CS 428/528 Take-Home Final Exam

Due: Wednesday, May 11, 12:30pm

This is an individual exam. Turn in a paper copy. Do not discuss your solutions or consult with anyone (other than Dr. J if you need to clarify or disambiguate).

Discuss, in one or more pages each, two "visionary ideas" for advancing the state of the art in future games and multi-user virtual environments. The ideas may be your own, or they may be ideas you heard in class or encountered in research papers and find interesting enough to expand on and work out details. For each visionary idea, describe the premise, user-visible game mechanics and game experience it would enable, and the difficulty of implementation it would entail in terms of algorithms, data structures, and/or databases that would be required to implement it. Portray its use in a game you know or in a hypothetical future game that would use it. Attempt to find related work and cite appropriate references where available. If one of your ideas is substantially more interesting than the others, feel free to focus on it and allocate more of your time and paper space to it.

CS 528 students: You should describe three ideas. At least two of your ideas should be related to the subject of 3D multi-user virtual environments. At least one of your ideas should be related to biologically inspired algorithms in game A/I.