CS 428 Games and Virtual Environments Homework #6

Due: Friday 5/13/2011, 5pm. Turnin is by electronic mail to jeffery@uidaho.edu AND demonstration. In-class demonstrations will be during the class' scheduled final examination period. You may schedule a followup private demonstration if you do any further work after that point. EO Students: plan to schedule an on-line demo with telephone or skype discussion with me when your work is finished.

Remember to put your NAME in a comment at the top of your file(s), in case I print them out in paper form.

For your final project of the semester, you are to develop a more-substantial pirate-themed game with a young adult audience such as students in Dr. Ian Chambers' history course on pirates and piracy. It is acceptable for it to extend or incorporate parts or all of one or more prior homeworks or midterm ideas when that work fits and is appropriate. You are encouraged but not required to work in teams of any size. Your final project should meet the following requirements:

CS 528 students have the following additional requirements.