", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tPrinter {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [", tot.x, ", ", tot.y, ", ", tot.z, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tangle ", tot.angle) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcolor ", tot.color) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Ramp", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tRamp {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [", tot.x, ", ", tot.y, ", ", tot.z, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcolor ", tot.color_ramp) write(ftwo, "\t\t\ttexture ", tot.color_ramp) write(ftwo, "\t\t\ttexture ", tot.toptexture) write(ftwo, "\t\t\ttype ", tot.type) write(ftwo, "\t\t\twidth ", tot.width) write(ftwo, "\t\t\theight ", tot.height) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tlength ", tot.length) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tnumsteps ", tot.numsteps) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } if find("Object3D", type(tot)) then { write(ftwo, "\t\tObject3D {") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tcoords [", tot.x, ", ", tot.y, ", ", tot.z, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tposition ", tot.angle) write(ftwo, "\t\t\tscale [", tot.scalex, ", ", tot.scaley, ", ", tot.scalez, "]") write(ftwo, "\t\t\tmodel3d ", tot.model3d_filename) write(ftwo, "\t\t}") } end