Existing Known Collaborative Virtual Environments
Books and Papers
- Collaborative Virtual Environments, edited by Churchhill, Snowdon, and Munro
- Networked Virtual Environments, by Singhal and Zyda (nice material on dead reckoning and other network-centric technical issues)
- Proceedings of ACM CVE Conferences (2002 and ...).
- ECSCW95 Workshop Notes
- Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Learning, by Yam San Chee (2001)
- READTHIS Event Traffic study from vol 13. no. 3 of the MIT journal PRESENCE.
A Study of Event Traffic During the Shared Manipulation of Objects
Within a Collaborative Virtual Environment, by Robin Wolff,
David Roberts, and Oliver Otto. Presence 3:13, June 2004, pp 251-262.
- Harrison and Dourish wrote a paper on "Place" in CVEs
- Gomes et al have written about integrating CVE with other collaborative tools
- Subjective Views for CVEs
- CVE's in distance education
Platforms and Tools
Web-based CVE's
If it runs in a web browser, it belongs in this category.
Educational CVEs
- NetICE is a cool
virtual conference environment, with shared whiteboards.
- W. H. Leung and T. Chen, "A Multi-User 3-D Virtual Environment with Interactive Collaboration and Shared Whiteboard Technologies", Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special Issue on Distributed Multimedia Systems for Virtual Society, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.7-23, May 2003.
- Belle Tseng, Zon-Yin Shae, Wing Ho Leung and Tsuhan Chen,
Immersive Whiteboards in a Networked Collaborative Environment,
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo., Tokyo, August 2001.
- Wing Ho Leung and Tsuhan Chen, "Creating a Multiuser 3-D Virtual Environment", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, May 2001.
- W. H. Leung, K. Goudeaux, S. Panichpapiboon, S.-B. Wang and T. Chen, "Networked Intelligent Collaborative Environment (NetICE)", IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo., New York, July 2000
- W. H. Leung, B. L. Tseng, Z.-Y. Shae, F. Hendriks and T. Chen, "Realistic Video Avatar", IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo., New York, July 2000
- W. H. Leung and T. Chen, "Networked Collaborative Environment with animated 3D avatar", IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Los Angeles, California, Dec 1998
- Maverick is a
well-known VR/CVE system from the UK.
- COVEN, which uses DIVE
- Croquet is a system
being developed by folks at the Universities of Wisconsin and Minnesota.
They are using Squeak, a modern dialect of SmallTalk.
- VASE_3 -
mostly for learning but their demo shows a wide variety of applications.
They have demos for windows.
Socialized Collaborative Learning in MM Virtual Worlds,
built using Vroom and VirtUOUS.
- Blue-C -
this is a VR project, not a CVE project, cool because it maps camera-captured
video of humans into the VR in real-time (very special hardware required)
- INVITE provides a distributed/collaborative e-learning environment
SEGWorld, Sarah Drummond, Cornelia Boldyreff, U. of Durham, SEET 2000.
Social CVE's
Horror CVE's
Domain-Specific CVE's
These are CVE's for specific professional or academic domains, such
as urban planning, or history.
- Collaborative Virtual Workspace is a CSCW tool for collaborating employees that uses a "rooms" metaphor and doesn't require 3D.
- eRena,
Electronic virtual worlds for culture, performance, arts and entertainment.
They want to bring people's artistic capabilities online.
See also.
Somewhat Less-Well-Known:
- http://www.aspereta.com/
- http://www.mysteralegends.com/
- http://www.shininglore.com
- http://www.elkardian.net.sg (free trial 7 days)
- http://www.lorgaine.com (free trail 30 days)
- http://www.mythofsoma.net (free trial 15 hour/acc)
- http://www.sgalaxy.com (free trial 14 day in 50 hour)
- http://legends.time.net.my (free)
- http://lineagethebloodpledge.com/ ( free 30 day)
- http://eng.pristontale.com/ (development free Korea)
- http://www.falcom.com/vantage/index_e.html ( free)
- http://www.underlight.com (free 30 days)
- http://www.quizquiz.com (free)
- http://www.endlessages.com (Free 2 month if pay)
- http://www.helbreath.com (free)
- http://www.ragnarokonline.com (pay monthly)
- http://www.redmoon-online.com (free 10 days)
- http://www.runeescape.com (free)
- http://www.project-entropia.com/ (free extend)
- http://www.duelfield.net (free)
- http://www.mimesisonline.com/ (free trail 3 days)
- http://www.go-dronline.com/ (free not sure)
- http://www.astonia.com (free 28 days )
- http://www.esaga.com [Free 30 Days]
- http://www.cyberclub.net.sg (free)
- http://www.dbzcardgame.com [ Not Open ]
- http://www.nicelycrafted.com/ {free 5 days}
- http://www.smallball.com/ [Free]
- http://www.ironsquad.com/downloads.htm [Free]
- http://www.realmsofkaos.com [Free]
- http://www.rubiesofeventide.com/ [Free]
- http://www.nexustk.com [free 10 days]
- http://kok.justsunday.co.th
- http://saru.enix.co.jp/depthfantasia
- http://www.gamepriest.com/
- http://elancia.nexonasia.com
- http://www.cronous.com/
- http://baram.nexon.co.kr
- http://asgard.nexon.co.kr
- http://www.nexontk.com
- http://www.genesis3.co.kr/part1/home.html
- http://www.forestia.co.kr
- http://unitedsoccer.staggan.com
- http://www.fs2online.com/
- http://www.ma1000ru.co.kr
- http://www.heroes.co.kr
- http://www.nhero.com
- http://www.mir2.co.kr
- http://www.slayers.co.kr
- http://www.dream-east.com
- http://chosun.tomis.co.kr
- http://www.dr-online.co.kr
- http://www.netsoma.com/
- http://www.1000y.com
- http://www.1003b.com
- http://www.sephiroth.co.kr
- http://www.darkeden.com
- http://www.crazyarcade.com/bnb/
- http://www.mythland.net/
- http://www.xtankonline.com
- http://game.everland.com
- http://www.joycity.com
- http://www.hanpanthe.net
- http://godiboom.dream-east.com
- http://www.lovejjp.com
- http://www.jw2.co.kr/
- http://www.wulfram.com
- http://arc.sierra.com
- http://www.uo.com
- http://www.dilmun.co.kr
- http://stoneage.enium.co.kr
- http://www.resonanceage.com/
- http://gamespace24.net/game/godius
- http://www.missinglink.jp/sf
- http://www.taewool.co.kr
- http://www.isodos.com
- http://www.warbible.co.kr
- http://www.gameting.com/
- http://www.majesty.co.kr/
- http://www.metin.co.kr/
- http://www.icebreakzone.com/
- http://www.koks.co.kr
- http://www.arcane.co.kr/
- http://www.realmsoftorment.com/
- http://www.shinru.co.kr/
- http://www.talesweaver.co.kr/
- http://www.darkstoryonline.com/
- http://enigma.ggemma.com/
- http://www.beresis.com/
- http://www.island-online.co.kr/
- http://www.n-zone.co.kr/
- http://www.thesa.co.kr/
- http://khan.mirinae.com/
- http://www.duel.co.kr/
- http://assault.codinet.com
- http://www.helikia.com
- http://www.silent1004.co.kr/
- http://www.ecstasygates.co.kr/
- http://www.ioenter.com/
- http://lunalux.co.kr/
- http://www.4th-blade.com/
- http://www.i-fighter.co.kr/
- http://www.3ddiver.co.kr/
- http://www.nageonline.com/
- http://www.battlemarine.com/
- http://www.kjking.co.kr/
- http://www.neodarksaver.com/
- http://www.squalledge.com/
- http://www.f4u.co.kr/
- http://www.vastian.co.kr/
- http://www.repent-online.com/
- http://www.chronicles.co.kr/
- http://xero.lycos.co.kr/index.asp
- http://www.rylonline.com
- http://www.netmarble.net/cp_site/assult/
- http://www.beresis.com/
- http://www.demiurge.co.kr/
- http://www.godloss.com/
- http://www.isodos.com/
- http://www.knight-online.net/
- http://www.doonline.co.kr/
- http://www.ninedragon.com/
- http://www.gamania.co.jp/ec/
- http://www.outpostonline.co.kr/
- http://khan.mirinae.com/
- http://www.mir3.co.kr/
- http://www.withyourdestiny.com/
- http://www.bichunmu.co.kr/
- http://www.gameshot.net/tnt/beta
2D CVE's
This might include various kinds of groupware.
Maybe some of this is future CVEs.
Interesting Sites