CS120 Computer Science I

General Information
Spring 2013

Instructor: Clinton Jeffery
Office: JEB230
Office hours: 1:30-2:20 MF and by appointment
Email: jeffery@uidaho.edu

Lab TA and Grader: Jia Song
CSAC hours: to be determined
Email: song3202@vandals.uidaho.edu

Textbook: A Project-Based Introduction to C++, by Terence Soule, available online, from Kendall Hunt
Supplemental Text: C++ for Everyone, 2nd ed, by Cay Horstmann. Wiley.
Website: www2.cs.uidaho.edu/~jeffery/courses/120/

Assignments: There will be a programming assignment every week, associated with the lab work. In many cases, previous assignments will be expanded upon in following weeks. So, it is important not to skip any assignments.

There are a number of expectations that apply to any program you turn in:

Late Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of lecture. Late assignments will not be accepted without a very good excuse.

Partial Credit: Turning in a program, with sample output, that runs, but only meets some of the assignment's criteria will earn partial credit. Turning in program that does not run or that does not include sample output will not earn any credit.

Labs: There will be separate programming assignments for the labs. You will need to turn in the assignment before leaving lab. Attendance is mandatory. In most cases the lab assignment will be handed out in lecture the day prior to the lab so students can get a head start if they wish. It is acceptable to finish the lab the night before the lab and turn it in at the beginning of the lab period and leave early. It is not acceptable to leave the lab early, if you haven't finished the lab assignment and turned it in yet.

Exams: There will be two midterms and a comprehensive final.

Midterms (2) 15% each
Note: there will be roughly 15 assignments and 15 labs. This means that each assignment and lab is worth 2.67% of your final grade. Skipping a few will cost a full letter grade, before you figure in what the labs teach you that you need to know for the exams and later assignments.