Detailed report on module Call

MetricTagOverallPer Function
Lines of CodeLOC 0******
McCabe's Cyclomatic NumberMVG 0******
Lines of CommentCOM 0********
Weighted Methods per Class (  weighting = unity )WMC1 0 
Weighted Methods per Class (  weighting = visible )WMCv 0 
Depth of Inheritance TreeDIT 0 
Number of ChildrenNOC 0 
Coupling between objectsCBO 12 
Information Flow measure (  inclusive )IF4 0********
Information Flow measure (  visible )IF4v 0********
Information Flow measure (  concrete )IF4c 0********

Definitions and Declarations

No module extents have been identified for this module


Function prototypeLOCMVGCOML_CM_C
No member functions have been identified for this module


Canvas [CV]
pass by value   moc_canvas.cpp:89

ConfigDialog [CV]
pass by value   moc_dialog.cpp:71

CreateNewPage [CV]
pass by value   moc_dialogpages.cpp:69

CreateOpenPage [CV]
pass by value   moc_dialogpages.cpp:140

Document [CV]
pass by value   moc_document.cpp:82

MainWindow [CV]
pass by value   moc_mainwindow.cpp:104

NodeAction [CV]
pass by value   moc_nodeaction.cpp:70

ObjectNode [CV]
pass by value   moc_nodes.cpp:62

OvalObject [CV]
pass by value   moc_UMLnodes_usecase.cpp:222

OvalObjectDialog [CV]
pass by value   moc_UMLnodes_usecase.cpp:170

StickPersonObject [CV]
pass by value   moc_UMLnodes_usecase.cpp:114

StickPersonObjectDialog [CV]
pass by value   moc_UMLnodes_usecase.cpp:62