Passing CS 384: a (Simplified!) Checklist

Please turn this in anytime prior to the final exam. All components apply to the 20% homeworks portion of your grade except for the midterm, final, and final project grade, which are marked accordingly. In many cases, you need to point me at specific Git paths or URI's that contain the files that show what you've done. Your instructor will be glad to help you with any metrics you are having trouble calculating, feel free to visit.

Name : ____________ Team : ________

My class and team attendance deserves (grade A-F): ______ (5%, HW)
Team attendance records are found at:

My coding contribution deserves (grade A-F): ______ (5%, HW)
You can tell this by looking at:

My testing/metrics contribution deserves (grade A-F): ______ (5%, HW)
My testing/metrics contribution can be found at:

My teammates view my contribution to the team's project (grade A-F): ______ (5%, HW)
You can estimate; Dr. J will use top-secret peer eval.

Our External Beta Testers' feedback are found in: __________________________ (10%, project)

After all is said and done, our Team Project deserves a: __________ (30%, project)

My midterm was: ___________ (20%) and my final will probably be: ___________ (20%)

Therefore the course grade I figure I deserve is a: ___________