Due at the end of lab.
In this lab you will be creating a subdirectory (like a folder) for storing your labs and a program to create a
pice of ASCII art. ASCII art is just an image created using the
basic ASCII characters, 'a', 'b', etc. ASCII art is one of the precursors to emojiis.
0) Introduce yourself to the students around you in lab.
1) Use putty to log into username@cs-120.cs.uidaho.edu. You will use your Vandal Username and password to log on.
2) Use the mkdir command (short for make directory) to create a directory called labs (mkdir labs).
3) Use the cd command (short for change directory) to move into the new labs directory.
4) Use nano or emacs to create a file called ascii.cpp.
5) Write a program that uses output commands to create a simple ASCII art image. Use g++ to compile the your program (g++ ascii.cpp). This will create a file called a.out. You may need to type ./a.out to run the program.
6) Plan on taking several iterations to make an interesting image.
7) Remember to add a block of comments to the beginning of the program that lists your name, section number, date, and the assignment number.
8) Once your program is working properly, use the script command to create a printable output file. The command script lab1output will create a file called lab1output.
9) Once the script is started run your program program, then use the commands pwd and ls to show the current directory and its contents. Finally, use the exit command to end the script.