CS383 HW#8: Culminating Design Assignment

A combination Individual and Team Assignment.
Oral Presentation Due: Friday November 30 in-class.
Final Paper Turnin Due: Monday 12/10 5pm, via e-mail (jeffery@uidaho.edu) and paper turnin

0. Meet with your team from HW7. [Team]

1. Combine all teams' software requirements and design efforts into a single document. Use major sections numbered with roman numerals (I=intro, II=analysis, III=design, IV=plan). Within each section, use subsection numbers based on the teams (1=admin, 2=algorithm, 3=chat, 4=datatype, 5=library, 6=navigation). So for example section II.3 would give the requirements analysis including use cases for the chat team, and section IV.1 would be the admin team's implementation plan for next semester. Each major section should start with an introduction of one or more paragraphs. Each team may use subsubsections as required (II.3.1, II.3.3.5, etc.). Important: attention in grading will be paid to how design elements such as statecharts or class associations came from requirements elements such as use cases! Cross-reference your document so the mappings can be identified! [Team]

2. Construct a project plan and schedule for next semester's implementation effort. Include milestones where progressively increasing partial functionality is delivered by each team. Include time for integration and testing.

3. Prepare a design presentation which explains your team's detailed design, starting from your use cases and explaining how your part of the system will be implemented. Show the user interface. Show the classes. Show their behavior, and their relationships. Show in detail the communications protocols, file formats, and database tables each component will use. Each person on the team should present around 5 minutes' worth of your total design. [Team]

4. Vote for your team's MVP (Most Valuable Player) and (optionally) vote for the 0 or more persons who your team could most afford to donate to another team for the Common Good. You are encouraged to write a sentence to say why your MVP candidate got your vote, or why you would be able to spare certain teammates, or why you can't spare anybody. If you think your team needs more members, you can also indicate that, which is separate from the question of whether your team can live without any current members. [Individual, via private e-mail.]

5. Evaluate the other teams' presentations in class on 11/30, 12/3, and 12/5. For each team, you will be expected to assess the following questions [Individual, via paper turnin at the end of each class session].

  1. Was the team's presentation understandable? (rate them from 1-5, 5=best)
  2. How correct and complete was the team's technical content? (rate them from 1-5, 5=best)
  3. How clear and well-defined are the team's external interfaces, in terms of what they provide or what they require as input? (rate them from 1-5, 5=best)
  4. Write 3 or more questions you have for this team on their design.