CS 428/528: Multi-User Games and Virtual Environments

Professor: Clinton Jeffery Class Meets: MWF 12:30-1:20 in EP 204
Office: JEB 237 Office Hours: Tuesday/Friday 2-3pm and by appointment
Phone: 208-885-4789 Web: http://www2.cs.uidaho.edu/~jeffery/courses/428/; see also bblearn
E-mail: jeffery@uidaho.edu       
Prerequisites: computer graphics (324) and intro to game development (CS 328); recommend networks (CS 240/420), or related programming experience.
Note: in Spring 2020 the CS 324 requirement is waived. Some graphics programming experience is recommended.


Course Description and Goals

This course is about software design and programming issues involved in constructing multi-user games and virtual environments. Students will study architectures, algorithms and data structures to support graphically rich multiuser games. Students will write semester projects consisting of multi-user 3D games or virtual environments.

The goals for this course include: insight into the technical issues involved in constructing games and virtual environments, an understanding of the existing state of the art, and an idea of the future potential for this field.

Hardware Platforms

For assignments, we will use Java, libGDX, and Blender. Generally, assignments should be done and graded on Windows or Linux; advance arrangements (and instructor permission) will be needed for other platforms (say, cellphones or consoles) or non-standard languages. If in doubt, ask.

This class requires students to have "developer-level" access to a computer with at least mid-range 3D graphics acceleration. You will need to be able to install applications (e.g. Lord of the Rings Online and/or World of Warcraft) and compilers (e.g. Java and/or Unicon). E-mail or visit the instructor for assistance if you don't have and cannot readily obtain developer access on a GPU-equipped machine for the large amounts of time typically required for CS homework assignments. The CS lab machines are sufficient for our purposes if you do not own your own 3D-capable machine. If you own a Mac, go get its X Windows server software, Xcode compiler, and X11/Xlib and jpeg development libraries and headers, if you do not have them yet.

Attendance and Grading

Attendance is required, as this course emphasizes collaboration. The grading will be proportioned as follows: 40% for homeworks, 20% for the midterm exam, and 40% for a semester project

CS 528 Students

This class will explore research topics when appropriate. Feel free to make requests and suggestions. For graduate credit, you are expected to do more or better than undergraduate students. Most assignments will have an extra "528" component that is required, or options from which you may select.

Policy Statements

Cheating is strictly forbidden on exams, with severe penalties. For most assignments you will be allowed to work alone, or complete a larger assignment working in a team.

Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have documented temporary or permanent disabilities. All accommodations must be approved through the Center for Disability Access and Resources located in the Bruce M. Pitman Center, Suite 127 in order to notify your instructor(s) as soon as possible regarding accommodation(s) needed for the course.
Phone: 208-885-6307
Email: cdar@uidaho.edu
Website: www.uidaho.edu/current-students/cdar