CS 404/504 Games and Virtual Environments Homework #4

Due: 3/11/11, 5pm. Turnin is by e-mail and forum posting. Remember to put your NAME in a comment at the top of your document(s).

This first virtual environments assignment includes two tasks that may be done in parallel.

1. SecondLife

Go through the basic movement tutorial (tutorial island). E-mail me your SL user name. I will add you to the list of folks with permission to build stuff on my lot. Find and go to Dr. J's property ("Clint Jeffery's Place") in a zone called Crumbi at location 234,50. Recommend you search for and teleport to adjacent region "Fishii" and then head north into Crumbi. The propert is near Crumbi's southeast corner.

Read about LindenScript and how to create virtual objects in SL. Suppose we want to create a virtual chair that approximates a real chair, how do we do it?

2. Build a Very-Small-Scale CVE-compatible Model

The purpose of this exercise is to introduce (that means this is phase 1, we will add details in later phases) simple brute-force 3D modeling, with the notion that we would be the ones writing the engine that renders it.

Code-wise, you are to download and use the jeb1, jeb2, or jeb3 demos, probably start with jeb1.

Functionalitywise, you are to select and depict one of the following Treasure Island locations

Admiral Benbow Inn
The tavern where the story starts. You could go model a real local tavern, or design one from scratch. In Phase 1, you are looking for the basic room structure, the textures for the floor, walls, and ceiling, and "decorations": art objects such as (textures of) windows, fireplaces, carpets, etc.
The good ship Hispaniola
With a basic layout allowing key plot points to occur, Probably there is at least a "deck" and a "hold" with access between them.
The treasure island
The island in the book was fairly large. We probably need at least a beach, a hut, and a cave, if I recall correctly.
  1. model your location; establish its basic position and dimensions
  2. (for inn and ship) identify adjacencies and connect rooms and make them reachable from the rest of the model via door(s) or opening(s).
  3. collect textures for your location. Class Rule: you may not use textures for which you do not have legal rights. Write games about pirates, but do not pirate anything yourself.
  4. add virtual tables, chairs, plants, etc. as needed in your room. You will need to put your room into CVE's dat/uidaho model format in your local/standalone client (jeb1, jeb2, jeb3, or cve).

Some Guidelines

  1. This assignment is largely inventing (or measuring), gathering and collecting data. Doing a good job may be difficult.
  2. A rectangular area's basic dimensions are x,y,z,l,h,w where x2=x+l (l is length), y2=y+h (h is height), and z2=z+w (w is width). Please use units of meters. Given a floor plan or other 2D top-down birdseye view sketch, you can use the FHN program to get your x,z and the x2,z2 from which l and w are computed by subtraction.
  3. . "y": you will have to decide how high the ceilings are, and how much space between floors.
  4. You will need a lot of textures. One way to get them is to take a lot of digital camera photos. You can also find textures on the internet.
  5. Digital camera images require image editing work before they are usable in a virtual environment. MS Paint is OK for low-end stuff; so is a X11 tool called "xv" if you can still find it. The Gimp turns out to be a quite splendid free image editor; Adobe Photoshop is a market leader among commercial tools. Photos that will eventually be used as textures need to (a) focus on a particular surface, (b) be taken "straight on", not at an angle, (c) minimize glare due to lighting, and (d) shoot at lower resolutions. Eventually all textures will have to be edited into nice clean small images whose length and width are powers of two. For this assignment we are not going to be picky (yet).

Example Room Model

This is from UI Janssen Engineering Building; the closest analog would be the Admiral Benbow Inn. Jeffery decides to model SH 230 (Jeffery's office). He scrutinizes the contents of the room, looking for the hight points, and produces the following sketch.

North is upside down in this picture, which was drawn from the point of view of sitting in Jeffery's office chair.

Besides knowing which axes are which (i.e. that north is upside down), unless the room is the only location in the whole program, a localized room model like this would usually need world coordinates that determine its position in the world. You could skip this in a HW4 that wasn't tying all the locations together.

For the JEB example, the FHN program, applied to the JEB floor plan bounding points of JEB 230, gives (x,z) coordinates of (26.6, 11.3). Does this make sense? I guess so; due to the building's L shape, JEB 230's north-facing window does not imply a z value of 0. For a y value, Jeffery goes with 40.5 feet (13.5 feet per floor for Ground, 1st, up to 2nd) = 12.3 meters up. The room's height of 11.5 feet is = 3.5 meters.

Jeffery decides there are really 3 rectangular "Room" objects to model in order to reach the main corridor: the jeb230 (large almost-square), jeb228 (thinner, former secretary area, nearer the main corridor), and the mini-corridor the two doors open out into. It is probably useful to start with the first one, and then add rooms piece-by-piece.

Room {
name JEB230
x 26.6
y 12.3
z 11.3
w 3.15
h 3.5
l 3.93
Placing this in a file named jeb.dat, Jeffery tests his work on the jeb1 demo program. He gets a generic room, quite small, with walls that don't look like this room...but it is a start.

Jeffery gets a $10 camera and snaps a few images from which he hopes to make textures. The resolution is incredibly low, but for videogame decoration purposes, the resolution cannot go very high anyhow.

From these he uses an image editor to cut out the parts least tainted by lighting irregularity, scales to dimensions that are powers of 2, and produces the following textures.

With textures like these, Jeffery can now fill in his room details (wall texture, floor texture, and wall decorations):

Room {
name JEB230
x 26.6
y 12.3
z 11.3
w 3.15
h 3.5
l 3.93
texture jeb230wall.gif
floor Wall {
texture jeb230carpet.gif
decorations [
   Wall { texture jeb230art.gif
          coords [29.7,13.3,13.3,
   Wall { texture jeb230calendar.gif
          coords [26.65,13.3,13.3,

Repeating this for his other rooms, the main remaining detail will be to add Doors or Openings. Here are a couple examples.

x 26.6
y 12.3
z 15.23
w 2.2
height 3.5
collide_in 1.2
plane 3
rooms [JEB228, JEB230]

Door {
x 28.9
y 12.3
z 15.23
w 0.8
height 2.2
collide_in 1.2
plane 3
rooms [JEB230 , corridor 230]

Engine Design Comments