Lab #12
Due at the end of lab.
For this lab you will be creating your own linked list.
Begin by creating a node class, which should contain the following:
A private string variable called name.
A private integer variable called ID.
- A private node pointer called next
- A public set function that takes a string, an integer, and a node pointer and
sets the name, ID, and next variables.
- A public, recursive print function that prints every element in the linked list.
- A public, recurisve search function that takes an integer as an argument and
searches a linked list for the matching ID. It should return a string -
the name that matches the ID. Or return an empty string "" if the ID is not
The main code node to use the node class to do the following:
- Create a variable called head that is a pointer to a node.
- Use the head variable and the new command to create a linked list
with 4 elememts in it each with a name and ID:
- Tom 54321
- Sally 12345
- George 67890
- Grace 098765
- Once the list is created, print it using the print() function in the node
- Test whether the search() function works for both ID's in the list
and ID's not in the list.
Turn in:
Your code and sample output showing that the list is printed and that
the search function works..