Programming Assignment #0

Due: Sunday, January 21 by Midnight. Email to tsoule@cs.uidaho.edu with the subject "Assignment 0 submission".

Write a program that uses cout commands to create a simple ascii art style logo.

This can be very simple, e.g.:
     T     S
     T     S
     T     S
     T     SSSSS
     T              S
     T              S
     T              S
     T     SSSSS

To print the program output do the following:
1) Type script output1
2) Run the program and enter your numbers.
3) When the game is over type exit, this stops the script command.
4) Look for a file called output1. Use nano or emacs to open the file and look at it. It should contain a 'transcript' of your output.
5) Use winSCP (on windows) or cyberDuck (on Apple) to transfer your files (the _.cpp file and the output1 file) to your local computer to email to the instructor.

Turn in: Print the program and the sample output showing how it works. Turn in both the program and the output.