CS 324: Computer Graphics Lecture Notes

lecture #1 began here

Pick up your supplemental text...

Please stop by JEB B26 to pickup your copy of the supplemental text.

Graphics is not just rendering

Computer graphics is a broad area of computer science, incorporating elements of:


It would be stoopid for Dr. J to summarize the development of the entire field of computer graphics in one bullet list, so here goes:

lecture #2 began here

When you read chapter #1...

Be sure to pay good attention to section 1.3.

Rationale for the UIGUI Library

Section 2.1.3 of your book gives an INCOMPLETE "hello world"-style program for getting a basic drawing canvas working using OpenGL and the evil "glut". As written (incomplete) it is 14 long, ugly lines of glut calls, with no opengl. It is missing the #includes and four functions you must write. By the way, OpenGL does not include support for fonts, so "hello, world" will take a bit more effort than you think.

My past experience with glut has been poor. Also, it is not really part of OpenGL -- various platforms that provide OpenGL do not provide glut. They all provide "gl" and "glu", the OpenGL utilities library. So the text uses glut and we will use UIGUI ("oowee gooey", standing for "UI GUI"). It is fine if you want to learn GLUT as well; go right ahead. We will be learning a lot of "gl" and "glu" in a few weeks.

GLUT uigui
// #includes
void main(ing arc, char **argv)
glutCreateWindow("my first attempt");
#include "uigui.h"
int main()
  writes("Hello, world");

Homework #1

Note that it is due a week from today.

Graphics Hardware

Graphics hardware has been developing at a very rapid pace, perhaps faster than Moore's Law. This did not come about due to the civilian population benefitting from the research dollars spent by our military. The driving application domain: computer games. Without games, graphics on PC's would still be primeval. If you are not a gamer, please put up with gamer references in this class; if you use or profit from computer graphics, you owe the game industry at this point.

Frame Buffers

Bitmapped raster graphics is founded on the notion of some big hunk of physical memory being mapped directly to pixels. It is common to use 1,4,8,15,16,24, or 32 bits per pixel. Writing directly to memory is fast. Coding tends to be a mess of bitwise operations.

Generally the operating system and/or window system limit access to the frame buffer. There is conflict between abstraction and performance. 3D graphics "accelerator" hardware capabilities are increasingly "higher level", to where writing to the frame buffer yourself makes less and less sense.

Graphics API's

Vendor specific API's have tended to be complex (400-800 functions, 50-100 complex structure types). Portable graphics API's were slow and not widely accepted, more or less until the OpenGL API was developed. Reputable sources have claimed 3-6 months' training are required to achieve reasonable mastery of a major API.

Implementing DrawPixel(w,x,y)

In this course we consider not just the application programmer's point of view, but the graphics package implementor's point of view. Many of the fundamental algorithms implemented within existing graphics packages are presented to enhance your understanding and use of these packages.

Homework #0 postulated the use of a primitive for setting an individual dot (pixel, picture element) on the screen, and the previous lecture described the frame buffer used to store the contents of the screen in memory. So, how do we implement DrawPixel() ? The following pseudocode fragments approximate it for a display WIDTH x HEIGHT whose frame buffer is an array of bytes for which we have a pointer named fb. Implementation for real hardware would vary depending e.g. on whether the processor was "big-endian" or "little-endian", whether a 1-bit means black or means white, etc.

Monochrome (1-bit per pixel) case
    void DrawPixel(int x, int y, int value)
	int index = y * HEIGHT + x / 8;	
	int bit = y * HEIGHT + x % 8;	
	if (value) { /* set the bit on */
	   fb[index] |= 1 << bit;
        else { /* set the bit off */
	   fb[index] &= ~(1 << bit);
True Color (packed 24-bits per pixel) case
   void DrawPixel(int x, int y, int value)
      int index = (y * HEIGHT + x) * 3;
      fb[index++] = value & 255;
      fb[index++] = (value>>8) & 255;
      fb[index]   = (value>>16) & 255;
Note that memory is cheap and writing 32-bits at a time has compelling advantages, so many frame buffers are organized as 32-bits per pixel instead of 24, even though they only offer 24 bits of color. Some use the extra 8 bits, others ignore them.

lecture #3 began here

Happy Labor Day

Try to remember not to come to class this coming Monday. See you next Wednesday. Hint: do not put off your homeworks until the night before they are due!

UIGUI status

No one has complained yet, but I won't believe that this library will work for Anyone But Me until I start hearing reports. Do not wait for classtime, send me e-mail with positive or negative experiences. Today's update: Win32 and Linux 64-bit libraries now available; demo of same.

Line Drawing

OK, so we can draw pixels. How do we get from there to more complex graphic objects, such as lines, rectangles, etc.? We need algorithms. 15 years ago graphics packages implemented these algorithms in software the same way you and I would, but nowadays most graphics hardware implements many graphics algorithms directly. Pseudocode here switches to Icon as a way of passively introducing the notation. It is inconvenient to postulate a window, and we are pretending we are writing to the framebuffer, so let us say that the window is a global (default) variable.

Draws a horizontal line from (x1, y) to (x2, y):

while loop "for"-loop generator
x := x1
while x <= x2 do {
  x := x + 1
every x := x1 to x2 do {
every DrawPoint(x1 to x2, y)

Brute force (incremental) line algorithm (based on: y = mx + B)
 # note: use real numbers and round off, to avoid numeric errors
 procedure DrawLine0(x1,y1,x2,y2)
    m := real(y2 - y1) / real(x2 - x1)
    y := real(y1)
    every x := x1 to x2 do {
       DrawPoint(x, integer(y + 0.5)) # round off
       y +:= m
Midpoint algorithm (Bresenham, Pitteway, Van Aken)

Another important line algorithm was developed in the 60's and subsequently refined. Starting from the form F(x,y) = ax + by There is some cleverness here, to avoid any need for floating point numbers, which speeds things up greatly, especially on machines that do not have floating point instructions!
   procedure DrawLine1(x1,y1,x2,y2)
      dx := x2 - x1
      dy := y2 - y1
      d  := 2 * dy - dx
      incrE := 2 * dy
      incrNE := 2 * (dy - dx)
      x := x1
      y := y1
      while x < x2 do {
         if d <= 0 then {
            d +:= incrE
            x +:= 1
         else {
            d +:= incrNE
            x +:= 1
            y +:= 1

Midpoint Line Algorithm Example

The best way to get a feel for Bresenham/Midpoint in action is to see it. Here are the incrE and incrNE, and the value of x, y, and d for the line segment from (50,50) to (60,63):
incrE 6 incrNE -14
x 50 y 50 d -4
x 51 y 50 d 2
x 52 y 51 d -12
x 53 y 51 d -6
x 54 y 51 d 0
x 55 y 51 d 6
x 56 y 52 d -8
x 57 y 52 d -2
x 58 y 52 d 4
x 59 y 53 d -10
x 60 y 53 d -4

API parameters and graphic contexts

From skimming our text you should notice that a host of attributes (line width and style, color, etc) are applied in any given graphic output command. Some API's use separate parameters for each such "dimension", leading to very large parameter lists. In the design of the X Window System, this was avoided in order to reduce network traffic. Instead, resources for drawing attributes are preallocated on the display server in a large data structure called a graphics context. The X graphics context is not entirely complete (e.g. it doesn't include fonts) and other API's subdivide the graphics context further into specific abstractions such as "pen" and "brush".

Color Indices and Colormaps

So far we have mainly considered monochrome and "true color" frame buffers. 15- and 16-bits per pixel color displays are available that closely approximate "true color" in behavior. You should learn of at least one very different method of organizing a frame buffer, commonly used for 4- and 8-bits per pixel color displays. Instead of literally representing intensity of color, the frame buffer bits on these displays are often used as subscripts into an array (called a colormap) whose elements are color intensities. The "array" may be hardwired to a specific set of colors, or modifiable. If it is modifiable, the colormap provides a level of indirection that enables clever (and non-portable) tricks to be played, where modifying a single array element instantaneously changes the color for many (possibly hundreds of thousands) pixels.

Circle Drawing

Circles obey the an equation such as x2 + y2 = R2. If you can draw a good quarter circle, you can draw the rest of the circle by symmetry. If you try to draw a quarter circle by advancing x each step and solving the equation for y (y == +- sqrt(R2 - x2) from the earlier equation. But besides being slow, for part of the circle pixels will not touch because the slope is too steep, similar to the problem we saw drawing very "steep" lines looping on the x coordinate.

To avoid the discontinuity you can write a loop that steps through small angular increments and uses sin() and cos() to compute x and y.

Brute force circle algorithm (based on: y == +- sqrt(R^2 - x^2))
How small an angular increment is needed? our distance is 2 * pi * R pixels worth of drawing; we need angular increments R small enough to make these adjacent. 1/R radians gives a nice solid circle; angular steps twice as large still look like a connected, thinner circle.
   procedure DrawCircle0(x,y,R)
      every angle := 0.0 to 2 * &pi by 1.0 / R do {
	 px := x + sin(angle) * R
	 py := y + cos(angle) * R
8 Way Symmetry
Symmetry can speed up and simplify computations. We can do 1/8 as many calls to sin(), cos(), etc. This code also relies on "translation" of coordinates from (0,0) to an origin of (x0,y0). Translation is the first of many coordinate transformations you will see.
   procedure CirclePoints(x0, y0, x, y)
      DrawPoint(x0 + x, y0 + y)
      DrawPoint(x0 + y, y0 + x)
      DrawPoint(x0 + y, y0 - x)
      DrawPoint(x0 + x, y0 - y)
      DrawPoint(x0 - x, y0 - y)
      DrawPoint(x0 - y, y0 - x)
      DrawPoint(x0 - y, y0 + x)
      DrawPoint(x0 - x, y0 + y)
Mid-point (or Bresenham) circle algorithm
Like the mid-point line algorithm, it is possible to do a much more efficient incremental job of drawing a circle. See Fig 3.14. The procedure is very similar to the Mid Point line algorithm.
   procedure DrawCircle1(x0,y0,R)
      x := 0
      y := R
      d := 5.0 / 4.0 - R
      CirclePoints(x0, y0, x, y)
      while (y > x) do {
         if d < 0 then {
            d +:= 2.0 * x + 3.0
         else {
	    d +:= 2.0 * (x - y) + 5.0
            y -:= 1
         x +:= 1
	 CirclePoints(x0, y0, x, y)

lecture #4 began here

Discuss Homework #1 and Check Out HW #2

Restating the Homework Platforms

For doing graphics homeworks, your options are:
1. download and install the necessary graphics libraries and header files to a local machine.
To run locally, you will have to download an appropriate libuigui.a and uigui.h in order for your C programs to compile. In fact, you will have to do this a few times this semester (as libuigui gets "fleshed out". In order to use icon/unicon you would similarly need to download and install unicon from unicon.org, but that is not required for CS 324.
2. ssh into a CS machine.
For this option, the recommended machine is wormulon.cs.uidaho.edu. The ssh must be told to support X11 graphics connections. The command to do this is "ssh -X" from Linux. From Windows the correct command to do X window forwarding depends on which ssh client you use, but on the one from ssh.com you would go into the Edit menu, choose the Settings dialog, click open the Profile Settings, Connection, and Tunneling tabs, and click the "Tunnel X11 connections" checkbox. From what I have seen, this option works reasonably well for students at present, and allows me to update libraries without you having to download them again. But once we get to assignments where performance matters, being able to run locally will become a big advantage.

Clarifications on Bresenham/Midpoint Algorithms from Last Lecture

See the book, pages 467-472 for another explanation of Bresenham's algorithm.

See the wikipedia article on Bresenham's circle algorithm for a better description of that algorithm, using integer-only operations. An example program circ.icn is worth playing with.

Raster Operations

Our hardware lesson for today is yet another nuance of frame buffer manipulation. Consider the frame buffer as an array of bits in memory. When you are "drawing" on the frame buffer, you are writing some new bits out to that memory. You have the option of just replacing and discarding what used to be there, but there are other possibilities that involve combining the new value with the old. Each bit of the current contents could be combined using AND, OR, and NOT with corresponding bits being output. These different boolean combinations of current frame buffer with new output pixel values are called raster operations.

The most interesting raster operation is probably XOR. It has the property that XOR'ing a pixel value a second time restores the pixel to its former contents, giving you an easy "undo" for simple graphics. On monochrome displays XOR works like a champion, but on color displays it is less useful, because the act of XOR'ing in a pixel value may produce seemingly random or indistinct changes, especially on color index displays where the bits being changed are not color intensities. If a color display uses mostly a foreground color being drawn on a background color, drawing the XOR of the foreground and background colors in XOR mode works pretty much the way regular XOR does on monochrome displays.

Major Concepts from Hill/Kelley Chapter 2

Note: chapter 2 contains a bunch of introduction to OpenGL, covering various functions, mainly from the gl and glut libraries. In some sense it is profoundly overcomplicated. Absorb what you can, and ask what you want, while we use our much simpler library for awhile.
absolute vs. relative coordinates
compare DrawPoint(x1,y1,x2,y3) with DrawTo(xNew, yNew), where xOld and yOld are an implicit "current drawing position".
window coordinates vs. screen coordinates
pixel coordinates are generally relative to a current window...
normalized coordinates
going from (0.0,0.0) to (1.0,1.0) gives device independence
aspect ratio
width/height matters. For example drawings in normalized coordinates may look funny if computed with different aspect ratio than displayed.
event-driven programming
give up on your ownership of control flow, for most of the semester, you write function bodies that get called when the graphics system feels like it. In UIGUI this is "optional" but in OpenGL and most GUI class libraries it is mandatory. Creates problems for novices (need to "think backwards"; can't use program counter to remember where you are any more). Remember where you are by using a state machine (state variable(s)). For your functions to get called by the graphics system, you have to tell the system about them (register).

lecture #5 began here

Here's the CS Lab FAQ

Check it out; it provides some useful information on our current labs.

An Overview of UIGUI's Graphics Primitives

Note: uigui.h and libuigui.a were updated last night for all platforms to add the DrawLine() primitive. More to come!

Icon/Unicon 2D facilities consist of around 45 functions in total. There is one new data type (Window) which has around 30 attributes, manipulated using strings. Most graphics API's introduce a few hundred functions and several dozens of new typedefs and struct types that you must memorize. UIGUI will eventually have around 90 if each of the 45 requires two C versions.

These facilities are mainly described in Chapters 3 and 4 of the Icon Graphics Book. Here are some of my favorite functions you should start with. The main differences between Icon/Unicon and UIGUI: the C functions are not able to take an optional initial parameter, and do not yet support multiple primitives with a single call. This is less useful in C than in Icon anyhow, since C does not have an "apply" operator. An initial "working set" of UIGUI primitives will consist of just under half of the whole 2D API:

WOpen(), WClose()
Open and close the default window. Stickiness around the issue of initial attributes.
WAttrib(), Fg(), Bg()
Get/set an attribute. Fg() and Bg() are common special cases
DrawPoint(), DrawLine()
We have seen these by now.
8 functions for other common 2D primitives. In Icon; forthcoming in UIGUI. Built-ins in underlying Xlib/Win32/hardware.
A smooth curve algorithm with nice properties. In Icon; forthcoming in UIGUI. Implemented in software.
read a keyboard OR mouse event. In another lecture or two we will get around to discussing the extra information available about an event beyond its return value "code". Especially: mouse location.
Read the contents of a screen pixel (in Icon: a rectangular region). In Icon; forthcoming in UIGUI.

Region Filling

Suppose you want to fill in a circle or rectangle you've just drawn using one of the last few algorithms we've discussed? Starting from a point inside the object to be filled, one can examine pixels, and set all of them to a new color until one hits the border color of the object.

The border that defines a region may be 4-connected or 8-connected. 4-connected regions do not consider diagonals to be adjacent; 8-connected regions do. The following algorithms demonstrate brute force filling. The foreground color is presumed to be set to "new".

# for interior-defined regions. old must not == new
procedure floodfill_4(x,y,old,new)
   if Pixel(x,y,1,1) === old then {
For the example we started with (filling in one of our circles) only slightly more is needed:
# for boundary-defined regions.  the new color may be == to the boundary
procedure boundaryfill_4(x, y, boundary, new)
   p := Pixel(x,y,1,1) # read pixel
   if p ~== boundary & p ~== new then {
The main limitation of these brute-force approaches is that the recursion is deep, slow, and heavily redundant. One way to do better is to fill all adjacent pixels along one dimension with a loop, and recurse only on the other dimension.

More reading the frame buffer with Pixel()

If you try one of the fill algorithms above, they do genuinely recurse crazily enough to get stack overflows. Another reason they are sooo slow is because of the X11 window system architecture, which does not support reading the frame buffer as efficiently as writing to it; in particular, to ask for the contents of a window in general you must send a network message and wait for a reply.

Pixel(x,y,w,h) asks for all the pixels in a rectangular region with a single network transaction, which will be must faster than reading each pixel individually. In general, client-side "image" structures are not interchangeable with server-side "pixmap" and "window" structures, but this is an unfortunate limitation of their design.

How, how do you store a local (client-side) copy of a window in order to work with it efficiently? There are many ways you can represent an image, but we will start with a couple of brute force representations using lists of lists and tables of tables.

lecture #6 began here

Where we are at in the Course

I've given you reading assignments in chapter 2, but about half of that chapter is gross, low-level OpenGL details that I want to you to skim over, and half are important and useful ideas and principles I want you to "get". This week we will plow on into Chapter 3.


Q: What is the default window size under UIGUI?

A: 80 columns, 12 rows, in the system default "fixed" font.

Q: function watt() doesn't work, what up?

A: watt() supported most context attributes out of the box, but needed some more code to catch canvas attributes such as size=. Code has been added; new library build will come shortly.

Parameterizing Figures

Textbook example 2.3.3 illustrates an important concept, which is to code generic graphics and the apply them in different situations using different parameters to modify details. A 5-vertex house shape with a 4-vertex chimney are "parameterized" with a translation (peak.x,peak.y) and a scale (given as a width and height). This is a precursor of things to come (transformations, Hill chapter 5). If you push this "add flexibility to my graphics code" theme farther you end up with "write generic code that reads all the data from a file", another theme that Hill promotes. Anyhow, let's do a house shape using normalized coordinates and apply translation and scaling, as an exercise.

Convex Polygons

While we're discussing region filling, I mentioned that the 3D facilities (in OpenGL) support FillPolygon, but the polygons must be convex. See your Hill textbook, page 69 for a discussion of this and a definition of convex polygons. We'll come back to the topic in the 2nd half of the course.

Golden Rectangle

The Hill text page 86-87 has a discussion of the "golden rectangle". Following the golden ratio, 1.618033989... Note that the HDTV aspect ratio of 16:9 is closer to the golden ratio than the old 4:3 aspect ratio, but it sure is wider/skinnier than the real thing.

Faster Fills

To speedup the fill algorithm, one can
  1. Eliminate recursion, replace it with list operations and loops
  2. Reduce the number of redundant checks on each pixel
  3. Think in terms of line segments instead of individual pixels when possible.
# nonrecursive boundary fill.  the new color may be == to the boundary
procedure nr_boundaryfill_4(x, y, boundary, new)
   L := [x, y]
   while *L > 0 do {
      x := pop(L)
      y := pop(L)
      p := Pixel(x,y,1,1) # read pixel
      if p ~== boundary & p ~== new then {
	 put(L, x, y-1)
	 put(L, x, y+1)
	 put(L, x-1, y)
	 put(L, x+1, y)

Backing Store and Expose Events

Using UIGUI we operate under the illusion that each on-screen canvas is a chunk of the frame buffer that we control as long as our program requires it. In reality, window systems are sharing and coordinating use of the frame buffer much as operating systems schedule the CPU. In particular, moving, resizing, overlapping, minimizing and maximizing windows all point out the fact that an application doesn't have exclusive or continuous access to the frame buffer.

Under these various circumstances, window systems may discard part or all of an application's screen contents, and ask the application to redraw the needed portion of the screen later, when needed. A window system tells an application to redraw its screen by sending it an "expose" or "paint" event. Some applications just maintain a data structure containing the screen contents and redraw the screen by traversing this data structure; this is the raster graphics analog of the old "display list" systems used in early vector graphics hardware. But clients are complicated unnecessarily if they have to remember what they have already done. The obvious thing to do, and the thing that was done almost immediately, was to add to the window system the ability to store screen contents in an off-screen bitmap called a backing store, and let it do its own redrawing. Unfortunately, evil software monopolists at AT&T Bell Labs such as Rob Pike patented this technique, despite not having invented it, and despite its being obvious. This leaves us in the position of violating someone's patent whenever we use, for example, the X Window System.

Contexts and Cloning

Last lecture we introduced (via whiteboard) the concepts of graphics contexts, and cloning the context. This is an expanded treatment of that. With certain limits, you can have multiple contexts associated with a canvas, or can use a context on multiple canvases. Clone(w) creates an additional context on window w. Attributes in a context include: In contrast, canvas attributes: lecture #7 began here


Class canceled; homework due date extended
Offhand, it looks like I will be unable to teach on Wednesday 9/10. HW#2 is due Friday.
MW next week you have guest lectures
My excellent doctoral student Jafar will tell you a bit about our graphics-related research. He is a more bona-fide OpenGL guru than I, so check out his cool stuff.
lecture #8 began here

Check Out HW#3

"World Window" and "Viewport"

These Hill Ch. 3 concepts are important. The world window specifies what portion of a scene is to be rendered. Things outside the world window must be removed at some point from the calculations of what to draw. The viewport defines where on the physical display this world window is to appear. Rectangles are usually used for both of these, and if their aspect ratios do not match, interesting stretching may occur.

"World coordinates" are coordinates defined using application domain units. Graphics application writers usually find it far easier to write their programs using world-coordinates. Within the "world", the graphics application presents one or more rectangle views, denoted "world-coordinate windows", that thanks to translation, scaling, and rotation, might show the entire world, or might focus on a very tiny area in great detail.

A second set of transformations is applied to the graphics primitives to get to the "physical coordinates", or "viewport" of whatever hardware is rendering the graphics. The viewport's physical coordinates might refer to screen coordinates, printer device coordinates, or the window system's window coordinates.

If the world coordinates and the physical coordinates do not have the same height-width aspect ratio, the window-to-viewport transformation distorts the image. Avoiding distortion requires either that the "world-coordinate window" rectangles match the viewport rectangles' shapes, or that part of the viewport pixels go unused and the image is smaller.


"xlsfonts" reports 5315 fonts on the Linux system in my office. Windows systems vary even more than X11 systems, since applications often install their own fonts.

Fonts have: height, width, ascent, descent, baseline. Font portability is one of the major remaining "issues" in Icon's graphics facilities. There are four "portable font names": mono, typewriter, sans, serif, but unless/until these become bit-for-bit identical, programs that use text require care and/or adjustment in order to achieve portability. You can "fish for a font" with something like:

   Font(("Frutiger"|"Univers"|"Helvetica"|"sans") || ",14")

Proportional width fonts may be substantially more useful, but require substantially more computation to use well than do fixed width fonts. TextWidth(s) tells how many pixels wide string s is in a window's current font. Here is an example that performs text justification.

procedure justify(allwords, x, y, w)
   sofar := 0
   thisline := []
   while word := pop(allwords) do {
      if sofar + TextWidth(word) + (*thisline+1) * TextWidth(" ") > w then {
         setline(x, y, thisline, (w - sofar) / real(*thisline))
         thisline := []
         sofar := 0
	 y +:= WAttrib("fheight")
procedure setline(x,y,L,spacing)
   while word := pop(L) do {
      x +:= TextWidth(s) + spacing

Smooth Curves

DrawCurve(x1,y1,...,xN,yN) draws a smooth curve. If first and last points are the same, the curve is closed and is smooth around this boundary point. The algorithm used in UIGUI comes from [Barry/Goldman 88] in the SIGGRAPH 88 conference proceedings. Let's see how much we can derive from principles.

How do you draw smooth curves? You can approximate them with "polylines" and if you make the segments small enough, you will have the desired smoothness property. But how do you calculate the polylines for a smooth curve?

brute force
You can just represent the curve with every point on it, or with very tiny polylines. This method is memory intensive and makes manipulating the curve untenably tedious. The remaining options represent the curve with mathematical function(s) that approximate the curve.
explicit functions y=f(x)
does not handle curves which "double back"
implicit equations f(x,y)=0
hard to write equations for parts of curves, hard to sew multiple curves together smoothly
parametric equations x=x(t) y=y(t)
avoids problems with slopes; complex curves are sewn together from simpler ones; usually cubic polynomials are sufficient for 3D.

Sewing together curves is a big issue: the "slope" (endpoint tangent vectors are used to track these) of both curves must be equal at the join point.


In the real world, a spline is a metal strip that can be bent into various shapes by pulling specific points on the strip in some direction with some amount of force. The mathematical equivalent is a continuous cubic polynomial that passes through a set of control points. There are lots of different splines with interesting mathematics behind them. Catmull-Rom splines are one popular family of splines, with the property that the slopes as the curve passes through each point will be parallel to the surrounding points (Figure 11.32). Icon's DrawCurve() function uses the Catmull-Rom splines, specifically the algorithm cited in CG as [BARR88b]: Barry, Phillip J., and Goldman, Ronald N. (1988). A Recursive Evaluation Algorithm for a class of Catmull-Rom Splines. SIGGRAPH'88 conference, published in Computer Graphics 22(4), 199-204.

Smooth Curves - an algorithm

You stitch together the whole curve by doing one chunk at a time; that is, each outer step of the algorithm draws the spline between two adjacent points of the supplied vertices. Within that outer step, there are guts to setup the matrices for this spline segment, and a loop to plot the points.

Since we are drawing a smooth curve piecewise, to do the curve segment between pi and pi+1 you need four points actually; you need the points pi-1 and pi+2 in order to do the job. The algorithm will step through the i's starting with i=4 (3 if you were C language going 0..3 as your first 4 points), and counting i that way as the point after the two points whose segment we are drawing, the steps will actually render the curve between pi-2 and pi-1.

The data type used in the Icon implementation is a record Point with fields x and y. Under X11 you could use XPoint and under MS Windows, POINT would denote the same thing (duh).

record Point(x,y)

There are interesting questions at the endpoints! The algorithm always needs some pi-1 and pi+2 so at the endpoints one must supply them somehow. Icon, Unicon, and UIGUI use the following rule:

 if p1 == pN then
    add pN-1 before p1 and p2 after pN.
    duplicate p1 and pN at their respective ends.

Consequently, I have added this to the front of the gencurve() procedure for the lecture notes.

# generate a smooth curve between a list of points 
procedure gencurve(p)

   if (p[1].x == p[-1].x) & (p[1].y == p[-1].y) then { # close
      push(p, copy(p[-2]))
      put(p, copy(p[2]))
   else { # replicate
Now to draw every segment between pi-2 and pi-1. This is a "for" loop:
   every i := 4 to *p do {
Build the coefficients ax, ay, bx and b_y, using: (note: b_y not "by", because by is an Icon reserved word). This part is "magic": you have to lookup MCR and GiBs in the journal article yourself.
                           _              _   _    _
 i                 i    1 | -1   3  -3   1 | | Pi-3 |
Q (t) = T * M   * G   = - |  2  -5   4  -1 | | Pi-2 |
             CR    Bs   2 | -1   0   1   0 | | Pi-1 |
                          |_ 0   2   0   0_| |_Pi  _|
Given the magic, it is clear how the ax/ay/bx/b_y are calculated:
      ax := - p[i-3].x + 3 * p[i-2].x - 3 * p[i-1].x + p[i].x
      ay := - p[i-3].y + 3 * p[i-2].y - 3 * p[i-1].y + p[i].y
      bx := 2 * p[i-3].x - 5 * p[i-2].x + 4 * p[i-1].x - p[i].x
      b_y := 2 * p[i-3].y - 5 * p[i-2].y + 4 * p[i-1].y - p[i].y
Calculate the forward differences for the (parametric) function using parametric intervals. These used to be intervals of size 0.1 along the total curve; that wasn't smooth enough for large curves, so they were expanded to max(x or y axis difference). This is a Bug! It is not always big enough! What is the correct number to use??
      steps := max(abs(p[i-1].x - p[i-2].x), abs(p[i-1].y - p[i-2].y)) + 10
      stepsize := 1.0 / steps
      stepsize2 := stepsize * stepsize
      stepsize3 := stepsize * stepsize2
      thepoints := [ ]
From here on out as far as Dr. J is concerned this is basic calculus and can be understood by analogy to physics. dx/dy are velocities, d2x/d2y are accelerations, and d3x/d3y are the changes in those accelerations... The 0.5's and the applications of cubes and squares are from the "magic matrix"...
      x := p[i-2].x
      y := p[i-2].y
      put(thepoints, x, y)
      dx := (stepsize3*0.5)*ax + (stepsize2*0.5)*bx +
      dy := (stepsize3*0.5)*ay + (stepsize2*0.5)*b_y +
      d2x := (stepsize3*3) * ax + stepsize2 * bx
      d2y := (stepsize3*3) * ay + stepsize2 * b_y
      d3x := (stepsize3*3) * ax
      d3y := (stepsize3*3) * ay
The "inner for loop" calculates the points for drawing (this piece of) the curve, broken into steps.
      every 1 to steps do {
	 x   +:= dx
	 y   +:= dy
	 dx  +:= d2x
	 dy  +:= d2y
	 d2x +:= d3x
	 d2y +:= d3y
	 put(thepoints, x, y)
DrawLine is used instead of DrawPoints in order to avoid holes and get working linwidth/linestyle, but this turns out to be a mixed bag...
      DrawLine ! thepoints

Smooth Curves - a slight embarassment

The following figures depict the behavior of the smooth curves algorithm on the curve through points. In each figure the top picture is the algorithm as given, and the bottom is the built-in drawcurve, which is (should be) doing the same algorithm in C.

After my first pass, it was obvious some pixels seem to be missing, not just from the Icon version, but from the "official" built-in version! Some missing pixels were filled in by adding another line segment to the end of each step:

To fill in more pixels, I traced the actual execution behavior, and saw some pixels in the generated output not showing up! Pixels in green are generated by the algorithm but not shown in the drawn curve:

Ways to fix: make the stepsize smaller? Change from DrawLine to DrawPoint as DrawCurve's underlying primitive? Using lines instead of points was perhaps done in the first place to avoid gaps in drawn output, but some API's (X11?) exclude the endpoints of lines being drawn... However, DrawLine is potentially nicer than DrawPoint from the standpoint that it will use the "linewidth" (handy) and "linestyle".

drawCurve() C implementation

This code is where the Icon code above came from, except for the begin-point and end-point duplication shown above and not given here.
 * genCurve - draw a smooth curve through a set of points.
 *  Algorithm from Barry, Phillip J., and Goldman, Ronald N. (1988).
 *  A Recursive Evaluation Algorithm for a class of Catmull-Rom Splines.
 *  Computer Graphics 22(4), 199-204.
void genCurve(w, p, n, helper)
wbp w;
XPoint *p;
int n;
void (*helper)	(wbp, XPoint [], int);
   int    i, j, steps;
   float  ax, ay, bx, by, stepsize, stepsize2, stepsize3;
   float  x, dx, d2x, d3x, y, dy, d2y, d3y;
   XPoint *thepoints = NULL;
   long npoints = 0;

   for (i = 3; i < n; i++) {
       * build the coefficients ax, ay, bx and by, using:
       *                             _              _   _    _
       *   i                 i    1 | -1   3  -3   1 | | Pi-3 |
       *  Q (t) = T * M   * G   = - |  2  -5   4  -1 | | Pi-2 |
       *               CR    Bs   2 | -1   0   1   0 | | Pi-1 |
       *                            |_ 0   2   0   0_| |_Pi  _|

      ax = p[i].x - 3 * p[i-1].x + 3 * p[i-2].x - p[i-3].x;
      ay = p[i].y - 3 * p[i-1].y + 3 * p[i-2].y - p[i-3].y;
      bx = 2 * p[i-3].x - 5 * p[i-2].x + 4 * p[i-1].x - p[i].x;
      by = 2 * p[i-3].y - 5 * p[i-2].y + 4 * p[i-1].y - p[i].y;

       * calculate the forward differences for the function using
       * intervals of size 0.1
#ifndef abs
#define abs(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x))
#ifndef max
#define max(x,y) ((x>y)?x:y)

      steps = max(abs(p[i-1].x - p[i-2].x), abs(p[i-1].y - p[i-2].y)) + 10;

      if (steps+4 > npoints) {
         if (thepoints != NULL) free(thepoints);
	 thepoints = (XPoint *)malloc((steps+4) * sizeof(XPoint));
	 npoints = steps+4;

      stepsize = 1.0/steps;
      stepsize2 = stepsize * stepsize;
      stepsize3 = stepsize * stepsize2;

      x = thepoints[0].x = p[i-2].x;
      y = thepoints[0].y = p[i-2].y;
      dx = (stepsize3*0.5)*ax + (stepsize2*0.5)*bx + (stepsize*0.5)*(p[i-1].x-p[i-3].x);
      dy = (stepsize3*0.5)*ay + (stepsize2*0.5)*by + (stepsize*0.5)*(p[i-1].y-p[i-3].y);
      d2x = (stepsize3*3) * ax + stepsize2 * bx;
      d2y = (stepsize3*3) * ay + stepsize2 * by;
      d3x = (stepsize3*3) * ax;
      d3y = (stepsize3*3) * ay;

      /* calculate the points for drawing the curve */

      for (j = 0; j < steps; j++) {
	 x = x + dx;
	 y = y + dy;
	 dx = dx + d2x;
	 dy = dy + d2y;
	 d2x = d2x + d3x;
	 d2y = d2y + d3y;
         thepoints[j + 1].x = (int)x;
         thepoints[j + 1].y = (int)y;
      helper(w, thepoints, steps + 1);
   if (thepoints != NULL) {
      thepoints = NULL;

static void curveHelper(wbp w, XPoint *thepoints, int n)
    * Could use drawpoints(w, thepoints, n)
    *  but that ignores the linewidth and linestyle attributes...
    * Might make linestyle work a little better by "compressing" straight
    *  sections produced by genCurve into single drawline points.
   drawlines(w, thepoints, n);

 * draw a smooth curve through the array of points
void drawCurve(w, p, n)
wbp w;
XPoint *p;
int n;
   genCurve(w, p, n, curveHelper);


Image manipulation involves three areas File formats are numerous; these are things like GIF, JPG, BMP, PNG. They vary according to compression size, lossiness, and portability. Icon does GIF on all platforms, plus whatever formats are built-in to the Window system (e.g. BMP and XBM). GIF is not very suitable due to patent encumbrances, and Icon really needs to add PNG and JPG support.

Window system native manipulation starts with off-screen invisible windows you can draw on, and copy to visible windows from. A window opened with "canvas=hidden" in Icon can be used for this purpose; CopyArea(w1,w2,x,y,wd,ht,x2,y2) or WAttrib("canvas=normal") are examples of ways to get hidden graphics onto the screen.

lecture #9 began here

lecture #10 (virtual lecture) began here

Lectures 9 and 10 were taught by Jafar. Any questions? lecture #11 began here

Gamma Correction

The eye is more sensitive to ratios of intensity levels, rather than absolute values of intensity. Intensity levels should be spaced logarithmically rather than linearly, to achieve equal levels of brightness. Hill Section ??.? gives an overview of gamma correction; without gamma correction your range of color values will not be spread out smoothly. Some hardware has gamma correction built-in, and some operating systems (e.g. MacOS) implement gamma correction uniformly at the system level. For the rest, you may have reasonable default behavior but it may be to your advantage to allow the user to modify the default gamma correction value for their nonstandard CRT's.

Review of Vector & Matrix Math

Please help Dr. J re-learn some of his vector and matrix math from Hill Chapter 4 and sites such as lecture #12 began here

Once again with Catmull Rom

Check out the crsdemo

Have we Talked about Pixel() and WAttrib() enough yet

Pixel() really returns a pointer to (an array of) unsigned char RGB triplets, WAttrib() returns a char * also.

2D Geometrical Transformations

Please absorb Chapter 4 in detail, the 2D part for starters. Don't you just love those homogeneous coordinates! Dr. J's thoughts: you can do 2D scaling and rotation with 2x2 matrices, that is as simple as anything here is going to get. To toss translation into the mix, you resort to those pesky homogeneous coordinates, i.e. 3x3 matrices and a clever trick to allow 2D translation, scaling, and rotation all at once. Although these are 3x3, their bottom row tends to be dull; I am not sure how many libraries exploit that.

For 3D we end up with 4x4 matrices, employing the same tricks. For exams (midterm, final, etc.) you will have to know your matrix transforms down cold! Should we do a pencil and paper homework?

Remember: matrices compose nicely, but not all transforms are commutative. Plan ahead for the old translate-to-origin, rotate, and translate-back trick.

lecture #13 began here

Read Chapter 5

We still need to hit one topic in Chapter 4, but we are obviously in Chapter 5 today.

Matrix Representations of 3D Coordinate Transformations

3D transformations can be represented by 4x4 matrices using homogeneous coordinates (x, y, z, W), or (x/W, y/W, z/W, 1) for W != 0.

Translation is extended from the 2D case:
T(dx,dy,dz) =
0 10dy
0 0 1dz

Scaling is similarly extended:
S(dx,dy,dz) =

Rotation is a little more interesting; the rotation around the origin that we did before now becomes rotation around the z-axis with the following matrix:
Rz(θ) =
cos θ-sin θ00
sin θcos θ00

But there are two more axes one might want to rotate about:

Rx(θ) =
0cos θ-sin θ0
0sin θcos θ0

Ry(θ) =
cos θ0sin θ0
-sin θ0cos θ0

Composition of 3D Transformations (Hill 5.2.5 )

As was the case for 2D, 3D translation, scaling, and rotation can be composed as much as you want, and reduced via matrix multiplication to a single matrix to apply to all points that need transforming. Typical will be a translation to the origin, a scaling, and as many rotations as are needed to orient the object in the right direction.

Change in Coordinate Systems

One way to view transformations is as a "coordinate system conversion" similar to converting temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. To render a scene in world coordinates you are changing world coordinates into "window" (logical) coordinates, and then changing "window" coordinates into "viewport" (physical) coordinates. This same approach, and the application of transformations to accomplish conversions, may be extended into the application domain, allowing objects to express their coordinate systems relative to whatever near neighbors are most logical, instead of expressing them as absolute positions relative to some world origin which is arbitrary.

All About Colors

This talk is based on material in [Foley/VanDam/Feiner/Hughes Chapter 13] and GB Chapter 7. Hill Chapter 11 talks about color in some detail.

We have some basic introduction to color earlier, namely the RGB color coordinate system commonly used on computer monitors. Computer hardware commonly uses 24-bits to express color information for each pixel, while software may use another coordinate system, such as X11's 48-bit system.

It may surprise you to hear that RGB color coordinates are a relatively new invention, constructed solely as a by-product of the hardware used in color monitors. RGB is not used in traditional color disciplines such as photography or print shops. Interestingly, RGB is not even capable of expressing many colors that humans recognize. We will see aspects of that and other issues in this talk.


Color is the perception of light, and the first coordinate that applies to all perception of light is how much light is seen: this is called intensity, luminance, lightness or brightness. Intensity may range from 0 (black) through the grays up to infinity (white). Intensity beyond a certain amount will cause blindness, so almost any upper bound of intensity that is whiter than everything else might be considered white for a given view. Aside from common binary systems (light vs. no light, a.k.a. monochrome), the question is: how many different levels of brightness does the hardware support, and how many levels of intensity would be required for us to see it as a smooth continuum. One answer, from Figures 13.1-13.6, is that 32 levels might be sufficient for practical purposes; Table 13.1 suggests that in real life the upper bound for most media are in the 400-500 intensities range. If resolution is lower, more intensities may help, while higher resolution can compensate somewhat for having fewer intensities. You can trade resolution for more intensities using so-called half-toning and dithering techniques, especially if you have more resolution than you need, or are willing to stand viewers far away from what they are looking at.

The truth is that humans vary a fair amount in their perception, ranging from those who are blind to those who can see details far more precisely than average. As was mentioned in the discussion of gamma correction, human perception of brightness is on a log scale; we perceive ratios of intensity, not absolute values. Having appropriate gamma correction might affect how many intensities are needed in a given application.


For those viewers who are not color blind, the thing that determines perception of color is the "dominant wavelength", ranging through the visible spectrum from the (ultra)violet through the (infra)red. The term "hue" is commonly used for this aspect of color. The main thing for me to mention regarding hue is that although the spectrum occupies a linear progression through wavelengths, humans do not perceive this linearity, if they recognize a progression from violet to red it is learned artificially.


It is quite rare for you to perceive "pure" light, almost all colors you see are mixtures. Mixtures of specific colors may be averaged out to an intermediate color as a "dominant wavelength", but for any color you see we can generically ask how much white random light is mixed in with whatever dominant colors are to be seen. If the answer is: 0% white light, we would say the color is 100% saturated. If the answer is: 100% white light, we have fully unsaturated light which will be seen as a gray (or white, or black) based on intensity. Saturated colors are very vivid, while the more unsaturated would be considered "washed out" or "pale".

Additive and Subtractive Color Models

The traditional coordinates for colors in some disciplines are HSV for Hue, Saturation, and Value (=Intensity). But the "Hue" coordinate is not very easy to work, so other color models are common. For hardware where colors are formed by adding light together, the dominant coordinates RGB, and the "color cube" makes sense.

For colors that are formed by subtracting (filtering) out of white light from what will be reflected, the colors cyan, magenta, and yellow are subtractive primary colors; they are complements of red (cyan="no red"), green (magenta="no green"), and blue (yellow="no blue"). CMY coordinates are commonly used on color printers. Adding a fourth color (pure black) typically improves the quality and reduces ink costs by giving blacker blacks than the dull gray you get from using all three CMY inks to produce "black" by regular subtraction.

There are other significant color models in wide use; for example color TV signals use a model (YIQ) that emphasizes intensity but also tacks on hue and saturation using a lower amount of bandwidth. YIQ uses twice as much bandwidth for intensity as for all other color information, and is mapped onto both monochrome and color (RGB) TV sets.

lecture #14 began here.

UIGUI Mouse x,y

We can't say &x and &y in C, so we say Mx and My.

Quick thought on event-driven coding in UIGUI

You must call a GUI-event reading function constantly, or suffer dire consequences. During any longer computations, call pollevent().


Note: this lecture is a bit out of order, it should have been done earlier. In UIGUI, Clip(x,y,wd,ht) clips all output to a specified rectangle in the window.

Hill Sections 3.3 and 4.7 talk about how clipping can be implemented. Let's see how much we can get from principles. The first clipping algorithm to do is: clipping lines. Suppose we have to implement a function

that draws a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2, except skipping anything that is outside of (x,y,wd,ht). How can we write that procedure? Let's first dismiss some trivial cases. Can we tell whether any clipping is needed at all? Yes, it is easy:
procedure DrawClipped(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y,wd,ht)
   if x <= x1 <= x+wd & x <= x2 <= x+wd &
      y <= y1 <= y+ht & y <= y2 <= y+ht then {
      # draw the whole line, no clipping needed
      return DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
   # else some clipping is actually needed.
Now, how can we tell what clipping is needed? Here is Totally Easy Clipping:
   if x1 < x & x2 < x then return
   if x1 > x+wd & x2 > x+wd then return
   if y1 < y & y2 < y then return
   if y1 > y+ht & y2 > y+ht then return
This narrows down the problem to: either one end needs to be clipped and the other doesn't, or both ends need to be clipped. If both ends need to be clipped, there are still cases where the entire line is outside our drawing rectangle and needs to be clipped.

All of this up to now is totally obvious common sense, but it is also the start of the Cohen Sutherland clipping algorithm. It must be that what you do next is what makes Cohen Sutherland interesting. Let's pretend that Dr. J hasn't read or doesn't remember Cohen Sutherland even a bit. What options do I have?

Suppose we do the recursive thing:
procedure DrawClipped(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y,wd,ht)
   if x <= x1 <= x+wd & x <= x2 <= x+wd &
      y <= y1 <= y+ht & y <= y2 <= y+ht then {
      # draw the whole line, no clipping needed
      return DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
   # else some clipping is actually needed.
   if x1 < x & x2 < x then return
   if x1 > x+wd & x2 > x+wd then return
   if y1 < y & y2 < y then return
   if y1 > y+ht & y2 > y+ht then return

   # else: divide and conquer
Does it work? If you try this out, you will most likely get a segmentation fault, because we haven't adequately handled the base case (when is DrawClipped handling segments so small that no recursion makes sense?). Cohen-Sutherland differs in that it isn't dividing in half, but rather, looks to chop at the actual intersection points.
procedure clipSegment(x1,y1, x2,y2, x,y,wd,ht)
repeat {
   p1_inside := (x <= x1 <= x+wd & y <= y1 <= y+ht) | &null
   p2_inside := (x <= x2 <= x+wd & y <= y2 <= y+ht) | &null
   if \p1_inside & \p2_inside then {
      # draw the whole line, no clipping needed
      return DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
   # else some clipping is actually needed.
   if x1 < x & x2 < x then return
   if x1 > x+wd & x2 > x+wd then return
   if y1 < y & y2 < y then return
   if y1 > y+ht & y2 > y+ht then return
   if /p1_inside then { # p1 not inside, fix p1
      if x1 < x then { # p1 to the left, chop left edge
      else if x1 > x+wd then { # p1 to the right, chop right edge
      else if y1 < y then { # p1 above, chop against top edge
      else if y1 > y+ht then { # p1 below, chop against bottom edge
   else { # p2 not inside, fix p2
In-class exercise: how to do the chopping?

If x1 < x, compute new x1,y1 intersecting with x: slope m of segment is (y2-y1) / (x2-x1). New intersection point is (x, y1 + (x-x1) * m)

Check out my Cohen-Sutherland demo.

There is a lot more to say about clipping, especially in 3D. We will revisit this topic as time allows.

Introducing OpenGL

OpenGL is public, standard C language 3D graphics API based on an earlier, proprietary standard developed by SGI. OpenGL is a state machine of sorts, that takes in requests for graphics primitives, processes them through a rendering pipeline, and produces 2D pixel images as output.

OpenGL actually consists of two libraries (GL and GLU), and to use it you must either write window system code yourself (X11 or Win32) or use a third party library such as "glut" to handle window creation and user input.

In order to compile OpenGL programs, you may have to install whatever packages are needed for GL and GLU libraries and headers (libGL and libGLU in .so or .a forms, and various <GL/*.h> files under some header directory such as /usr/include, /usr/X11R6/include, /usr/openwin/include, or whatever. You generally have to learn your compiler's options for specifying where to look for these libraries (-L and -I).

In addition to these headers and libraries for linking, which you normally specify in a makefile, you may need a LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in order for the system to find one or more of your shared libraries at program load time in order to run it. Note that you may already have an LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and you should just add your OpenGL (e.g. Mesa) directory to your existing path if you have one.

Compared with the earlier Icon/UIGUI 2D interface we have seen, OpenGL has many more features, and more complexity, for 3D programming. The glut library which interfaces OpenGL to the host window system claims to be simple and easy to use, but is limited and restrictive in its capabilities. Last time I taught this course, students complained bitterly about glut. Your options in this course are basically: glut or UIGUI 3D.


Most graphics API's are "event-driven", meaning that an application is written as a set of functions which are called by the window system in response to user input or when other services are required. glut follows this model in a strong sense; callback functions are "registered" with glut, after which glut's main loop owns the control flow of your program. Under glut(), you do not draw your graphics output in your main() procedure, you draw it in a "display callback" function that is invoked whenever the window needs to be redrawn.

UIGUI does this sort of stuff for you under the hood; if you use it, your graphics primitives get saved in a data structure, and the UIGUI library registers its display callback function to walk and redraw that data structure. But for everything to work, you have to read a GUI input function or call pollevent() more or less constantly.

Composing graphics primitives

OpenGL graphics primitives are generally composed using a series of functions expressed by the pattern:
glBegin glVertex+ glEnd
The glBegin(type_of_object) function specifies what primitive is being depicted, and the glVertex family of functions allow any number of (x,y,z) coordinates in a variety of types and dimensions. This lecture is presenting selected material from the OpenGL Primer, chapter 2.

lecture #15 began here

By the way... wormulon/eternium do not have glut?

At least, I do not see them, does anybody else? If not, this is part of what I was telling you about. Ouch! I guess I had better ask Larry to put them up...

Looking at the HW#3 "Solutions"

You are graded relative to your peers, but HW#3 results are pretty brutal so far. Let's take a look.

A Bevy of OpenGL and GLUT Functions

In addition to the core graphics functions, there are a lot of helper functions in the OpenGL API; we will present a few more details of these helper functions that you may find useful.
int glutCreateWindow(char *title)
Regarding window creation with glutCreateWindow(), I need to emphasize the point that you can create multiple windows, each call will return a separate integer "identifier". The example simple.c is slightly misleading since it uses old-style K&R C, implying glutCreateWindow() returns void. Since the OpenGL functions don't take a window argument, you can expect to find another helper function down the road which sets which window subsequent calls are directed to, stored in some hidden global variable.
void glutDisplayFunc(void (*func)(void))
As the book emphasizes, your callback takes no parameters, so expect to use a lot of global variables in your opengl programs.
There are 3 X 4 X 2 = 24 versions of this function! It may be moderately inefficient to call this function 100 times in order to specify a single, 100-vertex polygon. You should be looking for whether there is any mechanism to streamline this.
Most graphics systems buffer output even heavily, just as standard file I/O systems do. In particular X11 buffers output to reduce the number of network packets it uses.
glutInitWindowPosition(x,y), glutInitWindowSize(width, height)
Most applications will use these typical convenience functions. They store values in global variables for later use. Call them before glutCreateWindow().

Color in OpenGL

OpenGL supports "RGB" (true color) and "color index" (color map) modes; writing an application that will run on either is a bit awkward, and color index display hardware is vanishing, so it is reasonable to consider only the RGB color mode. Colors are specified in real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0. Some displays (notably, current generation Macs) support degrees of transparency for superimposing multiple images on screen, and use a fourth color component (alpha) where 1.0 means the color is solid and 0.0 means the color is invisible.

Consider now the task of setting the foreground color with which objects are drawn. Although colors are real numbers between 0 and 1, you can use almost any numeric type to supply RGB values; integer values are converted into fractions of the maximum value, so for example many programmers who are used to working with 8 bits each of R, G, and B, can call a function that takes values like (255, 127, 0) and internally this is converted to the equivalent (1.0, 0.5, 0).

So, like the glVertex family, there are many (28) functions in the families that set the foreground color, glColor*. An example call would be: glColor3f(1.0, 0.5, 0.0). Apparently they didn't bother to make 28 functions for setting the background color with glClearColor(), because that operation is far less common.

This discussion of color is well and good, but tragically it all becomes meaningless as you transition from "toy" programs to more realistic ones, because once you introduce lighting into your application, glColor*() has no effect! When lighting is introduced, the color of objects becomes a function of the color of light and the reflective properties of the objects, specified by "materials". We will see lighting in detail a little later.

Cameras, take one

OpenGL allows you good control over what "window on the world coordinates" will be visible in your scene. In the general case, you will be able to specify viewing from an arbitrary (x,y,z) location, in an arbitary (x,y,z) direction, as well as how wide and high your field of view is. Section 2.8 mentions the 2D special case of this, gluOrtho2D(x1,x2,y1,y2); if you ever use it, beware the surprising parameter order, and note that OpenGL's world coordinates are based on classic cartesian coordinates, not the typical physical coordinates in which y grows going down.

lecture #16 began here

OpenGL Transformation Matrices

The translation, scaling, and rotation used in converting objects' world coordinates to their on-screen pixel locations is done automatically by OpenGL. Two transformation matrices are maintained by OpenGL (in global variables) and combined to perform rendering: the model-view matrix and the projection matrix. The same set of functions are used for manipulating both matrices, so you start by specifying which matrix you are working on, by calling glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) (or GL_MODELVIEW).

When you use gluOrtho2D() you are manipulating the projection matrix. Functions like gluOtho2D modify (i.e. to a matrix multiply into) whatever is in the matrix already, and if you want to start from a known position, you need to reset the matrix to the identity matrix with glLoadIdentity(), so the complete code to specify a 2D window on the world in OpenGL looks like

Later on, we will see that you frequently compose these matrices, especially the model view matrix, while drawing a complex scene. From one transformation corresponding to a given "parent" coordinate system, if you have several "child" coordinate systems whose coordinates are relative to the parent, each child will need to save the parent transformation, make changes and then draw their objects, and then restore the parent. When object hierarchies are multiple levels deep, a special type of stack is natural. OpenGL provides a built-in stack mechanism, in which the "push" operation copies the top stack element, to which the child may then apply transformations for their coordinate system relative to the parent coordinates. glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix() are used in this way, and they operate on whichever current matrix you have specified using glMatrixMode().

More OpenGL Graphic Primitives

GL_POINTS are not usually very interesting in 3D graphics, but opengl supports them and even has a "point size" attribute (set by function glPointSize()) that says how large (in pixels) plotted points should appear. Are points round, or square? Are they really spheres in a 3D scene? The fact that their "size" is given in pixels is at odds with the world coordinates used to specify position, so you can be suspicious that points are a "special case" hack in OpenGL.
There are three opengl primitives for depicting lines, similar to the two primitives used in Icon's 2D graphics. GL_LINES draws disconnected segments between pairs of points, similar to Icon's DrawSegment(), while GL_LINE_STRIP draws lines between every adjacent pair of points, forming a single connected object. GL_LINE_LOOP also the first and last points specified, for people too lazy to repeat the first point at the end. Lines have a color, a thickness (glLineWidth()), and a so-called stipple pattern that let's you specify dashes or dots in the lines you draw. But, you can only use these line styles if you call glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE).
Triangles, Triangle Strips, Triangle Fans
Triangles get a lot of attention in 3D graphics because they are the smallest number of points necessary to specify a portion of a solid object's surface. 3D graphics hardware supports the rendering of triangles directly, while more complex surfaces are usually composed of many many (possibly millions) triangles. In addition to GL_TRIANGLES, are are cleverly optimized ways to specify sequences of physically connected triangles without having to specify the vertices they have in common multiple times. The net effect is only having to specify one new vertex per triangle. GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP connects each vertex with the previous two, while GL_TRIANGLE_FAN connects each vertex with the previous one, and the first vertex.
Quads and Quad Strips
Four vertex objects are also common, and may be rendered in hardware or broken up into triangles for rendering. GL_QUAD_STRIP defines each new quad using the last two vertices and two new vertices, costing new vertices per quad. As an afterthought, OpenGL also supports conventional 2D rectangles with the glRect* family.
GL_POLYGON is the most general of these primitives, and is typically broken down into triangles during rendering. It is analogous to FillPolygon() in Icon's graphics. It is worth mentioning a few extra items relating to polygons. If their vertices cross, OpenGL's semantics are not guaranteed, implementations can handle them however they please. And convex polygons are MUCH easier and faster to render. If you use multiple colors in the middle of a glBegin/glEnd pair, opengl will use interpolation to gradually change the colors. You can specify glShadeModel(GL_FLAT) if you want each primitive to be a single color instead of an interpolation of the varying colors of its vertices.


Within your window, you can select subregions and use them for different purposes; for example, to render simultaneous views looking forward and backward to provide "eyeballs in the back of your head".

glViewport(x, y, w, h) maps the current projection onto a specific region within the selected window.

Reshape and Idle callbacks

One typical way to do animation is to modify some global variables inside the idle callback function, and then call glutPostRedisplay() to cause your display callback to be called. The book's example rotates a square by two degrees each time the idle callback runs. If you want rotation to achieve a constant velocity independent of hardware capabilities, say 30 degrees per second, you'd need to make the angle increment a variable, and run some timings to see how many frames per second your computer is achieving. From our mass media, we know 24 (movies) or 30 (tv) frames per second appears "smooth" to most viewers.

Keyboard and Mouse

Many separate callbacks are used to handle keyboard and mouse input. Both callbacks supply (x,y) mouse location at the time of the input. Keyboard callback has a single integer to say what key is pressed, and causes to you use auxiliary functions to try and detect special key combinations such as the ALT key. The main mouse callback has a separate integer codes to indicate which button and whether it was a press or release. Separate callbacks are used to request mouse motion when a button is pressed (a "drag") and when no button is pressed ("passive motion").

Display Lists

A display list is a collection of off-screen invisible OpenGL objects, stored on the server in a format that can be rapidly (re)displayed. They are created and accessed by integer handles. Display lists may be called from within other display lists.
glNewList(myhandle, GL_COMPILE);

lecture #17 began here

From the class email

Q: camera functions are crazy. what up?
A: they are indeed counterintuitive. we will spend some more time on them. the recommended camera function is glFrustum().

Q: my cylinders won't show. what up? A: any number of reasons, but cylinders need a draw style and "normals". here is a typical sequence:

   glTranslatef(x, y, z);
   glRotated(270.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); /* rotate so cylinder points "up" */
   qobj = gluNewQuadric();
   gluQuadricDrawStyle(qobj, GLU_FILL);
   gluQuadricNormals(qobj,  GLU_SMOOTH);
   gluCylinder(qobj, radius1, radius2, height, slices, rings);

FillCurve update

Check out this fillcurve.c, it is pretty fast, and still needs the bounding box optimization. But it doesn't use the "fill pattern" from the graphics context. Were we to implement this as a built-in for UIGUI, would we be better off to compute a set of points via gencurve, and then call FillPolygon?

Selection Mode

To select an object in a 3D scene, you rerender the scene in "selection mode", not writing to the frame buffer but labeling each object being rendered with an integer code, with the clipping set closely around the mouse click so that only objects on/near the mouse are rendered. Most of this work is done in the mouse callback function.

void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
glSelectBuffer(SIZE, nameBuffer);
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);


hits = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER);
processHits(hits, nameBuffer);
The display callback function becomes trivial, because we have moved code to a helper function called to display or to check for hits:
The draw_objects function does the graphics functions, but "labels" each selectable object with an integer code:
void draw_objects(GLenum mode)
   if (mode == GL_SELECT) glLoadName(1);
   if (mode == GL_SELECT) glLoadName(2);
The processHits function considers all objects within N pixels (N was specified in gluPickMatrix) of the user click.
void processHits(GLint hits, GLuint buffer[])
   unsigned int i, j;
   GLuint names, *ptr;
   printf("hits = %d\n", hits);
   ptr = (GLuint *) buffer;

   for (i = 0; i < hits; i++) {
      names = *ptr;
      ptr += 3; /* skip over number of names and depths */
      for (j = 0; j < names; j++) {
         if (*ptr == 1) printf("red rectangle\n");
         else printf("blue rectangle\n");
         ptr ++;


OpenGL's synthetic camera model emulates real world imaging. 3D images within a particular view volume are projected onto a 2D surface, as viewed from a particular center of projection. 6 degrees of freedom specify the camera position and where it is looking. Three angles specify what is up. Six additional values specify the viewing volume.
orthographic projection
camera is at infinity, projection plane is near the objects
3D orthographic projection defines a viewable box
gluLookAt(ex,ey,ez,ax,ay,az,ux,uy,uz) Specify eye position and orientation.
gluPerspective(yangle, aspectratio, near, far)
3D perspective projection, defines a viewable box
this is by far our personal favorite for camera setup.
Notice that glOrtho, and gluPerspective, use "camera coordinates" not world coordinates. "near" and "far" are distances from the camera.

lecture #18 began here


Yes, I worked on grading, some graded stuff will be back to you on Wednesday, which is also our midterm review

Building objects

Graphics objects may be composed using either code or data.
void cube()

  /* other 6 faces similar) */
Generally it will be preferable to store the graphics in a data structure (array, list, tree) and write code that walks the structure.

Hidden Surface Removal

There are several approaches to drawing only the things that should be visible in a 3D scene. The "painter's algorithm" says to sort the objects by distance from the camera, and draw the farther things first, and the nearer ones on top ("painting over") the farther ones. This approach may be too inefficient (all that "wasted paint" corresponds to wasted CPU cycles and/or awkward visual effects), and is a poor match for the graphics rendering pipeline. We need an approach that removes the hidden parts mathematically before submitting primitives for rendering.

OpenGL uses z-buffers, or depth buffers, which are extra memory buffers, to track different objects' relative depths. This is built-in, but you have to turn it on to get its benefits. Also, if any of your objects are see-through, you will need to read more details on z-buffering in the OpenGL references.


GLU and GLUT objects

Among the available graphics primitives, OpenGL offered us lines, triangles, quads, and polygons. These are sufficient for any scene, but not very convenient for certain common shapes. GLU adds to these: spheres, cylinders, and disks. GLUT adds cones, toruses, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, dodecahedrons, icosahedrons, and a teapot. We may look at some of these more complex primitives later after introducing lighting and textures, since the structures used to manipulate these primitives in some cases use lighting and texture information.

OpenGL Transformations

The early sections of OpenGL Primer Chapter 5 review 3D transformations that we've seen earlier. Transformations are built-in to OpenGL, greatly simplifying the programmer's job. Here are some highlights.

Hierarchical Model Example

Consider Figure 5.9, it is representative of many many complex 3D objects composed from simpler pieces. A robot arm is an aggregate of: a base, a lower arm piece, and an upper arm piece. We could render all three pieces independently, but we'd be losing something: they are attached and have some common points and relative positions. We can infact have a mixture of local per-object transformations and relative/shared/accumulative transformations.
void base()
   glPushMatrix(); /* make our local copy */
   glRotatef(-90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   gluCylinder(p, BASE_RADIUS, BASE_RADIUS, BASE_HEIGHT, 5, 5);
void lower_arm()
   glPushMatrix(); /* make our local copy */
   glTranslate(0.0,0.5*LOWER_ARM_HEIGHT,0.0); /* translate to our center */
void upper_arm()
   glPushMatrix(); /* make our local copy */
   glTranslate(0.0,0.5*UPPER_ARM_HEIGHT,0.0); /* translate to our center */
void display()
   glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0); /* isn't this poor way to say "red" ? */  
   glRotatef(theta[0], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
   glRotate(theta[1], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
   glRotatef(theta[2], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
What about more complex multi-piece objects such as the running man in Figure 5.10? With the right combination of pushes and pops, code similar to the above example would work... but its much cooler to do it as a tree traversal:
typedef struct treenode {
  GLfloat m[16];
  void (*f)();
  struct treenode *sibling, *child;
} treenode;

void traverse(treenode *root)
   if (root == NULL) return;

void display()


treenode *torso_root = malloc(sizeof(treenode));
torso_root->f = torso;
glRotatef(theta[0], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, torso_root->m);
torso_root->sibling = NULL;
torso_root->child = head_node;
... etc.


OpenGL incorporates a sophisticated lighting model, with different kinds of light, and different types of reflective textured and colored materials. To get reasonable realism in a scene, we have to calculate all the lights and all the reflections in the scene for every single pixel, this is why computer generated movies may use hundreds or thousands of processors to compute each frame.

In OpenGL, light calculations are done on a polygon by polygon basis. To get more realistic shading, break your objects into more polygons.

Phong Model

Diffuse reflection
These are dull surfaces that spread their light fairly evenly. They absorb some of the light (different percents for R, G, and B)
Specular reflection
Shiny surfaces reflect strongly along the angle of reflection; how much light reaches the viewer depends on whether they are on or near the angle of reflection or not.
Ambient reflection
Ambient light is light from so many sources and so many reflective surfaces that it doesn't appear to have any particular direction to it.
Light sources themselves may be visible in a scene, and they may reflect light in addition to whatever light they themselves emit.

lecture #19 began here

Midterm Exam Review

The midterm exam covers everything up to this point, which is to say everything up to and not including lighting. No guarantees on this, but you can expect questions on things done on homeworks or discussed in class, more than just random facts from the lecture notes or book. Of course, if you didn't come to a given class, you may not know to expect special emphasis on a topic that was covered that period.

Types of questions. I can ask you anything I like within the subject domain, but typical Dr. J questions are: short answer; math calculation; write a code fragment; or debug or explain code fragment. Dr. J does not usually give "T" or "F" or "multiple choice" questions, nor proofs.

Topics likely to be selected from the following list. On a 50 minute midterm, Dr. J might typically ask 8-10 questions, depending on their estimated length. He has been known to give fewer, such as 5-6 longer questions.

  • history of computer graphics
  • bitmapped raster displays
  • line drawing
  • circle drawing
  • curve drawing
  • fill algorithms
  • coordinate systems: world, normalized, window, viewport...
  • event-driven programming
  • 2D and 3D geometric transformations
  • homogeneous coordinates
  • color systems and concepts
  • clipping
  • OpenGL basics: primitives, cameras, selection

lecture #20 began here

Lecture 20 went over the midterm results.

lecture #21 began here

Where we are at and where we are headed

At this point, we have bounced around a bit, but are sort of headed into chapters 6-8 of our Hill textbook. These chapters are long and dense with lots of details which vary in their value. We will work through selected portions of them after I cover various OpenGL topics that I consider important/urgent.

HW #5

Yes, I guess we will get some practice with animation, as one of you requested.

OpenGL Light Sources

OpenGL has point sources, spotlights, and ambient sources, and has a limited number of them (like, at most 8). In any given scene you are approximating the lighting, possibly rather crudely, not modeling it as precisely as you model the world objects. Each of the (8) light sources can have a combination of diffuse, specular, and ambient light parameters that it applies to those objects that will be visible to the viewer. Each object will have a "material" that includes corresponding parameters for its reflective properties.
Once you enable lighting, all the glColor*() calls you've been doing will be ignored...what you see will depend on materials and light sources. The lighting model also uses a normal vector, which is not autocalculated by OpenGL, but rather, you set by calling glNormal3*(dx,dy,dz)

To specify a light source, you call glLight*(light, param, value) where light is an integer code (which light) param is what to set, and value is the value for that param. For example, the (x,y,z) location of light 0 would be

GLfloat a[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0};
glLightfv(0, GL_POSITION, a);
To setup a light, you may see a lot of calls to glLight*(), besides position you can setup GL_DIFFUSE, GL_SPECULAR, GL_AMBIENT properties, etc. There are defaults for these values so that it is easy to setup a simple lighting (single source, white, bland) model.


Specifying materials properties is a lot like specifying light source properties. There is only one "materials" attribute internal to OpenGL, which is used for subsequent objects until you change materials properties to something else.

typedef struct material {
  GLfloat ambient[4];
  GLfloat diffuse[4];
  GLfloat specular[4];
  GLfloat shininess;
} material;

material redPlastic = {
  {0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0},
  {0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0},
  {0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0},
} rp;
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, rp.ambient);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, rp.diffuse);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, rp.specular);
glMaterialf (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, rp.shininess);
glNormal3f(nx, ny, nz); /* unit normal appropriate for this object */
...red plastic object


Main reason we need to manipulate 2D images in 3D applications: textures described in Chapter 8. Other primary use: drawing text.

There is a "raster position", or pixel cursor, set using glRasterPos(), and a function

 glBitmap(height, width, x, y, x2, y2, bits)
which draws a bitmap. The main use of this facility is to draw text. The "raster position" is transformed by model-view and projection matrices to yield a screen coordinate. glBitmap uses the current "raster color", as set by glColor*(), which sets both raster color and drawing color.

Reading and Writing Pixels

glDrawPixels(height, width, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imagebits)
draws rectangles at the current raster position. There are several binary formats available besides GL_RGB, and several types besides GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.

glReadPixels(0,0,rows,columns,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imagebits)
performs a semi-inverse operation. Note that if you write an image, and read it back in, you will not always get back identical bits, that depends on the actual display hardware and how much is "lost in translation".

glCopyPixels(x,y,w,h, GL_COLOR)
performs a "bit blit" to the current raster position of the rectangle given by (x,y,w,h). Blitting to other buffers besides the frame buffer (GL_COLOR) may be possible. Depending on the hardware, there may be a depth buffer, front and back buffers (a la glSwapBuffers) and on higher powered machines, stereo images for 3D eyegoggles, etc.

lecture #22 began here

Intro to Texture Mapping

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, 64, 64, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imagebits);

To setup a texture you execute a sequence of calls similar to

GLUint a[32];
glGenTextures(n, a);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, a[0]);
// construct the actual texture image in memory
Textures are applied to geometric primitives by defining the mapping between texel coordinates and vertices:
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(v[0].x, v[0].y, v[0].z);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);
glVertex3f(v[1].x, v[1].y, v[1].z);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0);
glVertex3f(v[2].x, v[2].y, v[2].z);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(v[3].x, v[3].y, v[3].z);
From a design point of view, it is a bad flaw that these two sets of separate calls (glTexCoord+glVertex) must made in lock-step. But the association between vertices and texture coordinates has to be made: how would you rather do it?

Some parameters are required in order to define the semantics of textures fully.

glTexParameter*(target, name, value)
is used to set texture mapping parameters.
sets things up so the texture "wraps" (repeats)

Texture Examples

It is worth working on texture mapping examples such as those in Hill, section 8.5. Think about how to do things like (a) distort the mapping and (b) modify the texture image to include a "face" on it. We noted the significant amount of color blending that interacted with the colors in the texture image. We should look at another example in future, in which the image comes from a file.

lecture #23 began here


GL_REPLACE is what you need for "normal" texture-mapping your objects. It may not be the default. When you set the texture to replace, rather than mix, with the vertex colors, you get an image that is closer to what you expect:
We will talk about blending.

Power-of-two texture sizes

For "classic" OpenGL, width and height of a texture must be powers of 2! Newer OpenGL versions apparently allow all even sizes; performance might or might not be slower with non-power-of-two textures, you should check.

To check your version, call char *glGetString(GL_VERSION)

For maximum portability, you should make your source images' (.jpg, .gif, whatever) widths and heights be a power of 2 in the first place. There is a gluScaleImage() function that you can use to changes its dimensions, but my experience is that this is both slow and buggy on some platforms.


A high-resolution texture will be wasted on a far away object. We can create several different versions of the texture by averaging blocks of pixels (say, 4 at a time) to form a smaller image. We can install each of these textures simultaneously using different "levels". We can then enable mipmapping to automate the process of selecting which resolution of texture to use. To enable mipmaps:
to build and install a set of texture images based on your original source image, instead of a single-level texture, call gluBuild2DMipmaps() instead of glTexImage2D().

Texture Coordinate Generation

The hardest part of using textures us mapping texture coordinates to vertices. Distortions are a normal part of the process, but some distortions look unacceptably funny. For example, using the same texture on different polygons may scale the texture differently based on the size of the polygon. For those objects defined by the GLUquadricObj struct, a reasonable default behavior can be obtained by:
 gluQuadricTexture(GLUquadricObj *obj, GLboolean); 
There is a "lower level" automatic texture coordinate generation mechanism that will work for arbitrary objects. You can define an equation for computing the texture coordinate from the xyz space coordinates:
GLfloat plane_s = {0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5};
GLfloat plane_t = {0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5};
glTexGenfv(GL_S, GL_OBJECT_LINEAR, plane_s);
glTexGenfv(GL_T, GL_OBJECT_LINEAR, plane_t);

Texture Objects

You can within limitations store your textures on the server, avoiding reloading them each time you have to redraw your scene. Textures are identified by integer handles. On current hardware, you may have to carefully consider which textures are used so frequently that they should be placed into its texture memory in this fashion.

To get a "handle" in which you can place a texture.

glGenTextures(1, &i);

To assign the current texture to handle i:

glBindTexture(target, i);
If i has not been defined yet, subsequent texture calls define it. If i has been previously defined, opengl switches to it and uses it for subsequently drawn objects.

Curves and Surfaces

As was the case for some of the 2D curves seen earlier, curves in OpenGL are based on parametric equations. Parametric equations are also used to define curving surfaces. You may wish to review the mathematics of curves.


OpenGL uses evaluators to implement a particular category of curves and surfaces, namely Bezier curves and surfaces. Evaluators are used to interpolate points along Bezier curves/surfaces at any desired resolution, and generate OpenGL primitives from them.

For curves, this is done with glMap1f(entity, u0, u1, stride, order, data). A subsequent call to glEvalcoord1*() replaces calls to glVertex*(). Example:

   for(i=0;i<20;i++) glEvalCoord1f(u0 + i * (u1-u0)/ 20.0);
This approximates the curve with 21 points between u0 and u1. Note instead of (x,y,z) coordinates, glEvalCoord1f() just takes a value of u and passes it to all enabled evaluators, which call e.g. glVertex.

Evaluators can be used for curves, surfaces, normals, colors, and textures. For any of these to work, you have to enable them e.g. glEnable(GL_MAP1_VERTEX_33)

For equally spaced values of u (such as the 21 values above) there is special support via:

glEvalMesh1(GL_LINE, 0, 20);

2D Evaluators

glMap2*(entity,u0,u1,ustride,uorder,v0,v1,vstride,vorder,data) is the 2D analog to glMap1 for surfaces. There is a cooresponding glEvalCoord2*(u,v) for calling the evaluator, and glMapGrid2*() and glEvalMesh2() for regularly-spaced intervals over u and v.

lecture #24 began here


The Hill/Kelley index does not mention evaluators or the glMap* functions. Chapter 10 of our text covers some of the interesting related mathematics, but with relatively limited examples that do things by brute force, instead of using the relevant OpenGL functions. Faced with the proposal that my Monday lecture was talking about stuff not covered in the book, my options are to either pull us all over to a more advanced text, or back off and look for more fundamental stuff in the text to present first, and get back to Evaluators later, to the extent that time allows after Ch 6-9 are somewhat covered.

Polygon Meshes

We have already introduced the concept of a polygon mesh, which is the subject of Hill Chapter 6. A polgyonal mesh is a set of polygons that fit together to form the "skin" of some object. It may be an infinitely thin facade or it may enclose an actual volume of space. The main building block we have seen for rendering these things were the various modes of glBegin(mode), which defined for a sequence of glVertex*() calls, what faces you would get drawn from them. Advantages of (simple) polygon meshes (made from triangles, mostly):

Mesh as Data Representation


Playing around with normals associated with your mesh faces can either downplay or emphasize the edges that should be invisible (in the case of smooth curves which are being sadly approximated by non-smooth meshes) or sharply visible (in the case of non-smooth, jointed objects or ones whose edges have definition). In the latter case, the same vertex may use a different normal for each of the faces it is associated with.


Hill and Kelley's Barn mesh is pretty close to the shape of a "hotel" in the game monopoly, or a pentagon extended a long a primary z axis. This is an example where the edges are sharp / emphasized. Consider Figure 6.4 from the Hill text:

Smooth Curves and Normals

For smoothly curved surfaces such as cylinders:

Defining a Polygonal Mesh: BasicBarn Example

Vertex List for the Barn

30.51.5 0
40 1 0
50 01
71 1 1
80.5 1.5 1
90 11

Normal List for the Barn

* The normal list (as unit vectors, to the 7 basic planes or polygons).
0-1 00
1-0.707 0.707 0
20.707 0.707 0
3 1 00
40 -1 0
50 0 1
60 0-1

Face List for the Barn

FaceVerticesAssociated Normal
0 (left)0,5,9,4 0,0,0,0
1 (roof left) 3, 4, 9, 8 1,1,1,1
2 (roof right) 2, 3, 8, 7 2, 2, 2,2
3 (right) 1, 2, 7, 6 3, 3, 3, 3
4 (bottom) 0, 1, 6, 5 4, 4, 4, 4
5 (front) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
6 (back) 0, 4, 3, 2, 1 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Vertex Lists

lecture #25 began here

Guest Lecture(s) next week

Regrettably, Dr. J takes his annual pilgrimage to Washington D.C. next week. You will get guest lectures on the topics of working with 3D Model File Formats. This lecture includes an introduction to that topic.

Short intro to libjpeg/libpng

JPEG and PNG are two image file formats in wide use. For 3D graphics, these are frequently used to store textures on disk. The formats are heavily compressed. JPEG is a lossy format; the image recovered from decompression is close but not bitwise identical to the image that was provided as input to the compression. PNG is not lossy.

These compression algorithms are hard enough that normal mortals do not interact with them by opening the files and decompressing them by hand. Rather, the compression standards come with C API's for libraries that are fairly portable and standard.


This library is a bit dated, since the "current" version was released in 1998. The format is still widely used. It comes from www.ijg.org, the Independent JPEG Group. That group's website is not particularly nifty, and you may have to cobble your libjpeg from elsewhere if it did not come with your system. (linux distros generally have the libjpeg as a package; on Windows you need to look for a package that was built for your compiler).

JPEG is particularly good at compressing things like photos. For simple images (for example, black and white documents, or smallish textures), JPEG's sizes are often much larger than that of simpler algorithms.


Libpng lives at libpng.org, which provides source downloads along with binaries for 10+ platforms. Development is hosed at sourceforge. It uses zlib for its compression. Section III of the libpng manual is very informative. A short summary for reading png's is:
open file f
read header 8 bytes
check w/ png_sig_cmp(header, 0, 8), rewind
allocate structs
png_create_read_struct, png_create_info_struct return pointers
install exception handler
call setjmp() to specify where to warp out of libpng dies
call png_init_io(pngptr, f)
install unknown handler
png_set_read_user_chunk_fn(pngptr, ??, unknown_callback)
install row status function
png_set_read_status_fn(pngptr, read_callback)
row_pointers = png_get_rows(pngptr, infoptr) There are a LOT of options for transforming the data as you read it in: dropping transparency, flipping RGB to BGR, etc. I do not see an option to read the rows in reverse order for OpenGL texture use, but you can preallocate the image data, and set the row pointers to an array of pointers that go through your image data in reverse order via png_set_rows(). There is a LOT more to libpng.

3D Model File Formats

Hill/Kelley 6.2.1 handwaving notwithstanding, OpenGL does not know squat about 3D model file formats. Most such formats are in fact proprietary and commercial, and while they've been reverse-engineered, it is hard to trust that a code that works will continue to work next time that company modifies the format.

Some human-readable, relatively open standards include:

This Virtual Reality Markup Language thing let's you specify a whole (fairly static) scene, including objects specified using meshes. It is based on an old Silicon Graphics application and format, Performer.
Perhaps Microsoft's DirectX .x format has text and binary versions, but it is more open that most commercial/proprietary formats.
Some formats are not just human-readable text, they are valid C source code that can be compiled...
Simple3D, Dr. J's pet favorite, not to be confused with .3DS. Developed by some small Texas game house for internal use.

VRML Example

#VRML V1.0 ascii

DEF Ez3d_Scene Separator {
    DEF Ez3d_Viewer Switch {
	whichChild	-3
	DEF Title Info {
	    string	""
	DEF Viewer Info {
	    string	"walk"
	DEF BackgroundColor Info {
	    string	"0.000000 0.000000 0.000000"
	DEF Cameras Switch {
	    whichChild	0
	    PerspectiveCamera {
		position	0 3.20041 7.72648
		orientation	-1 0 0  0.392699
		focalDistance	4.18154
    DEF Ez3d_Environment Switch {
	whichChild	-3
    DEF Ez3d_Objects Switch {
	whichChild	-3
	DEF Cube001 Separator {
	    ShapeHints {
		creaseAngle	0.523599
	    DEF Ez3d_Cube001 Cube {

DirectX .x

xof 0303txt 0032

template VertexDuplicationIndices { 

DWORD nIndices;
DWORD nOriginalVertices;
array DWORD indices[nIndices];
template XSkinMeshHeader {
WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerVertex;
WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerFace;
WORD nBones;
template SkinWeights {
STRING transformNodeName;
DWORD nWeights;
array DWORD vertexIndices[nWeights];
array float weights[nWeights];
Matrix4x4 matrixOffset;

Frame RootFrame {

FrameTransformMatrix {
Frame Cube {

FrameTransformMatrix {

Mesh {
1.000000; 1.000000; -1.000000;,
1.000000; -1.000000; -1.000000;,
-1.000000; -1.000000; -1.000000;,
-1.000000; 1.000000; -1.000000;,
1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;,
-1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;,
-1.000000; -1.000000; 1.000000;,
1.000000; -1.000000; 1.000000;,
1.000000; 1.000000; -1.000000;,
1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;,
1.000000; -1.000000; 1.000000;,
1.000000; -1.000000; -1.000000;,
1.000000; -1.000000; -1.000000;,
1.000000; -1.000000; 1.000000;,
-1.000000; -1.000000; 1.000000;,
-1.000000; -1.000000; -1.000000;,
-1.000000; -1.000000; -1.000000;,
-1.000000; -1.000000; 1.000000;,
-1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;,
-1.000000; 1.000000; -1.000000;,
1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;,
1.000000; 1.000000; -1.000000;,
-1.000000; 1.000000; -1.000000;,
-1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;;
4; 0, 3, 2, 1;,
4; 4, 7, 6, 5;,
4; 8, 11, 10, 9;,
4; 12, 15, 14, 13;,
4; 16, 19, 18, 17;,
4; 20, 23, 22, 21;;
MeshMaterialList {
Material Material {
0.800000; 0.800000; 0.800000;1.0;;
1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;;
0.0; 0.0; 0.0;;
} //End of Material
} //End of MeshMaterialList
MeshNormals {
0.577349; 0.577349; -0.577349;,
0.577349; -0.577349; -0.577349;,
-0.577349; -0.577349; -0.577349;,
-0.577349; 0.577349; -0.577349;,
0.577349; 0.577349; 0.577349;,
-0.577349; 0.577349; 0.577349;,
-0.577349; -0.577349; 0.577349;,
0.577349; -0.577349; 0.577349;,
0.577349; 0.577349; -0.577349;,
0.577349; 0.577349; 0.577349;,
0.577349; -0.577349; 0.577349;,
0.577349; -0.577349; -0.577349;,
0.577349; -0.577349; -0.577349;,
0.577349; -0.577349; 0.577349;,
-0.577349; -0.577349; 0.577349;,
-0.577349; -0.577349; -0.577349;,
-0.577349; -0.577349; -0.577349;,
-0.577349; -0.577349; 0.577349;,
-0.577349; 0.577349; 0.577349;,
-0.577349; 0.577349; -0.577349;,
0.577349; 0.577349; 0.577349;,
0.577349; 0.577349; -0.577349;,
-0.577349; 0.577349; -0.577349;,
-0.577349; 0.577349; 0.577349;;
4; 0, 3, 2, 1;,
4; 4, 7, 6, 5;,
4; 8, 11, 10, 9;,
4; 12, 15, 14, 13;,
4; 16, 19, 18, 17;,
4; 20, 23, 22, 21;;
} //End of MeshNormals
} // End of the Mesh Cube 
} // SI End of the Object Cube 
} // End of the Root Frame

S3D Example

// version
// numTextures,numTris,numVerts,numParts,1,numLights,numCameras
// partList: firstVert,numVerts,firstTri,numTris,"name"
// texture list: name
// triList: materialIndex,vertices(index, texX, texY)
0, 2,511.834,0.308228, 1,255.801,255.708, 0,255.831,0.218765
0, 2,511.834,0.308228, 3,511.804,255.798, 1,255.801,255.708
0, 4,196.009,19.0188, 3,255.49,78.5001, 2,196.009,78.5001
0, 4,196.009,19.0188, 5,255.49,19.0188, 3,255.49,78.5001
0, 6,61.9285,79.5219, 5,121.41,255.527, 4,61.9285,255.527
0, 6,61.9285,79.5219, 7,121.41,79.5219, 5,121.41,255.527
0, 3,123.297,79.5219, 7,182.778,255.527, 1,123.297,255.527
0, 3,123.297,79.5219, 5,182.778,79.5219, 7,182.778,255.527
0, 4,184.666,79.5219, 0,244.147,255.527, 6,184.666,255.527
0, 4,184.666,79.5219, 2,244.147,79.5219, 0,244.147,255.527
// vertList: x,y,z
// lightList: "name", type, x,y,z, r,g,b, (type-specific info)
// cameraList: "name", x,y,z, p,b,h, fov(rad)
partTree 1
posOrientList 1
-0.00918928,0.0359506,0, 0,0,0
partUserTextList 1

lecture #26 began here

Appendix 3...

Has code for a (Windows') .BMP file reader, and code for an interesting "Scene Description Language", simpler and reminiscent somewhat of VRML.

PNG Example

This code taken from the Unicon programming language VM runtime system is due to Jafar Al Gharaibeh.
 * pngread(filename, p) - read png file, setting gf_ globals

static int pngread(char *filename, int p)
   unsigned char header[8];
   int  bit_depth, color_type;
   double  gamma;
   png_uint_32  i, rowbytes;
   png_bytepp row_pointers = NULL;
   png_color_16p pBackground;
   png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
   png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
   png_infop end_info = NULL;

   gf_f = NULL;

   #ifdef MSWindows
      if ((gf_f = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
   #else					/* MSWindows */
      if ((gf_f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
   #endif					/* MSWindows */
	 return Failed;

   /* read the first n bytes (1-8, 8 used here) and test for png signature */
   fread(header, 1, 8, gf_f);

   if (png_sig_cmp(header, 0, 8)) {
      return Failed;  /* (NOT_PNG) */

   png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);

   if (!png_ptr)
      return Failed;

   info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
   if (!info_ptr) {
      png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
      return Failed;

   end_info = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
   if (!end_info){
      png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
      return Failed;

   if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
      png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, &end_info);
      if (gf_f) { fclose(gf_f); gf_f = NULL; }	
      return Failed;

   png_init_io(png_ptr, gf_f);
   png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8);
   png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

   unsigned long mywidth, myheight;

   png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &mywidth, &myheight, &bit_depth,
         &color_type, NULL, NULL, NULL);

   gf_width = mywidth;
   gf_height = myheight;

    * Expand palette images to RGB, low-bit-depth grayscale images to 8 bits,
    * transparency chunks to full alpha channel; strip 16-bit-per-sample
    * images to 8 bits per sample; and convert grayscale to RGB[A]

   if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
   if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)
   if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
   if (bit_depth == 16)
   if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
       color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)

    * if it doesn't have a file gamma, don't
    * do any correction
   if (png_get_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, &gamma))
      png_set_gamma(png_ptr, GammaCorrection, gamma);

    * All transformations have been registered; now update info_ptr data,
    * get rowbytes and channels, and allocate image memory.

   png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

   rowbytes = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr);

   /* pChannels = (int)png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr); */

   if ((gf_string = (unsigned char *)malloc(rowbytes*gf_height)) == NULL) {
      png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, &end_info);
      return Failed;

   if ((row_pointers=(png_bytepp)malloc(gf_height*sizeof(png_bytep))) == NULL){
      png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, &end_info);
      gf_string = NULL;
      return Failed;

   /* set the individual row_pointers to point at the correct offsets */

   for (i = 0;  i < gf_height;  ++i)
      row_pointers[i] = gf_string + i*rowbytes;

   /* now we can go ahead and just read the whole image */
   png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);

   /* and we're done!  (png_read_end() can be omitted if no processing of
    * post-IDAT text/time/etc. is desired) */

   row_pointers = NULL;

   png_read_end(png_ptr, NULL);

   if (png_ptr && info_ptr) {
      png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, &end_info);
      png_ptr = NULL;
      info_ptr = NULL;
      end_info = NULL;

   gf_f = NULL;
   return Succeeded;

#endif		/*  HAVE_LIBPNG  */

Polygon Meshes and Tesselation

Additional material drawn from Ch.6 of the Hill text. What is a Schlegel diagram? Platonic solids: good mainly for making D&D dice.
taking a complex shape and breaking it into simple polygonal shapes. Sort of: breaking shape into smaller pieces. Used to build mesh approximation of smooth surfaces, as well as e.g. (I believe) breaking concave polygons into convex ones.
implicit form/implicit equation
in 3D, a function F(x,y,z) = 0 only and exactly for points on the surface
F(x,y,z) = x2 + y2 + z2 - 1
OK, how do we tesselate a sphere, say for example into 8 slices and 6 stacks? 6.5.5 talks about it but doesn't provide pseudocode.

lecture #27 began here

Texture Tiling

Take a look at Paul Burke's tutorial, Tiling Textures on a Plane

tilinator.icn and tiling.icn

lecture #28 began here

GLU Tesselation Functions

From the OpenGL GLU Technical FAQ (with corrections):


1. Allocate tesselation object.
GLUtesselator *tess = gluNewTess();
2. Assign callbacks
gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_BEGIN, tcbBegin);
gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_VERTEX, tcbVertex);
gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_END, tcbEnd);
/* plus the following only if you intersect yourself: */
gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_COMBINE, tcbCombine);
/* plus the following, in order to catch errors */
gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_ERROR, tcbError);
3. Send data
GLdouble data[numVerts][3];
gluTessBeginPolygon(tess, NULL);
4. call GL in the callbacks
void tcbBegin (GLenum prim) { glBegin (prim); }
void tcbVertex (void *data) { glVertex3dv ((GLdouble *)data); }
void tcbEnd (); { glEnd (); }
void tcbCombine (GLdouble c[3], void *d[4], GLfloat w[4], void **out)
   GLdouble *nv = (GLdouble *) malloc(sizeof(GLdouble)*3);
   nv[0] = c[0]; nv[1] = c[1]; nv[2] = c[2];
   *out = (void *)nv;
  • "Fill" semantics achieved by glBegin...glEnd
  • GL_POLYGON is getting "reduced" to a GL_TRIANGLE_FAN or some such
  • # of vertices via tcbVertex will be DIFFERENT than # input vertices
  • crashes on Windows at present; reason unknown

Multiple Contour Example

A quadrilateral with a triangular hole in it can be described as follows:
  gluTessBeginPolygon(tobj, NULL);
     gluTessVertex(tobj, v1, v1);
     gluTessVertex(tobj, v2, v2);
     gluTessVertex(tobj, v3, v3);
     gluTessVertex(tobj, v4, v4);
     gluTessVertex(tobj, v5, v5);
     gluTessVertex(tobj, v6, v6);
     gluTessVertex(tobj, v7, v7);
   gluTessEndContour(tobj); gluTessEndPolygon(tobj);

lecture #29 began here

By the way, you should have read Chapter 7 (cameras), and we are now talking about selected ideas from Chapter 8. We have already talked about some stuff, like textures; we are filling in stuff we haven't covered. Today: an extra pass on shading and hidden surfaces; Monday: shadows.

Inspection of HW#5 submissions

Homework #6: Texture Mapping

Introduction to Shading Models

A shading model dictates how light is scattered or reflected from a surface. There is point-source light and ambient light. Light interacts with a material surface in some combination of:
  • some light gets absorbed by the surface
  • some is reflected
  • some may be transmitted into/through the object
Good part about "diffuse": color looks the same regardless of what direction the eye is looking from.

OpenGL offers glShadeModel(GL_FLAT) and glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH), which does goraud shading, interpolating colors at each pixel in between vertices for a given triangle.

Lambert's Law: As a face is turned away from the light source, object appears dimmer because the area shined on gets smaller.

Effects of distance: light gets dimmer as it gets farther away, but it is easy to overdo this.

Phong Model

We earlier introduced the Phong model for shading; it mainly introduces specular light calculations. It is computationally tractable, good for shiny plastic or glass, not so good for metallic objects. Built-in to OpenGL. Better shading algorithms exist, generally more expensive.

Equations. Since ambient is everywhere, it is cheapest to calculate. Diffuse light will decrease with Lambert's law. Specular light will depend on shininess and angle between light, object, and eye. See text.

light = ambient + diffuse + specular
light = IaPa + IdPd × lambert + IsPs × phong

Actually, to be more technical, OpenGL implements Goraud shading, a per-face or per-vertex normal-driven calculation of specular light effects. When normals vary per vertex, trivial interpolation fills in the differences. Full-on Phong shading would calculate normals at every pixel; it seems to be at least 8x slower, and is not built-in to OpenGL, but it looks nicer.

Hidden Surface Removal

Earlier in the lecture notes, z-buffers were mentioned, along with a brief discussion of how to turn them on in OpenGL. [Hill] Section 8.4 describes the z-buffer algorithm used by OpenGL. Given a frame buffer (n wide, m high, using from 1-32 bits per pixel, usually 24), when you ask for a z-buffer you are asking for an extra n × m × 12-30 bits per pixel, which roughly means doubling the amount of graphics card memory used. If fb[i,j] holds the frame buffer and zb[i,j] holds the z-buffer,
for every face to be rendered
   for every pixel p at (i,j)
      if depth(p) < z[i,j] then
         fb[i,j] = p
         zb[i,j] = depth(p)
Good: faces can be sent to OpenGL (rendered) in any order
Bad: time spent rendering stuff that later gets covered...is wasted.

It is possible (and on slow platforms it may be critical) to implement your own algorithms to reduce the amount of stuff you send to OpenGL. Dr. J has a great anecdote on this, regarding the time he first scaled his virtual environment software from single-room to whole-floor.

lecture #30 began here

Supplemental Notes on Textures?

Your homework is about textures...so is Hill section 8.5. It is strongly recommended for your homework preparation.

Section 8.5 points out that despite my preoccupation with reading textures in from files, textures can be generated by code ("procedural textures"). The examples, things like checkerboard patterns, tend to resemble the "fill patterns" used in 2D graphics API's such as Xlib/X11. It is important to note that arbitrarily powerful and complicated code can produce rich and complicated textures (think: L-systems and fractals), but since the code gets dumped into a 2D image eventually, it is hard to see what it saves (load times?).

One of the juicier points to note as one maps textures is shown in Figure 8.42 on linear interpolation vs. correct interpolation. There is also a good discussion of environment mapping, a technique that makes for nice shiny reflective surfaces using textures computed using a "surrounding cube".


Hill suggests two substantial methods for computing shadows in 3D scenes. A simpler and more restricted method computes the shadow cast by an object onto a plane, starting from a point light source. It is a union of the projections of the faces. Draw the planar background object normally, then redraw the shadowed portions using only ambient light, followed by the object that casts the shadow.

A more general technique uses a lot of memory to throw at the problem: a shadow buffer. A shadow buffer is a z-buffer rendered with the camera located at the light source. This only has to be (re)computed when the visible objects move relative to the light source, not when the camera moves. During rendering, each vertex V if its distance from the light source is larger than the shadow buffer's value for its nearest object, is in shadow, and is rendered with only ambient light sources.

lecture #31 began here

Virtual lecture brought to you by the college of engineering dean's search.


Reading: please read Section 9.8 about anti-aliasing.

Chapter 9 is largely about images and pixmaps, material that we have introduced, or material that is not necessary. One important concept that we haven't discussed is antialiasing, or "removing jaggies". There are several approaches discussed (prefiltering, supersampling, postfiltering), and it is not important for you to memorize them all, but it is important for you to understand the general concepts.

The reason jaggies show up at all is because pixels are discrete and rendering continuous entities on them involves approximation and round-off error. Given the original equations (for example, for some line segment) one approach to antialiasing would be to calculate the partially-hit pixels' colors in proportion to how much they were hit.

Supersampling involves taking a higher resolution and computing pixels' values as averages of the surrounding (tinier) datapoints. A refinement on this is to weight the center point more than its neighbor/edgepoints.

lecture #32 began here

Lecture 32 was a guest lecture by Keith Jeffery about Shaders.

lecture #33 began here

I am skipping over chapter 10 on curve design on the grounds that we've done a bunch with curves earlier in the semester, but I reserve the right to come back to it and talk more about b-splines or NURBS if I get a request to do so, or get a personal itch to go at it.

I am glossing over chapter 11 on color at this point; we've talked a fair amount already, but there is one color topic I want to be sure that we covered:

Color Quantization

Section 11.6 describes the problem of color quantization, which loosely translates as, picking a finite discrete set of colors with which to approximate a continuous, infinitely colored scene. Consider a classic special case of this: reducing a true-color (24-bit RGB per pixel) image down to a 256-color image. What methods could you derive from first principles and common sense? The book sections (uniform quantization, popularity algorithm, median cut algorithm, octree quantization) suggest some possibilities.

lecture #34 began here

Intro to Program Visualization

The Volume Problem: you can capture any aspect of program behavior textually, but the resulting log files easily grow to megabytes and beyond, for all but the smallest toy programs.

PV tools use graphics to deal with volume, and must also solve two other hard problems: intrusion (observing some behavior modifies it), and access to program behavior.

Kinds of Program Visualization

There are several different kinds of program visualization tools, including
Algorithm animation
Check out "Sorting out Sorting" (parts 1,2,3)
Data visualization
  • Data structure visualization
  • Heap and stack visualization; variable usage patterns
  • Database visualization, file system visualization, etc.
  • Machine/hardware visualization
  • Biggest needs

    • Legible - if user can't interpret it its useless. Graphic design helps. Using familiar metaphors helps. Tieing results back to program source code helps.
    • Scalable - handling volumes of data requires 1 or more strategies such as navigation through large data spaces, fisheye views, use of logarithmic scales...
    • Automated - PV tools that know and look for common problems, and can be used without substantial manual investment on each application

    What does program visualization build on?

    Maps (5000+ years)
    Statistical graphs (350 years)
    Data graphics (200 years)
    More abstract, relational views of data (scatterplot, bar chart, pie chart, etc.)
    Visualization (20 years)
    Scientific visualization, modern computer graphics. Low resolution and small screenspace. Animation, color, and sound.

    Principles of Graphic Excellence

    Graphic designs should tell the truth about a complex situation using multiple variables. Give viewer the greatest # of ideas, in the shortest time, using the least "ink", in the smallest space possible.

    lecture #35 began here

    Ray Tracing

    12.1 - Introduction

    Ray Tracing is a potentially more accurate form of rendering than the traditional model provided by OpenGL. Traditionally, it was considered too slow for real-time, but was fair game in the cinema industry. Recently, folks such as Intel have announced expectations that next-generation personal computing platforms will be capable of doing ray-tracing in real time.

    Basic idea: provide a more accurate model of the effect of light in the rendering. If you start from all the light sources, almost all of your model effort will be wasted, bouncing light rays on stuff in directions that won't be visible to the camera. We want to approximate that, with a shortcut that computes the visible portion of the overall lighting in the scene.

    Idea: "shoot" a ray in reverse from the eye out through each pixel. The color we see for that pixel will go back to whatever light source would bounce off something into our field of vision. This is sort of the opposite of the usual 3D projection-onto-viewport.

    Idea: use a parametric equation for the light ray, to walk backwards into the scene, trying to map it back to a light source after bouncing off whatever object it hits.

    Idea: how far backwards we are willing to trace the ray should depend on the material surface(s) it hits. Diffuse ones had better be direct hits from some light source, while shiny ones would reflect, and transparent ones would refract.

    12.2 - Geometry of Ray Tracing

    Lots of parameters; overwhelming until familiar. Since Dr. J is a simpleton, he likes
       r(t) = E + Drc * t
    E is the eye point (x,y,z), D is the direction vector. Note that this is not exactly the camera direction, it is the direction of the eye looking through pixel (r,c), which is non-trivial to compute, but between your geometry skills and the materials in chapters 6,7 and 12 I expect you could find it.

    12.3 - Overview of Ray Tracing

    define objects and light sources
    set up the camera
    for(int r=0; r < nRows; r++)
       for(int c=0; c < nCols; c++) {
          build the rc-th ray
          find ALL intersections of the rcth ray
            with the objects in the scene
          identify the intersection closest to eye
          compute the hit point and normal
            where ray hits object
          find the color of the light eye receives
            long the ray

    12.4 Intersection of a Ray with an Object

    Use Implicit Form for each shape. Example (sphere):
       F(x,y,z) = x2 + y2 + z2 - 1 = 0
       F(x,y,z) = x2 + y2 - 1 = 0 for 0 < z < 1
    Intersection will occur at: F(r(t))=0, i.e. solve for
       F(E + D * t) = 0

    lecture #36 began here

    Intersection with a generic (x-y) plane.

    Where does F(E + D * t) cross the z=0 plane? When Ez + Dz * th = 0, i.e. when - Ez = Dz * thit,
    thit = - (Ez / Dz).

    Practice exercise: where does ray r(t)=(4,1,3)+(-3,-5,-3)t hit the generic plane? Ez = 3, Dz=-3, thit = 1.

    Intersection with a generic sphere.

    Do the substitution and compute thit.
    Book says there are two points or no points and derives the equation using the quadratic formula.

    The generic sphere implicit function was F(x,y,z)=x2+y2+z2-1.
    Since the distance of the point from the origin is sqrt(x2+y2+z2), F(x,y,z) = F(P) = |P|2-1.
    Substituting (E+Dt) for P, we get
    |(E+Dt)|2-1 = |E|2 + 2 (E • Dt) + |Dt|2 - 1 = 0.
    Distributing squares and switching terms around we get
    (|D|2)t2 + (2 (E • D))t + (|E|2-1) = 0.
    As gross as this is, it is a quadratic equation At2 + Bt + C = 0, where
    A=|D|2, B=2(E•D), C=(|E|2-1), so
    t = (-(2E•D) ± sqrt((2E•D)2 - 4|D|2|E|2-1 ) / 2 * |D|2

    Example exercise: where does r(t)=(3,2,3)+(-3,-2,-3)t hit the generic sphere?

    Intersection of the ray with transformed objects

    If generic object is transformed by matrix T, just build the inverse transformed ray T-1(E+dt) and see where it hits the generic object.

    12.5 Organizing a Ray Tracer

    The interesting classes are not class Ray(ex,ey,ez,dx,dy,dz) but the classes Intersection(hits[]) and HitInfo(thit, geo_obj, hpt, hnrm, ...).

    12.6 Other Primitives

    Proper mathematical intersections of the ray on various graphic primitives; in this book: squares, cones, ... polyhedron dice and meshes just handle (brute force) each face one at a time.

    12.7 Shading in Ray Tracing

    This long section has a lot of ideas for gradually increasing accuracy of the light model. It is beyond the scope of this course, but it does mention that, for multiple light sources, you'd be summing the effects of the light reaching each point. Does k light sources mean k rays?

    Miscellany and Bonus Material

    Interactive Curve Example

    Let's look at curve.c. This is a Bezier curve demo of the Evaluators stuff we mentioned a bit ago. p

    Other Curves

    Actually, we can play with the polynomials and draw different kinds of curves.

    There were a few class periods devoted to examples, in particular, there were texture and lighting examples. We grabbed a chainmail texture off a random image in a random website, converted it into a PPM and read the PPM and used it in an OpenGL program. And we looked at the "lighting lab" example, which also demonstrated several materials. We looked at a student example which moved the camera point (eye position) and played with orthographic versus perspective projection.