Lab #5

Due at the end of lab.

In this lab you will be creating a structure to store information about the player in your adventure game. A structure combines multiple pieces of data into one program defined type. So, you can make one data structure that includes an int (to store the amount of gold collected), an array of characters (to store the player's name), a double (to store the amount of health the player has left), etc. Then that collection of data can be refered to by a single name.

The first part of the lab is to decide what data needs to be stored regarding the character (health, money collected, lives left, astrological sign, favorite movie, etc, etc). This part is almost completely up to you. However, you should have at least three pieces of data, including one integer and one array of characters.

Once you decide what pieces of data will go into your structure you need to write a program that defines the structure and two functions to test it:

Turn in: Use the script command to generate the output of the program. Print and turn in a copy of the code and a copy of the output of the code.