CS 428 Games and Virtual Environments Homework #5

Due: Friday May 15, 12:45pm. Turnin is on bblearn and in (zoom) class. Remember to put your NAME in a comment at the top of your edits to source code file(s) and include appropriate comments as if your teammates might have to understand or modify your work.

Demo Server Considerations

You may demo your stuff off your own hardware and/or your own internet servers/services. For full credit your turnin must include all related server code, and a document describing the server infrastructure used.

If your game can be made playable on other people's machines, you should post a client somewhere and point your classmates (and myself) at your client with build-and-execute instructions enough ahead of the final exam period (say, by Wednesday of finals week) that we can download and try out your client ahead of time prior to the final exam period.

If your server can be made to run on the machine cs-course61.cs.uidaho.edu, you have two ports assigned to you that can be accessed by other class members if they are running the campus VPN. This should allow you to avoid any complications related to accessing your server through home firewalls and such.