Professor: Clinton Jeffery | Prerequisites: senior or graduate standing |
Office: JEB 230 | Office Hours: Mon/Wed 2:30-3:20, and by appointment |
E-mail: | Class Meets: M 3:30-4:30 EP 204 and EP 202, first-come first-served |
Phone: 208-885-4789 | Web: |
The course provides students with a greater understanding of computer science through discussion of social and ethical issues surrounding the work of a CS professional, as well as the limits and impacts of computing. Students are exposed to a variety of research topics and current research activities in the community and the department. In addition, the class aims to prepare the student for a professional career in general, addressing topics such as job hunting, retirement planning, and workplace issues.
This course will include assignments that involve studying topics from the research literature, as well as student responses to presentations from a variety of speakers. The detailed class schedule lives at It will be updated during the semester as speaker availability is confirmed.
The course is Pass/Fail. Attendance is required, as this course emphasizes participation. Dr. J will frequently have an attendance sheet that circulates. You may miss ONE class this semester "for free" due to illness or schedule conflict. If you need to miss another class, please contact the instructor.
To Pass: you need to attend, turn in evaluations or other required exercise based on each of the talks, and complete one paper or alternative participation element, such as giving one of the presentations.