Detailed report on module CreateOpenPage

MetricTagOverallPer Function
Lines of CodeLOC 53******
McCabe's Cyclomatic NumberMVG 15******
Lines of CommentCOM 3********
MVG/COMM_C 5.000 
Weighted Methods per Class (  weighting = unity )WMC1 7 
Weighted Methods per Class (  weighting = visible )WMCv 0 
Depth of Inheritance TreeDIT 0 
Number of ChildrenNOC 0 
Coupling between objectsCBO 2 
Information Flow measure (  inclusive )IF4 0********
Information Flow measure (  visible )IF4v 0********
Information Flow measure (  concrete )IF4c 0********

Definitions and Declarations

No module extents have been identified for this module


Function prototypeLOCMVGCOML_CM_C
CreateOpenPage(  QWidget * )
definition   dialogpages.cpp:82

15 0 0------------
OpenFileInit(   )
definition   dialogpages.cpp:103

6 0 2------------
getStaticMetaObject(   )
definition   moc_dialogpages.cpp:124

1 1 0------------
metaObject(   )
definition   moc_dialogpages.cpp:127

4 2 0------------
qt_metacall(  Call,  int,  void ** )
definition   moc_dialogpages.cpp:140

15 7 0------******
qt_metacast(  const char * )
definition   moc_dialogpages.cpp:132

7 5 0------******
return_to_parent(  int )
definition   moc_dialogpages.cpp:157

5 0 1------------


  Call [CV]
pass by value   moc_dialogpages.cpp:140

QWidget [V]
pass by reference   dialogpages.cpp:82