CS 428/528 Games and Virtual Environments Homework "LOTRO"

Due: Tuesday 2/22/11. Turnin is by discussion on the CS428528 Forum Topic.

This assignment is to be done in parallel with normal programming assignments.

  1. Obtain a copy of LOTRO, install it on a machine with sufficient graphics where you will have access.
  2. Create a character on the Imladris server.
  3. Learn the social tools. Learn to chat.
  4. Learn how to create a "fellowship" group. Besides chat, what are fellowships good for? Add user "Godivadoc" to your friends list.
  5. Learn about "Kinships" (called guilds in other MMOs) and join or create one (there is a Kinship "Jefferys") that you can join if you don't find a better one.
  6. What communication problems came up during our session? Were there any solutions provided in the game that we should have tried? What?
  7. Level a character up to level 15. The early levels are relatively easy.
  8. Do quests (this is also the fastest way to level up). Lots of quests. Write a list of quest categories you have seen (go talk to someone, go kill something, etc.). How many really distinct quest types does LOTRO have?
  9. Visit major regions and at least three major cities (Michel Delving, Bree, Thorin's Halls). How long does it take to run from Bree to Thorin's Halls? Estimate how big is the reachable part of Middle Earth in LOTRO, really?
  10. Visit the auction house, and try buying or selling something. Report what happened.
  11. What level were you when your money balance first exceeded one gold piece? About how much gameplay did that take?
  12. Learn about instances. What are they designed to prevent? Visit one.
  13. Which kind of "Fun" in LOTRO is the most compelling for you, and why? If nothing in LOTRO is fun for you, too bad. Describe which part is the most interesting or least painful or whatever.
  14. Learn some LOTRO lingo. What is a Mob? What is camping? What other new or specialized terms have you learned?
  15. Learn crafting, or hobbies, or both. Do one enough to advance past the beginner level (achieve Journeyman or similar rank). What craft/hobby did you learn, and what was the game mechanic and result? Is this a fun addition to the game? Does it add to the immersiveness or richness of the virtual environment?
  16. How many times did you die during last night's (or your most recent) session? Is death even a problem in this game? How far will you go to avoid it? Is it good or bad that it is such a low-cost event?